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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. Can you explain further the two lines listed for each ship, one (10 weeks with a started rotation date), and the other without? Thanks!
  2. In the Philippines, they make banana ketchup, and it's pretty good. You'll find it on most restaurant tables as one of the condiments. 😊
  3. I like this idea, thanks. We're doing MTD for the first time on our Explorer sailing in April, so this will come in handy then. I'm curious though.. What is the difference between doing what you suggested vs. just doing TD? Seems like they would be the same in the scenario you describe. Is it that instead of the same table mates each evening with TD, you have different table mates each evening with MTD, all else being the same?
  4. I would trust the packed crowds every night over you and 'him'. Sounds like the performer was very popular.
  5. Wait, I'm confused by 'judy garland wanna be named perry grant'. Have I <gasp> confused my pronouns?
  6. "Karaoke was about the worst ever"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of Karaoke is for amateur, random guests (often inebriated) without any talent to get up there and embarrass themselves with how bad they are? These are not professional vocalists BTW. "Came home Sunday and tested positive" Tested positive for what exactly? 🤔
  7. Are you referring to the 'Playa Dorada Beach Escape' excursion? If so, can you elaborate a little bit on your experience? We currently have that excursion booked for our April sailing on Explorer, but we're having second thoughts now after reading your post. 🫤
  8. Ummmm, no. Jamaican experiences are COMPLETELY different, depending on the port.
  9. Umm, we're talking Falmouth here, not Ocho Rios. But thanks anyway.
  10. Can you elaborate on missing amenities? If it's a bunch of extra 'activities', like bumper cars, and other carnival rides, I can happily do without those... Thanks!
  11. This rant is, to be honest, about a scenario that likely is typical of any cruise line, and was handled appropriately by the cruise line IMO. OP has no legitimate beef here, other than they were inconvenienced when they would have preferred not to have been.
  12. On a ship, real butter and warm dinner rolls = Heaven! ☺️
  13. Falmouth is a wonderful port, you just have to know what to expect, and what to do (i.e., do your homework). We had a great time there!
  14. Meh... We paid $60 for DBP on Explorer for our sailing in April.
  15. Hats and coats... what are those?
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