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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Arrive at Terminal D. We both have GE. We arrive on a Monday evening about 5PM. Our connecting flight is scheduled from terminal E at 7PM. What would you give as odds actually making the connection? We’re arriving on BA and historically, according to FlightAware, it’s rarely on time.Usually by minutes, but sometimes 30 minutes or more. Myself, not really concerned. Just need to mentally prepare myself for a tired, anxious wife 😳. I am aware there is a nice hotel connected by sky train to the airport.
  2. Can be a cost saving. Then you have to ask why is there such a cost savings? It's because these are consolidator tickets and the airlines and cruise lines negotiated the prices, the terms and conditions, and any possible restrictions of these tickets. They are NOT the exact same tickets you would buy directly from the airline. 99% of the time, you the consumer may not experience any difference if all goes well. Let there be just 1 hiccup and that could all change. The marketing brochure appears to give the consumer a warm fuzzy feeling that if any issue arises, they'll be there. They will be there for you to call, but nowhere in the fine print does it say they can resolve the problem.
  3. This experience is what I'm anticipating. My question is, how long before you ships scheduled departure did SDT notify you that they were not going to be able to meet the minimum required? I'm sitting at 47 days. I have e-mailed them and asked a general question or two and their response was cordial but not definitive.
  4. I had a couple of hand pays a few years ago that required me to report the income to the IRS. (My wins requiring hand pay was only a little over $1200 each). I only took $2000 to play. When I received my Win/Loss report from Royal, I was flabbergasted to see that my actual play (coin in) was over $20K
  5. Tough question to answer. Travel insurance and/or requirements are regulated by each country and in the US, it's even further regulated by each State. It also depends on the risk each individual is willing to take financially when it comes to risk tolerance. Losing a $5000 trip? I can absorb. A $50,000 medical bill would possibly bankrupt me. Another issue is the consumer protection laws in each country. As I understand it, if you were to get trapped in the US due to some global emergency, your laws require that your travel provider pay the expenses to get you back home. The same cannot be said for me should the same thing happen, and I get stuck in Italy due to Mt. Etna spewing volcanic ash in the air. If I were you, I'd at the very least ensure I had a good medical and evacuation policy.
  6. The way I read the policy is that your concern is a moot point. There is no waiver for pre-existing conditions. The policy only covers illness that 1st manifests itself on or during the "trip". Unless I'm mistaken, let's use Hypertension as an example. Your taking blood pressure medication. You go on the cruise, something happens, you file a claim, they determine that the root cause of your illness is due to hypertension, your claim is denied. It was a pre-existing condition. Benefits will be paid for covered Medical Expenses incurred, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, subject to the following: 1) covered Medical Expenses will only be payable at the Usual and Customary level of charges; 2) benefits will be payable only for covered Medical Expenses resulting from a Sickness that first manifests itself or an Injury that occurs while on Your Trip; and 3) only Medical Expenses incurred by You within 365 days of the date of onset of Your Injury or Sickness will be reimbursed. Found here *EKCJe8iaZ6aHu3cTFIBUK1Uw0uoMftK77ka3NcXykkUZ7cW3e81189rlXdDBTjqw3Q44 (archinsurancesolutions.com)
  7. Best? I can't answer. What are my plans for next year when I sail out of Trieste? Marco Polo airport serving Venice. Venice has been on my dream list since childhood. Have been there once and is still a must see for us. We are flying in and staying in Venice for 4 days pre-cruise. Then, we will head back to the airport and catch the cruise line shuttle to Trieste for embarkation.
  8. Reading comprehension is difficult in that AZ heat these days.☀️
  9. Use WhatsApp for calling family while on the ship and using their wifi. Totally different animal than Facetime and your regular phones wifi calling issue. WhatsApp, FaceTime, and Wi-Fi calling are all communication technologies that rely on the internet to enable voice and video calls. However, they can behave differently based on a variety of factors, which might lead to situations where one works while the others don't. Here are some reasons why WhatsApp might work when FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling does not: Network Restrictions: Some networks, particularly in certain regions or corporate environments, might impose restrictions or blocks on specific communication services. WhatsApp may use different servers or protocols that are not blocked on the particular network you're using, allowing it to work when FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling is restricted. Server Availability: The availability of the servers that handle these communication services can impact their functionality. If the servers for FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling are experiencing issues or downtime, those services might not work, while WhatsApp's servers may be operational at the same time. Firewall Settings: Some networks have firewalls that can affect the functioning of certain communication apps. WhatsApp might be able to bypass these firewalls due to its encryption and tunneling methods, allowing it to establish a connection even when FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling cannot. Encryption and Protocols: WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption to secure its messages and calls. This encryption might make it more adaptable to different network conditions and more resistant to interference or blocking by network administrators. Compatibility: FaceTime is an Apple-specific technology, designed for use on iOS and macOS devices. If you're using a non-Apple device or a device that's not fully compatible, FaceTime might not work. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is cross-platform and can work on a wider range of devices. Regional Differences: Depending on your geographical location, certain services might be prioritized or deprioritized by internet service providers. This can affect the quality and availability of services like FaceTime and Wi-Fi calling but might not have the same impact on WhatsApp. App Configuration and Settings: The settings and configuration of the apps can also impact their performance. If there's an issue with how FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling is set up on your device, it might lead to connectivity problems that don't affect WhatsApp. Software Updates: Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues. If your device's operating system or the communication apps themselves are not updated, it can cause problems for FaceTime and Wi-Fi calling but not necessarily for WhatsApp if it's better optimized for different software versions. Network Quality: Different communication apps have varying requirements for network quality. WhatsApp might be more tolerant of lower network speeds or congestion compared to FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling, allowing it to function in conditions where the others struggle. Third-party VPNs or Proxies: Some users use VPNs or proxies to access restricted content. These tools can sometimes interfere with certain communication apps but not others, depending on how they're configured. It's important to note that the reasons for one service working while another doesn't can be highly specific to the situation and network conditions. If you're experiencing consistent issues with FaceTime or Wi-Fi calling, reaching out to your service provider or checking for updates and settings adjustments might help resolve the problem.
  10. I've found that it's common practice for cruise lines to purposely drop passengers off in known unsafe locations. The corporate lawyers advise they do this just so they can have more work litigating. Said with sarcasm. 🤯🙄🤪
  11. Only you know your kid and their maturity level. some 10 yo can’t be trusted to go to the bathroom by themselves. Others get themselves up in the morning, fix their breakfast, and take a subway/public bus to school by themselves.
  12. If you mean, are there cruises that have overnight stays? Yes. If you mean can I book a cruise that stops at port XYZ, get off the ship, then get back on the ship when it comes back around next week? then No. Well, if you got MONEY, I'm talking BIG money, then you could probably work something out. For everyone else, then No.
  13. Curious to know what your experience is. I've been signed up for a while now. When will they confirm whether the tour will be a Go or a No Go based on occupancy? We're a little under 60 days and I'm just getting a little anxious if you will. Are we good and the tour will go? Should I start researching for a backup plan? If you used them for your semi-private tours, when were you informed that the tours were on?
  14. For myself, one of the many things I enjoy about travel is trying new foods. Also true for me is that after a few days of trying new foods, I need to get me some comfort food. So, a McDonalds or KFC is not out of the question.
  15. Jr Suites are like training wheels on a bicycle. Gives you a taste of the sweet life, but not much. Just tickles your appetite to remove those training wheels and move up into the big bike where you have much more to explore and enjoy. Does come at a cost though.
  16. Ultimately, the buck stops with you. You can point fingers and play the blame game but at the end of the day, it's all on you.
  17. Here's what I'm doing. I'm spending 8 days in London, an overnight trip to Paris, then the cruise will stop in ports that use Euro's. I'm bringing about 300 in BSP and 300 in Euro's. Yes, Most of the towns, cities, and villages will accept electronic transactions. Either chipped credit card or via a phone app such as Apple Pay. If I happen to find I need more cash, I'll just find a bank and use the ATM/cash machine, whatever it's called in the country I'm visiting. Then every couple of days, I'll use my secure wifi hotspot to log into my bank and make a payment to the cards I've used. Since I bank at a credit union rather than an established "Bank", I can't get foreign currency through them. I use my Triple AAA office for a very minor surcharge with very competitive exchange rates.
  18. Completely separate situation from the Concierge. The Suite Lounge or Concierge Lounge depending on the ship, has a bartender who is separate from the Concierge. You will tip them in cash if you choose and you’re not limited to beer or wine while in the lounge.
  19. Calling @Ferry Watcher to the courtesy phone for correct guidance. Note: Ferry Watcher actually works at the ports and helps people check in for their cruise on Carnival and Royal sailings.
  20. The ETIAS is for the EU countries. If visiting the UK or transiting the UK, you will also need their ETAuk electronic visa waiver in the coming years. But I don't blame them in any way. The US has been requiring this information from them for a few years now.
  21. My thoughts will be controversial, but, that's on me. My first thought is that the post starts out bolding implying that somebody stole something. Thats a very strong and personalized opinion. Not a proven fact. Maybe something like, I had some jewelry come up lost, misplaced, or stolen, what are my options would have set better with me. I filed a claim a few years back with Carnival and worded as such. After they denied finding said object, I was disappointed but placed the blame on myself for not keeping better track of my belongings. A couple of months later, I found my lost object in my shaving kit. I did all this without blindly accusing someone of being a thief with no proof. Maybe these items were stolen. Who knows, but that's why you have insurance. Whether it be travel insurance, homeowners' insurance, or if very valuable, a separate insurance policy.
  22. I would think you could do this. I would think it important though that as soon as you know you’ll miss embarkation that you let Royal know what has happened and what your intentions are.
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