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Posts posted by pcrum

  1. I've been craving a latte lately........and not the sweet part of it........my taste buds seem to remember the bitter taste from the coffee (what little there is in it)...........not sure what that is about, but I've been thinking about one on and off for about a month now. Not many places around here to get a good latte (our campus starbucks closes down for most of the summer while the students are gone), so I haven't really given in. Just a curious craving that just seems to linger in the back of my mind.


    Good Choices.


    Congrats on losing the 2 lbs!! I love the Atkins mocha latte and the cafe carmel...they are cold, but I'm sure would taste fine heated. Both have real coffee in them. 5 grams of carbs per 11 oz.


    Also, Super Walmart sells the sugar free syrups like the coffee houses use. They are in the coffee aisle.


    I went back to Publix for more of the jerk turkey breast...yes, I'm a bit obsessed, but today was the last day of the sale, so I bought another lb. The other one is chipotle chicken, but the guy behind the counter said it is not as spicy as the turkey...he said it's a 3 on a 1-10 scale. One time I will try it!


    I am stretching out the last 50 Shades book by only reading it while on the bike. I am up to 4 miles, but it only takes 22 minutes. I applaud you for doing 50-60 minutes! I don't know if I could do that! My next book to read will be Gone Girl. The author was on The View today and it sounds good. Reese Witherspoon has already bought the movie rights.


    Still undecided about the pkg with Carnival...my DH says since our next cruise is our 10th and we will get to experience all these perks anyway, to save the $50 and wait. I'd kind of like to try it, but when I clicked on it on the excursion page, it said only 5 are left for our sailing and that we would board between 11 am and noon. We usually board around then anyway, so not sure the early luggage delivery and other perks are worth it. I know I need to decide quickly. I wonder how many they sell per sailing and if the "only 5 left" is really true.

  2. What a wonderful review...one of the best I have read on these boards! I'm sure your candor educated a lot of people about dealing with a child on the autism spectrum and I can fully appreciate your feelings about your children after experiencing miscarriages (and threat of miscarriage with DD). I too, had 3 miscarriages before finally giving birth to my "miracle" twins! I was on bed rest the entire pregnancy because my twins threatened to miscarry for the first 20 weeks! Now, they are entering their senior year of high school (DD's first day is today!), so it seems like a long time ago, but I do remember the anguish of losing those pregnancies and the fear that went along with the twins' pregnancy!


    You are doing a great thing by traveling with your kids...I think travel is a wonderful education! We did that with ours as well, and even lived overseas for 4 years.


    I would love to see your facebook photos. I hope you do share your contact information!


    Thanks again for a lovely review! I hope you don't mind, but I posted a link to it on the "best of" thread...http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1663308

  3. Did u see the new faster to fun.....?


    Yes...I am still up in the air as whether or not to book. The only perk I really like is the early luggage delivery, lol. We will eat at the steakhouse the 1st night for the free wine and in the past, we have never had trouble getting a reservation as soon as we board. If we drive down that morning, it will be 10-10:30 am before we reach the port, so by the time we check in and board and have lunch, it will be about time to access the cabins anyway. It's only $50, but still, that's several alchemy bar cocktails...decisions, decisions. I guess they call these first world problems, lol!:) I know I have to decide quickly!!


    This is our 9th Carnival cruise, so the next one after this would have been our platinum one, if we did it before 12/31/13, the cut-off date to be grandfathered in the old program. We had planned on doing it for the platinum perks, but now, not so sure...maybe we will try RCI, as it's about the only mainstream line we've not sailed yet. But then again, it would be nice to have the platinum perks for free. More first world problems!

  4. Apparently, I need to eat spicy food to help with sinus headaches. The one I had yesterday lasted all day and it was just painfully annoying. My aunt sent me an article with suggestions on home remedies including eating some jalopneo peppers. Might have to try it.


    Last night I put the turkey in a caesar salad. It was wonderful! They also do a jerked chicken breast, which I have not tried yet, but I'm sure it's great as well.

  5. I have found the most delicious lunch food. Now, it's not for the faint of heart as its super spicy, but yesterday Publix was passing out samples of the Boars Head jerk turkey breast lunch meat (from the deli) as well as the Boars Head 3 pepper colby jack cheese. No carbs in the turkey breast, but 1 g of carbs per 1 oz of cheese. They are sooo good, but also very spicy, so you have to like spicy foods. But, I love my spices, so to me, some turkey breast wrapped inside the cheese is a perfect lunch. I was so excited, I had to share!:)

  6. Welcome back home, Brooke. Sounds like you have a good plan for getting right back on the wagon again! I think that is key...I know when I started this plan a year ago, we went away for Labor Day weekend and I indulged a bit more than I should, but when we got home, it was right back to the low carb way of life!


    Best of luck to you!!:)

  7. Good information about the care that should be taken when interacting with the monkeys. Something that I have never seen written about though, and which has always been a concern to me, is the possibility of getting hair lice from the monkeys. We encountered the little spider monkeys in St. Kitts and while other people were paying to hold them and interact with them, I was THAT mom who wouldn't let her kids near them for fear of hair lice. Isn't that what the monkeys are picking at when they groom each other or am I just crazy?? I read so much about people interacting with the monkeys at Victor Bodden's home, and I have never heard another person mention the possibility of hair lice, so maybe it's just me.:eek:

  8. Your review of Belize was amazing. Such a pretty beach! Belize has always been a "stay on the ship" day for us, but seeing your review makes me want to try this excursion. I will research it through Carnival, but I wondered if you knew whether you could just do the beach part without the sub ride. I think I'd like the sub, but I don't know if DH would enjoy that part.


    Thanks again. It is such a joy to read such a well written review!:)

  9. Thanks so much for the information on the cooking demo. It is definitely on my "to do" list for our next cruise.


    After 3 trips to Cozumel, I have only had a safe cab driver one time. All the other times have been as you described...weaving in and out of traffic, passing on a 2 lane road and horrifying speeds! Cozumel is one of our favorite ports (and I like Paradise Beach as well), but the cab ride is always a bit harried!:eek:


    BTW, you look better without makeup on formal night than many others who get all gussied up!! Loving the review and can't wait for the rest. Add me to the admirers of how your family deals with your son. Sounds like he has a very good support system!:)

  10. Loving the review. DH and I always do the wine and food pairing and we always learn something new. DH likes reds best too, while I prefer whites. It is quite an experience to taste the difference when you pair the wines with different foods.


    What I have not tried and can't wait to do, is the cooking demonstration. Is there a charge for this? Do you have to get there early in order to get a seat?


    I'm so glad your meals were served warm. Although we live closer to Tampa, we purposely booked the western itinerary (same ports as Legend) on the Liberty out of Miami due to a rash of recent Legend reviews talking about horrible experiences in the MDR. Now, I'm re-thinking our decision, as we do love the spirit class ships!


    Looking forward to the rest of your review!

  11. Dh and I spend almost every Sunday at Ft Desoto its our only day off together So it a great place to just be together no pc,phones and such.

    We always go to north beach and walk a long ways away from the crowds its like having our own beach. We end it by going to the pier and watching the cruise ships go under the skyway. This week was really nice got to watch 3 manatees playing, And a small pod of dolphins playing.

    Dosn't seem to matter how long I have lived here still get a thrill out of dolphins.

    We live in a little Artsy town about 15 min from there so its our fave beach.

    This is bad but never been to the hurricane. We avoid the tourest traps.

    And there are to many other really great places to eat here.:)


    Hurricane was a completely different place in the early 80s...a one story beach dive bar with great, reasonably priced grouper sandwiches. It was a big college hangout for the Eckerd students. Don't know what happened, if they got bought out or what, but I do agree, it is definitely not worth going to now! I have not been back to that area in a few years. The last time we were in that area, we stayed at N. Redington Beach and drove by Pass-a-Grille. It has built up a bit over the years as has the area around the Bayway Bridge...I cannot believe all the new condos! Sadly, I have not been back to Fort DeSota since my college days!

  12. Good Morning

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. DH and I spent the day a fort desoto beach sunday. What a great day had brezees all day water is wonderfuly warm. I made a huge field green salad with some chicken on it for me. And for him a sub. Salad was so good for lunch that what I made for dinner to:). Need to go buy a new scale mine died thursday. But I do feel like I have lost some more weight. I need to get really tough on working out so I can tone up better. Its so hot in Fl that I think I'm going to just start working out with my firm dvd in the house. All my workout stuff is in the garage just can't even deal with workingout in the garage. Maybe I will bring the treadmill in the house for awhile. This will drive me crazy tho I am such a fussy neat freak. And really have no where to put it.

    Oh well everyone have a great day!


    Oh, Fort DeSota brings back memories...I did my undergraduate degree at Eckerd College, so I know Fort DeSota well. I also like Pass A Grille beach and the Hurricane. How long have you been in that area? I was in college in the early 80s and I remember the Hurricane when it was just a beach dive bar. Now it seems very upscale considering what it used to be!



    Happy Monday, Everyone!


    Hope everyone had a great weekend and that Brooke is having a fun vacation!


    We leave for our summer cruise in 18 days and I am still hoping to drop a few more pounds before then. Wish me luck! So far I have lost 76 pounds, so I am 24 pounds away from my original goal of a 100 pound loss. When I get there (not IF I get there, WHEN I get there!), I may decide to set a new goal of another ten pounds. Even the 100 pound loss will put me at a weight that I haven't been at since middle school, so we will see how it goes. My plan of action for this week:


    ~ WATER, WATER, WATER (I drink at least 80 oz. per day)

    ~ 1,200 calories per day (and making sure I do so, I have been laxed on this the last few weeks and have had some days that were more around 1,000....I know that it not good!)

    ~ Everyday workouts, plus doubles on Monday and Thursday


    What is everyone else's plan for the week??


    Congrats on your weight loss. That is awesome. I hope to see my 100 lb. goal by my kids' graduation next May. On Aug. 1, I will have been on this diet for a year! I go to the dr. next week so will weigh then and see how much I've lost!


    Enjoy your cruise and be sure to come back and tell us all about the new Liberty!! I'm interested to know how easy it was to stay on your diet while on the ship! I'm looking forward to our Thanksgiving week on her!

  13. And to be honest, I'm more than proud of myself this week. I've kept on point, not going over and even one day a couple points under my daily points. I've still managed about 5 days of exercise and I've kept to my 1 treat a day for at least 5 days straight, WITHOUT feeling like I NEED anything else. I've even curved times when I might have tried to sabotage myself and it wasn't that hard. So maybe the point of what I'm doing is lost on some, but I totally get it and I believe my actions this week and the fact that it was a 2lbs loss week, means it hasn't been lost on me. I'm overjoyed at these results both mentally and physically.


    In fact, I think I deserve a happy dance:




    We I see how much I've changed, I'm don't really care that my progress is slow. I didn't learn habits overnight and they won't change overnight either. I'm very happy about where I'm at and I think it is okay for me to believe that and say it. And its also okay to say that I'm okay and happy, but I can want more at the same time. And that's what I need to say, b/c self doubt is my worst enemy, even more so than food.


    And I don't take offense.........:)


    Sounds like you have found what works for you! I'm happy for you! A 2 lb. weight loss in a week is nothing to sneeze about. I think you are well deserving of that happy dance!:)


    Gathina, didn't you have a wedding this weekend?? Congratulations. I know we'd all love to see some photos if you are willing to share!!


    Not much new here. Made chicken salad today (boiled chicken breast, mayo, celery, touch of splenda)...chicken pot pie for the rest of the family. Had Outback last night...steak, broccoli, and salad. Love that I can eat out and not feel like I need to cheat. DH and DD ate bread and a blooming onion, and DD had wine, but I was fine without. Going to cook a pork loin in the crockpot this week paired with some caesar salad and veggies.


    Hope everyone has a good week!

  14. Just got back from our own trip to the beach...Clearwater Beach... and I'm catching up. Have not read all the posts yet, but will try to catch up tomorrow.


    Mrs. CO5: I don't know why I never realized you are from Orlando also...small world! We are in the western part of the city. Hello neighbor!


    Brooke: Congratulations on the smaller bathing suit bottom! I know that feels good. I actually wore a smaller swimsuit this trip too...one that in March was too tight! Baby steps...a little bit every day does add up!!


    Stuck to the diet pretty well on our break...just had a couple glasses of wine and a couple of bites of my son's baked alaska dessert just because the restaurant served it with homemade hot fudge. How could I pass up a taste?:) But I stopped after a spoonful...it was delicious, but not worth blowing the diet for a whole slice!! Didn't work out in the gym, but we were pretty active with lots of beach walks and jumping over the waves in the Gulf. The Gulf of Mexico is usually pretty calm, but due to some storms, the waves were quite high and fun!


    Will try to catch up with the other posts. Brooke, wishing you a wonderful beach vacation! Hope everyone else has a great weekend coming up!!


    Off to the exercise bike for the first time since Mon. night! The 3rd 50 Shades book just arrived from the library, so that will help the bike ride go by much faster!:)

  15. How high was your cholestrol when you started and what is it now, do you mind sharing?


    At my highest I think I was 278. Last time I was checked I think I was in the 240s. I'm too young to be put on the meds (child bearing age still) and really hope to right this wrong before I'm old enough to go on the meds. My goal is to not take daily meds unless I have to (aside from BCP and maybe allergy since the allergies never ever seem to get better regardless lol). Ok so maybe i'll never be med free but i want to be free of the ones that are things I can control! lol


    I don't remember exactly, but it was close to 200 (over 200 is when they were going to put me on medication). I know it had gone down enough that the dr. was very happy at my last checkup, but I don't remember the number. I go back again in Aug. and I will make a notation and share then.:) Being on the bp medicine, I go in every 4 months for checks. Hope to stop that soon!

  16. Sounds like a good plan, Brooke.


    We are going to the beach this week too, just for 2 nights, but unless I get to the hotel gym, I will miss my workout. I'm determined to stick to the diet though in terms of food. I may have a glass of wine or two though.


    Had company Fri and Sat. night and since my exercise bike lives in the guest room, I missed my workout for 2 nights. Wasn't happy about it, but hope the deep cleaning I did on the house to prep for the company helped some (you know when you get the crevice attachment on the vacuum and get all the nicks and crannies, lol....even used the drapery attachment on the drapes). I was beat when I finished cleaning, so hope I used up some calories.


    I'm so into working out now that I was telling DH I want a bow flex for Christmas, lol and a home gym. We have 2 kids going off to college in a year, so DH said to pick a room and make it the gym. Not sure how they will feel when they come home on breaks to a gym in their rooms though, so will probably stick to the guest room! Wish I had one more room, lol!!


    Doing good with the food. Made a pork roast in the crockpot marinated in Gourmet Warehouse of Hilton Head Classic Marinade (found in the meat section of Publix...1 carb per TBSP). So, I use about 1/4 cup to marinate a whole pork loin...not sure how that ends up in terms of carbs per serving size, but it doesn't taste sweet like a lot of marinades do. Made Rachel Ray's brussels sprouts w/bacon (I posted the recipe here a while back ) with it and scalloped potatoes for the family. Made brownies and biscuits for the rest of the family, but I was ok just eating the pork roast and brussels sprouts


    Wishing everyone a good week.


    I want my cholesterol to be normal again. I want to not worry about heart disease from that. Scary crap.


    Now, I'd be lying if i said I didn't want to look great in a dress or a bathing suit, but honestly, I want to be healthier on the inside and the outside benefits are just a bonus.


    I totally agree. While the way I look does play a role in my dieting (I want to look good in my twins' graduation photos next summer!), the main reason for me to start dieting was health related. Turning 50 this year and I didn't like the fact that I was on bp medicine and was headed towards cholesterol meds. Since losing 50 + lbs. (I haven't weighed since I lost the 50, lol...I only weigh once every 2-3 months), I've cut my bp meds in half and hope to be off of them completely when I see the dr. at the end of the summer. My cholesterol has also improved, contrary to what a lot of people say about the Atkins diet.

  18. Interesting. I have stopped taking vitamin c regularly lately as I ran out - but it's been months not just a few days/weeks. Wonder if that had any impact though.


    Is the magnesium you're taking in capsule form or gross liquid like MoM?



    It's capsules...nothing like MOM! I get it either at GNC or Walmart. 500 mg Magnesium capsules, no taste at all.


    Smooth Move tea..yes, that's really the name of it!




    Where do you buy this? Might be interesting to try! I'm a tea drinker and love my chai tea!

  19. I added you from your request :-) i see you lost today :-)


    RachieLynn please feel free to add me as well... ariawomanATgmail.com (replace AT with @). I love to have more encouragement.


    I have to be gross for a minute....


    Have any of you that have gone from eating whatever you want to eating within a certain calorie count ever noticed a difference in your, um, frequency to do number 2? LOL. I know I know gross!


    I've noticed since I started tracking on lose it on 6/6 - I've defintely become less regular I guess you'd say. I used to go 1-2 times a day...now...well I just had a stint where I did not go for FOUR days. UGH!! I feel bloated and gross. It grosses me out wondering where it is if it's not coming out LOL.


    I went 2 times today but each were tiny in figuring it was several days worth.


    I guess this means I need to work more fiber into my diet? Or is it normal that eating less = pooping less?


    I know gross but, it's really making me wonder what's up as I was SOO regular before dieting.


    I take 500 mg of Magnesium each day to help with constipation. I read that in the Atkins book and it works like a charm. They say Vit C also helps, so I also take that daily. I can really tell a difference if I skip the Magnesium...I think for me it helps the most.

  20. Brooke, I'm thinking part of your struggle with food is living at home and depending on your mom to do part of the grocery shopping and storing the food in a kitchen used by others. What about getting a small, office sized or slightly larger refrigerator for your room and keeping your food in there? You could also designate a space in your room for pantry items. It would be good practice for when you do eventually live on your own and might even help with planning. If you only eat what you, yourself grocery shop for, then that kind of forces you to plan your meals. It's how most of of us are doing it...I mean I have to go out and shop for the food in our house, so by default, I have to have a plan of what we are going to eat for the coming week and in that plan, I have to incorporate foods that are acceptable in my diet. Now some weeks are better than others and I can truly plan for the week and other weeks, I just have no idea and end up at the grocery store several times a week and some days, I just have no idea and end up with Publix deli rotisserie chicken for me and Publix hot wings or subs for the rest of the family. But the point is, it's my responsibility and there is no "fall back" position, other than maybe a breakfast for dinner type of day, but for us that usually means scrambled eggs and bacon, which is ok on my diet.


    Just an idea if you are so centered on your environment. I'm the same way...it drives me crazy to visit my mom and try to cook in her kitchen for more than a few days, just because how she organizes things is not how I'd do it. Works for her, but not for me!:)

  21. Brooke, have you read The Carbohydrate's Addict Diet? I read it a while ago, so am going from memory, but I think they say you can have one "treat" a day and successfully lose weight as long as the rest of the meals are low carb. It's something about how the body processes carbs and supposedly if you eat the treat in 30 minutes or less it gets processed differently and does not go to fat. Like I said, I haven't read the book in a while, but I think the science behind it might help you.


    The first time I lost a lot of weight (in my early 20s), I dieted during the week and over the weekend I'd allow myself one dessert...back then the frozen yogurt places were all the rage (late 80s), so I'd go and have a brownie sundae made with frozen yogurt. I lost about 50 lbs and kept it off for about 12 years (until I got pregnant). So, I know you can lose while having a treat. I'm not sure I'd go with a treat a day, but according to the Carbohydrate's Addict book, you should be able to do so.


    Your cheat sheat looks good to me other than the carb column, lol. Those are all foods that I'm just programmed to avoid when trying to lose weight. That's not to say you cannot lose weight while eating them, just that it's not something I'd be successful at.


    As always, best of luck!:)

  22. Okay was a long day and terrible eating.....


    Had artwork retreat today so my choices were based on boredom and over hunger.


    1/3 c oatmeal

    1/2 c 1% milk

    1 glazed donut

    2 munchins

    1 can soda

    1 6 inch turkey on wheat sub with light may/ mustard/ veggjes


    3 bottles of water

    1 chocolate frosted donut

    2 minis

    1 beer

    1 small mixed drink

    1 Freud catfish can't guess the oz....maybe 8

    2 oz fries

    2 oz beans/fries rice more beans than rice

    About 5 chips from nachos






    My ankle also swelled from an hour or more in 95 degree weather playing putt putt for team building. So between my back, ankle and my room being 100 degrees from me getting home late, no exercise. Might have to make it up.


    Coworkers gave me a diet plan to look at and i might think about it. Might write about it tomr .


    Good choices.


    Today is over and done with...can't beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day!:)

  23. Hey all,


    Just wanted to know that while I have not posed in forever, I have been keeping up and reading your posts, which I greatly enjoy! Thanks everyone for the movitating tips. I just joined loseit today due to your advice. I did have an app that I was using that linked up with Sparkpeople, but it wasn't the easiest to navigate. Right now, I like what I see with loseit! I just briefly looked at it, and it looks like if you want to do recipes, you need to do it online, and cannot do it from your phone. That's the only drawback for me so far, since I cook a lot.


    Brooke, congrats on keeping going and staying motivated. I know it's hard. I've wanted to lose at least 25 pounds for like 2 years now. Ugh. At some point last year, I was down ten, but they've creeped back on. I am back and newly motivated, and just tired of having tight pants or being unable to wear my favorite summer clothes. Another item is that for the first time, I think my husband is going to start tracking too. That's big for me, as in the past, I used to try to track everything secretly without making a big deal about it, and wasn't telling him my goals. Now once I enter in a recipe that I've made for us, we will both need to track it. So fresh start.


    Brooke, I'm wondering if you need to switch it up and maybe start attending WW meetings instead of just receiving online support? When I did it in the past, that was a big motivator for me (having to go weigh in person at meetings). Otherwise, if you are not using that aspect of WW (the in person support part, I mean), I wonder if it would be cheaper and easier for you just to track calories with an app like Loseit. No points to figure out, just calories. It will tell you your exact calorie goal. There is a huge database of supermarket foods (even Trader Joe's foods, yay), and restaurant foods, which might make it easy for you. I just know I would be frustrated if I was paying a fee for something every month, and it didn't seem like it was "working." I like seeing the exact calories in versus calories out, especially because you subtract your exercise calories burned too. I don't know, I just think it's less confusing than all those "flex points" vs "activity points" and whether or not they should be used, but that's just me.


    Anyway, I've been making some great things from the farmer's market. One you all might enjoy is stuffed eggplant. It might be good for those doing low-carb. Basically, you roast the eggplant first in order to start the cooking process, then scoop everything out and puree with garlic and some goat cheese. I added ground turkey (already cooked), onions, bell peppers chopped, etc. but you could put brown rice, quinoa, etc. if you wanted. Stuff back in the shell and top with parmesean and panko (could leave off breadcrumbs if you wanted). It was delicious and so flavorful with the garlic and goat cheese! I can post a more exact recipe if anyone is interested. It was great to have a few of these in the fridge, portion sized (I used baby eggplants), ready to go on a busy night.


    I've also discoved vegetable tians as a good way to use up veggies (especially zucchini). Here is an example: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/vegetable-tian-recipe/index.html

    This was good, but I made another one that had eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes instead. You can switch it up for whatever you have, leave out the potato, double up on zucchini, etc. Whatever you've got.


    I got a bunch of beautiful bell peppers from the farmer's market, too. Looking for a new stuffed pepper recipe. Maybe a greek or mexican theme? I'm not sure. But I like that I can make say, 6 of these, then we have them ready to go for 3 nights of dinners or lunches.


    I also made a chopped salad the other day with lettuce, chicken tomatoes, black beans, bell peppers, and corn. Kept everything in one container in the fridge and then when I wanted, I could add an avocado (split a small diced w/DH) and dressing. It only kept nice for a few days, though. But it was quick and easy when I wanted something fast - had it all ready to go.


    Another recipe I love lately is roasting beets (not sure of the sugar content for those counting, but they are super nutritious). Then I chop them and pair with baby spinach, goat cheese, walnuts, and make a quick basalmic vinaigrette. Beets turn everything pink though. :)


    On an exercise note, I'm still doing the elliptical but you've all convinced me that I need to add in some hand weights again. I've started taking the stairs when I get home from work on the days that I DON'T exercise. Just to keep in an exercise mindset and move a little more each day. It's 15 floors, so about 190 steps I think. It just takes a few minutes and yes I'm out of breath, but it only takes a few minutes. I think it's good to force myself to do that when 1) I know that I CAN do it and 2) every little bit of exercise helps. Just maybe not when I have all my groceries, too.


    Anyway, I'll try posting more often, just know that I do enjoy everyone's posts and I am sending postive, healthy vibes everyone's way!


    Thanks for the recipe ideas. I'd love more detail on the eggplant recipe as eggplant is one of my favs!


    As for an idea for stuffed peppers, the recipe I posted a few posts back for meatloaf is a mixture I've also stuffed in peppers (and made meatballs from). It's Italian themed. I bet you could use taco seasonings and top with Mexcian cheese and have a Mexican themed one though. If you find a Greek themed one, I'd love to see it. We love feta cheese!

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