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Posts posted by pcrum

  1. This was on another thread on Cruise Critic...sorry, I don't know how to post it here other than to cut and paste...


    Anyway, wondered what you all thought...I think it would be nice to have drinks be all inclusive, but then again, I wonder about having a ship full of drunks if this becomes commonplace!



    Anyone see this post on John's page...





    Carnival Cruise Lines began testing a new all-inclusive beverage program aboard the Carnival Victory starting with the ship’s Aug. 5 departure.


    Under the “My Awesome Bar Program,” guests can enjoy a wide variety of wine, beer, and spirits, along with sodas and non-alcoholic frozen cocktails, throughout the voyage at one convenient, flat rate. All wines by the glass, beer and individual cocktails priced $10 and lower are available within the program. Full bottles of wine and champagne, as well as wines by the glass, beers and individual cocktails priced above $10, are available at a 25 percent discount.



    Guests can sign up for the “My Awesome Bar Program” at Carnival Victory’s atrium and casino bars, as well as a bar within the main pool area. Each guest aged 21 years and over in the same stateroom must purchase the beverage package. Guests must be 21 years or older to consume alcohol on Carnival ships.


    The cost for program is $42.95 per person per day, plus a 15 percent gratuity.

  2. If you are referring to the pal that you pay website, I've used it for years without an issue. I have both bought and sold stuff on ebay and the website you mention is how you make and receive payment. No problems at all. A lot of businesses use it too. When I got my son's sr portraits this summer, we paid the photographer through that website and when his school sold DVDs of a performance, they used the same website.


    I know the fb page you are talking about. As I weed through my closet and get rid of my plus size clothing, I was thinking of selling it there too. But, I want to make sure I won't need it anymore, lol.


    As for the hand weights, I have been doing them nightly, but I know you are meant to only do weights every other day. I am in such a hurry to lose this arm flab, that I've been doing it nightly, but I'm starting to feel sore, so I'm thinking maybe I need to take a day off in between. But, I hate to not exercise the arms every day. Does anyone have any suggestions for arm exercises to do without weights for the off days?


    Good luck with your eye exam today!


    Does anyone know how to steam green beans but have them have more flavor than just green beans? lol. I made some tonight in the steamer that i've used oh maybe 3 times in the year i've owned it. The beans were 'ok' but when i eat green beans from steamfresh they taste much better to me lol. (i know they are lightly buttered i think...40 cal per cup i think).


    Anyway, anyone have suggestions as to how to give the beans flavor? Either by adding something with them in the steamer or putting something in the water that's doing the steaming or something?


    Depending on your diet, bacon would add tons of flavor. I use the Rachel Ray recipe for brussels sprouts (I posted it a while back), which is basically cooking them in bacon grease, olive oil, and chicken broth. Then you chop up 3 slices of bacon and mix in with them. I think it would work for green beans too, but I know not all diets would favor the bacon grease (I do Atkins, where in moderation, some fat is ok).


    Good luck.

  4. Brooke, Try the "Dailies" contacts. I had worn contacts for years and also gave them up due to dry eyes. Then, my dr suggested the dailies. You change them everyday, but the price has really come down and when you factor in the fact that you are not buying solution, it probably works out to the same cost.


    The "Dailies" are thinner than normal contacts so are not as irritating. It took me a while to learn to put them in as they are very thin, but you get used to it. When my son got contacts, the dr. also suggested the dailies, so I think they are the new thing. They also work for astigmatism, if you have that.


    Most drs will give you a week's trial supply to test out if these are for you. My son and I saw different eye drs and both places gave us the trial to test out. Good luck!!

  5. OMG I as so excited just weighed in just hit 172...WOO HOO.

    I know I still have a long way to go but this is so nice. So if I hit my goal of 15 lbs by Sept 17th I'll be down to 158lbs. I am so doing the happy dance!!!




    Brooke ~


    I like both of these dresses you are looking at ordering and you look great in the print dress you posted!!! Shopping is definitely a big part of cruise enjoyment for me, although I do tend to go overboard! LOL


    We leave in three days and I have been shopping the past 30 days I think! :D


    Have a wonderful cruise. Be sure to come back and tell us all about it!!:)

  6. Yay, fashion!!! I love the first dress. I think the black bottom part of the dress will be very slimming and I love the color of the top part. I like the red one too, but the first is my favorite.


    You look very nice in the brown/black/white print. I think plus size dresses look better when they are fitted, rather than like big mumus!


    Let us know how you like the dresses when they arrive. Would love to see photos!

  7. I've still not done that, even though I can now fit into some Lane Bryant 14s, I can't seem to fit right into non W clothes. They are cut differently (for women without curves). Maybe I should try them again but, it will feel REALLY weird to shop in a non "Women's" store....


    The ones I got were at Macy's by Alfani. They do say "curvy fit" and say they have "hidden tummy control and more room through hip and thigh". So, even though they are 16, they are "curvy" 16s! But, the 16Ws I tried on were too large in the waist. Sometimes, I think different brands just run differently and you really just need to try a lot on!


    If you need shorts that fit before the cruise, maybe look for some with a drawstring waist, so they will adjust as you lose? I think I've seen some like that at Macys and Khols. Now that the fall clothes are coming out, the summer stuff is on sale.


    I know it is a bother to buy clothes when you are "in between" sizes. I hated to spend money on pants that I knew would be too big soon, but my other size 16s were those pants that were in style a few years ago with the solid color and then a print, like little flowers, golf clubs, etc. I don't see anyone wear those now and my DD was so embarrassed every time I put them on, lol. I substitute teach at her school, so just needed some basics for school.


    Congratulations on losing the weight!! That is a great accomplishment!


    Brooke, sounds like you are getting really good with making adjustments in your diet as circumstances dictate. I think that is the key to long term success! We will not always be able to avoid fattening foods, but at least if we overindulge in one meal, we can make cut-backs the rest of the day to compensate!!


    It's a journey...so glad to be able to share with others!

  8. I had a whole bunch more pictures' date=' and I had to look back to find your answer about chairs. We never missed them, because we were either in the water or sitting on our mats in the sand. I do remember each palapa had several benches under them and after looking back, I saw several picnic tables and a few plastic chairs (like you see with backyard dining sets). There weren't any beach chairs. The palapas are pretty big and provide lots of shade. There are also several shady spots under palm trees big enough to sit in and right by the water :). There is plenty of "real" seating if one doesn't mind sitting on a bench or at a picnic table - no fighting necessary :D. Also, they do provide mats, so you can keep your towel sand free :)


    I can't comment on the bar/food service at all because we didn't use either. I don't think there is much to either. It looks like they haul a few coolers out there, cook some burgers and such on a grill, and set out bags of chips. Knowing we would be back fairly early, we decided to wait for the hot free food on the ship. We did take a few bottles of water and DHs meds (he's diabetic) in a soft sided cooler. No one asked what we had, searched it, or said anything about it. Before we left the ship, we filled two ziploc bags with ice at the buffet and shoved each in another ziploc bag to help prevent leaks to keep the stuff in the cooler cold. It worked beautifully. So, I think you'll have no problems carrying a few sodas/waters. You could carry a few pre-packaged snacks, too, with no problems.


    Have fun! (oh, and I am feeling better, thanks! Still sore, but that's to be expected! Glad I put it off until after the cruise, since the doc told me AFTER getting to the hospital that I won't be able to go in the ocean for a few weeks! That would have been a downer)[/quote']


    Thanks so much. Knowing there is seating for DH in the shade is a big plus! I also like the idea of taking a few drinks with us so we are not dependent on slow bar service!


    Glad you are feeling better and so glad you did this surgery after the cruise! That would NOT have been a good week if you had to miss the ocean on your cruise!!


    I saw those reviews' date=' many of which are recent, and I think I just see things differently than a lot of people. I hope I haven't misrepresented the excursion for people who are more like those and have certain expectations that I did not. I tend to believe that it is up to me to make every day work out just right (not anyone else, tour guide or travel companions), so I plan ahead to be sure I have what I need and I savor the moments with my kids. I may not have seen a lot of fish among the coral, but I saw the look of wonder in my kids' eyes as they realized they were under water on a boat. And, the water isn't very deep around the island, making it difficult to really swim, but it was perfect for splashing around with DD, cooling off, and even kayaking. And people complained about having to drink warm water and not having many food choices. I was thrilled not to have to drink out of a school water fountain and scarf down school food while sitting in a hard chair in a room with artificial lighting (no windows) while waving away needy teenagers (and I DO love my students). Instead, I got soft sand, gorgeous ocean, cool breeze, and my family whom I adore and want to spend all my just-right moments with. It's all about perspective. I don't begrudge theirs, but I do very much have my own.





    I read the reviews of your beach excursion in Belize on carnival.com and if I had not seen your lovely photos, I'd surely bypass this excursion. However, your photos are so beautiful that I think we might give this a try. I have just a few questions: I see palapas in your photos, but no beach chairs. Is the only seating under a palapa or spreading down your towel in the sand (fine for me, but DH will want a chair and shade, lol)? If the only seating is under a palapa, how hard was it to get seating...are you fighting others for a seat?


    The reviews on carnival.com indicate that bar and food service is very slow. I think we can certainly go 4 hours without eating, so no worries with food, but I wonder if we brought a small cooler with drinks, if that would be acceptable? I'm not thinking alcoholic drinks, but a few bottles of water and cans of soda in a small soft sided cooler? I wonder if that would be allowed?


    Thanks for any information you can provide. Hope you are feeling better after your surgery!

  10. Oh, no I have finished the 3rd "50 Shades" book. Whatever will I read on the bike now? In fact, last night I was so engrossed in the really exciting part near the end (Brooke...you know what I mean, don't want to spoil it for others) that I actually did 33 minutes and over 5 miles!! Yelp, one mile over what I usually do and I was ok. So, I guess I can push the limit a bit. I don't know when I'll work up to 60 minutes, but it's a start!!


    So, now I'm kind of bummed I don't have exciting reading material for the bike. I kept the 50 Shades book only for the bike so it was like I was looking forward to exercising so I could read and it really worked!! I've ordered Gone Girl from the library as well as Joan Rivers' new book, "I Hate Everyone" and an older Joan Rivers' book, "Still Talking". Hope they come soon (Orange County delivers to the house when you order online).


    I watch HGTV while I do my weights workout and it helps pass the time too. Today I hope to organize my closet to get the things that fit all in one area so I don't have to dig through 10 pairs of black pants to find the ones that actually fit this week!


    About the "50 Shades" trilogy...definitely recommend it. The 3rd book started off really slow and I was getting annoyed with it, thinking it was just stupid couple arguments and that there was no real plot, but then it really picked up and the 2nd half was just wonderful with a great resolution! Can't wait for the movie...wonder if they will do 3 movies or how they will organize the books?


    As far as food...it's been hamburger patties this week, caesar salad with the Boars Head jerk turkey breast, jerk turkey breast and the Boars Head 3 pepper jack cheese, and pork loin cooked in the crock pot (marinated in Hilton Head Island marinade purchased at Publix), and Rachel Ray's brussels sprouts. Had lots of company and made breakfast pizza (crescent roll dough topped with cheese, sausage, and scrambled egg mixture...kind of like a quiche) and overnight french toast for the company, but I stuck to my 2 hard boiled egg, mayo, bacon bits breakfast. Have been the same weight for a week (had 2 dr. appts this week and was weighed both times), so hoping the exercise will make the scale move. That is why I don't usually weight daily or even weekly. I like to see the scale jump. Before this, I had not weighed in about 6 weeks and saw a 5 lb. decrease over that time. Baby steps, but at least it's going down, slowly but surely. A year ago, I was 247 and now I am 194, so hopefully in another year I will be in the low 140s, which I will be happy with. That's a size 10 for me and at almost 50, I don't expect to go lower than that. I was 99 lbs. at my first wedding at age 25, but don't expect to see that weight again!!!

  11. So u made it to Onderland! Thats a big deal!


    Yes, thanks. 194 to be exact. :) Been that way for a week though, so working on lowering it. It feels good, but before I get too cocky, I need to remember that I was 198 lbs when I delivered twins, so I have a ways to go! But, XLs are starting to get big now. I bought some new black pants for work and got size 16, not 16W, but regular 16's. That was a big day for me...to bypass the "Women's" (code word for plus size) dept at Macy's and to go to the regular dept.


    But, still have a way to go, so it's a long haul!


    Your cruise will be here before you know it. Have you done any more fashion pieces? I love seeing your outfits!

  12. Hey, ps........




    It burns calories too!


    Wow, I had not realized. It's coming by quickly!!


    In the end, we decided not to do the faster to the fun program. DH said to use the money on some wine, lol, and with two kids entering their senior year of high school, it's like I need to bleed money!! Between college applications, ordering copies of SAT/ACT scores, senior photos, senior trips, etc., it's a very expensive year!


    Last night, there were only 2 faster to fun excursions left for our sailing, so apparently lots of people bought them. What time did your excursion say when you bought it? Mine popped up between 11 am and noon. I wonder if different people get different times, but that wouldn't make much sense if the Faster to the Fun are let on right after the wedding parties and VIPs...you'd think they would all go on at once. Strange! Oh well, I'll be interested in your experience and in the experience of others who try it out!


    Congrats on the weight loss by the way. I've been the same for a week...even with the exercise. Sticking to just protein tonight to see if I can make the scale move. But, it's my first time below 200 in several years, so it's all good!

  13. W: 60 mins. Felt good after the 50 mins. last night. Used my ipod again instead of the tv. I get tired of the ipod and the same songs over and over again, so I try and take a break from it when I can't afford to buy a few new songs. One of the benefits of home exercise is that I don't have to worry about accidentally starting to sing along with the music, lol. I did that and it confirmed that I'm getting a pretty good workout b/c it was def. difficult to try and keep my breath while singing along. That's one of the measurements WW gives to see if you are working hard enough, lol. I'm going to call the gym this week and see if they are still open or if construction has closed it down. It will be nice to get back on the ellpt. I kinda miss it, but I'm sure it will be very hard getting back to it.



    We check out CDs from our library and load them into our i-tunes. In Orange County, you can request the library materials online and they actually deliver them to your home. So, the only way you have to visit the library is to return the items. We have greatly expanded our i-tunes library this way. I have no idea whether or not this is legal, but I figure if it wasn't, the library would put some anti-copying device on the CDs...

  14. I've been craving a latte lately........and not the sweet part of it........my taste buds seem to remember the bitter taste from the coffee (what little there is in it)...........not sure what that is about, but I've been thinking about one on and off for about a month now. Not many places around here to get a good latte (our campus starbucks closes down for most of the summer while the students are gone), so I haven't really given in. Just a curious craving that just seems to linger in the back of my mind.


    Good Choices.


    Congrats on losing the 2 lbs!! I love the Atkins mocha latte and the cafe carmel...they are cold, but I'm sure would taste fine heated. Both have real coffee in them. 5 grams of carbs per 11 oz.


    Also, Super Walmart sells the sugar free syrups like the coffee houses use. They are in the coffee aisle.


    I went back to Publix for more of the jerk turkey breast...yes, I'm a bit obsessed, but today was the last day of the sale, so I bought another lb. The other one is chipotle chicken, but the guy behind the counter said it is not as spicy as the turkey...he said it's a 3 on a 1-10 scale. One time I will try it!


    I am stretching out the last 50 Shades book by only reading it while on the bike. I am up to 4 miles, but it only takes 22 minutes. I applaud you for doing 50-60 minutes! I don't know if I could do that! My next book to read will be Gone Girl. The author was on The View today and it sounds good. Reese Witherspoon has already bought the movie rights.


    Still undecided about the pkg with Carnival...my DH says since our next cruise is our 10th and we will get to experience all these perks anyway, to save the $50 and wait. I'd kind of like to try it, but when I clicked on it on the excursion page, it said only 5 are left for our sailing and that we would board between 11 am and noon. We usually board around then anyway, so not sure the early luggage delivery and other perks are worth it. I know I need to decide quickly. I wonder how many they sell per sailing and if the "only 5 left" is really true.

  15. What a wonderful review...one of the best I have read on these boards! I'm sure your candor educated a lot of people about dealing with a child on the autism spectrum and I can fully appreciate your feelings about your children after experiencing miscarriages (and threat of miscarriage with DD). I too, had 3 miscarriages before finally giving birth to my "miracle" twins! I was on bed rest the entire pregnancy because my twins threatened to miscarry for the first 20 weeks! Now, they are entering their senior year of high school (DD's first day is today!), so it seems like a long time ago, but I do remember the anguish of losing those pregnancies and the fear that went along with the twins' pregnancy!


    You are doing a great thing by traveling with your kids...I think travel is a wonderful education! We did that with ours as well, and even lived overseas for 4 years.


    I would love to see your facebook photos. I hope you do share your contact information!


    Thanks again for a lovely review! I hope you don't mind, but I posted a link to it on the "best of" thread...http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1663308

  16. Did u see the new faster to fun.....?


    Yes...I am still up in the air as whether or not to book. The only perk I really like is the early luggage delivery, lol. We will eat at the steakhouse the 1st night for the free wine and in the past, we have never had trouble getting a reservation as soon as we board. If we drive down that morning, it will be 10-10:30 am before we reach the port, so by the time we check in and board and have lunch, it will be about time to access the cabins anyway. It's only $50, but still, that's several alchemy bar cocktails...decisions, decisions. I guess they call these first world problems, lol!:) I know I have to decide quickly!!


    This is our 9th Carnival cruise, so the next one after this would have been our platinum one, if we did it before 12/31/13, the cut-off date to be grandfathered in the old program. We had planned on doing it for the platinum perks, but now, not so sure...maybe we will try RCI, as it's about the only mainstream line we've not sailed yet. But then again, it would be nice to have the platinum perks for free. More first world problems!

  17. Apparently, I need to eat spicy food to help with sinus headaches. The one I had yesterday lasted all day and it was just painfully annoying. My aunt sent me an article with suggestions on home remedies including eating some jalopneo peppers. Might have to try it.


    Last night I put the turkey in a caesar salad. It was wonderful! They also do a jerked chicken breast, which I have not tried yet, but I'm sure it's great as well.

  18. I have found the most delicious lunch food. Now, it's not for the faint of heart as its super spicy, but yesterday Publix was passing out samples of the Boars Head jerk turkey breast lunch meat (from the deli) as well as the Boars Head 3 pepper colby jack cheese. No carbs in the turkey breast, but 1 g of carbs per 1 oz of cheese. They are sooo good, but also very spicy, so you have to like spicy foods. But, I love my spices, so to me, some turkey breast wrapped inside the cheese is a perfect lunch. I was so excited, I had to share!:)

  19. Welcome back home, Brooke. Sounds like you have a good plan for getting right back on the wagon again! I think that is key...I know when I started this plan a year ago, we went away for Labor Day weekend and I indulged a bit more than I should, but when we got home, it was right back to the low carb way of life!


    Best of luck to you!!:)

  20. Good information about the care that should be taken when interacting with the monkeys. Something that I have never seen written about though, and which has always been a concern to me, is the possibility of getting hair lice from the monkeys. We encountered the little spider monkeys in St. Kitts and while other people were paying to hold them and interact with them, I was THAT mom who wouldn't let her kids near them for fear of hair lice. Isn't that what the monkeys are picking at when they groom each other or am I just crazy?? I read so much about people interacting with the monkeys at Victor Bodden's home, and I have never heard another person mention the possibility of hair lice, so maybe it's just me.:eek:

  21. Your review of Belize was amazing. Such a pretty beach! Belize has always been a "stay on the ship" day for us, but seeing your review makes me want to try this excursion. I will research it through Carnival, but I wondered if you knew whether you could just do the beach part without the sub ride. I think I'd like the sub, but I don't know if DH would enjoy that part.


    Thanks again. It is such a joy to read such a well written review!:)

  22. Thanks so much for the information on the cooking demo. It is definitely on my "to do" list for our next cruise.


    After 3 trips to Cozumel, I have only had a safe cab driver one time. All the other times have been as you described...weaving in and out of traffic, passing on a 2 lane road and horrifying speeds! Cozumel is one of our favorite ports (and I like Paradise Beach as well), but the cab ride is always a bit harried!:eek:


    BTW, you look better without makeup on formal night than many others who get all gussied up!! Loving the review and can't wait for the rest. Add me to the admirers of how your family deals with your son. Sounds like he has a very good support system!:)

  23. Loving the review. DH and I always do the wine and food pairing and we always learn something new. DH likes reds best too, while I prefer whites. It is quite an experience to taste the difference when you pair the wines with different foods.


    What I have not tried and can't wait to do, is the cooking demonstration. Is there a charge for this? Do you have to get there early in order to get a seat?


    I'm so glad your meals were served warm. Although we live closer to Tampa, we purposely booked the western itinerary (same ports as Legend) on the Liberty out of Miami due to a rash of recent Legend reviews talking about horrible experiences in the MDR. Now, I'm re-thinking our decision, as we do love the spirit class ships!


    Looking forward to the rest of your review!

  24. Dh and I spend almost every Sunday at Ft Desoto its our only day off together So it a great place to just be together no pc,phones and such.

    We always go to north beach and walk a long ways away from the crowds its like having our own beach. We end it by going to the pier and watching the cruise ships go under the skyway. This week was really nice got to watch 3 manatees playing, And a small pod of dolphins playing.

    Dosn't seem to matter how long I have lived here still get a thrill out of dolphins.

    We live in a little Artsy town about 15 min from there so its our fave beach.

    This is bad but never been to the hurricane. We avoid the tourest traps.

    And there are to many other really great places to eat here.:)


    Hurricane was a completely different place in the early 80s...a one story beach dive bar with great, reasonably priced grouper sandwiches. It was a big college hangout for the Eckerd students. Don't know what happened, if they got bought out or what, but I do agree, it is definitely not worth going to now! I have not been back to that area in a few years. The last time we were in that area, we stayed at N. Redington Beach and drove by Pass-a-Grille. It has built up a bit over the years as has the area around the Bayway Bridge...I cannot believe all the new condos! Sadly, I have not been back to Fort DeSota since my college days!

  25. Good Morning

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. DH and I spent the day a fort desoto beach sunday. What a great day had brezees all day water is wonderfuly warm. I made a huge field green salad with some chicken on it for me. And for him a sub. Salad was so good for lunch that what I made for dinner to:). Need to go buy a new scale mine died thursday. But I do feel like I have lost some more weight. I need to get really tough on working out so I can tone up better. Its so hot in Fl that I think I'm going to just start working out with my firm dvd in the house. All my workout stuff is in the garage just can't even deal with workingout in the garage. Maybe I will bring the treadmill in the house for awhile. This will drive me crazy tho I am such a fussy neat freak. And really have no where to put it.

    Oh well everyone have a great day!


    Oh, Fort DeSota brings back memories...I did my undergraduate degree at Eckerd College, so I know Fort DeSota well. I also like Pass A Grille beach and the Hurricane. How long have you been in that area? I was in college in the early 80s and I remember the Hurricane when it was just a beach dive bar. Now it seems very upscale considering what it used to be!



    Happy Monday, Everyone!


    Hope everyone had a great weekend and that Brooke is having a fun vacation!


    We leave for our summer cruise in 18 days and I am still hoping to drop a few more pounds before then. Wish me luck! So far I have lost 76 pounds, so I am 24 pounds away from my original goal of a 100 pound loss. When I get there (not IF I get there, WHEN I get there!), I may decide to set a new goal of another ten pounds. Even the 100 pound loss will put me at a weight that I haven't been at since middle school, so we will see how it goes. My plan of action for this week:


    ~ WATER, WATER, WATER (I drink at least 80 oz. per day)

    ~ 1,200 calories per day (and making sure I do so, I have been laxed on this the last few weeks and have had some days that were more around 1,000....I know that it not good!)

    ~ Everyday workouts, plus doubles on Monday and Thursday


    What is everyone else's plan for the week??


    Congrats on your weight loss. That is awesome. I hope to see my 100 lb. goal by my kids' graduation next May. On Aug. 1, I will have been on this diet for a year! I go to the dr. next week so will weigh then and see how much I've lost!


    Enjoy your cruise and be sure to come back and tell us all about the new Liberty!! I'm interested to know how easy it was to stay on your diet while on the ship! I'm looking forward to our Thanksgiving week on her!

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