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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. The two are somewhat different. In Juneau Mendenhall is a major draw. You don't get as close as you once did due to the glacier receding but you can walk the Nugget Falls train and get fairly close to the glacier relatively speaking. There is also a very nice visitors center. In Glacier Bay I believe the National Park Service Rangers will be on-board to narrate and have a table of things to purchase as well as the stamp for your National Park passport. You do get somewhat close to the glaciers (and Pea soup is served on the decks). Last year I did the small boat tour at Hubbard and it was worth every penny I spent. If you want to get closer then, if that's offered, it might be worth it to you. We got quite a bit closer to the glacier than the ship did. Karen
  2. Good afternoon, It's been a rather slower Sunday which is good. The sun keeps trying to come out after the rain yesterday but the clouds are getting in the way and it's a bit on the breezy side. My leg with the stuck hip muscle is giving me fits today so finally took something and that's helping. The pool tomorrow will really help it. @JazzyV Thinking of you and hoping all goes well for you tomorrow. I'd love the chocolate covered cashews as long as it's dark chocolate. We have a place I order from that is based out of Cashmere, Washington and they have the best chocolate covered nuts and do both milk and dark chocolate. Today has gotten off to a slow start but the neighbor came for tea and I have a load of laundry going. After waving at @kazu and @richwmn on the sailaway then I need to get a few things done around the house. Dinner is easy - the salmon dinner I picked up yesterday from the Kiwanis fundraiser. Karen
  3. Have a wonderful cruise @kazu and friend! I have friends going with me on 3 cruises and we'll see how that all works out. Have a wonderful time!! Karen
  4. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest, It started out with temps below 30F but the sun is out and it's a pretty morning. High is supposed to be mid to high 60's but rain is forecast for late afternoon. Today is a more leisurely day. I'll pop into town and stop at Costco then go up to the Kiwanis Salmon BBQ and get meals to-go for myself and my GF. It's a nice meal - salmon, cole slaw, baked potato, garlic bread, beverage and ice cream bar. It's done Fri-Sun for the month of April which is our local Tulip Festival. I can do backroads and hopefully avoid the crowds. With the sun out it's bound to be a traffic nightmare in the valley where the fields are. It's also the street fair in Mount Vernon so lots going on. @kazu So glad you made it to FLL and have a wonderful visit with @POA1 and @Huskerchick. Be part of that "bubble of awesomeness" as you deserve it! Karen
  5. Good afternoon Everyone, Thank you for all your kind thoughts today on laying DSIL to rest. The service was well done and very well-attended. There were probably 75-100 people there. The platters the other DSIL and I got from Safeway were wonderful! They were ready for pickup early so DSIL picked them up and I met her at the church. The neatest idea was having hummus and dips in hollowed out red and yellow peppers. Anyway huge Kudos to our local Safeway and I'll be writing a thank you to them. The service was about 30 minutes long then the reception was right there. The burial was at 2:00 and about 25 of us made the trek to the graveside. The weather was perfect with total blue skies, lots of sun and a nice breeze. Thanks for all the good wishes. @kazu Have a wonderful trip! You're right - it was "a day" as I had teary moments but I'm a tough old broad and worked through it! Karen
  6. Good morning, We have another beautiful day today and temps in the high 60's although it was 28F on the front porch when I got up a couple of hours ago. Today is the service for DSIL. The funeral is at 11, reception at 12 and then burial at 2:00 so a full day. For my DBIL's sake I hope it all goes well. I have party platters to pick up at Safeway at 10:00 before heading to the church so have to be out in about an hour. Have a Good Friday! Karen
  7. Good morning again! I just paid off my 4th - and last for 2024 - Alaska cruise this morning! My credit card has been getting a workout but that's fine. Now I have 4 Alaska cruises out of Seattle - June is Majestic Princess and so far I'm solo on that one; July is Westerdam and I have a friend who is a first time cruiser and first timer to Alaska going with me; August is Discovery Princess and another friend who is a first time cruiser and first timer to Alaska is going; and finally the Eurodam in September and one set of friends has a cabin down the hall, we're all trying Club Orange, and I may have a friend going in my cabin with me who will be a first time cruiser. It should be an interesting summer! Now off to do laundry and get the parking taken care of for the September cruise. Karen
  8. Good morning, As @Cruising-along mentioned we have another beautiful day to enjoy with temps in the mid-60's. I can handle that. It's so nice to look out and see the sun shining. @kazu I'm tickled to hear that your cruise is a "go" and that Ivan did well yesterday. Have a wonderful time! Today is actually a stay-at-home day which is needed. Yesterday was two water aerobics classes and then stops at 2 grocery stores. At both I saw former students and chatted. I have two former students who are doing something I consider amazing. The older of the two donated a kidney to the younger one on Tuesday and the kidney is functioning great! Tomorrow is DSIL's service, reception and graveside and the weather is supposed to be good so am glad for that. The weekend shows rain at least on Sunday. Nothing surprising about that in this area. Have a great Thursday! Karen
  9. @POA1. Thanks for the recommendation of the Finlay Donovan series. I loved the first one and have the second coming from Amazon! Karen
  10. On HAL the cabins are usually available on boarding and the key card is in the slot outside the cabin. My usual routine is to head to the cabin, drop off the carry-on luggage, grab the key card and then head to the Lido for a salad and a very small taste of bread pudding! Karen
  11. Good morning, Our day is supposed to be on the cool side but the sun is out so that's a good thing. I thought it would be a stay-at-home day but now have to run into Costco to price sandwich trays, etc. for my DSIL's funeral reception on Friday. My other SIL did some looking in her area but we want to see if we can have it delivered and what the local place will have. I can handle that after tea with a neighbor and some other work around the house. Yesterday was the pool and two water aerobics classes, a couple of errands (finally got the nose pads on my glasses fixed) and then puttering around the house. It's Tulip Festival time in our valley so the weekends are super busy and that will be the case this coming weekend with a street fair, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ and highs near 70. Have a good day! I'm counting down the days until my first of four Alaska cruises this summer. The first is on Majestic Princess June 2nd (47 days) then the Westerdam in early July, Discovery Princess early August and Eurodam early September. Have a good day! Karen
  12. Hi @atexsix Bruno, I hope you are getting things done and allowing time for yourself. It can be overwhelming I know. If you feel it would be appropriate I'd love to have a link to DD's obituary. That's only if you are comfortable with it. He was such a nice man and I enjoyed chatting with him at the Lincoln Center Stage. You were a great caregiver, from what I experienced, and caregiving isn't easy. Take care! Karen
  13. Good morning, We're having a lovely day here in the Pacific Northwest with the temp supposed to be above 60 later on (below 40 at the moment). I had a great afternoon with DS and DDIL and family yesterday. I made a batch of dinner rolls and headed over at 12:30 and got home at 7:00. A lot of visiting, laughter, and catching up with DDIL's parents. I've known them for over 40 years so always fun to get together. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary over Labor Day Weekend and I'm already told I'm invited and to bring my rolls and lemon bars! Today's plan is to get the things done I didn't get done yesterday so we'll see how that works out. Tomorrow we're back to lower 50's and rain so will enjoy the sun when I can. Karen
  14. Darn, I'll miss the sail away today as I'll be at DS and DDIL's house for lunch/visit as her parents are here from Anchorage area. Oh well. I'll be on the Eurodam in early September and I'm in the process of arranging for a burial at sea for DD DH. He loved his cruising! Karen
  15. @atexsix Bruno, so sorry to hear this news. Dad was a wonderful man and I know how much enjoyed his cruising and his music. It was a pleasure to spend some time with both of you on the cruise we did together. You are in my thoughts. Karen
  16. Good morning, It's a quiet start to the day here which I needed. It's going to get busier in a bit. I have a Widows Support Group potluck lunch "Spring Fling" at noon. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday as my contribution but need to package them up. I've got about 40 minutes left before I need to get out and moving. No to most everything on today and haven't been to the port. Less than 2 months to the first of my 4 Alaska cruises. This one is on Majestic Princess at the beginning of June and I'm going by myself. The other 3 (2 HAL and 1 Princess) have friends going with me. I'm looking forward to the one by myself as I'm becoming a good solo traveler. I mentioned earlier in the week that my DSIL passed away on Monday morning. Her service is next Friday, the 19th with a church one at 11 AM, reception afterward, then burial at a local cemetery. She fought a good fight against cancer but cancer won out in the end. She was an amazing quilter and I took a few pictures of her quilts yesterday that I have. Nothing else too exciting. Karen
  17. Good morning everyone, It's a cooler cloudy day here with showers in the forecast. I think it's a good day to stay home. I do need to do a bit of baking of something today to take to a potluck tomorrow. It's the widows support group one and desserts are always welcome so probably chocolate chip cookies. No pets here anymore. When DD DH was alive we had our share including ferrets, guinea pigs, turtles, hamsters and then cockatiels and parakeets. After the last cockatiels died I said "no more!". Hubby had all the enjoyment and I got all the cleanup! He had COPD so cleaning cages, etc. wasn't on his to-do list. I'll celebrate cleaning the pantry day today. I've been looking at mine, which is very roomy I think, and I really need to go through and pull the items I won't use and then rearrange it a bit. Also on the list today is getting April birthday cards ready to go and cleaning my desk in my craft room - a never-ending task. Karen
  18. Good afternoon, Wanted to check. in and let everyone know that I had a wonderful birthday yesterday (and remembered DD DH on our anniversary) and I was totally ok which was good. I tell folks I'm a tough old broad and yesterday was proof I guess. The day went really well. That decadent chocolate cake DS made was absolutely delicious and so rich!! It was two layers and the German Chocolate filling was in the middle but the cake itself was a very moist dark chocolate. For his first try at baking I'd say he hit it out of the park! I had lots of calls, emails, texts, etc. and we (DS, DDIL, and myself) had a lovely late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden. I had the cheese ravioli and have enough for dinner tonight. I got my free dessert there (cheesecake) and got my treat at Starbucks so it's a good thing water aerobics was on the top of the list this morning. I also checked in with my brother-in-law and he's doing ok. My sister-in-law's service will be the 19th at a local church with a reception and then graveside to follow. He was an awesome caregiver for her as she battled breast and brain cancer. He did everything possible to keep her home and make life meaningful for her. She did some amazing quilting and when I get a few pictures taken I'll post them, . Enjoy the afternoon/evening! Karen
  19. Good morning, At the risk of not missing someone THANK YOU everyone for all the good wishes! I'm doing ok today, so far, and hopefully it will continue. Yesterday DS surprised me by baking a birthday cake for me from scratch - his first ever! It's German Chocolate and looks totally decadent. When a friend comes for tea later we'll have a bite or two. The top says "Happy Someteen" which goes back to last year when DD DH was in the hospital on this day. I went in and he greeted me with Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. I asked how many years we'd been married and he could tell me 46 but when I asked how old I was her got a bewildered look and said "umpteen". It's become a favorite memory for me. Yesterday our sister-in-law passed away after a mighty struggle with brain and breast cancer. She went peacefully in her sleep which is good. She was at home and went downhill quickly this weekend. She was married to my DD DH's brother. She did beautiful quilting and we all have quilts to remember her by. Have a wonderful day! I'm heading out to lunch with DS and DDIL at Olive Garden this afternoon and looking forward to that. Karen
  20. Good morning, Quick note this morning as I need to get ready and head into town for water aerobics. Happy Birthday @StLouisCruisers and twin, @Norseh2o and Happy Anniversary to @Overhead Fred and @erewhon. Enjoy your days! Yesterday morning was a bit on the tough side and I called my son who decided he'd come over for a visit which did me a world of good. I haven't had that overwhelming sense of grief since the day my DH died so it was unexpected. I sort of expect it tomorrow as it would have been our 47th anniversary but didn't see it coming on Sunday. After a good visit with DS and lots of hugs I was much better and have been fine ever since. Have a good day! We won't see the eclipse as we're in the northwest corner of Washington state but that's ok. I did have the DARE program in school and many years had a DARE officer in my classroom. Karen
  21. Good morning, The sun is out but rain is in the forecast. I've been missing in action only because it's been busy and I've been in a bit of a funk which is unusual for me. I'll be fine - just have to work through things. Thursday a friend and I went to BC to visit my 97.5 year old mother. We were on the go the whole time! We went to a local mall so she could get her lottery tickets then to Northern Reflections where Mom got a pair of black jeans for me for my birthday. We went to Cob's bakery for scones (I have a triple chocolate one and a cinnamon one in the freezer to indulge in later). For lunch we went to White Spot for the shrimp sandwich and then my friend wanted to do IKEA. I've never been and it was interesting but not convinced I'd go again. My DM walked the whole thing with her walker, knew she had to use the restroom as we walked in and had her route planned! We got to her place at 11:20 and left at 5:00 getting home at 7:15 so a long day. Friday I got my second Shingles vaccine and the newest Covid booster so I have a sore left arm. Yesterday was visiting with a friend for a short time. I know why I'm in a funk so no worries. Just teary due to upcoming birthday/anniversary. Once I get over that I'll be fine. Have a great Sunday! My plan is to be home, watch the ships sail away, and be lazy! @kazu I hope you're feeling better soon. Hang in there! Karen
  22. DH, when he was alive, had to use oxygen. We've done canisters and a concentrator. Scootaround and Special Needs at Sea both will rent concentrators to use on the ship. These are the bigger ones that aren't as portable (they have wheels). He had his own portable one that was covered/paid for by our insurance so that solved some of the problem. Karen
  23. Checking in. Table is set, lasagna and cheesy bread ready for the oven. Guests coming about 2:00 so will put the lasagna in at 1:30 and the bread in at 2;00. I have some "son-do" jobs to keep DS busy like fill hummingbird feeders, put my recycle bins in the car so I can stop at the recycle place tomorrow and rotate my mattress 90 degrees. He has to earn his leftovers! Karen
  24. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest! We have a nice sunny day with highs about 60F so quite a treat. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Yesterday I got the homemade lasagnas done and then ran the steamer over the floors! I did two pans - a 9x13 and an 8x8 so plenty of lasagna and leftovers will go home or in the freezer. All I have to do today is put them in the oven and put together the cheesy bread which is easy. There will be 5 of us around the table which is a nice size. Have a lovely day! Karen
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