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Posts posted by Coveguy4

  1. I booked with a travel agent for the first time for my latest cruise. I've gone on many cruises before and never used a travel agent.


    After doing it this time, I will say I will never do it again. Besides an added travel agent fee, the price is exactly the same either way. It was also more work. Not only did I need to find the cruise I wanted, like always, but I had to convey that to the travel agent. The TA did get cheaper travel insurance, but I can get third-party insurance myself.


    If I used a TA again, it would be through a web site and not an individual TA. Would NEVER do that again.


    Under those cercumstances, neither would I, BUT.... My TA NEVER charges a fee, discounts my cruise fare and gives me OBC. I save 10 to 20% over Princess prices. I find the cruise I want, call or usually e-mail my request and am contacted right back. No fee involved, cheaper price on cruise and OBC. Whats not to like?

  2. They do get to keep direct tips if the auto-tip has been left in place. If it's removed, they don't.


    Technically, the system is that all tips are handed in to their supervisor who checks to see if the auto-tip has been removed. If it hasn't, it's returned to them. If they don't know the passenger's name or cabin #, it goes into the pool.


    The pool is there for a reason: to reward staff who work hard to make the passengers' cruise experience the best it can be even if they do not directly interact with the passenger. Without the pool and direct tips being put into it, the buffet and dining room (breakfast and lunch) staff, free restaurant staff such as Alfredo's, specialty restaurant staff, etc. would be stiffed. Before the auto-tip was implemented almost fifteen years ago, it wasn't unusual to see the dining room half empty so that passengers wouldn't have to face the waitstaff and give them a tip.


    No matter how many times this has been clearly explained......You will always have someone say "But a crew member...." I just sigh now.....lol

  3. I sailed on Princess just 2 months after a serious car accident. Had a concussion, very unstable on my feet when transfering into my wheelchair. Took a 5 day cruise in a handicapped mini. Best decision I could have made. Other than unable to even go up I step,(both hips fractured and bolted together along with my spine in 2 places) I had a great time, staff was wonderful, fellow passengers more helpful then I could hope for. I had my Dr's permission and my cruise sure helped with my mental outlook on my recovery.

  4. Ok. What is AIDP? Just figuring out most of the abbreviations.




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I believe meant AIBP..All Inclusive Beverage Promotion or could be All Inclusive Drinks Package...same thing

  5. I did the Princess train tour and thought it was great. The distance from port would make me hesitate on trying it on my own. Lunch was included at a local restaurant and was very good.The train depot is a new ultra modern wonder in itself. Went to all the must see stops and museum island was the highlight of the tour.

  6. Also some more clarification....If you buy the all inclusive, the water and sodas already stocked in your fridge from housekeeping is NOT included. If Elite, you won't be charged for set up, but all others will cost. If you get the all inclusive, just order a bottle at any bar and take back to room.

  7. It fits perfectly in a small leather business card holder. When in a suite, its provided by princess, room card on one side, coffee card on other. I keep mine with my passport between cruises. But like I said, you can get a small business card holder and use it instead, and you always have a place for it without falling out of a pocket.

  8. It may be just as well. The IC on the Coral is scrunched in next to the Casino. Very noisy and limited seating, we only went once on our New Year's cruise. Not a pleasant place.


    I have no problem with the IC on the Coral. Yes its smaller, but still wonderful, great food and with lots of choices, just less back up pastries in the case. I've seen complaints about smoke from casino, but it never was a problem for me.

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