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Everything posted by jazznruby

  1. A subject dear to my heart. Have been hoping O would add a reformer to the fitness room, but alas, unless it's something new on one or all of the ships, I've never seen it on either Marina or Riviera. I keep hoping.
  2. Sounds wonderful! One of our favorite "activities" anywhere we are. And I couldn't agree more about 'days at sea'! ☺️
  3. Since November is definitely off season, and I'm reading that it's the rainiest month of the year there, not too concerned that we'll be joined by throngs of people. If I'm wrong, oh well, they have as much right to be there as I do, so we'll muddle through and still enjoy it. (Always reminded of our first trip to the Amalfi coast some years back on a cruise in October. Poured rain all day. We loved it! So much so that we went back a few years later on a land trip and stayed for several days...that time in sunny April. We don't travel anywhere during high season, so that's one way to avoid cruise crowds.)
  4. Sorry, didn't check Wikipedia before posting, but happy to be visiting both. I was in Dubrovnik in the early 70s when it was Yugoslavia. Loved it then, will love it next year, I'm sure.
  5. If they're making changes for the November crossing, I'd be very surprised if changes for earlier sailings aren't forthcoming. But...???
  6. After reading OP's post earlier today, I was thinking we might be getting the same email regarding Vista, 11/11/24, Athens to Miami...but didn't expect to get it today! Istanbul and Ephesus cancelled, replaced with 2 more stops in Greece (Gythion, Argostoli) and 2 in Croatia (Kotor, Dubrovnik). Not surprised and not unhappy, as we've not been to any of the added stops. Was looking forward to Ephesus, but spent 5 days in Istanbul some years ago. An overabundance of caution over a year out? Maybe, but relative to 'berthing' requirements and planning, and with all the changes happening for all cruise lines in that part of the world, not at all surprising.
  7. 4/25/25 Riviera - Tokyo - Vancouver. Also booked on this. Yes, it was shortened by 1 day, 3 ports changed, 1 cancelled. Reason given was 'due to limited berthing availability for Vancouver'. It does seem strange that a year and a half out, these changes would be indicated, though my non-educated guess is that this much advance planning is sometimes required for berthing at certain ports. Certainly not weather related, (at least not yet) so who knows? Yes, very definitely a fact free assumption, and you know what they say about that. I will choose to believe what O is saying, go with the flow, and continue to look forward to this one with great anticipation. (And I gotta say... kinda hoping all these O cruisers, new and otherwise, who threaten to 'jump ship' actually do so. More and better opportunities for the rest of us. Until that perfect alternative they're looking for comes along, Oceania will be our line of choice, imperfections and all.
  8. You need to give this 'cruisers vs. travelers' thing a rest. It's entirely possible to be both. It's actually possible to want to sleep in a bit, AND to then go about your day in a leisurely, relaxing, non-hurried way to have some breakfast and then disembark the ship to experience the port. Not everybody wants to be up at the crack of dawn in order to meet an early tour departure. Will those who choose to do the former miss some time in port, and maybe not see all that you see? Sure. But I maintain my very strong opinion that if you're truly a 'traveler' and want to experience all that a particular place has to offer, there's only one way to do it...and it's not on a cruise. For many of us, cruising offers the best of both...the opportunity to visit many places we might not ordinarily see for a day or two (and then decide if we might like to return for a longer stay), at the leisurely, non-stressful pace we prefer to that which you apparently prefer. And, yes, sometimes, we may just want to enjoy being onboard a beautiful ship for part (or even, dare I say it?) all of a day. Doesn't make us any less of a 'traveler' than you. As far as your March Marina incident is concerned, you have no way of knowing exactly when the decision to skip the port was made; and if, as you say, that particular CD is the 'worst', then why would you trust his comment to be accurate? Which team? It's not a binary choice. You can do and be both.
  9. Let's face it...anything one complains about on a cruise is a first world problem.
  10. Since you've already upgraded to a PH1, and a larger balcony is important to you, why not go for either 7124 or 7127? Aft facing, huge wraparound balcony, and more than enough room for loungers. (Unless, of course, they were taken on your particular sailing, or you'd just prefer to be on an upper deck.) Can't wait to experience 7127 late next year!
  11. Correct. Paragraph 1 - O picks itinerary.
  12. Air deviation fee of $199/pp plus any fare differential. Once you and O decide on itinerary, fee is non-refundable.
  13. Right, but....though it's becoming increasingly difficult in today's world to separate fact from fiction...gotta keep trying.
  14. Another positive is that since some TAs (mine included) are very well connected to O and other lines, their insight and information are usually accurate and up to date. Comes in handy sometimes.
  15. REAL WORLD FACT...You're just WRONG on all points.
  16. Yep, knew somebody would infer that...but guess what? As I said, we don't spend thousands every year. I'm thinking of those who do multiples every year. Been cruising since 1995. Some years, none at all; some years, one; some years, maybe two. Just so happens that next year we have a Caribbean B2B and then a transAtlantic late in the year. And one booked in April 2025. After that, who knows?? But thanks for your concern. Bottom line... the amount of business one does with a particular TA should not determine the level and quality of customer service one receives. If it does, time for a new TA.
  17. Used to work with a TA whose company belonged to one of the larger, better known consortia. Usually received OBC and sometimes PPG. Customer service was generally good; in one case with one of their agents, not good. But I wanted to try another TA on the recommendation of someone here. (I think you know who you are, so thanks again.😊) Smaller agency that does not belong to any consortium that I'm aware of. As a result, with the four current, O bookings I've made with her, I've received very generous OBCs, but no PPG. Her customer service, however, is stellar. In the beginning, I thought twice about switching, since PPGs are really, really nice when you haven't yet reached that loyalty level. But in the end, I have no regrets. There's a lot to be said about the trade off being well worth it. And we don't spend thousands every year.
  18. Always paid the deviation fee as well; and even with that, saved lots of $$ over DIY. In all likelihood, will do it again for next year's trip. Was just curious about jonthomas's experience. 🙄
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