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Everything posted by zap99

  1. They are leaning towards helping veggies. The ' always available ' sirloin is down to 5oz. They're slowly getting there.
  2. I think we will have a look at 2025 first.
  3. Glad you have some progress. On a lighter note I fell over in a poorly lit carpark just before Christmas. I broke a bone in my hand so was struggling to get up. 2 concerned Ladies, from a safe distance called out..' I wouldn't sleep there, its going to be cold tonight '
  4. Same here. TBH, thinking about Vegan issues doesn't occupy much of my time.
  5. Sorry, but I really can't be bothered to read the act. I'll take your word for it. Perhaps the banner should say....Vegans...plenty of green beans and other vegetables available.
  6. I hope it works out ok but unfortunately for you Jane....welcome to the real world of your local GP. Folk from our practice often go straight to A&E, or the walk in centre. A few weeks ago we filled in the online form as the SS lady on reception told us to do. 4 hours later we phoned.26 in the queue ,eventually. We filled in the online form 4 hours ago and haven't heard anything. Hold..I'll look...no I can't see it ,you will have to do it again. I'm looking forward to the time I am at the surgery...excuse me, can I ask you a question ?. No you will need to fill an online form in...OK I'll do that. I hope I can find a box to tell you 2 blokes in hoodies have just driven off in your car.🤣
  7. They could put a banner heading on their website and brochure....We don't offer Vegan meals..I don't think its a legal requirement to cater for vegans.
  8. We have never complained about P&O's food.There is always a variety of food in a variety of restaurants. We are quite looking forward to trying out Arvia. If a restaurant doesn't suit, we don't go back. The frequency, or volume of green beans doesn't bother us. Octagonal roasties, or cheese wheels either. We don't go in for 3 courses three times a day. We refuel and get on with other things. Vegan, or veggie menus don't interest us. When we decide to eat in a ' special ' restaurant it had better be good, or they will know. If we eat in the Beach House we will tell them no black nachos please. If We get any black ones they will be told. We won't be telling cyberworld about the experience. In my mind food isn't a great issue.
  9. Strange world. In the past you phoned a chain restaurant to book a table to be told they are full, when they had plenty of space. Now you book online through a central booking app and normally get in OK. I wonder if this was the staff wanting an easy life.
  10. I don't know how many Vegans were on the ship but P&O may be better not catering for Vegans at all. They seem to get nothing but criticism.
  11. We go to guest services, find an officer, moan, stamp feet and tell them we know Graham and Pauline.That normally works a treat.
  12. We have found the buffet on Celebrity and RC to be much better than P&O, to the extent that we avoid it on P&O. When we have been ashore and missed lunch I ask DW. ' did you want to get a snack round the pool, or pop up to the trough ?'
  13. Second thoughts. Gary can stay at home. No performance. No raffle. No money to the charity, but no wingeing about £10.
  14. We are off on Arvia in a few weeks. Getting fed is fairly low on my list of things to worry about.
  15. No it's not. It's a special event.
  16. I think happy V had the right description.
  17. Who ? The moaners or Gary. I would pay to see Gary Barlow, but if you pay £10 per moaner that would be more than the cost of the Cruise.We are on Arvia in a few weeks. I was hoping the schwartsernegga lady would be on. She is the fairy godmother after all.
  18. We aren't on that cruise, but if we were, would be happy to pay the £10. We pay money every month to charities that don't directly affect us.
  19. There will also be winging from people who are not even on this cruise and didn't know it was happening until they read this thread.🤣
  20. It's 5.21 but nobody has ever called me a Woke.
  21. Half a crowd 🤣. Wasn't me, predictive did it. Obviously half a crown.
  22. Happy,,flipping happy. I remember happy. 1968...bah humbug..A pint of red barrel, a Wimpy and still got change from half a crowd. Tell that to kids nowadays and they don't know what you are talking about.
  23. We normally have a few different cruises on mind with different companies. We watch to see if one gets to an acceptable price. If not lots of nice hotels at lower prices than a cruise.
  24. We sometimes eat there, but don't go to Butlins....Tooo posh for that. Orft to a Warners in the morning.
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