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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. That is really good news. Here it takes about a week before we're mailed the results. The tech who does the mammograms usually calls within 24 hours if they need to do more checking, so we really know sooner. Elizabeth, I looks like the worst of the rain is past us. It also came in bands, some with extremely heavy rain. The weather station rain gauge says 1.81 inches of rain. I think the worst is heading north east and going south of most of the metroplex. Stay safe. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon from a gloomy and wet central Texas. It started raining about two hours ago, but it started pouring about ten minutes ago. Our county is under a tornado warning, and there was a tornado near West not long ago. Right now, besides thunder and lightning, we are getting marble size hail. The cars, motorhome and golf cart are all under cover, but it is loud on our metal roof. Looking at the radar the worst of the storm will be through here later this afternoon. And most of the really bad weather is east of I-35 and heading toward the DFW metroplex with most of it going toward the east. Just since I started typing our rain amount has gone from 0.11 to 0.36 inches. The weather app says we have an 11mph wind, but our neighbor's flag is hanging limp. There is standing water in a large portion of our yard, and we have a "river" running through our port. Maybe, it'll clean the dirt off the concrete. I hope @Haljo1935 Elizabeth and any other Dailyites in the path of this storm are safe, and stay safe. Safe travels to York, ME, this weekend. I hope someone at the open house falls in love with your condo and makes a very good offer. Vanessa, I'm glad you got seven hours sleep last night. I bet that shower will really feel good. I hope you have a waterproof patch to cover the bandage on your incision. This is for your BFF for taking such good care of you. Karen, I like snickerdoodles, but I've never heard of chocolate snickerdoodles. Could you share the recipe with us? Sharon, I'm glad your DM is doing better, and I hope she recovers fully soon. I like the sounds of your salmon power bowls. Carolyn, thank you for the pictures from Hobart. Sandi, I hope they can get the match in tomorrow morning. That is supposed to be our windy day. The rain has slowed down for now, but I think we'll get more later. The rain gauge on the weather station now reads 0.61. Lenda
  3. Good morning from a cloudy and windy, 12mph, central Texas. It is 72F and heading to 78F this afternoon. According to the weather app, it will begin raining soon, and rain on and off the rest of the day. The wind is supposed to pick up to 19mph, and tomorrow the winds will be 20+mph with more rain. There is a possibility we could have severe thunderstorms. I keep reminding myself this is our rainy season, and we don't have to turn on the sprinkler. Not sure what we'll be doing today. Three good days to celebrate or at least in the case of Chernobyl to remember and hope we won't have anymore disasters like that. I have several Australian friends who I would love to hug. I always love Mel Brooks comments and movies. My two favorites are "Blazing Saddles" and "The History of the World, Part 1". I would enjoy the salmon but without the power bowl. HAL used to have a teriyaki salmon salad that was very good. If I was going to drink today's drink, I would try the first recipe. We'll pass on the wine. We have not been to Hobart or any other port in Tasmania. Shipping containers and container ships have changed how we move goods from one place to another. Several years ago, there was a lecturer on Prinsendam who's topic was "The Box That Changed The World. It was about shipping containers and was very interesting. @grapau27 Thank you, Graham, for elaborating on the days today. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the pictures of your ship. We sailed on two of her sister ships when they were part of the Princess fleet. Nice small ships. @MISTER 67 I'm sorry the Lightning did not win last night. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you moved yourself to the celebration list. @Cruzin Terri Terri, that is good news that things are calmer now. @smitty34877 Terry, safe travels to your NH family. I hope you are well rested, and that whatever happens will be easier to handle now. @1ANGELCAT I hope your mammogram shows everything is normal. @rafinmd Roy, that was good news your PSA are dropping. @0106 Tina, thanks for presenting our selection of recipes while Debbie @dfish is traveling. @kochleffel Paul, thank you for researching and presenting our drink recipes. @summer slope Welcome home, Dixie and George. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the good memories of your DH help ease the pain on this sad anniversary. Lenda
  4. @dfish Debbie, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and many more happy birthdays in your future. Safe travels today. Lenda
  5. Debbie, safe travels tomorrow. I hope you miss the worst of the traffic. Enjoy your weekend visiting with friends. Lenda
  6. Maureen, even when it is expected, the passing of a loved one is never easy. Our condolences to you, your DB and niece and the rest of the family. Glad you made it home safely, and great that two days after surgery your DH was able to help with the driving. Lenda
  7. Again, I survived W-M. The store was not very crowded, and there was very little traffic on the way back home. Did see an interesting maneuver as I was driving through our little town. The road is four lane with a turning lane and wide shoulders, so it's pretty wide. There was a semi stopped on the side of the road, when all of a sudden there was a small break in traffic, and he preceded to make a U-turn. I was going slow enough, but the car in the next lane had to hit the brakes. I guess he was successful since I didn't hear any crashing sounds or horns as I turned into the grocery store. Vanessa, I'm sorry you did not sleep as well in your bed. Hopefully, you will be able to get a good night's sleep in your recliner until the incision is not painful. I'm so happy the surgery worked, and you are pain and tingling free. Please tell you BFF we all appreciate the good care he is giving you. Edi, thanks for the nice picture of you and your sister. Pennie, "All of Us" is the study DH is in. At one appointment in November 2019, I asked about joining, and was told I could the next time we were there, which would have been April 2020. I never had the opportunity to enroll. We normally book our HAL cruises with our PCC. We have on occasion booked directly on-line or just called the regular number. We also used a big box agency once, and since it was a special cruise, we had someone to contact who answered our questions. We've had one great PCC and a couple of good ones. It helps if you know which cruise you want, and if flying which flights. Carolyn, I know what you mean about the price of a haircut on a ship. I get just a haircut since my hair is very short. For a time, I could talk them into giving me a man's cut at the man's cut price, but that is getting harder and harder to do. The ship's price for a ladies cut is 3 or 3+ times what I pay on land. I'm glad Amber is alert and her personality seems unchanged. I'm sorry she still cannot move her left side, and I hope the doctors can figure out what is going on and that she has a full recovery. Great pictures of Santorini. Thanks for the story about the Pacific Dining Car. I wish more wineries would use screw tops. Terri, I'm glad you could talk to the nurse and are more comfortable about the medicine. I'm also glad you are feeling better about everything. Terri, I have read that dementia patients do better in familiar surroundings, and that might explain why an upcoming trip made Jim anxious. Lenda
  8. In 2019, the Veendam took us to Santorini for our second visit. We opted to take a ship's tour that included the Minoan ruins, Oia and Thira. Akrotiri was Cycladic cultural settlement related to the Minoan culture. The village was destroyed by the volcano in the 16th century BCE. The village, named for the nearby modern village of Akrotiri, is well preserved and is still being excavated. The first excavations were in 1867. A couple of stops on the way to Akrotiri. The first was a roadside chapel, the second the view from the road, and finally ruins of an old windmill. Pictures of some of the ruins, which fortunately are under a cover to protect them and us from the sun. It is hard to tell, but the site is huge. Oia near where the bus dropped us off. The church and views from Oia We had quite a bit of free time in Oia, and after wandering through most of the upper part of Oia, we found a nice place to sit and enjoy gelato. This view. I think, is Oia from the Veendam. Lenda
  9. We have been to Santorini twice on BHBs. In 2016, we were there on Prinsendam. That day, we took the gondola up to Thira and walked around a little but it was very crowded. We stopped at a restaurant near the gondola entrance and enjoyed a coke and the view. The line back down looked long, but moved fast. These are the pictures of Thira from 2016. The gondola, which for us beat the steps. While I'm not fond of gondolas, it was the steps getting to and out of the cars that bothered me. The steps down fairly up close and then a long view of the entire trail. The area around the tender dock I'll post the pictures from our second visit in a few minutes. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a cloudy and breezy central Texas. It is currently 68F with a predicted high of 78F. We have a 9mph wind with 96% humidity and a dew point of 67F. It will be cloudy all day with higher winds and rain beginning early tomorrow morning and lasting most of the day. It looks like we'll be getting rain off and on through the weekend and possibly through Wednesday. The main item on the agenda today is a trip to W-M to pick up the prescriptions from our annual doctor visits. DNA is useful in many different ways, and DH had his done as part of a nation wide research study at Baylor Scot and White. He is still waiting to get his results. Elba Day marked the beginning of the end of WWII. I like both my hairstylists, one here and one in Quartzsite. I need to call her today to make an appointment for a haircut. I basically agree with the Tom Wilson quote, but you need goals for tomorrow. The meal looks good, and I think I'd like the third recipe, but will check out all the recipes. We like shrimp, broccoli and garlic. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Santorini twice on BHBs, Prinsendam and Veendam. In 1507, cartographer Martin Waldseemüller gave the New World its identity when he first used the term America. @MISTER 67 Congratulations on another round where you shot one under your age. I sorry the rest of the team did not have as good a day. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana had a couple of rough days. It is nice your DDIL could calm the situation down. Wishing the family safe travels tomorrow as they head back to NH. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the stunning pictures of Dubai. I hope we get there someday. It was on the two world cruises we had to cancel. @RMLincoln Maureen, safe travels up I-95 today. I hope you miss all the heavy rush hour traffic. @0106 Tina, thanks for the Penguin pictures. @Seasick Sailor Joy, cute picture of Oliver. @grapau27 Graham. thank you for the explanations of the days. Lenda
  11. @ger_77 Gerry, please wish Maurice a VERY HAPPY 83RD BIRTHDAY, for us. I hope the valve replacement approval comes through soon. It would be the perfect birthday present. Lenda
  12. Annie, that is good news the cancer has stopped growing, and may be receding. I really hope that is the case. I’m sorry the the stent in Chuck's leg will need replacing soon. I hope the pain therapy will help. Elizabeth, thanks for the update on the school shooting. It's sad someone died. My heart goes out to his mother. No mother should lose a child, and to lose two to gun fire is horrible. Maureen, that is really good news your DH is doing so well after his surgery. Safe travels home tomorrow. Lenda
  13. Finally the conditions were right to spray the weed killer, even though the timing was less than ideal. When we went for our after dinner golf cart ride, we noticed there was only a light breeze, so even though it was after dinner, and I was very tired, the weeds were sprayed. I mixed more than I needed, so there is enough for a second application. It will be windy tomorrow with rain tomorrow night. Luckily, the only thing pressing tomorrow is a trip to W-M to pickup a few prescriptions. Terri, I hope you can see the doctor tomorrow, and find out about the medicine and how to take it. Small town living is nice until you need a specialist. We are fortunate to have access to specialists not too far away. HUGS! Denise, beautiful pictures. I'm in awe of your talent. I have trouble drawing a straight line with a ruler. Lenda
  14. Yes, he was on for part of our 106 days on board. Cess Teslar was Hotel Director. He retired before the Grand South American cruise in January 2018. Elizabeth, I'll have to check the shooting out. Been too busy today. Lenda
  15. Yes, that was a wonderful cruise. We missed out on Ed Murphy's tour, did a good ship's tour to the DMZ. Never thought we’d get there ot Vietnam including Hanoi. We enjoyed Ed's talk about his experiences. Terri, you did what was best for you at the time with the information you had at the time. I know you said that Jim liked his doctor, but maybe it's time for a new doctor. I'm glad your DM is doing well. Lenda
  16. Good afternoon from a still humid central Texas. It is cloudy, humid and 80F with a slight breeze which is slow enough to spray the weed killer. However, after a long day cleaning house, I'm not sure if I have the energy to lug a heavy sprayer around the yard, much less mix the weed killer and water. I guess we'll live the with weeds a bit longer. At least, they are green. Joy, I was sorry to read about your friends, on in ICU with heart failure and the other with a second stroke. Sending positive thoughts for both for better days. Yeah on Allen finally getting his Dupixent, and I hope it works as expected. Too many drugs have outrageous prices. Vanessa, that is excellent news you are pain and tingling free, and that you are sleeping well. Please be careful with you back until the stiffness and soreness are gone. I'm glad the muscle relaxant and Tylenol all you need. I'm glad you have BFF to take care of you, and that he has your to care for him. Sandi, I'm glad Linda is able to sleep at night, and I hope she is not getting behind in controlling her pain. Gerry, I'm glad Ollie has you as a friend and someone to lean on during this difficult time. Roy, we have been on a cruise together, but we did not meet then. IIRC, it was the TA on Prinsendam in November 2017. Elizabeth, I'm sorry you had to cancel your two Westerdam cruises for health reasons. It's never an easy decision, but taking care of your health comes first. Once all that is behind you, you will probably enjoy future cruises much more. Just a thought, can you fill in the depression (aka lake) in your yard with dirt? Ray, we were on a cruise together in 2018, but I don't think we met then. It was the Circle the Northern Pacific on Coral Princess not a BHB. Sharon, I'm sorry your DM is not doing better and is weak. I hope the antibiotics help her, and she recovers quickly. The good news is her chest x-ray was clear. I hope you get some good news tomorrow in the follow-up visit. Lenda
  17. Good morning from and overcast and humid (100%) central Texas. It is 67F with a dew point of 67F. There is only a slight chance of rain today, and our predicted high temperature is 78F. This will be quick since it's house cleaning day, and I slept later than intended. We'll let someone else celebrate Sauvignon Blanc day. The other two days are interesting, and I hope all animals still in laboratories are treated humanly. The quote is another interesting one. Salmon cakes are good, but a nice salmon fillet is easier to prepare. I'll take a Mimosa, and would like to try the wine, but it's pricey. We have not been to today's port. The sending of a tv signal by satellite in 1962 was a huge step in broadcasting. @MISTER 67 I hope your Lightning can overcome the 2-0 deficit in the playoffs. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for all the explanations of the days. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the beautiful pictures of Abu Dhabi. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope your DH gets a good report from the surgeon. Safe travels today and tomorrow. Enjoy your visit with your friend, and your time with your prayer circle friends. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I could not like your post because of the snow. I hope this is the last snow for many months. @marshhawk Annie, if you get a paycheck, being a pawn between your bosses might not be too bad. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry today is a sad day, and I hope the situation improves. You are stronger than you think since you had the courage to make the necessary but difficult decision that was best for both of you. Lenda
  18. It always oays to check.. Things change often, you have tomkeep checking. Lenda
  19. The yard looks so much better now that it's been mowed. With all the rain and waiting an extra two days to mow, the grass kept sticking to the underside of the mower, so I had to stop a few times and clean it out. All I can say about dinner, is thank goodness of leftovers. Thanks for more wonderful pictures, Brenda. We've seen the green flash a few times, but as spectacular as in your two pictures. I also loved your snorkeling pictures since that is one of my favorite things to do. We snorkeled a bit in Kauai on a Napali Coast tour, but it was nothing like your pictures. Maureen, I know it's a relief that your DH is out of surgery and in recovery. Tina, we've rented cars in Kona every time but this year when we took a HIA tour. We've rented cars in the Courtyard by Marriott the last few times, but when DH check this year, the car rental office was closed. The nearest place to rent cars that he could find were at the airport, which is a ways out of town. Hopefully, things will be different when your are there. Lenda
  20. Annie, I hope Tigger is now recovering from the infection and fever. Enjoy your lunch and dinner out today. Vanessa, that is the best news we've had in a long time. I'm so very happy you have no leg pain with the bonus of a good night's sleep. Take it easy and enjoy being pampered by BFF. I have enjoyed all the pictures from Kona, and Brenda @bennybear yours are so beautiful. Now, it's off to mow the yard. I won't get too hot since it's 72F, cloudy with a cool south wind. A cool south wind is weird, but true. Lenda
  21. My pictures below are from our three BHB stops in Kona, We were there in 2014 on Veendam, and in 2017 and 2018 on Westerdam. We rented cars those days and drove north to Kapaau. I have a few pictures of the area near the tender dock that were taken in 2017. King Kamehameha statue outside the visitor center in Kapaau, and the view across the road. A couple of pretty birds on the grounds of the visitor center. For the garden club The rugged coast near the north point of the Big Island Lapakahi State Park A lava tube close the the highway. We did not venture from the roadside. The area near the tender port Lenda
  22. On February 9, we did the Kona Highlights tour as part of our HIA package. We had a beautiful day for touring. The coast and the Atlantis submarine being towed to it's dive position. While waiting for our check-in time for the tour, I walked down the main road to the Church and the Palace. First, the beach and swimming area just off the tender pier. The view from our first stop, a coffee planation. These buildings were part of their processing facility. Our second stop was St. Benedict Catholic Church in Captain Cook, Hawaii. It is known as the Painted Church. The interior was painted by a priest using house paint. Part of the grave yard The memorial to Father Damien. The original steeple Our final stop was a National Park which was the Royal Compound and is considered sacred by native Hawaiians. The Royal compound and sacred ground Lenda
  23. Good morning from a sunny and breezy central Texas. It is currently 56F with a predicted high of 78F, but the clouds will be moving in later this morning. Our 11mph wind will increase to 17mph this afternoon. This morning is DH's turn for his annual visit with out PCP. We're not expecting any surprises since we've seen the results of last week's blood tests. Once we're home, I will be mowing the yard before it turns into a jungle with all the rain we had over the weekend. I was also hoping to be able to spray the weed killer, but the wind will be too high. I'll celebrate the English language in all it's variations. I enjoy a nicely toasted English muffin with jelly. I have never watched Dr. Who, so I appreciate Graham's @grapau27 explanation of the Impossible Astronaut Day. Another interesting quote from Oscar Wilde, but I don't agree with it entirely. We'll pass on the meal, and instead have the leftover meatloaf and scalloped potatoes from the other night. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if it wasn't so pricey. We were just in Kona on February 9, and enjoyed our HIA excursion. I'm happy England changed over to the decimal system of currency in 1968, many years before we visited that country. @VMax1700 Colin, I'm glad the Bay of Biscay was kind to you. We've seen it calm, and seen it earning it's reputation for being rough. I hope the patient that was evacuated from the ship will recover quickly. @AncientWanderer Maxine, I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise. Thanks for the pictures. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you are getting a rest from chores, shopping, cooking, etc. while your NH family is visiting. Glad your DS is tackling some of the chores. It's good to know that when Tana is not up to joining the family for dinner someone is joining her for dinner. @marshhawk Annie, thanks for the pictures of the kittens yesterday. @aliaschief Bruce, great pictures of the animals, and thanks for the information about the game preserve. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the eye procedure goes smoothly today. @RMLincoln Maureen, best wishes for an easy surgery and recovery for your DH today. Lenda
  24. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope you have a wonderful day today. Lenda
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