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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. We have been fortunate to have visited Helsinki on three occasions. The first time was in 2003 on the 33 day roundtrip from NYC on the Rotterdam. Just getting to NYC and the ship was an adventure as we sailed the day after the blackout, but that's another story. We were in Helsinki in 2005 on Marco Polo and in 2016 on the Prinsendam. I have quite a few pictures of Helsinki, so I'll break them up between two posts. These pictures were taken 2003. As usual, we did our own thing and took the Ho-Ho and a boat tour on the waterways around Helsinki. We visited the church in the rocks, but since @StLouisCruisers Sandi, shared pictures of it, I'll not repeat them. Walking around town, we came across this statue of Johan Ludwig Runeberg on the Espandi. He was a Finnish priest, lyric and epic poet who wrote exclusively in Swedish. These next pictures were taken on our boat ride. Since this was on September 4, 2003, it was chilly on the water. This is the monument to Sibelius, Finland's greatest composer. He mainly composed symphonies, but his best know work is Finlandia. This is a bust of Sibelius near the monument. I'm not sure what this was, but thought it was interesting. Sailing that afternoon, we were treated to a full rainbow, one of the best I've ever seen. It was so wide, it took to two pictures to capture the entire rainbow. Lenda
  2. Good morning from sunny Quartzsite where it is 53F and warming to 72F this afternoon. It was 47F when I got up about an hour ago. Today I hope to finish going through the pile of paper that needs sorting, filing, etc., and the finishing touches on getting the paperwork ready to start doing our taxes. We also have to go to the post office today to jump through hoops, and it may not help. USPS has added a layer of security to the online mail forwarding in order to protect our information. Basically, it takes away the ease of the online method. We now have to take the email they send and a photo ID to the PO for them to verify we are the people who submitted the request. Beside having to go to the PO there is another problem for those of us who live in one state and spend months in another. The photo ID has to show the old address. I don't know anyone who can have a driver's license or other state ID in two states at the same time. That is illegal. Since this town has a lot of snowbirds, I'm hoping the clerk will "bend" the rules, but the new station manager is a stickler for rules. 🤞 Most people don't make accommodations for those who's lives don't fit the "norm" of one home and short trips. End of today's gripe. 2Twenty2 and Be Humble are good days to celebrate. It would be nice if tobacco can be eliminated, but that's really a pipe dream. Two interesting quotes and I like the second one better. Today, we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have visited Helsinki twice on BHBs and once on Marco Polo. Three more interesting days in history to honor. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope all goes well with the procedure today and that you get some much needed relief and sleep. @richwmn Rich, I'm sorry you are missing Kangaroo Island, but missing all of New Zealand would be a bigger loss. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @ger_77 Gerry, thanks for your updates on Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando. Sandi, I hope the haircut goes well. @superoma Eva, that is a very detailed puzzle. Good work by your DH. @rafinmd Roy, I hope there are no surprises at your appointment today. Thank you for posting the maps. @Lady Hudson Enjoy your cruise, Katherine. Lenda
  3. Debbie, the mail has been opened so I'm safe for now. Mainly it was the last of the forms we needed for our taxes. Tomorrow, I'll get to them. 🙄 Sandi, if you look closely at the picture, the houses are also on the same "pilings". I don't think I could sleep at night in such a house. Lenda
  4. The predicted, but not really expected rain did not materialize today. It's been alternating between cloudy and sunny. There are heavy clouds to the north, but our rain chances are slim to none now. I am slowly working my way through all the mail and stuff that accumulated while we were on our cruise. By the time I finish, I'll need another cruise. 😁 We made a quick trip into town to get the things I forgot or didn't know we needed Monday. I mainly went to get meat to make meatloaf for dinner along with scalloped potatoes. Since it is cool today with a pretty cool wind, it seemed like a good day to use the oven. Ann, thanks for the pictures of Penang. Those houses over the water don't look very stable. We have enjoyed both Cobh and Brest, but I would also prefer Cobh. I know Pat will have a great time. Sandi, that is good news about the HVAC system. Lenda
  5. Good morning from Quartzsite. The weather is going from cloudy to sunny and back to cloudy. It is currently 58F with a high of 70F this afternoon. The over night rain missed us, and now, our only chance is for a passing shower about 10am. Today will be more catching up on paperwork, especially since we got the last of the tax forms yesterday. I also got some forms from an account that I am questioning since they come from a third party who is acting as their agent. I've already sent an inquiry to the company. The ribeye we split last night was really good and tender. It was much better than any steak I had on Koningsdam. I Googled card reading day, and found this on the National Today site: "Card Reading Day on February 21 is a sentimental holiday on which people savor the greeting cards sent to them over the years." I've kept a few special cards from the DDs. English is my mother language, and although I took two years of Spanish, I only can manage a few basic words. Too many mother languages are being lost as the older speakers die. I like the Arthur C. Clarke quote, and it made me smile. We'll pass on the meal. The drink is one I might try, and the wine sounds nice but a bit pricey. We have not been to Penang. Three important days in history. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you both are doing all right and are just busy. @seagarsmoker Beautiful photo. I'm glad the job is going well. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation of Mother Language Day. @ski ww Welcome to the Daily. I hope you pop in often. @rafinmd Roy, I'm sorry about the nose bleed. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope this is the last time the microwave and oven have to be worked on. Great news about the cruise booking. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the doctor visit goes well today. I loved the last two memes. @GTVCRUISER I hope the storm did not do too much damage where you live or to San Diego. @cunnorl Charlene, that is not good news about the caterer backing out so close to the date. Good luck finding a new one. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the injection tomorrow helps a lot with the pain and numbness. Lenda
  6. That is great news. It's a really ni e perk. I agree our system is a mess. At least with original Medicare and a top supplement, we don't have co-pays or need referrals. The best part about turning 65 many years ago was telling our private insurance company what they could do with their policy. Lenda
  7. Debbie, I couldn't like your post. You have had a really bad day dealing with all those issues. I hope tomorrow brings you better luck. Lenda
  8. When Koningsdam was in Kahului, we drove over to Lahaina even though we knew it was impossible to drive close to the town. The first picture is a memorial along the bypass road below the high school. The second picture was taken from the school parking lot, and the last one was taken from the on ramp to the bypass as we were heading back to the ship. The devastation was heartbreaking and we could still smell the smoke smell from the fire. Lenda
  9. Good afternoon. It has turned out to be a lovely day outside. I hope I can finish catching up on all the mail and other things that accumulated while we were gone so I sit outside for a while. It's 79F with a nice breeze. Good luck with the insurance company. I hope you get it settled soon. Sharon, I'm sorry Craig tested positive for Covid. I hope he is feeling better now, and I'm glad you did not get sick. If I'd known, you could have used a couple of our tests, which I remembered to pack. Lenda
  10. I looked through my pictures from Maui and found some of our drive around the northern tip of the island, the Iao Valley and Hana. Here are a few pictures of the northern coast and valleys. It is a very pretty area of Maui, but the road is narrow and winding. There are small communities and settlements along the road. Hana is a long, winding drive from Lahaina, but the scenery is beautiful. We saw this bus parked in Hana. We stopped at this hotel with the lovey lanai. Hana Beach Park We visited the Iao Valley in 2000 on P&O Oriana. At that time you could drive a long way into the valley. This is Iao Needle which rises 1200 feet above sea level. To protect the Iao Valley environment, it is now a state monument. You can only drive a short way into the valley to the visitor area with many walkways and trails. These are from our 2013 Zaandam cruise. Lenda
  11. With the exception of one cruise, we have rented cars and toured the island, even going around the northern tip a couple of times and once to Hana. Of course, we also visited Iao Valley twice and Haleakala and the observatory. The cruise when we did not rent a car in 2007 was roundtrip to Tahiti from LA, so we called at Lahaina twice. The first time we did the Atlantis submarine, which was okay, but not like in the Caribbean. On the return visit, we took the Sugar Cane Train, which is no longer running. We've been to Hawaii on several BHBs and on a couple of Princess ships. Only once, in 2014, on Veendam was it too rough to tender into Lahaina. We sat in the Crow's Nest and watched the waves and the one tender that went into port because a passenger had to be medically evacuated. That was the cruise that we had to head back to San Diego the first sea day to get into range for the Coast Guard helicopter for a medical evacuation, and we were met in every port by an ambulance. When it was obvious that the seas would not calm down, Captain Peter Bos (one of our favorites) opted to leave early and give us extra time in Ensenada. All these pictures are from our various calls into Lahaina. The charter/tour boat harbor And a view of the harbor from the second story of the Old Courthouse. This was from Ruby Princess in 2016, and the line for the tender. That is what you get when on a 3600 passenger ship. We headed to the Pioneer Hotel outside café for a coke and fries until the line shortened. And it got longer before it got shorter. 😄 The old courtroom with it's displays in the Old Courthouse And I couldn't resist a picture of the banyan tree. It made a nice shady place for the craft market. The Sugar Cane Train that took us up the coast. Scenes from our visits to Haleakala. The state bird the Nene. Haleakala Observatory. The second picture is a new telescope under construction, and I think it is the solar telescope. In the distance you can see Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa above the clouds on the Big Island. A view of the crater Looking up the coast from the tender dock.. Maui as we sailed for the next port. After seeing the devastation from the fire two weeks ago, it is bittersweet looking at these pictures. It is very sad to see all the history and places that were lost in the fire. Lenda
  12. @USN59-79 BON VOYAGE! Ray, I hope you and Sara have a wonderful cruise and an enjoyable time in Taiwan afterwards. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a mostly sunny Quartzsite where it is 56F and heading to 75F this afternoon. The clouds roll in tonight, and rain is predicted for tomorrow morning. We had more rain while we were on our cruise. Even before we left, all sorts of plants which were dormant have started growing. I think some are wildflowers and will see if the bloom before I spray ground clear. Almost every part of our lot has some green in it. In places, the new plants are already so tall and thick they could be mowed. It's strange having so much green in the rocks. I suspect this year there might be a super bloom in the desert. On today's agenda is laundry. I have most of the cruise clothes washed and put away, and now it's the regular laundry, which should dry nicely outside. Over the past few years when we were stuck in Texas, I cleaned out our bookcases. That won't be happening today since we don't have a bookcase here. I'll not be shouting Hoodie Hoo today. We won't be having cherry pie either. The Don Marquis quote is just plain weird. We'll skip the meal since DH bought some nice ribeyes yesterday. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds like one that would go nicely with our steaks and baked potatoes, if we had it. Instead, it will be a cardbordeaux. We have been to Lahaina many times, including on our latest cruise. We could not go any closer to the town than the bypass road to the resort area. It was a very sad and sobering experience. There is still a lot of clean up to be done before they can begin rebuilding the town. The On Deck for a Cause on our cruise raised money to go to the recovery fund. Four interesting days in history. Unfortunately the US postal service needs to get back to its roots. All mail is taking way to long to reach its destination. We found out yesterday that one friend got our Christmas card on January 2. I mailed our cards the first week in December hoping they would arrive before Christmas. The other events also deserve honoring. I remember the excitement of John Glenn's earth orbit. @0106 Welcome home, Tina. @grapau27 I hope the good memories of Roy out weigh the sadness of his birthday for both Pauline and you. Great picture of you with Roy and Sarah. @ger_77 Gerry, that is so sad about the fire and the deaths of the grandparents and children. Our hearts go out to the surviving family members. @Sir PMP Thanks for the before and after pictures of Lahaina. @quilty964 Wonderful pictures of the displays in the elevator lobbies. @marshhawk and @catmando Annie and Chuck, thinking about you both today. I hope the surgery is successful and the recovering quick and easy. Lenda
  14. We left our place in Quartzsite about 8:30, and we were surprised at how much traffic was heading south. Now, we know why. Maureen, I know today was draining for you physically and emotionally. I was hoping for a better outcome for your DSIL. It's amazing how such a crisis can help heal old wounds. Lenda
  15. Sandi, dementia is about the cruelest disease. You keep losing your loved one long before they die. We've had three close family members with it. One was like your friend, the life of the party, and he turned mean. My stepmother was a wonderful and very sharp and intelligent lady, and it hurt to see the changes in her when we'd visit. Her daughter told me that she lived seven years too long. Your welcome. As we commented when we were tasting the Chocolate Chicken, that this has really become a community, and we grow concerned when we don't heard from someone for a while. I hope you are feeling better. I had to smile when I saw, anyhoo. My grandmother said that all the time, and I haven't heard the phrase since she died in 1964. It brought back many wonderful memories. Lenda
  16. Good afternoon from a sunny and windy, 10 mph, Quartzsite. My guess is the wind is the leading edge of the storm that's heading to the California coast. The forecast is for the storm to miss us, but we could get some rain on Wednesday. The temperature was in the 40s when we left for Parker this morning, and by the time we got home, I could change into shorts and sandals. It's about 79F outside. The coast Guard Reserves and Daisy Gatson Bates definitely deserve to be honored. I'll pass on the tug-of-war. An interesting quote, even with the substitution. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds like one to try. We have not been to today's port. In 1878, Thomas Edison made another step forward in communication and entertainment. @superoma Eva. and @kochleffel Paul, thank you for the wonderful job you did filling in for Debbie @dfish and Dixie @summer slope. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue made it home safely, even if it was late. @summer slope Dixie, I'm happy you and your DH made it home safely, even if it was a bumpy landing. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry you had a difficult weekend, but glad that everyone helped to make it more doable. It sounds like the teenager is maturing and is very interested in cooking. Could food service or culinary school be in his future? @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your DH's eye pressure is remaining stable. I hope your DSIL will receive a plan of action soon, and that she will make a full recovery. @AncientWanderer It's good to see you back here. The Daily Four on the Koningsdam were wondering if everything was all right since we hadn't seen you posting for a while. @quilty964 I'm glad you made it safely home yesterday, if somewhat late. Lenda
  17. A quick good morning from Quartzsite. We're headinf to Parker to,get some much needed groceries. I'll read the Daily when we get back and have everything put away. Lenda
  18. Good evening from Quartzsite. We made it home home about 3:15 this afternoon. With the time difference, it took about 5 hours. Once we got out of San Diego, it is an easy drive. Then once home, it was a busy afternoon, but worth the effort. The suitcases, and everything except what goes back in the motohorme was put away or ready to wash. In fact the first load of laundry is finished. The rest will wait until until another day. A big thank you to all who wished us safe travels. I know, if I try to name everyone, I'll leave some out. The good wishes are much appreciated. I hope Ann @cat shepard and Pennie, @Nickelpenny enjoyed their sail aways, and that they have great cruises. Terry, I hope Tana is able to regain her strength. Safe travels home tomorrow Terri. Debbie, I hope your and Sue's long day tomorrow goes smoothly. Safe travels. It was fun meeting you, Sue and the other two Dailyites. I hope we can cruise together again soon. This picture says it all. Great news, and it proves she is a fighter. Lenda
  19. Good morning from dreary and foggy San Diego. Disembarking is going slowly. I'm glad we are not having to catch a flight. With stops, we have about a five hour drive. Time to leave the ship. Lenda
  20. Carolyn, I'm you are having a great time. Thanks for the pictures. Lenda
  21. Today, the big cake extravaganza was held in the Lido. I got there before they started serving, even then, there was already a line. Since it was a port day, there wasn't a big crush of people. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon from Ensenada. I'm late today for several reasons beginning with a nice evening yesterday in B. B. King including the Chocotlate Surprise. This is the best B. B. King group we've seen. This morning we slept until a little after 8am, and when we woke up, we were already docked. The captain did a good job of getting us here six hours early. Even then, we were only going about 17 knots all the way from Hilo. After breakfast, I made a quick trip into town to pick up some things. I did not find what I wanted, or if I did, it was not at a price I was willing to pay. In a few weeks, we'll be making a day trip to Algodones. The good thing is, no one can beat the prices in Algodones. Even two merchants adnitted that. Once back on board, we made quick work of packing 😔, and now we can enjoy the rest of the day. It's sunny and would be a good afternoon to sit outside on our balcony, if we were on the other side of the ship. There is a stong breeze coming off the Pacific which is making it cool. I won't be doing a grouch a favor today since I try to avoid them when cruising. I will salute Elizabeth Peratrovich and the work she did to gain equality for native Alaskan women. No fish fry tonight. An interesting quote from a funny man, Buddy Hackett. Luckily, I normally liked what my mother cooked. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. We like a good Melbec, but not at that price. We have not visited Rockland, Maine, so I don't have any pictures to share. Four more interesting days in history. @Mr. Boston BON VOYAGE. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. @Lady Hudson Welcome home. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you got a little more sleep. Have you considered taking Benadryl on other nights? I hope the floor refinishing goes smoothy. @ger_77 Gerry, it was sad but not unexpected news aboutmtje death of Alexei Navalny. @Nickelpenny Penny, have a safe trip, and an early BON VOYAGE. I probably won't look at the Daily until we get home tomorrow. Lenda
  23. We had a lovely dinner in Tamarind tonight. Even with skipping dessert, almost unheard of for me, I'm stuffed. Dixie @summer slope and her DH George stopped by our table to say hello. It's been nice meeting other Dailyites this cruise. Vanessa, it sounds like you hit the jackpot with the contractor. Lenda
  24. Good morning from Koningsdam as we sail closer to Ensenada. We must be making good time since our arrival time tomorrow has changed again. Last night, the time had changed to 9:30 am tomorrow. I'll pass on Annoy Squidward day, and instead concentrate on Angelman Syndrome and Childhood Cancer Awareness. As others have said, Angelman Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects a gene on chromosome 15. Since February is Rare Diease Month, February 15 was chosen as the day to bring awareness of this condition. Childhood cancer is even more horrific than cancer in adults. Younger DD had a high school friend who survived childhood cancer only to die of cancer in her 30s. An interesting quote today. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, again, thank you for posting all my pictures. Three interesting days in history. @MISTER 67 BON VOYAGE, and have a wonderful cruise. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for today's explanations and your lovely pictures of Lisbon. @0106 Tina, thank you for sharing your pictures of the tile museum. @1ANGELCAT I'm sorry the weather will prevent you from attending Lynda’s service today. Your safety has to come first. @Haljo1935 I am glad the surgeon was pleased with your progress. I hope you can get rid of the sinus infection soon. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you can get your errands run before the wind picks up. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the doctor has a solution to get rid of the cough. I was pleased to see that your DH wants to go out to breakfast. Lenda
  25. Dressy night was switched from tomorrow might to tonight. I had the beef tenderloin and it was tender and good. Vanessa, I know surgery is the last resort, but DH hasn't had any pain since his back surgery, but the numbness remains. While It's better, it still bothers him. Nerve damage takes a lot of time to heal. I hope if it comes to surgery, it's minimally invasive. Annie, I hope the medicine helps with your DH's appetite. Would plating the meal at home help, since it takes the decision making out of the equation? The four short straws were actually two long straws cut in half. I found the drink as strong if not stronger than expected. Without a picture, the bartender did not know about the chocolate shavings on top. The straws were so short that if we'd tried to sip at once, we would have banged heads. Lenda
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