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Ocean Boy

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Everything posted by Ocean Boy

  1. Yes, Cody is presently my frontrunner. I'm not watching the Race. It is on too late for me. I get up early in the morning.
  2. Hmmm, I forgot all about The New Love Boat. If this is as bad as last week this will be the last week that I'm aboard.
  3. It is time for me to go over to the high school for football practice and check in with some of the guys with issues. This make leaving a bit difficult...
  4. You have the luxury of easy access to Europe. I have had the fortune of a family to live with in Italy so as a teen I could spend summer months living there. You and I both know how much there is to see. For me, it took almost a full day just to see the Tower of London nevermind the rest of the city. I think many tourist think they have seen a city, or country, only because they don't know all there truly is to see. Then there is the whole other issue of the opportunity to interact with the local folks of a region which, for me, is just as important as the sites. A cruise just doesn't cut it for me.
  5. Just reading what you did in one day has made me need a nap. I needed the better part of a day just exploring St. Peter's Basilica.
  6. True about Naples on the coast. However, if you want to go to Capri, or Vesuvius, or Pompei, each is a whole day. There is still no time to adaquatrly see all of them and Naples. Ever seen the movie "If Its Tuesday It Must Be Belgium"? That is what a European cruise reminds me of.
  7. I think that is true of most European cities....Paris, Rome, London, etc. Even if they were located right on the coast, Venice for example, most of them need at least three days. I truly have no idea how people do Rome on a cruise. Between travel time to and from Civitavechia and all there is to see it boggles my mind.
  8. But if you call today you might sleep so much better tonight. We all know you just have to call until you get what you want. That is especially so when you know others have made it happen. We also all know the cruise planner does not close down until 3 days before the cruise. Stand your ground.
  9. Makes no sense that a simple phone call can't fix it either. Plenty of things with RCI"s IT make no sense.
  10. Lets see, would I rather be home with my high speed internet or be on Explorer with its pre dial up era internet. Hummm, tough decision. Yeah. I'm feeling a lot of empathy for you.😁 Seriously though, the internet on Adventure drove me crazy so I actually do appreciate your frustration.
  11. As much as I love London, I don't think I'd like being there with the crowds that will be around for the event. Though I'm sure the spectacle would be exciting to see.
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