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Posts posted by CJHAN

  1. Hi Everyone!

    Planning to cruise in Sept of 2017 for Daughter's 21st BD but going to book now for early saver discount. Sail from Jacksonville FLA 4 days to Bahamas. We live in Charlotte NC and will be driving down. Looking for opinions on if the $49 per person travel insurance is really worth it? Thoughts?

    Anyone ever had to use it and how was that experience? I know its only $49, but hey that's almost a endless drink card :).


    It depends on weather you are ok with losing out if for some reason you cant go along with the emergency coverage it provides. So for us we do not get it because we dont book ones that are so expensive that if we had to abandon the cruise for some reason it would hurt also for sake of emergency the credit card we use to book covers those cost even out of country. But if its is like 10k cruise we are getting it because no matter how unlikely I can't take a 10k risk.

  2. Sooo...there will be 7 ships in port the day we are in Cozumel. I do not plan on buying an excursion beforehand - we would just like to take a cab to Chankanaab or Paradise Beach. Anyone think we will be turned away at either place from them reaching capacity??


    TIA :):):)


    We like to go to Mr Sanchos and when we where last there only 4 ships in port and we where turned away. With 7 i would definatly book ahead of time.

  3. We are arriving the Thursday before our Saturday cruise departure on the Breeze and want to rent a car for ease of

    travel while at our hotel and then staying two extra days after cruise so woukd like to rent car again from PC to Orlando for drop off at MCO. Any recommendations on car rentals that offer shuttle service from PC/Cocoa Beach area on drop off to Port and from port on return to pick up rental ?


    Isnt the Breeze in Galveston? MCO is in Orlando am i missing something?

  4. We did magic last year breeze this year and freedom next year. We where going to do liberty next year rather then freedom but a co-worker who has also cruised carnival said liberty was not a particularly nice experience for them. He said the new water park was nice he felt the nickle and dimie tactics where kind of unpleasant. Af for the freedom being older i have found that the older ship are in some cases better then the new ones triumph conquest and Eccesty where awesome.

  5. They rotated the entertainers around the ship. But, if it's the same band that we saw in Ocean Plaza it was they Easy Breezy's.


    We also saw them in oecan plaza but they never played in the lobby. A string trio and a county duo played in the lobby most nights. Also a Latin duo as well.

  6. We are cruising in a week (yay!) and even though I don't think we will "break even" on Cheers, we bought it. Let me explain.


    My husband is not a big drinker at all, but he does drink. At home, he drinks a beer pretty much every night and enjoys a glass of wine with dinner. There is NO WAY he will drink enough to make up for the cost of Cheers (me, on the other hand....I love those fruity concoctions on vacation!)


    So why in he world would we get Cheers? Without Cheers, he won't drink at all on the cruise because he hates to spend money on a drink by drink basis. Even if he would enjoy a beer or a glass of wine, he won't order one because of the cost.


    So for us, Cheers is my way of getting him to loosen up and enjoy himself during the cruise. That is worth the extra cost, right there.


    It might sound stupid, but psychologically there just something different about the fact that it's paid for up front so you can relax and enjoy yourself without having to worry.


    I'll keep track and see how we do. I'm not going to TRY to break even (because that doesn't sound fun, either) but I am interested to see how we do. The addition of the bottled waters and coffee drinks, etc. really made the difference--I'm looking forward to having as much bottled water as I want plus San Pelligrino in the MDR.


    So--even if we don't "break even", I think Cheers will enhance our vacation experience so much that it will be worth the cost. And THAT is worth paying for.


    This really seems like a good idea. The problem for me is that i dont like to spend more then i have to for anything so not making up the original cost would drive me nuts. That said i simply budget way more for drinks then we will ever drink (or die from alcohol poisoning) then whatever we dont spent can go right back into the next Cruise budget. The extas that come with cheers does make it a really good plan.

  7. I thought there was law to protect worker in the case of earned leave. I know that where i work i can put in leave as late as two week prior to the time i need off and if that leave is denied a valid reason must be given. If i put in leave 6mo out and its approved it can not then be revoked its my leave after all. That said im a union worker worker so depending on where you work you might not be protected by these say exact type of leave rules but leave you earned is yours and they cant tell you when to use it.

  8. Any suggestions on how to surprise somebody who doesn't know you're going to be onboard with them? It's my elderly parents. I thought of just showing up at their cabin door but afraid I will keep missing them, and I don't want to drag the surprise out any longer than before dinner. I also thought of putting a note under their door that they had been gifted a free dinner the first night in a specialty restaurant, make reservations, and then be sitting at the table when they arrived. Any better suggestions? Thanks.


    Call them on the phone once they board the ship and sneak up to where ever they are. We did the the restaurant thing with the in laws in Colorado and their face was priceless so thats also a good one if you can insure that they will actually show up. We had a person In Co to insure they did.

  9. Drinks- I got my normally soda loving son the Bubbles package which was a complete waste. He barely got one soda a day, he didn't feel like going up to the bars to get one.


    This is interesting to me. My son also didn't want to drink the Soda after we got this package he might have had one a day like your kid. Lesson learned he will have to buy each drink from his allotted money next time and save us a bit of cash in the long run.

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