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Posts posted by pcrum

  1. :)My son saw the cotton candy and he's like we have to go so I can dip my cotton candy in the chocolate fountain, I told him to go with his friends DD and I try to stay away from the buffet DH has zero willpower at buffets, he is good at working off the excess calories. Sounds like you have been enjoying summer. Keep up your good work, you always have great advice I enjoy reading it and your reciepe tips. I love spice also.:)


    Dipping the cotton candy in the chocolate...there is a kid with a vision! Never thought of that one! I will have to pass it on to my kids!


    Glad you enjoy the recipes. I need variety to stay on track!


    Made a meatloaf this weekend...did my low carb version, which consists of 2-2.5 lbs. of meat: ground beef and ground pork (2/3 beef and 1/3 pork), mixed with 1 egg, 1 pkg. Lipton garlic and herb dry soup mix, about 1/4 cup Hunts tomato sauce (the lowest carb sauce I've seen) and about 1/4 cup parmesan cheese. I top the meat loaf with the remaining can of tomato sauce and more parmesan cheese. Bake for 1 hour at 350. For the kids, I serve it with pasta. This is also the same mixture I'd use for meatballs, but it's easier to bake as a loaf rather than to make individual balls. It's one meal my kids really appreciate and my DH will eat just about anything!


    I had to chuckle at your story. My friend calls Golden Corral , "The Golden Trough"..my mother in law likes to eat there on occasion and it's not too bad if your careful. However, what really keeps me eating there is that I have two psychiatric patients that, to their credit, have made some good changes in their life and they got their jobs through a vocational rehabilitation program which is admirable. However, I know way too much about their lifestyles and hygiene habits which is more than enough to make me stay away!:rolleyes:


    Ok, well, I guess it will be another 10 years or so before I go back to the Golden Corral, lol. But, I'm sure the same can be said for other chain restaurants. We parked behind Chili's one day and saw the cooking staff standing outside on their smoke breaks. It kind of ruined our appetites to see who was preparing the food! We really eat out very little and when we do, we try to make sure it's decent food. We like the restaurants at Disney because I feel like their cleanliness standards are pretty high. There is also a Brazilian steak house we love where they come and carve the meat right at the table. It's a carb counters dream...all that meat!! If you are ever in Orlando pre- or post- cruise, I highly recommend Texas de Brazil on International Drive!

  2. Glad you have power and hope it stays on! That's great that you lost 2 lbs!! Hope the ankle is feeling better. If you can go 30 minutes on the bike, you are better than me! I do 3.20 miles, which takes 18 minutes on average, but it is a struggle. I thought about doing it twice a day instead of just once a day...maybe I'll work up to that! I also have been doing the hand weights and actually thought I noticed a bit of definition in my upper arm today. Hopefully something is working!!


    I saw the ad on TV for Golden Corral and how they now have cotton candy. Well, my kids love cotton candy and although it had been a good 10 years since I had set foot in a Golden Corral (and after that, I swore I'd never go back!), we gave it a try. The steak was seasoned pretty well and I just ate steak along with a salad made of romaine, blue cheese crumbles, chopped egg and bacon with a little blue cheese dressing. It was actually pretty good! I don't know that I need to go back for a while, but it was nice to be able to go to a buffet and zero in on what I knew I could eat and be satisfied with that, while the rest of my family indulged in the yeast rolls, pasta, chocolate fountain, etc. The worse I can say is I probably overate, but since it was pretty low carb fare, I don't feel too badly!


    And, for those who visit Disney, we had dinner at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge last week and their dinner buffet was filled with lots of low carb options...carved meats, a lamb curry, and salad offerings. All of it was seasoned so well...I do like my spices!! They have a crab soup that is the closest I have found to she crab soup in FL! I definitely recommend it if you are at Disney!


    Happy 4th to everyone. We have thunderstorms today! Not sure what that will mean in terms of the theme park fireworks tonight!!

  3. Sorry to hear about your ankle and lack of power! I know your area got some bad storms. Hope your ankle is feeling better. I'd keep it wrapped for awhile...I sprained my ankle trying to learn to ski about 10 years ago and it felt sooo much better when wrapped! I'd ask your dr abut exercise...my dr recommended physical therapy for my ankle, but we were living in England at the time and it just seemed like more hassle than it was worth, so I skipped the PT and it healed just fine. Decreasing your WW points seems like a good idea to compensate for the lack of exercise. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. I think I actually went through withdraw when I finished them. And when I'm bored I find myself going back over parts of the storyline in my head. I'm sure in a few more weeks I will forget most of it, its my coping skills, lol.


    I'm anxious for the movie version. Although it probably won't do the books justice (movies rarely do), it will be interesting to see how they cast it. I've wasted way too much time thinking of casting. My pick for Christian is Ryan Gosling. I don't know who I like for Ana. I was thinking Anne Hathaway, but I think she's a bit mature now for the role...maybe Amanda Seyfried? I just finished book 2 so now have to decide if I'll wait on the library to come through with book 3 or buy the e book. My resolution has been not to buy any more books, because I have no place to store them, but e books take care of that problem, don't they! So easy to just download them!!


    I never read the Twilight books, but both of my kids did...well, I did read the first chapter of the first book and decided it wasn't for me. But I thought the casting of Bella was horrible...I don't think Kristen Stewart can act at all. To me, the movies were horrible (I only saw the first and most recent one), but I do like the British guy who plays Edward...he is cute! I do hope the 50 Shades movie is of better quality and although I have heard of the Edward actor from Twilight mentioned for Christian, I don' think he is right for it.


    I'm also waiting for the Les Mis movie, although I think Hugh Jackman is horribly cast as the lead. Maybe Russell Crowe would have been better as Jean Valjean rather than as Javert?


    Have a fab weekend with the family! I know you will remember your good choices!! We have nothing planned for the 4th...maybe the kids will have some friends over to go in the pool. Last year I made Italian sausages and served them on the King's Hawaiian bread sub rolls. This year, it will be NO bread for me and the thing is, I really don't miss it!!

  5. Morning,


    BK: Oatmeal


    L: Cheese/crackers/ham, cucumber slices


    S: graham crackers/pb (just one serving)


    W: ellpt/pool


    D: Idk.


    I've got the allergy fog today. I hope I can push through the day and then through exercise. I feel like just laying my head down and napping the rest of the day. I hate this feeling. I have lots of work to do and I have no energy to complete it.


    The pool was nice yesterday. The cool water felt good after my workout. However, since we got our swim team back........they (naturally) removed the easy access stairs at the end of the pool. Now I have to climb straight down and up to get in and out. Plus the bars on each side are close together so I have to squeeze between them to get in and out. I'm not really complaining b/c I'm sure others are fine with it. But it was kinda scary trying to get out of the pool last night. I didn't know if I could make it. I mean trying to lift MY body up and out of a pool with no angle just straight up and the main source of power being my arms........lets just say I was def. scared that I wouldn't be able to get out or that I would fall back into the pool. Good thing I don't have my glasses on to probably see everyone staring at me. It kinda makes me not wanna go back again.


    Of course, I was already a little mad b/c I had been texting a guy I met for a few days and thought maybe at least he might be a decent one. In the Navy and older than me........but alas............just another guy only after one thing. At least when I explained to him that wasn't what I was looking for he was nice about it. But I was nice about telling him, so I guess you get what you give. Still disappointing. Not so much about him, but just in general. Everytime I think a decent one comes along.......it takes about 4 days (sometimes not even that) for them to show their true colors. Def. Disappointing.


    Anyway, let's see if I can work through this fog and get some work done today.


    Good choices.


    Sorry to hear of your disappointing experience with the guy. I have a single friend here and I hear it all the time...where are the good guys? I wish I could tell you where to find them.


    The pool experience sounds scary without stairs. I don't know if I'd have enough upper arm strength to pull up either. The good news is that you did it! Good for you. Maybe it will be easier next time!


    Hope you are feeling better. Allergies are no fun!


    Tropical storm Debby has left FL so we have sun again...which is nice. I'm still working out every night...upped my bike to 3.20 miles (takes about 18 minutes) and using 3 lb. hand weights for some arm exercises. Someone mentioned 10 lb. weights...seems a bit high, but I really know nothing of this and should probably google it.


    I'm in the middle of the second 50 Shades book. I'm kind of going slow on purpose so I can really enjoy the books and not rush through. I know I will be sad when I am finished with them. That's the mark of a good writer, when you don't want to finish the book...the writer kind of reminds me of the style of "Bridget Jones Diary," also written by an English writer. We lived in the UK for 4 years, so I love all the English expressions in the book.


    Hang in there, Brooke. I hope you find your prince!!! I tell my single friend that she has kissed enough toads so her prince must be out there!!

  6. I just discovered Firefly Skinny Tea Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka (found at Total Wine). No carbs, as it's sweetened with truvia. I can probably count the number of drinks I've had on one had since I began this thing last August, but I do miss the occasional cocktail. Not that I intend to indulge every day or even every week, but for the occasional cocktail, this seems like a good option. I mixed it with crystal light lemonade last night and found it a bit sweet, so switched to crystal light margarita mix (I like really tart drinks). I might try mixing it with the crystal light green tea honey and lemon flavor next time. I know that even with no carbs, the alcohol is not great for weight loss, but like I said, for an occasional drink, it's got to be better than some of the other options out there. Even a glass of wine is something like 4-5 carbs.


    On the positive note, I am now well below 200! I have not seen this weight in about 6 years, so I am elated. Of course, I delivered twins at 198 lbs., so it's not a great weight for me (at 5'2"), but it's the lowest I've been in a while, so I will take it.


    Still trucking along...made fajitas last night and had mine without a tortilla and without sour cream...just chicken, some chopped up red and yellow pepper, onion, and seasonings. Lunch was sandwich without bread...salami and cheese. I did see a cute option though for a "sandwich". You cut a green pepper (or red or yellow) so you have two relatively flat ends and then fill with meat and cheese. I bet it would be nice grilled too!



    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Central FL is a wetland...I think we've had rain every day since school has been out. I'm tempted to turn off my sprinkler system this month and save on the water bill since Mother Nature is taking care of watering the lawn!! The pool overflows daily with all the rain water...not a great summer!:D

  7. Ok, first things first. Congrats on the weight loss! That is a real coup! Sounds like you now know what you need to do to show a loss each week!


    Secondly, Who would dare to call "50 Shades" dribble? Oh my...I totally get you with the back story on Christian. I find it fascinating too (maybe it's just the psych major in me coming out!). I find the book so entertaining...kind of fills the void left when "Sex and the City" went off the air (I was not a big fan of the movies...loved the series though!). I'm almost through book 1 and on the library list for books 2-3. I may break down and buy them as a e-book though (I have a kindle app on my macbook), since I don't know if I can wait!


    I didn't know the story of your nephews. I take it they are adopted or foster kids? What special people your brother and SIL must be to take that on!! My DH works for the State of FL and is always going on about the kids who really need homes and cannot get adopted because most people want that perfect infant baby. It takes special people to take in a child who has had a rough start to life. Adoption is a topic very close to my heart... I suffered from infertility for 4 years before having my twins and I would have loved to have adopted, but my husband at the time (we are since divorced) was against it. I persevered and eventually gave birth to two wonderful children, but I would have adopted in a heart beat too!


    Enjoy your weekend away. I'm sure you will remember your good choices this weekend!! BTW, what size hand weights do you use? I've been using 3 lb. weights, but wonder if it's enough. It certainly feels heavy when I do my bicep curls (I think that's what they are called?). I certainly don't want to build...just want to make the arms less flabby!!


    Have fun this weekend...forget about the housing thing for a few days and just enjoy!!

  8. Sounds like you have a good plan to pay off the land and then build on it later (if the appraisal can't be raised on the house). As much as you'd like to be on your own, I wouldn't throw $700 a month away on rent. I think it is so much smarter to stay at your parents and save your money for a house. I wonder at these kids who rent right away and then wonder why they can't save for a house...just throwing money away without any ownership. Just my unsolicited two cents...:)


    You don't want all your hard work to go away this weekend...remember your goal (cruise!). It's helpful to be around friends who are dieting too...so much less opportunity to splurge! Good luck

  9. Brooke: I just started 50 Shades of Grey...I love it so far!! As for books, I rarely read fiction. I am mostly into biographies. These are my recent favs:


    Written by JFK Jr's secretary...Fairy Tale Interrupted by RoseMarie Terenzio.


    Imperfect Justice (written by Casey Anthony prosecutor, Jeff Ashton)


    Truth and Consequences, (the story of the Madoffs as told by the one surviving brother and with some interviews with Ruth Madoff) by Laurie Sandell


    The End of Normal, written by Stephanie Madoff Mack, the widow of the Madoff brother who killed himself.


    The one fiction book I read recently that was pretty good was Bond Girl by Erin Duffy. It's kind of like A Devil Wears Prada does Wall St. Entertaining and a quick read.


    How do you read and do the elliptical? Isn't it hard to balance the kindle and do the handles? I don't think I'd be coordinated enough to do that. I listen to music on the bike, but don't think I could read. I have to kind of zone in on the beat of the music to get me through. I really hate exercise!!! I made a workout playlist of songs with a good beat..."Walk this Way" by Aerosmith, Adam Lambert's "Born to be Wild", Bob Seger's "Katmando and "Fire down Below", Blondie's "Call Me", etc. Yeah, I'm a child of the 80s!!


    Have been doing ok with the food...had an omelet for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and hamburger patty for dinner. Sugar free jello for a snack. I really like the way eating low carb makes me feel. Just wish I could be thrilled about the exercise part! I dread it, but do it everyday!!


    Good luck to everyone!

  10. Well, you did not gain weight...you have to look at the bright side!! And with all the working out, you should be gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. I'm all about seeing the glass half full! Do you feel a difference in your clothes?


    Buying a house is sooo stressful and although I've never built a home, I've heard that is even more stress. Hoping it all goes well for you and you get the appraisal you need.


    I know you don't like a lot of veggies, but have you thought about just for a week or so eliminating starchy veggies, like peas, corn, and potatoes from your diet to see if it makes a difference? I know nothing about WW, but I know these are higher carb veggies and from what I've read, something in the starchy veggies converts to sugar in your body. So, even though you are not having sugar, the starch acts like sugar in your body. I think pasta and bread are the same way. Now, I'm really paraphrasing here and others here might have a much more scientific analysis of why this happens, but it is just something I remember reading. I know green, leafy veggies are fine...cabbage and spinach and collard greens are my "go to" veggies along with broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms.


    Good luck with everything. I really feel you are moving in the right direction!

  11. Wishing you good luck, Brooke, both with your house and with your weigh in. I must admit I don't understand those BMR calculations or WW points at all! For me, it's all about the carbs and I have been sugar free since I started this thing last August. For me, once you give up the carbs, the craving just goes away and let me tell you, doing these college tours 50+ lbs. lighter made a world of difference! No more was I the last one in the group huffing and puffing up hills. It was soooo worth all the "sacrifices", which really don't seem like sacrifices. I'm kind of a meat and veggie type person anyway, so if I can have some chicken and a green veggie or salad, I'm happy. The almonds curb my salt craving (I used to eat loads of goldfish and cheddar cheese rice cakes). It's all about changing what tastes good to you. Eating out is also not really a problem...I just have protein and veggies instead of a potato. I watch my salad dressings...there is often hidden sugar in vinaigrette...blue cheese seems lowest in carbs. Cobb salad is always a good choice for me...I love hard boiled eggs, bacon, cheese and some protein with the greens. I have them hold the tomatoes and avocado (if it's included).


    I know McD has been getting a bad wrap lately, but what is wrong with a grilled chicken salad or with getting a grilled chicken sandwich and just eating the chicken? Many times I have gone through the drive-through and ordered a sandwich (either grilled chicken or burger) and just eaten the meat (I order mustard only...no carbs there). It's quick and easy and often my "go to" lunch when I'm working.


    Hoping you see some results!:)

  12. You do so well with food though, its like opposite for me. I find the exercise easier than the food part. But just stay in the zone and you will see the results.


    The low carb truly takes the cravings away. I am fine with the food, but do not like exercise, getting all hot and sweaty...etc. There is really nothing I LIKE about exercise other than I feel I am doing something healthy for my heart. That and the fact I get to listen to my ipod!


    Have not made it to the hotel gyms, but these college tours involve lots of walking, so hoping it kind of even outs. Have been sticking to the diet though...hotel breakfasts offer lots of protein options and when eating out, have been sticking to low carb choices.


    Brooke, hoping your steps all work out so you are in your house soon. Once the land purchase goes through, how long does it take them to put your house up?

  13. I'm sure you will enjoy the new home. Hope things work out for you!


    Just did my 3 miles on the bike tonight. I packed workout clothes for the trip because I think at least 2 of our hotels have gyms...no promises if I will make it or not. From past experience, these college tours require a lot of walking, so that just might be my exercise! I have said before that I think so much of weight loss is mental and just "getting in the zone". It took me a LONG time, but I am finally in the working out zone...I feel good after I do my time on the bike and shower!


    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

  14. The house looks nice. Love the crown molding chair rail. Plus, it looks like there is lots of storage. Love the walk-in pantry in the kitchen and large walk-in closet in the bedroom.


    What is the difference between a "modular" and the last video of the outside of the house?


    I hope the land sale goes through. Sometimes you just have to leave these things up to fate. I'm a big believer in karma...if it's meant to be, it will happen.


    Been so busy here with getting ready to leave for our trip on Sunday. Lots of last minutes appointments and meetings now that school is out. Thank goodness the Publix deli does a mojo roasted pork. That was my dinner while the rest of the family had the spicy Publix chicken wings. No veggies I could eat at the deli though. Sometimes they have collard greens, but today it was black beans, mac and cheese, and rice, all "no no's" for me. So, no veggies today.


    Have been consistent with the exercise bike every day except yesterday. We were out past midnight watching the touring show of "La Cage Aux Folles". I usually do the bike last thing at night before I take my bath because I get all sweaty and last night I just didn't have it in me. Need to plan better for late nights! The plus side is the show was great and we bought our tickets through a group that organized a "question and answer" session with some of the cast members after the show, so that was nice for my son and his friend, both of whom want to get BFAs in musical theatre.


    I hope you get good news soon, Brooke!!

  15. I totally get you with the emotional eating, Brooke. I was there myself yesterday! Dealing with the bureaucracy of the public school system and having to sell a guidance counselor, of all people, on the value of an arts education...well, I was driven to come home and raid my fridge. I ate "healthy" things, but way too much. I finished up the homemade chicken salad and ate all of the leftover fajitas (without a flour tortilla). Fortunately this was mid-afternoon, so for dinner I just ate a 2% Fage Greek yogurt because I was so full, lol!!


    But, we've all been there and all you can do is pick yourself up and start again. Can't beat yourself up over the past!! Buying a house is very stressful...I think moving and buying a house are right up there on the stress scale with divorce and starting a new job!! Hope your grandfather is able to help...that's what family is for!! My parents gave us the downpayment for our first house. You will likely do the same for your kids and/or grandkids. The circle of life...


    Since we were talking about cauliflower, I found 2 interesting recipes for pizza dough and "bread" sticks made from cauliflower. I haven't tried them, but plan to. They are low carb alternatives and I think the "bread" sticks sound pretty tasty!


    Cheesy cauliflower bread sticks: http://whatsfordinner-momwhatsfordinner.blogspot.com/2012/06/cheesy-garlic-cauliflower-bread-sticks.html


    Cauliflower crust pizza: http://www.recipegirl.com/2012/01/16/cauliflower-crust-hawaiian-pizza/


    Good luck, Brooke!

  16. pcrum ~ Sounds like you have quite a memorable trip in store with your daughter.....enjoy every minute of it! What is your recipe for mashed cauliflower?? I have made it before but it hasn't turned out the greatest. Sometimes I have a craving for some potatoes so I would love to find a good replacement recipe. :)



    Congratulations on the weight loss! That is incredible!! As for the cauliflower, I used to boil the cauliflower (1 head), but found that left too much liquid in it. Now I microwave it with just a couple of tablespoons of water and then drain it in a colander. Next, put the cauliflower in a bowl (it should break up pretty easily once cooked) and add butter, salt and half and half or heavy cream (I count carbs, so the cream is less carbs) and mash with an electric mixer until it's a smooth consistency. I don't really measure...just kind of taste as I go along, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's about 3-4 TBSP of butter and 1/4 to 1/8 cup of cream with about 1 tsp salt. My son eats it just like you'd eat mashed potatoes...with gravy on it along with our holiday turkey. I like it with cheese melted on top.

  17. Sounds like your house plans are coming along and yes, you totally should get a family discount (maybe your aunt could reduce her commission on the house?).


    Your meals sound good. My DS loves mashed cauliflower...he requests it at Christmas and Thanksgiving over mashed potatoes!


    Good for you for going so long on the bike! I finally started last night...I could only manage 3 miles...about 15 minutes. My bike measures your pulse rate, so my pulse got up into the 160s...I have no idea what it should be...probably need to google that! My bike has different "courses", so I started with the easiest one. I figure I will add 5 minutes a night and then slowly go to the more difficult courses with more hills. I think I need to make a good i-tunes playlist for the bike...I was just randomly flipping through the ipod for music last night, but need a dedicated playlist to keep me motivated. Any suggestions?


    Yes, my DD is looking at the college road trip as a chance to bond. My DS would like to come, but she is adamant that it just be the two of us, so he is staying home with his stepdad. We did a similar trip last Oct. while DS was in NYC with his school looking at theater colleges. We are not seeing any schools DS is interested in this trip, so I think I might do a separate trip with him later this summer to see his schools. Having twins entering into college at the same time is tough! DD's first choice is UF in FL, as that is where her boyfriend will be, but even though she is a straight A student, they are very selective, so she is keeping her options open.


    I made fried rice with chicken for the family tonight, but kept a couple of chicken breasts aside to make chicken salad for me. Love the convenience of the frozen chicken breasts!

  18. Sounds like you are doing very well, Brooke. Sorry about the injury...hope you are feeling better.


    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are losing inches, you might not see the scale drop as much, but your clothes should be fitting better, which is always a good thing!:)


    Planning is key...it's when I don't have low carb things readily accessible that I'm likely to stray. I always keep sugar free jello (I buy the pre-made kind) in the house and almonds. Since I've discovered how easy the frozen chicken breasts are, I always keep a bag of those in the house. I'm boiling some now for chicken salad. I also try to always have hard boiled eggs on hand.


    The fajitas were good last night...I added some red pepper flakes for spice...I will have to google to see how many carbs are in red pepper flakes! So annoying that spices have carbs!!


    DD and I are taking a college trip next week to S. Carolina to check out some schools. We are going to try to skip the chain restaurants and only go for the local cuisine. I've googled some places to try, but any suggestions for good restaurants in Charleston, Greenville or Hilton Head are welcome. We love she crab soup, so will be looking for that! I've already googled the carb count (10 g per cup), so will definitely be pairing it with some grilled shrimp or seafood for a minimum carb impact! I will be sticking to my diet as best I can...looking to try some local seafood, but crab and shrimp are fine as long as they are not fried. I'm not a big sweet eater, but I know DD will be trying some cobblers and other southern desserts, but she doesn't have weight issues, so that's fine for her.


    Hope everyone has a good day!

  19. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am into organizing this weekend and had to share my latest find. Size dividers for your closet. Am I the only one with clothes from size 10 to 22? I finally decided I needed to organize my closet so I can find things that fit now (which changes monthly as I lose weight), so I found these nifty size dividers for 27 cents each!! How can you go wrong? They are like the ones clothing stores use. Etsy had a lot of cutesy ones meant for kids' clothes, but these are just like the ones used by stores. So, I ordered up 24 blank ones and intend to organize my closet...




    Dinner last night was steaks on the George Foreman grill, sauteed mushrooms and caesar salad (added rolls for the rest of the family). Tonight I'm thinking shrimp and chicken fajitas (no flour tortilla for me). I have to have sugar free jello after every dinner for something sweet, but it's 0 carbs, so it definitely does the trick. Another snack is a bit of brie cheese with Blue Diamond Bold salt and vinegar flavored almonds...a bite of brie and about 5 almonds...the flavors blend so well, it's heaven to me and I'd honestly rather have that than a piece of chocolate!!


    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

  20. I don't like Bloomberg's idea at all. If you really want a big soda, you will just buy 2 to equal the 32 oz size. Of course, this will most likely be more expensive! My DH gave up a 30 year smoking habit. His soda habit, however is quite extensive (although he does drink diet). If he really wanted 32 oz of soda, he would just buy two or three 16 oz bottles and be done with it!!


    My son's school banned soda from the drink machines. So, what do the kids do? Do they give up on soda? Of course not. They either bring it from home (my son brings a mountain dew every day!), buy it from the teacher's lounge (some teachers will let favored students in the lounge to buy a soda), or walk across the street to the gas station to buy a bottle of soda before after school activities begin. It would be a whole lot more convenient if they just left the soda in the machines the students can access.


    My daughter attends a private school and they were exempt from this silly law, so sodas are sold around school.


    I'm with you Brooke that it all comes down to mentally wanting to eat healthy. If you are not there mentally, these laws do nothing!


    (Before I am flamed for letting my son take a soda to school everyday, let me clarify that he is underweight and his dr. would actually like for him to gain weight, so I am fine with him eating high calorie foods as long as he also is eating nutritious things with it!)


    Wishing everyone a good weekend. Good luck with the working out Brooke. I have an old Cher workout tape (told you it was old!) where she used the step (in the early 90s, they sold this step that a lot of workouts centered around). It didn't really take a whole lot of space as you were mainly stepping up and down on the step, but it provided a pretty good workout. I have no idea if they still sell those things or not. Just an idea for a limited space workout. I saw where Jane Fonda has re-released her workout DVDs too. I remember when they first came out and they were pretty good too, but I guess they do take some space.

  21. Yay for a two bathroom house...sounds wonderful!!


    WW definitely works...I don't even recognize Jennifer Hudson now. She looks so good! I hear Jessica Simpson just signed on to lose her baby weight with them too. The only reason I don't do WW is I know I am truly a carb addict and the best way for me to lose weight and to feel better is to avoid carbs. But, if you don't get the carb cravings, I'd think WW would be the way to go.


    I made a low carb version of meatloaf tonight...ground beef and pork with Hunts tomato sauce instead of ketchup and grated parmesan cheese instead of bread crumbs. Of course the Lipton garlic and herb soup mix I used for seasoning added some carbs, but since I've found out that all seasonings have carbs, I went with it and just limited my portion!!


    Love the George Forman grill...I started out with a small one, but then upgraded to the large one with plates that come off for cleaning. It is used several times a week in our home!!


    I also just saw a new way to cook bacon (or new to me). Put it in the oven on a rack in a baking pan and cook for 20-25 minutes. The logic was that the bacon was not sitting in grease that way. Something to think about. I usually microwave bacon on a plate with a paper towel under the bacon to soak up the grease, but I like the oven idea too.


    Tomorrow is Friday!!

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