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Everything posted by hllwdcruiser

  1. I agree with your financial planner. We have 6 kids between us and our financial planner tells us the same thing. I don't know why we find it so hard!
  2. I just read this last night, it was just published in October 2023: Once the experience begins, however, the meals are served to the chef's preference; that is, you don't have the liberty to select your steak's degree of doneness and condiments are not made available to alter the flavor of any of your courses. https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/a-taste-of-princess-cruises-360-an-outstanding-experience Fortunately, we are adventuresome eaters!
  3. That is so good to hear. Thank you! I'm regretting the expense less and less! I agree about the Chef's Table, too much food. That's why we booked the old WMD whenever we could.
  4. I saw your review of the 360 - I am following your Live. We board the Enchanted the day you get off. It has us leaving PE at 3, but I don't see how that is possible since you will first be returning from overseas and the ship has to go through the inspections. We still have a condo in Hollywood so we will be parking our car there and taking an Uber to the port. I will definitely be tuned in to your live report to see how your return and disembarkation goes.
  5. Yes ~ I follow you and @jwattle. I know you would appreciate the finer wines. I can totally understand how it would be worth it to you. My sister and BIL lived in SF for years and they and all their Cali friends truly loved their wine. Although I can easily tell the difference between a good wine and a fair wine, I am not a regular wine drinker and neither is DH (he's strictly a scotch man) so the Caymus would just be lost on us. On the other hand, I am a foodie and love to cook (I have a subscription to NYT cooking). I found the regular WMD beyond worth it just for the meal that was served.
  6. Thanks! I have a feeling it may be a one and done because I can't imagine paying twice for the same experience. Perhaps further down the road if the experience changes, we might consider it.
  7. Actually, if you think about it, $150 pp for NYE for a dinner and a show is pretty reasonable. Which ship are you on?
  8. Thank you! This may be TMI, but the thing is, I was a single mom raising 3 children with $0 child support and DH began his life in the projects in Brooklyn. Even though I moved up the corporate ladder with a global conglomerate and DH became successful in his field, we both still have a really hard time spending money. Thus the "gulp". Old habits die hard!
  9. Yes! I knew I had read that somewhere. I followed your live from but not sure if I saw it there.
  10. I was just thinking that, about the fact we've already paid for all our meals onboard. I think this will be a one and done for us, just so we can experience it.
  11. I agree. The thing is, this isn't just about the food, one has to factor in the experience as well. We did the CT when it hovered around $100 (was it $99? I can't remember) but we never shelled out for Lumiere. WMD would be a meal we would choose to partake in on every cruise, but we'll pass on the new Caymus one. The part that I think I'm really curious about is the experience. Just like giving credence to any review, you have to look at the responses with the understanding that everyone's opinions may differ.
  12. Thank you! That was just the bump I needed to feel ok about my decision! I feel the same way as you. As soon as I heard about it, I wanted to try it. I will definitely report back ~ I saw on a recent live that we are now allowed to take photos.
  13. I'm a sucker for anything new that Princess has to offer, but I fear DH is going to have a coronary when he finds out how much it costs. I told him I booked something special for us, but I gave him no details. I know many in the suites have experienced it for free, but would you deem it worth it if you had to pay? Would you do it again? If you were to compare the menu to Chef's Table or Winemaker's, is there any similarity? Do you remember how long the experience lasts?
  14. Thank you for your lovely review. I definitely had cabin envy, especially when I saw that luxurious bathtub! The first few times I went snorkeling in the Caribbean was on two land based holidays back in the eighties. It has changed a lot since then, and not for the better. Now I leave my snorkeling gear at home when we cruise, the beaches and water are just far too crowded for me. I am very interested in your reaction to Celebrity. We have been loyal to Princess but have been tinkering with the idea of trying Celebrity. If you have a chance, perhaps you can give some details? From what I have heard the two lines are more similar than not, with the edge (no pun intended!) going to Celebrity.
  15. A lot of people on here pointed out the errors. It wasn't that you pointed them out, it was the way you did it. Perhaps you don't realize how you came across. As my dd says, things can be misconstrued in "textlation". It's all good.
  16. What I don't understand is why you are being so snarky to someone who is just trying to write a review. I've only sailed on RCCL twice but I understood what she was trying to say. Because of so many changes and cutbacks, many people are trying new lines, including Princess regulars who I have seen posting on other boards. The OP made a few errors. A little kindness goes a long way.
  17. What was the final resolution? Good idea to take a screenshot, I'll do it now, but do you think it will make a difference? I'd love to hear how your first TA is going. Not wanting to hijack this thread, I tried to PM you, but I get an error message that the feature is disabled.
  18. I really enjoyed your review, yours and @Saint Greg were so different and so much more entertaining than the usual ones on here and I followed along every day with anticipation. I hate to say it, but newbies on this board might conclude that everyone on Princess only travel in suites or reserve class and only drink high end wines. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth and as you mentioned in an earlier post, Carnival and Princess are probably more alike than different. Our close friends are Platinum on Carnival and have been trying for years to get us to try it. I come from a family of teachers ~ my mother retired in her seventies, but then continued to volunteer into her nineties. My son has followed in her footsteps. She taught middle school and so does my son. I think you have to be a little bit of a masochist to teach that age, but y'all gain my mad respect. Please do come on here when you post a link to your next review on Carnival ~ I'll definitely follow along!
  19. I apologize if you think I was rude. I re-read my response and in no way do I see any resemblance to "vitriol". I was just trying to guess why you asked the question as was everyone else. Usually posters give a reason as to why they are asking a question. Usually when someone asks a question, they are polite enough to stay on the site long enough to respond to those who attempt to assist. Your post was not "usual" nor was your lack of follow through. You appear to be absolutely seething. Why are you so angry? If you believe that things are none of our business, then why on earth are you posting on a social media site? Take a deep breath and let it go.
  20. Looks like Stewart needs some training. I've also never seen a Princess bed look so lumpy. I hope for your sake he is just a little overwhelmed on turn around day.
  21. I feel like it was hit or miss even before the pandemic. I haven't seen any since the restart.
  22. Thank you for this info. I've been trying to find this out. I know there are many posters on here with deeper wallets than I and a love for superior wine, but unfortunately, I can't justify the cost. We'll have to take a hard pass on this one.
  23. @DrSchThat is so disappointing. We did the Chef's Table twice and never felt the need to do it again, mainly because there was way too much food. Still, I can't believe that the only options were veal or salmon. We don't eat veal and salmon is an every day meal for us at home. A few years ago we discovered the Winemaker's Dinner (thanks to info gleaned on this site) and never looked back. Now we hear that has been changed to the Caymus and the fee is triple what it was. I understand that it is a superior wine, but I know we don't have the palate to appreciate it. I'm hoping they are offering the original Winemaker's on our upcoming Enchanted sailing. Yes, cost saving steps are the practice of the day, but if the meal doesn't offer something superior and unique, we might as well just go to the MDR. Why pay extra for it?
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