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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. These are the pictures I posted on April 14, 2021. We have been to Geiranger and the fjord once in 2005. I'll add some of my pictures, some of which will be a repeat. We did a tour from the Marco Polo, which dropped us off in Hellesylt and picked us up in Geiranger. On the journey between ports, we stopped at Dalsnibba. I had to include a couple of shots from the overlook. At anchor with the Marco Polo was the Saga Rose. Unfortunately, both ships have come to the end of their sailing days. The Saga Rose, which holds the record for the most world cruises at 44, met her end in Jiangyin, China, in 2010. The Marco Pole is at the breakers in Alang, India. These next two show a little of the town and the joys of tendering. A couple of pictures as we sailed out of Geirangerfjord. Finally, the Seven Sisters from different angles as we sailed past. Lenda
  2. 🍁 HAPPY VICTORIA DAY! 🍁 Good morning from a sunny and calm central Texas. It is currently 66F, and we should see a high of 81F late this afternoon. I hope all our Canadian Dailyites are having a great holiday weekend. Like so many other Dailyites, we have instruments we don't play, so we don't need to buy any more. I salute the Merchant Marines on Maritime Day, but will skip goth day. The Groucho Marx quote is funny. I doubt none of us would land in jail, but of my two BFFs, one would be in the next cell and the other would be trying to raise bail. The meal sounds good, but I'll stick with chicken parm, just not today. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice and the price is reasonable. We were in Geiranger in 2005 on Marco Polo. That day we took a tour from another port and ended the tour in Geiranger. My notes say the first port was Hellesylt, but Google maps say the only way to get from one to the other port is by ferry. Some how our bus driver found a nice road through some spectacular scenery. I was also lucky enough to go to a taping of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1966 on the trip to NYC with other journalism students. We covered a lot of territory that week, and saw several Broadway plays at night. @smitty34877 Terry, what a way to be awakened in the middle of the night. I hope everyone could get back to sleep. @dfish Debbie, I hope you can walk the back pain off until you can get to the pain clinic. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your tummy settles down soon. BTW, Pullmantur Monarch was originally RCCL's Monarch OTS. Thank you for your pictures. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry your PMF is acting up, and hope the flare is short lived. I also hope you get some resolution about the dryer today. @Overhead Fred Fred, good pictures. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry Pat has an infection and hope the antibiotics have him feeling better soon and especially by Saturday for your belated anniversary celebration. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon after a busy day. The laundry is done, the chicken is in the oven, and the salad is made. Now, all that's left is cooking the rice and setting the table, along with the most important thing -- pouring the wine. Gerry, I'm glad the family is home safely even if their internal clocks need adjusting. It should have been an interesting afternoon meeting another Ukrainian. Mary Kay, I'm glad the stitches are out. That's good news about the TSA pre-check being approved quickly. Terri, I'm sorry you are having such a reaction to the booster, but glad your not having a PMR flare-up. It's good to know that your DH's MOHS site is healing without any complication. I bet he'll be glad when the stitches are out Friday. Lenda
  4. Good morning from another cloudy and breezy day in central Texas. It is 69F and will go up to 76F this afternoon. It's been a busy morning with laundry and errands. I needed to get gas for the car before we head back to Waco for DH's appointment and a W-M stop. Today there are three good days to celebrate. When we worked at du Pont in the late 1970s, they had forms called "Don't Say It, Write It" that were used for memos. After that experience, I've always preferred to us the written word when trying to resolve issues. The paper trail eliminates the he said, she said discussion. I was never a waitress, but have great respect for all the hard work they do while maintaining a pleasant attitude even in the face of difficult customers. After reading today's quote, I decided I must not be that old yet. I'm still tempted by things at times, but admittedly not as often as when I was younger. Today's meal looks good, but we'll be having chicken cooked in a mushroom sauce with rice and Watergate salad, along with our wine. We'll pass on the drink, but would try the wine. It was a nice surprise that it doesn't require a loan to buy. 😉. We have not been to Tangier. In 2001 when we planned to spend two weeks touring Spain before a cruise beginning in Barcelona, we talked about taking the ferry to Tangier. When our time in Spain was cut to one week because of 9/11, we had to skip Tangier. Amelia Earhart did a lot to prove women could do things people only thought men could do. @richwmn Rich, thanks for your pictures of Tangier. I hope we can get there some day. @aliaschief Bruce, we don't always plan what we'll do in port before boarding a ship, sometimes we have tours planned in ports where we feel it would be the best option. But we usually have an idea about what is offered in the ports. The Ho-Ho is always a good choice, too. @dfish Debbie, I sure River and her aunts appreciate you and Sue being there for her soccer games. @1ANGELCAT The outside "cousins" are cute. @Mtn2Sea Thanks for sharing your pictures of Tangier. @Cruising-along Carolyn, it sounds like a good way for the kids to use their energy. Are you taking earplugs with you? 🤣 Lenda
  5. Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. We look forward to seeing you here often. Lenda
  6. Good afternoon from central Texas. While today was not physically as busy, it was still not what I'd call an easy day. To hopefully keep me from buying books I've already read or that I have, I made lists of books I want, those I have and those I've read, especially those that are part of a series. For various reasons, I have not kept the lists up to date since about Christmas. Instead, I've made notes of those I want and try to remember to check off those I've read. Today, I made the time to tackle the lists and bring some order to them. Between having to double check on some of the books and trying to read my notes, it's taken me most of the day. I just finished printing the lists. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to take a much needed walk while it's still cloudy, breezy and still in the mid-70s. Vanessa, I'm glad you are feeling better. It's interesting the different rules in different countries for getting OTC and prescription meds. In Greece, you can get just about anything without a prescription and for a lot less than in the US. The same is true for Mexico. Jake, I'm glad you made it on the ship earlier than expected. I bet the crew and officers were relieved the Coast Guard did not show up today. Terri, I hope you don't have a flare up after the booster, and I hope your DH is better soon. I also hope you can the cleaning lady can get a schedule set up. I also hope the store will accept you old washer, or at least make a decent trade in for a different washer. It's good news that Fluff is still breathing well. Lenda
  7. Good morning from central Texas where it is 67F and heading to 78F. We have a strong north wind, and the skies are cloudy. The forecast is for clouds now until Wednesday or Thursday. We did have thunderstorms about 9 last night with some spectacular lightning all around us. We got some much needed rain, but still need more. Our next chance of rain will be Tuesday night into Thursday. I'm glad I got the yard done yesterday, and today will be an easy day. There are some millionaires who did not let money change them and continued to live as they always did. Warren Buffet is a good example of such a millionaire who uses his money for good. Then there are those who just flaunt their money and don't use it for good. I'd rather be in the Buffet group. We got rid of our bikes when we moved here, but sometimes we rode them to work when DH had his office about a mile from the house. There were concrete bike paths off the roads. Everyday should be endangered species day and should also include all species before they are added to the too long endangered species list. I smiled when I read the Jack Benny quote. We'll pass on the meal, but I used to enjoy the teriyaki Caesar salmon salad on BHBs. I hope the bring it back sometime. We'll pass on the drink. The wine sounds intriguing, but not at that price. When I saw the price, I did a double take and at first thought Ann @cat shepard had a typo in her review. Sorry, Ann. If you splurged on the wine, you definitely wouldn't want to spill one drop. 🍷 🤣 We have not been to Madagascar. It was on a cruise in 2004 that we cancelled when two ports we really wanted to visit were dropped from the itinerary. The Charles Lindbergh flight changed the course of aviation, which now allows us to get to cruises in interesting and exciting places. @Crazy For Cats Jake wishing you and your DH fair winds and following seas on your cruise. @superoma Eva, again our condolences on the passing of your father. I'm sorry you had to be the one to find him. ((((((HUGS)))))) His last gift to you and your DS of preplanning his funeral was very loving and thoughtful. @smitty34877 Terry, that is good news that Tana is feeling a little hungry now. @ottahand7 Nancy, safe travels to you and John as you head to your cabin tomorrow and Monday. It's good some of the work is already done, and I hope the generator and pump are easily fixed. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you are having to deal with a mess because a company won't respond to your lawyer. @ger_77 Gerry, great news your family is on their way home. I hope they have a smooth remainder of their flight. @Horizon chaser 1957 I also don't envy you dealing with the tent caterpillars. We had them once in The Woodlands, and once was enough. My suggestion is wine on the porch after the eave troughs are done. You will have earned the wine. Lenda
  8. Bon Voyage! I know you'll have a great cruise, and I lok forward to "going" along with you.
  9. @superoma Eva, our sincere condolences on the passing of your father. Our thoughts will be with you and your family during this difficult time. I hope the good memories of his long life will bring all of you comfort. Lenda
  10. Debbie, that's good news you are cleared for your surgery. And also that Tina @0106 will not let us go hungry while you are in the hospital. There's nothing like a puppy to brighten a day. Love the hat. Marcia, that is good news about the macular hole closing. DH had to have the YAG procedure after both his cataract surgeries. He said it is quick and painless, and it does make a difference. It is also done in the office. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon. It is 90F with mostly sunny skies and a lot of wind. Thunderstorms are predicted beginning after 4pm, and the radar shows what is supposed to be headed this way. I'll believe it when it starts raining. Even with our rain earlier this spring, our area is still considered to under drought conditions, and I can believe it with how dry the ground was today. If we don't get a fair amount of rain today, we'll have to resort to turning on the sprinkler. At least, I haven't hit any more sprinkler heads with the lawn mower There is still one that needs work, but it is not a priority. The yard is done, and I got everything I wanted to do except spraying the weed killer. It was just too windy by the time I was ready to spray. The wind did help when I was mowing, but the Texas sun is as strong as it is in Arizona. It took a little longer to trim and mow today because I forgot to charge the batteries yesterday. 😡 I managed to do most of the yard by using some batteries until they died while others were charging. Toward the end, I had to wait about an hour, so I took advantage of some down time reading and enjoying being outside. It recharged my batteries, too. As always, thank you, Graham. Loreto is still a sleepy Mexican town, and I hope it stays that way. When we first went to Cabo San Lucas, it was a sleepy fishing village. Over the years, it has become a resort destination, and is not the same. It's not bad, but not as laid back. I liked the looks of Sarah's steak and Pauline's pasta. That would be a difficult choice to make. Linda, I hope the racoons move on and you can get some sleep. Years ago, when we lived in The Woodlands and fed our cats on the deck, we had racoons and one baby skunk come nightly to help clean the food bowls. They were not afraid of the cats or the dogs, and one even treed one of the cats by getting in the tree below her. Sandi, I'm glad you are feeing better. It is strange that your DS and DB also felt bad today. Beautiful pictures of beautiful flowers, Jake. I especially like the purple iris. Thanks for the warning. Since I store my air fryer on another part of the counter from the outlets, I always haft to unplug it to move it after I'm finished cooking. Lenda
  12. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope you and your DH have safe and on time flights tomorrow, and a great cruise. Lenda
  13. We were in Loreto on the Ruby Princess in 2016. It is in the Sea of Cortez on the east coast of Baja California north of La Paz. Cruise ships usually only do one or two cruises in that area each year. We took a tour to San Javier, a small town up in the mountains; then, we walked through Loreto on the way back to the pier. I would like to go back and spend more time in Loreto. The sun rising on Loreto as we approached the anchorage. The main street and church in San Javier Behind the church was an area with ancient trees with twisted trunks. A local resident The little cafe where we had an early, good lunch On the way back to Loreto, we stopped at a view point with a wayside chapel. Back in Loreto, our guide took us to the local church. Loreto on the walk back to the pier and the tenders. Lenda
  14. Good morning from a mostly sunny with a light breeze central Texas. It is 70F now and will rise to 90F this afternoon. There is a chance of rain beginning about 6pm with a chance of thunderstorms overnight. As soon as I finish here, I'm heading out to trim and mow the yard before it gets too hot. I want to get it done today so the grass is not as wet when I mow. I also plan to spray the weed killer again. If there's time before it's too hot out, I want to do some work in the flowerbeds. I salute the Boy's and Girl's Clubs, but the nearest ones are in either Waco or the DFW area. We had a vegetable garden when we lived in Pennsylvania, but not since moving back to Texas. We watch the NASCSR races mainly to see how many wrecks there are. I don't agree with the quote, but I think some people do. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. We'll probably have cod tonight as fish and chips cooked in he air fryer. The wine sounds intriguing, but will pass because of the price. We were in Loreto in 2015 on Ruby Princess. I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes. Today's day in history marks the first steps in bringing the colonies together, and beginning the roots for this country. @dobiemom I hope you get good news from the eye doctor and that there is nothing serious going on. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you feel better soon. @kazu I hope you can get everything done today without interruptions. @aliaschief Great pictures of the hawk, Bruce. @ger_77 Gerry, it sounds like your family will make the plane tomorrow. I hope they have a safe and smooth flight. It's about time to head outside. Lenda
  15. After DH finishes his nightcap, we can turn on the dishwasher so there will be no dirty dishes until breakfast. It reached the point where I was doing what I call creative dishwasher loading. That is a very good report under the circumstances. Our older dachshund was on Lasix toward the end of her life. It really made a differnce. As a side note, both of our fathers were on Lasix at the same time. I agree with your vet that you will know when it is time. Before then, I hope younabd Fluff have a .lot more time to enjoy being together. Lenda
  16. Dixie, that is great news about Bailey. I hope she continues to do well for a long time. Ann, I hope that headache goes away very soon. Ann, thanks for the picture from the museum in Gander. The town really stepped up when needed. Maureen, I appreciated all the information about the last call. I hope writing the last call was not too difficult for your. That's a great picture. I'm glad the pressure meter is working and hope the pressure stays low until the surgery. It will be interesting to see how many hot tubs are delivered. I hope you do have the problem solved. Carolyn, that is good news from the doctor today. Sandi, just let me know the dates. A warning to the Dailyites, the links might be a little later than normal, but they will be posted. 😉 Bruce, I'm glad the cleaners are such hard workers. It seems you hit the jackpot. I hope the vet give you a good report and a plan to help keep Fluff comfortable. Lenda
  17. Good morning again. I'm back from my errands and haircut. My hair now looks like it should instead of standing straight up when she finished cutting it. Ann, I hope the visit to the community nurse's office goes well. It's good to hear things are pretty much back to normal. Carolyn, I hope the Nephrologist is happy with your results and that things are still heading in the right direction. Welcome home. Karen, thanks for the good report on your DH. It sounds like he is in the right place. I'm glad they found the wheelchair and that it will be delivered to you. I can't help wondering why the service transferred him out of his chair. Thank you Graham. Lenda
  18. This is what I posted the other two times NYC has been the port of the day. We have been to NYC many times beginning in 1966 when a college journalism professor took a group of students to NYC to visit various media outlets and related businesses. Four of us even got to sit in the studio during a broadcast of the Huntley, Brinkley Report, which was done without an audience. While we were waiting to go into the studio, we were standing near the dressing rooms for the Tonight show. We did not see Johnny Carson or Ed McMahon, but the actor Stephen Boyd stopped to talk to me. He wanted to know if I was a model. Starting three years later, DH and I made many day trips to the city while he was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, NJ. On Sunday mornings, we were 45 minutes from Times Square by car, but we'd park on Governors Island as it was still an active military facility. NYC was the only place I could show DH around. We've sailed out of NYC three times, once on the Rotterdam, once on the old Regal Princess and once on Tahitian Princess. The first two were also roundtrips, so we've sailed into NYC twice. In 2011, It was a port on our Prinsendam TA. I'll check my pictures to see what I have that is different. These are some pictures of Manhattan taken from the various ships as we sailed in or out of the harbor. In 2003, the Rotterdam sailed from NYC the day after the blackout that covered a lot of the northeast. Because of delays and cancellations of flights, the ship did not sail until early the next morning. These pictures were taken while the ship was docked, one before sunset and one at night of the same scene. These were taken on the very early morning return to NYC on the Rotterdam. The sunrise behind lower Manhattan Ellis Island and the sun just beginning to brighten the New Jersey side of the river In 2004, we sailed on time and these are from that sail away. The first is the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. In the foreground of the second are the ventilation towers for the Lincoln Tunnel. Sailing from Brooklyn around lower Manhattan with Battery Park in the foreground. The Staten Island Ferry The next pictures are from our port day in 2011 on the Prinsendam. We spent most of our time in lower Manhattan to see ground zero and the new construction. A Subway station A fountain in lower Manhattan St. Paul's Chapel The new construction from an observation room which accounts for the distortion Times Square on a cool, rainy day. Tad's where we often ate when DH was in the Army. It was cheap. A street on the way back to the Prinsendam Sailing under the Verrazano Bridge Lenda
  19. Good morning from central Texas. It is 71F with a predicted high of 84F. We have sun with a very few scattered clouds and so far no wind. This morning, I getting an haircut, and on the way I'll stop at the store and the bank. We have seen some interesting museums in our travels, and some not so interesting. Three that stand out are the one in Cairo that Gerry @ger_77 mentioned and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. The third is the national museum in Tirana, Albania. It was interesting, but the guide insisted on stopping at every display case and telling us about every item. All our dirty dishes are hiding in the dishwasher waiting for a full load. The ones that need hand washing are done right after dinner and put away before we go to bed after air drying. Most of our relatives that we've visited over the years have all died. We see the DDs when their schedules and ours (the easy one) work out. I found today's quote amusing, and probably partially true. The flatbread pizza looks interesting. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. When DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, NJ, we would drive into NYC on Sunday morning every few weeks, and I spent a week between semesters my freshman year on a trip led by one of the Journalism professors. We have sailed into and out of NYC several times, and in 2011, it was a stop on a TA on Prinsendam. By the time I saw Grauman's Chinese Treater, it was Mann's Chinese Theater. That day, since it was a turnaround day, we were pressed for time and did not try to go inside. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I hope the frost did not harm the apple trees. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad the covid test was negative, but sorry about the colds. Always enjoy seeing pictures of New York. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, if you would like, I can post the links to the day's ports and your pictures while you are visiting relatives and attending the graduation. Thanks for the pictures of NYC. @summer slope Dixie, I hope Bailey gets a good report from the vet today. @Nickelpenny The party yesterday and the custom song to celebrate your retirement sound nice. @smitty34877 Terry, I also like the Washington Square area. The first night on the college NYC trip, the group of students headed to an Italian restaurant in the area. One of the girls was from Brooklyn and knew the restaurant. An to think, my father probably thought his professor friend would be chaperoning us all the time. I think my father also forgot the drinking age at that time was 18. 🤣 We stayed in a relatively inexpensive hotel near Times Square, the Taft. We learned that was where the working ladies took their John's. On DH and my first foray into the the city, I showed DH Washington Square, and the Taft. As we were walking by the hotel, arm in arm, one of the ladies tried to take him away from me. 😁 @cruzn single Mary Kay, I hope the healing will begin to go more quickly. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your family can get home on time. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry about the dryer being damaged. I hope the store can get an undamaged replacement quickly. This must now be beyond frustrating. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon. We had just the right breeze to make my walk pleasant a few minutes ago. With all the rain the past few weeks when I couldn't take my walks, I'm having to start slowly again. Safe travels today, Susan. Ann, I'm glad your cleaning lady could come today. Sorry you're getting the smoke from the fires. Roy, it's great you could step in and help with the livestreaming of the services. I'm happy that Fluff is breathing well and seems comfortable. Brenda, I hope you get more much needed rain and that the smoke clears. I enjoyed seeing the pictures, thanks. Debbie, I know you are anxious to get that mass out. I hope next week's surgery goes well and the recovery is easy. Lenda
  21. Good morning from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas. The sun is supposed to stick around until the rain returns Friday night, but so far, just for the night. It is 66F with a predicted high of 82F. Finally, a nice spring day, even though spring is normally our rainy season. DH is more of a pack rat than I am, but like Jacqui's @kazu DD DH, it's generally things he thinks he'll need some day. Usually, within two weeks for throwing something out that hasn't been needed in decades, he'll need it. We are both on blood pressure medicine. Until last year, my BP would be high at the doctor's office (White Coat Syndrome) and lower at home. After the stress of the last few years, I finally needed to take something to lower it. Telecommunications and information are important, and I don't see how the world functioned without them. Forgiving is a good thing, even then, it's sometimes more difficult to forget. We'll pass on the meal as neither of us are fans of gnocchi. The drink sounds good if it's not too peachy, and I'd like to try the wine. We spent a week in Falmouth at an all inclusive resort in 1975, so all our pictures are slides. This was at a time before things in Jamaica got bad. Back then, only the capital, Kingston, was a place to avoid. We rented a car for three days, and toured the island from Ocho Rios to Negril. We flew into Montego Bay, and that was a nice place then. Rich @richwmn thank you for giving us two interesting days in history today. @kazu Jacqui, don't feel bad about the multiple posts. It could have happened to any of us. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I like the idea of your card club meeting at a restaurant so no one has be responsible for food, etc. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have someone reliable to keep your car going. @Mtn2Sea Robert, thanks for your pictures. Jamaica is a lovely island, and it's too bad it's no longer a safe place. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm happy you both got a better night's sleep. I know you are happy your dryer will be delivered today. @lindaler Linda, sorry about the problems with the kayak the other night. I hope the bruises fade quickly and you are not too sore after the incident. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the smoke clears quickly. I had a job once where using the teletype was one of the duties. It was hard enough trying not to get typos when "cutting" the tape. The one time we had to send and receive messages in real time was a nightmare. With two or three "big bosses" standing behind me dictating, trying not to make a mistake, but still type quickly was a challenge. The client, who I think was in Saudi Arabia, at least, understood what we were trying to say in spite of typos. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for your great pictures of Falmouth. Ironically, even though we were staying at a resort outside of town, we did not see much of Falmouth. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry you both have the sniffles, and I hope the test is negative. Lenda
  22. Brenda, I hope you ae staying inside and not getting smoke in the house. I hope the smoke blows away soon. Ann, I'm happy you now have help with the house. Your iris are gorgeous. Purple iris are my favorites, but I'm neve seen ones like yours. I'm jealous. Sharon, I hope the disembarkation goes smoothly tomorrow. Safe travels home with on-time flights and luggage on board. Lenda
  23. Good afternoon. I've slacked off in my walking the last few weeks between yard work, rain and hot days. This afternoon, I took my walk when I went to pick up the mail, and discovered again how true today's quote is. I'm a little out of shape. I guess this summer if I want to walk, I'll have to get up very early for me before it gets too hot. The rest of the day, I've been tackling Ancestry, and I'm making some progress. I traced one of DH's ancestors aback to 1480 in England, but then couldn't find anyone further back. Karen, I'm very glad your DH was transferred closer to home, and was welcome by the staff. But how do people manage to misplace a wheelchair that the patient is supposed to be using? I hope they find it soon. I'm glad you don't have that long drive anymore. Ann, I hope the cleaning lady agreed to work for you. You have enough on your plate without having to clean. I'm glad Fluff is home and feeling better, but very sorry about the cancer. I hope you can keep her comfortable and doing well for quite a while. Edi, I'm sorry you may have to have a procedure after all. The one proposed sounds better than having a valve replaced, so if needed, I hope it works well. Fluff could be the fluffy twin our our younger DD's cat who lived to be 18 years old. Frisky was always purring, almost 24/7, so when she stopped purring, DD knew it was time for Frisky to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Maureen, thanks for the amazing pictures. I always wonder when we are in the western mountains about people who do not put a firebreak between their houses and the tress. I'm glad your DH got the meter working, and hope the first reading was not completely accurate, but high. Lenda
  24. Welcome back, Rich. I will miss your live from thread, but it's good to have you at the helm of the Fleet/Daily again. Roy @rafinmd and Sandi @StLouisCruisers did a good job filling in, and we all appreciated their efforts to keep this wonderful place going. Good morning from another cloudy, windy day in central Texas. We received more rain overnight. It is 69F now and heading toward a high of 77F before heading back into the 80s tomorrow. It looks like we will be rain free until Friday night, and then most of the rain will begin Sunday or Monday. No telling what will actually happen. Trees are nice until they are too thick and limit the view, and until they drop their leaves, which seem to wind up in our port. I remember the ads for sea monkeys, but never wanted them. I put the shirt I planned to wear up and got out my purple shirt. I'm hoping for world peace, but I doubt if any aliens will come to earth in my lifetime. Jerry Seinfeld's quote is very true. We need to keep moving both physically and mentally. We'll pass on the meal, but will have shrimp creole for dinner tonight with our wine. We'll also pass on the drink. The wine sounds nice, but the price is a bit high. We have not been to Tunisia -- yet. Joan of Arc was a brave woman who gave her life for her beliefs. @tupper10 I'm glad you are feeling better. Recovery from back surgery is not quick as DH and I have found out. Still, we can see progress. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Tana's aide is working out so well. It's good you have some help and relief during the week. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry your DH had such a rough night. I hope tonight is better and that he keeps the Tylenol handy just in case. If time runs short when you do your errands, my suggestion is to stop at the wine shop first. 😉🍷 @Heartgrove Jack, I hope Sam has more good days than bad days. I know you will make the decision on cruising that is best for all of you. @cunnorl Charlene, that's good that you are getting stronger daily. Like Jack @Heartgrove, I know you and your DH will make the decision about the cruise that is best. @1ANGELCAT You and Fluff are in my thoughts. I hope there was significant improvement overnight. @Cruising-along Welcome home, Carolyn. HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY to your grandson. @durangoscots Safe travels tomorrow. It's a shame about the shooting in Farmington. Lenda
  25. @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Bruce, I hope you and Sue have an easy, safe drive home today. Best wishes for your 31st anniversary, and may you have many more. Lenda
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