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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. We are back from out trip to the PO and W-M. Our passports are now in the hands of the PO, and the clerk said we should get the new ones in 4 to 6 weeks. The nurse when I had my check-up said the liquid has been improved and isn't quite as nasty to drink. Also, you don't need to drink as much. She said it was once in the afternoon and once in the morning. She didn't know about the pills, but the nurse practioner several years ago mentioned the pills. Eva, I hope your pretty flowers survive the thunderstorms. Good news about your lab work. Carolyn, thank you for sharing the news about Amber. Even baby steps in improvement are good news. I hope Houdini begins to gain weight. Jacqui, I hope the antibiotics are working. I don't blame you for not wanting to se the podiatrist again. Lenda
  2. Joy, we have several of those battery operated jumpers. A word of caution. Be sure the jumpers are charged when you leave home. Lorraine, how awful for your friend. To have one grandson in the hospital with serious complications from Crohn's, and then to have another killed in a car accident. I hope the first grandson recovers, and our condolences to your friend and her family on the loss of her grandson. Lenda
  3. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It is 73F and will go up to 87F this afternoon with more sun. As Elizabeth @Haljo1935 said, we are not supposed to get any more rain until Thursday, and that looks like the only for rain until next Tuesday. This morning we'll be heading to the Post Office in the county seat to get our passport pictures taken, and then to send the old passports and applications for in for renewal. While we're there, we will make a quick stop at W-M to pick up some prescription refills. As far as the days today, someone else can have my Cosmopolitan and Sauvignon Blanc. Cystinosis is one of those rare diseases that need more attention. I've always enjoyed John Lennon's "Imagine", and I wish the world would join the dreamers and we could live as one. We'll pass on the meal because of the seasoning, and also on the drink of the day. The wine sounds good, but not at that price. Sadly, we have not been to Kushiro since it was a port we had to miss on our 2018 Circle the North Pacific Cruise. The 1952 publication by Geoffrey Dummer of the concept for the integrated circuit was revolutionary as far as computer, and led the way to smaller and faster computers, including our modern telephones. @MISTER 67 Good news on your labs and test results for you annual physical. @grapau27 Graham, thank you telling us about cystinosis, something I'd never heard of. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry the foot was too painful to allow you to sleep. Don't worry about whining or complaining to us. We are all interested in how you are doing. I'm guessing you are looking for a new place to get a pedicure in the future. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the eye procedure goes smoothly today, and that the neurologist has another drug to help that the insurance company will approve. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have help when needed. Because of cedar pollen, we have the a/c on and the windows closed. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm very happy you and Jim found a way to travel that Jim can enjoy without stressing out. @dfish Debbie, I hope the ablation is approved and can be done soon. I hope the pain clinic can help with the neck too. @richwmn Rich, it's not RC Co-cola, but a Moon Pie is also good with Dr. Pepper. It can become a "big smore" if heated in the microwave. That's how DH likes them, and sometime with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the vet visit goes well, and the entry into the carriers is not difficult. Lenda
  4. Maureen, I second the suggestion to use EMTs to help when needed. We used them when we needed to get DH from the bed to the car or back to bed when he had doctor visits and needed to go to the hospital. One of our neighbors also called them to get her DH to and from the car. The ones we met are wonderful caring people. One even sat down at our piano and gave us a short concert. Lenda
  5. Vanessa, I'm sorry it turned out BFF did break his ankle. We really do need to invest in bubble wrap. Beautiful pictures, Brenda. Lenda
  6. A little late, but I just noticed Teacher Appreciation Week began today. I appreciate most of the hard working, dedicated teachers I had and the DDs had. However, there were a very rare few that should never have gone into teaching. Maureen, I'm glad that DH's eye is better with less inflammation. I'm sure between the doctor you're seeing in NJ and the surgeon, you will get the best advice on how to proceed. Lenda Lenda
  7. The yard is done, and I also finally had time to wash the patio furniture that sat outside all winter. Now, once it dries, I can get the cushions out of the storeroom, and begin enjoying sitting outside reading on nice days. A lot will depend if and when it stops raining, how much time I will have to enjoy sitting outside. While it was not that hot, and was cloudy and windy, it was still not the most comfortable day for mowing. The humidity made me think I was back near the Gulf Coast. I much prefer dry heat having grown up in west Texas. At least, the yard looks good for another week or so. Ray, when has the government ever made sense? A couple more acronyms: IFFC = If I remember correctly and IMHO = In my humble opinion. Sometimes, you just have to make a guess from the context of the post. Sometimes, I Google the acronym now that the CC list is history. Sandi, I'm glad you reached home safely and without too much traffic. I'll try to pay better attention in the mornings and post the links if you haven't posted by the time I get on the FR/D. Jacqui, I hope the mega dose of antibiotic knocks out the infection quickly, and that the foot feels 100% better soon. In the meantime, just rest and heal. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon. It's windy and cloudy with no chance of rain until overnight. I decided to take advantage of no rain and will be heading out to mow the yard. Hopefully, I can get a couple of other things done too. I will gladly celebrate nurses day. We've met some wonderful nurses over the past two years. Congratulations to the Stars, even though I don't follow hockey. My mother was the hockey fan in the family. Welcome home, Colin and Ellen. @Overhead Fred Welcome home, Fred and Mitzi. Maureen, I hope all goes well at Richard's appointment, and that the doctor is pleased with the recovery. Lenda
  9. Pennie, congratulations on the impressive weight loss. Oh no, Vanessa. I hope BFF's ankle isn't broken. I'm glad you were able to drive and to get him to the ER. Lenda
  10. Unfortunately, I am not able to repost Sandi's @StLouisCruisers pictures for her since they have disappeared from her post on January 10, 2023. We have been to Bar Harbor seven times by cruise ship, and once by land in 1974 when we tent camped in Acadia National Park. In 2004, we did a roundtrip NYC to Montreal and back on the old Regal Princess, with two stops in Bar Harbor. The rest of our visits were on the Veendam in 2013 with two b2b 14-day cruises out of Boston. In 2019, Bar Harbor was our last stop before Boston on Veendam's TA. We took Oli's Trolley tour of Acadia. In 2013, I booked two other tours before we left. One was a whale watching tour that is best forgotten. It was so rough, no one left their seats. We should not have left the dock, and even the whales were smart enough to go someplace else. We got vouchers for a free whale watching trip to be used with in three years. We were back two weeks later, but decided to pass. That was one day I did not take any pictures. On a brighter note, the previous time, we'd booked a tour on the Lulu Lobster Boat, and that was fantastic. We learned a lot about lobsters, Maine and wildlife. Plus, as the pictures show, it was a sunny, calm day. Pictures as we sailed back to the dock. Just a few pictures of our walks around this very pretty town. In 2004, this boat was returning from a tour as our ship was getting ready to sail. Lenda
  11. Now, I'll finish the post was started when I realized Sandi @StLouisCruisers was on the road before she was able to post the links to previous days Bar Harbor was our port of the day. Not only was Joseph Brackett a member of the Shakers, he was an American composer and song writer, and the most famous song attributed to him is "Simple Gifts". We don't diet here, but by changing the way I serve our meals (most times) and some of the food we are eating, I managed to lose about 20 pounds and have kept them off for almost two years. No homework here since we graduated, but to paraphrase Shakespeare, housework by any other name is still housework. An interesting quote by Plato, and after four years reading the daily, I realize there are some on here who are fighting harder battles. That helps put things in perspective. We'll pass on the meal (kale) and the drink. I would try the wine if it was offered. We have visited Bar Harbor several times on cruises and once on a camping trip in, I think, 1974. Today in 1626 was an interesting day in Dutch and American history, but maybe not such a good day for the Native Americans. @dfish Debbie, I hope your allergies aren't too bad today. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your quilt when it is finished. @StLouisCruisers I hope Sandi has a safe trip home, and does not encounter heavy traffic around Atlanta. @ger_77 Gerry, sorry about the damage the voles did to your yard. I hope your DH's plan works next winter. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad the nurse wanted to make a house call, and you could get an appointment today. I hope the doctor finds the problem and your foot is better soon. Lenda
  12. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It is 72F with a predicted high of 82F, and 100% humidity with a dew point of 72F. Rain is predicted for late afternoon, and then none tonight or tomorrow. Maybe the yard will be dry enough to mow tomorrow afternoon before the rain returns Wednesday. Before I go any further, Bar Harbor has been our port of the day twice before, on July 4, 2021 and January 10, 2023. The links are listed below for anyone who would like to share their pictures that were posted previously. Lenda
  13. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I don't know where my mind is today. Please congratulate Morgan on her graduation. Lenda
  14. Joy, I forgot to answer your questions about Japan. I was just looking at that cruise, and it said visas are required for some nationalities. We have never needed a visa to visit Japan, but our last visit was in 2018. Usually, HAL will list the visas you will need when you check-in for the cruise on line. We've never gotten special shots for Japan either. There is a travel clinic in Austin that our DD uses when she is traveling to exotic places. They seem to know which shots are needed for which country. Sorry, but I don't know the name of the clinic or where it is located. Lenda
  15. Good morning from central Texas. I sound like a broken record since it's still cloudy and soggy, but no rain is predicted until later today. But, the weather forecast around here is merely a suggestion. We had quite a sound and light show last night with a lot of thunder and lightning that lasted for several hours. We also received 2.31 inches of rain according to the weather station rain gauge, and eyeballing the old fashioned rain gauge from a distance, it looks like about 2.5 inches. There is now a river flood warning for the area. Since our lake is a flood control lake, I expect to see the water level has risen during the past week. At this rate, the beaches and picnic areas near the shoreline will be flooded. It is currently 67F with a predicted high of 78F and more rain overnight. I hope we don't have to dig out the snorkels and masks. 😁 Cartoonists deserve a day, and we should all be aware of childhood strokes. I'll also celebrate Chanel No. 5 since that is the scent I wear, which I buy at duty free shops. Cinco de Mayo is a bigger celebration in Texas than in Mexico. The Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote is a little heavy for early in the morning. I'm glad Debbie @dfish decided to skip Eleanor and instead give us fajitas for dinner. I'm not sure if that will be on our table tonight since we had them last week, and chicken nachos Friday night. BTW, the chicken nachos started out to be the queso chicken from several months ago. I wanted to used boneless, skinless thighs instead of breasts, and by the time I trimmed all the fat off the thighs, they were in pieces. I cut them in bite size pieces, and added all the other ingredients. We served them on tortilla chips with sour cream and guacamole, and the were surprisingly tasty but messy. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds like one I'd try, and with a decent price. We have not been to Exmouth, Australia. The 1891 opening of what is now Carnegie Hall was a good day for music lovers. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for giving us the history of Cinco de Mayo. Even many Texans mistakenly think it's Mexico's independence day. @misrad4 We agree that it was a thrilling finish to the Kentucky Derby. I don't remember ever seeing so many horses in the lead that close to the finish line. @aliaschief Bruce, please be careful in the rough seas. @kazu Welcome home, Jacqui. I'm glad Ivan did well and it's always nice when someone else thinks our fur babies are good boys and girls. I'm sorry your foot gave you problems on the cruise, and I hope you can see the doctor soon. I hope all your wonderful memories of DD DH help ease the sadness of today. @VMax1700 Hope you have a safe and smooth flight today, Colin. Thanks for the picture of the beautiful flowers. @Seasick Sailor Joy, that's a great picture of you and Allen. The party sounds like fun. @ottahand7 Congratulations on the win yesterday, but sorry John lost. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you had so much help yesterday, and will have help today. Please take it easy, and I hope the neck and shoulder are better soon. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry you are not sleeping as well in your bed, but glad the recliner is an option. Give BFF a big hug for taking such good care of you these past two weeks. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope Ollie is doing well, and I'm glad she has you and your DH to help. Good luck with the electronics. Lenda
  16. @YourWorldWithBill Have a great time on your cruise. Lenda
  17. @Heartgrove Hope you and Sue have a wonderful, relaxing cruise. Lenda
  18. Jacqui, i enjoyed your live from very much. By now, I hope you are safely home.
  19. Rich, thanks again for letting us tag along on your cruise. Safe travels today. Enjoy your stay in Ottawa., and have a safe flight home on the 9th.
  20. Debbie, I remember you mentioning using the hula hoe, and I'm glad you like it. It makes it easy to get most of the weeds out of the rocks in Quartzsite. One wouldn't work here because of the mulch and plants in our two small flower beds. Fortunately, they don't take long to weed, even when we've been gone for months. It also wouldn't work in the grass where most of the weeds are. Lenda
  21. Carolyn, that is good news they finally caught the zebra, and she seems to be in good shape. Sandi, your post was gone by the time I got to The Daily, but from what others said, and having lived in the south and south Texas, roaches were my guess. I'm glad you found a suitable hotel and got a refund for the unused nights. Once when older DD was still using a crib, we found roaches all over our hotel room including the crib. Even though it was late at night, we immediately checked out and moved down the road to a better hotel. Lenda
  22. Good morning from another wet day in central Texas. It is 69F with a predicted high of 78F. According to the weather app, our rain is supposed to start about 1 pm, but the driveway and road are wet. In any case, it will be a wet weekend continuing into Monday morning. We will be watching the Kentucky Derby, but it's still not the same as being at the racetrack. Firefighters deserve our support and respect for risking their lives to protect people and property. I guess business brokers deserve a day. I'm not sure I respect chickens, but they are interesting. Here are some chickens on the north shore of Oahu. An interesting quote from Oscar Wilde. We'll pass on the meal. The drink sounds refreshing, and I would try the wine if offered. We have not been to Klaipeda, Lithuania. The Iron Lady was a remarkable woman. @VMax1700 Colin, I hope you and Ellen enjoy your last day on Nieuw Statendam. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures from Port Louis, Mauritius. I hope we can visit there someday. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the new job goes well and you have a lot of sales. @kochleffel Paul, DH and I have been talking about the Kent State shootings this week. We just hope that with the new protests there is not a repeat of that horrible day. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation about business brokers. I had never heard about them until this morning. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you arrived home safely. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the host calls back soon and the problem is solved quickly. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better. @NextOne Edi, thanks for the picture. Most of the heavy rain and flooding is in southeast Texas. The pictures of the flooding on the news were taken between Conroe and The Woodlands, which is about 30 to 40 miles north of Houston on I-45. The San Jacinto River always floods in that area during heavy rains, but this year the flooding seems worse. I've never seen pictures of a semi and trailer being swept way. Also, the underpasses in Houston will be flooded. Our area about 45 miles north of Waco is basically just soggy. Our lake is a flood control lake, so the Brazos River won't flood too badly as it goes through Waco. Lenda
  23. Rich, thank you for taking us along on your long cruise. BTW, Kristen was the CD on Koningsdam when the Daily Four were on board. She is very easy to talk to. Safe travels home.
  24. Sharon, glad you made it to Waco without incident. Sounds like you had a busy day. Lenda
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