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  1. I can only hope they're not magnetic. Just imagine walking by and pieces of clothing or jewelry being drawn towards the wall, or worse yet, your pacemaker stop working.
  2. As indicated in your other post on a different thread, I choose to purchase a good travel insurance policy that better fits my needs rather than rely on my BC/BS policy for international coverage. There were just too many limitations on my BC/BS policy. This is where a good broker may come into play. Travel insurance in the US is regulated by each State. One state may allow coverage on something while another may not. My state allows me to do the following: Instead of buying travel insurance where my "real" trip cost is $5K per person, I purchase a plan where I declare my trip cost is $500 per person. I don't care about cancellation/Trip Delay/ Trip Interruption/etc. What I do care about is Medical. I still get the $100K or $250K in medical and evac coverage but with substantial cost savings. Plus, since the price of the policy is the same whether I indicate trip cost is $1 or $500 per person, I still do have the benefit of Trip Delay at 150% of trip cost should my return flight get delayed and I need a hotel room for a night or two plus meals.
  3. Hope this never happens again but the best advice to the next person this happens to is to ensure you don't leave the ship without copies of your medical records and doctors notes. You may have to pay for these copies, but that is reimbursable also. This way, you can submit this documentation with the claim. Glad it all worked out in the end.
  4. When we book using a casino offer, it's usually due to my wife's play. I let her know that any OBC earned due to her play is for her use anyway she chooses.
  5. To what extent does your medical insurance cover you anywhere in the world. I'll cut and paste my response to another poster about my experience. I also had a good health insurance policy from my work (BC/BS) that had an international rider. I wanted more information about exactly what this policy did and did not cover, so I gave them a call with specific questions. 1. Am I covered for medical expenses? (Yes, at out of network, normal & customary, after co-pay) 2. Will you direct pay? (No, reimbursement only) 3. Are there any circumstances where you will advance pay if medical provider requires upfront payment? (No) 4. Once my emergency is stable, will you reimburse to bring me to a closer hospital near my home for continued care? (No) 5. If I should die in a foreign country, will you pay to repatriate my remains? (No) 6. I asked for more specifics about evacuation. (Their answer was very ambivalent. They made it sound like evacuation was just like an ambulance. They would pay to transport you to the closest facility qualified to care for you but that 1 time ride was the end of the coverage) I'm sure there were other questions I asked but cannot remember them all. At the end of the conversation, I decided that what would best fit my needs would be to cover my travels with a good travel insurance policy and to keep the BC/BS policy as a back-up in case I didn't recover all expenses from the travel insurance policy. Which, I did have to use the BC/BS one time. My recommendation is to give your work policy a call and ask about specific instances and their coverage and then do what best works for you.
  6. For educational purposes only With your vast 20+ years of experience, could you share the top 2 or 3 mistakes people with travel insurance make that either cause you to SMH or cause the biggest problems with their claims. Also, share what they could have done differently to have made the claim process easier. Or, maybe you've covered this in a blog that you could provide a link to. Thanks
  7. While I agree with you, what are these people going to do if they are that price sensitive and they twist their ankle on wet marble/cobblestone and have to visit a clinic and the clinic demands payment upfront? There are tons of warnings on this site about the limitations and limitless potential for cruise line air transportation problems. And yet, people want to risk $20K to save a few hundred. Sympathy - Yes Empathy - No, none whatsoever.
  8. I'm just going to share my experience with you. I also had a good health insurance policy from my work (BC/BS) that had an international rider. I wanted more information about exactly what this policy did and did not cover, so I gave them a call with specific questions. 1. Am I covered for medical expenses? (Yes, at out of network, normal & customary, after co-pay) 2. Will you direct pay? (No, reimbursement only) 3. Are there any circumstances where you will advance pay if medical provider requires upfront payment? (No) 4. Once my emergency is stable, will you reimburse to bring me to a closer hospital near my home for continued care? (No) 5. If I should die in a foreign country, will you pay to repatriate my remains? (No) 6. I asked for more specifics about evacuation. (Their answer was very ambivalent. They made it sound like evacuation was just like an ambulance. They would pay to transport you to the closest facility qualified to care for you but that 1 time ride was the end of the coverage) I'm sure there were other questions I asked but cannot remember them all. At the end of the conversation, I decided that what would best fit my needs would be to cover my travels with a good travel insurance policy and to keep the BC/BS policy as a back-up in case I didn't recover all expenses from the travel insurance policy. Which, I did have to use the BC/BS one time. My recommendation is to give your work policy a call and ask about specific instances and their coverage and then do what best works for you.
  9. Disclaimer first. As a veteran, I was not aware of this program and just now ran across it on YouTube. I would never recommend that you count on this as a substitute to a good travel insurance policy. However, if you are an expat living in another country and a service-connected disabled veteran or, your travel insurance policy doesn't reimburse you 100% of your out-of-pocket medical expense, this might be something you want to consider and research further. I am providing a link to Part 1. I'll leave finding Part 2 up to you.
  10. I used to use my iWatch also but ran into the same contortion issue. I just rely on my phone now. @ldubs I would be interested in hearing your experience with using Delta's Digital ID when you complete your travels. I did find this YouTube video
  11. If I've learned anything on my 20+ years on this board, it doesn't take long for people to jump on and poopoo new innovations or creative ideas. From assigning a crew member to dispense soft serve ice cream to advances in technology. Then again, I can't think of anything better than polite discourse. Personally, I embrace advances in technology and fully support going digital with biometrics, facial recognition, and yes, even boarding passes, passports, hotel reservations, public transportation, and entry/exit visas. My wife on the other hand, loves having hard copies. I usually have everything digital and she has the hard copies. Yes, we've bailed each other out a few times.
  12. How would one know that? Thats a very good question. Most of us know that because the first time we ran across the problem, we stood in the wrong line at the wrong counter and found out the hard way. Then, we shared our experience and newfound knowledge with others such as this forum.
  13. We had a small group tour this past summer at the Harry Potter Studio near London. Many times, there would be people not part of the group who would listen in which wasn't really a problem. However, if they continued to follow as the tour moved on, or they would try to push their way in to get closer, the Studio employees would gently inform them that this was a private tour, and they would generally get embarrassed (because they didn't know it was private) and move on.
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