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Everything posted by Riocca

  1. Riocca

    New website.

    Now this may have no relevance at all but I’ve always had Azamara saved as a favourite on Safari on my iPad. Earlier this week when the site was down I noticed that it was saved as Azamara.co.uk so I deleted that link and saved the new site Azamara.com. Once the site was back up I’ve seen a big improvement, just looked at the site on my phone and couldn’t access bookings again it was saved as Azamara.co.uk deleting and saving as Azamara.com cured the issue.
  2. Riocca

    New website.

    Don’t know what browser you’re using but until earlier this week I used to get this in Safari unless I cleared the cookies every time I wanted to view a booking. Using Chrome or Firefox it was normally ok but occasionally this happened as well, just got used to constantly clearing cookies. At the moment the whole site seems more stable I’ve been working with it for a couple of hours this morning and not encountered a problem.
  3. Riocca

    New website.

    I’m using an iPad Air using latest iOS and can scroll through all the available excursions, I can also see them if I click on the length of cruise link. This link also shows a detailed itinerary, description of voyage, cabin categories as well as excursions. As OBC is now split between general and shore excursions will they now be able to police that shore excursion OBC is only spent on shore excursions?
  4. Riocca

    New website.

    Now our account is correct on the website I thought I would give it a bit of a workout and look at functionality and to be honest I was reasonably impressed. There’s a lot of information that can be accessed in the booking by pressing on links and although I noticed a couple of minor errors they were nothing more than I’ve experienced with other cruise lines. More good news previously we had OBC coupons missing from a couple of cruises these have now appeared, no value to the coupons as yet but possibly because of their need to covert US$ to U.K.£. I also looked at the booking system which looked quite stable and other than the lack of seeing cabin availability and some questionable grammar was functional on the cruises I was looking at. Hopefully others are seeing the same improvements and we are probably where we should have been a few months ago but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I also chased up customer service yesterday about an incorrect balance for which I supplied a copy confirmation, I received a personal reply to my email within 2 hours.
  5. Riocca

    New website.

    Ours was corrected earlier this week and we’re Discoverer Plus as well I’m sure they are working through it as fast as possible. Reports from those onboard is that if your cruise card is showing the wrong loyalty level it’s quickly corrected at Guest Relations.
  6. Riocca

    New website.

    It may vary when using different devices we are using Safari on iPads and are getting the following line on Seaware. Using the down arrow on the right it opens the box to reveal the loyalty level, can’t show the full screen as there’s too much personal information on view. Hope this helps.
  7. Riocca

    New website.

    Yes that’s correct, have you tried the forgotten password link? If your email is recognised Azamara send a code to reset your password, important thing is not to use the same password you used on the old Azamara site.
  8. U.K. operation is very different from the USA travel agencies are working for the cruise lines not the customer, as such any money has to be held in their account on behalf of the cruise line.
  9. Because of the current website and account problems Azamara aren’t cancelling any cruises for non payment, as they resolve the issues who knows for how much longer. I know it’s against CC rules to name the travel agent but is it one of the big operators or a smaller independent?
  10. UK travel agent should have provided a receipt for the payment when they received it, do they have an online account system which would show that they receive the money? If it’s one of the big UK agents funds are usually claimed from their holding account by the cruise lines and they are issued with a receipt. In the circumstances it’s really down to the travel agent to provide proof that they have paid Azamara, if the can’t or will not then I would be very suspicious of them.
  11. Riocca

    New website.

    The up to $500 OBC promotion depends on the length of the cruise, this is the information from the website: 3. Up to $500 Onboard Credit Offer is tiered as follows:• Voyages up to 7-nights | $250 Onboard Credit per stateroom• Voyages 8 to 12-nights | $400 Onboard Credit per stateroom• Voyages 13-nights or more | $500 Onboard Credit per stateroom
  12. Riocca

    New website.

    Good news this morning is that both our accounts are showing correct loyalty level and cruises on both Azamara.com & Seaware, the erroneous numbers have disappeared and the two systems seem to have been linked. In addition I’m no longer continually having to clear cookies to get it working on Safari, so for us at least we have good functionality, hopefully others are seeing similar improvements.
  13. Riocca

    New website.

    Only thing I don’t understand is that when you book either on the old or new system Azamara immediately produces a booking confirmation showing full details of the booking including offers and OBC. Only thing missing currently is the value of OBC it’s just showing as a coupon. When payment is made they provide another confirmation showing that the payment has been made. Booking direct I receive this while I’m still talking to the agent so that I can check the details. If I’m receiving this then if you are using a travel agent then they must be receiving the same information and should pass it on to their customer. Previously this is all that I required and I always had a copy with me when travelling, checking in was nice to do but as has been said recently not essential.
  14. Riocca

    New website.

    Just been looking at the Explora CC forum it’s interesting to see that there’s a number of posts relating to functionality and errors on the website/ online system which of course is also Versonix Seaware. Once all the migration issues have been sorted we could have other issues to deal with, makes you wonder how much programming time Versonix allocates each client.
  15. Riocca

    New website.

    That’s good to hear, out of curiosity on the Seaware site do you see multiple accounts or just the correct one?
  16. Riocca

    New website.

    For those who are not seeing any loyalty level or cruises are you trying both systems? Worth trying the following: First ensure you clear all Azamara cookies, this is important, then log in on the following https://seaware.azamara.com/touchb2c/#/gen-ctg-search-page if you’re account has transferred then you will see details at the top of the page. Then open the drop down “Club Programs” and see what’s there, we are seeing multiple entries including the correct one. Will be interesting to see how many people have the correct information on the Seaware site as opposed to Azamara.com.
  17. Riocca

    New website.

    Very good point, I think we all agree that this system change has not gone well and produced a lot of anxiety for Azamara’s customer base and problems for travel agents but I’m sure that they didn’t deliberately set out to do this and whatever the cause of the problem, and there’s probably more than one issue, it’s pointless just Azamara bashing at this time and we should be sharing information to help those who assistance. Things are being to improve but even if things were perfect this is a new website and system so there are bound to be issues occurring navigating the site, so we need to compile tips and advice as we find our way around rather than just negative ranting. Currently some of the travel agents who have pages on Facebook, mainly American & Australian, are advising clients not to look at their online accounts and rely on the information they provide as being correct, this is good advice and probably good for the blood pressure as well. On this point we all should have booking confirmations that show full details of bookings, we now book direct and have 6 current bookings four made prior to the changeover two on the new system. For all these bookings I have confirmations showing all the details which were emailed to me immediately the booking was confirmed, I also have confirmation of any changes made to those bookings. The only detail missing is the OBC amount for the bookings on the new system but we know that’s a problem still to be resolved and I have a note of the amount due. For those booking via travel agents they will have received the confirmation from Azamara and should be able to provide it to the customer, I know pre pandemic the travel agent we used always did. Also when previously I have paid the final balance Azamara have immediately provided a confirmation showing that the full balance has been paid. So I have the full paper trail of the booking which should suffice especially as with the old RC there was no account information available online. As @uktog says let Azamara deal with the urgent matters and just take a rest on some of the minor issues.
  18. Riocca

    New website.

    This is the disembarkation email sent out by Azamara to those disembarking in Fusina that was posted on Facebook: Dear Azamara Guest, We are thrilled to welcome you aboard Azamara Onward℠ for your upcoming sailing on September 27, 2023. We wanted to reach out about an update to your disembarkation process. Please be aware that there have been changes to the disembarkation process at Fusina in accordance with the regulations set by port authorities. Please take note of the important updates below. Guests booked on an Azamara Transfer and are either departing from the Venice Airport or have a post-hotel package: • Port authorities will provide transportation for guests from Fusina to Porto Marittima via a coach. At the terminal, guests will collect their luggage. The transfer time from the ship to the terminal should be around 20-30 minutes • Please note: If your flight departs before 11:30 a.m., and you booked a transfer with us, you will not have to go to Porto Marittima. You will be transported directly to the Venice Airport. • Upon claiming your luggage at the terminal, guests will then be transferred to the airport or hotel. If you have arranged independent transfers or intend to use a taxi, please go directly to your destination from Porto Marittima. Taxis can be found outside the terminal building. Thank you for your understanding and we can't wait to welcome you aboard Azamara Onward. Should you have any questions or need guidance of what you can explore in any destination please contact your Travel Advisor or visit https://www.azamara.com/contact-us for your local Azamara call center number. Sincerely, AZAMARA®
  19. I know that the current website / account situation is far from ideal and possibly could have been handled better but has it ever been done before? We’ve been cruising for 20 years and in that time have seen cruise lines taken over and merged into corporations. But all the ones I can think of had their own operating and account system that came with them and could continue to operate so that they could be integrated over time. Cruise lines have also changed their operating systems but that was just moving their own data and I can think of a few cases that didn’t go well either. Azamara have had to create a new system and then transfer data from a third party system all this while continuing to operate as a fully functional cruise line using live data and no safety net. Basically once they had received the data from RC the new system had to be live and handle it all. Versonix should have been able to anticipate problems and so should Azamara but this was always a disaster waiting to happen given the complexity of the task in hand.
  20. Riocca

    New website.

    Had exactly the same experience with the U.K. number last week, once through I was on hold for 5 minutes and problem solved in 10.
  21. Riocca

    New website.

    Currently on both our accounts I’m not seeing too many unsurmountable problems, when the new system was launched I followed the instructions given and was able to access both our accounts. In Azamara.com our loyalty points and level were correct and I could see all of our future cruises, however if I entered the booking system Seaware.Azamara.com the loyalty number and level was wrong and there were no future cruises. Given that our next cruise is in October I didn’t see any reason to contact Azamara while they were dealing with much more urgent matters. Then a few weeks ago on the free nights promotion I booked another cruise, partially using the online system, I failed to notice that the loyalty number on the booking was the incorrect one so this booking appeared on Seaware.Azamara.com not Azamara.com. So I contacted Azamara to get this changed and immediately the booking moved from Seaware to Azamara, which gives a clue as to what’s happening in the background. Moving on I left things as they were until this weeks email saying that they were working on the last few errors, at this point I put through on the online form a request note to say the issues we were experiencing. A couple of days later there’s been a change, now on Azamara.com we can still see all our future bookings but our loyalty numbers and level is incorrect. However over on Seaware.Azamara.com we can also see and access all the future bookings, in the drop down box there’s the correct loyalty number, points and level which is great, but there’s another box with the incorrect number, level and zero points. Email and loyalty number is obviously the key to the location of customers information but they need to sort out the confusion between the existing loyalty number and the one that was created in the system possibly as a place holder and possibly never intended for customers to view. Hopefully once they are sure that all accounts are linked they can just delete the incorrect numbers to solve the issue 🤞.
  22. Riocca

    New website.

    Have you reset your password? If not go to forgot password and use the same email address, you should get a code emailed to you which will enable you to change your password and access your account. If you’ve already tried this or don’t get a code then it’s probable that yours is one of the accounts missing in the handover, then try setting up a new account. If all else fails you need to either phone or email customer support to get help, in my recent experience they do seem to be resolving issues quite quickly at the moment.
  23. Yes a good TA is an asset and pre pandemic we had just that but unfortunately my guy took the opportunity to retire and currently we just can’t trust many of the U.K. travel agencies who are desperate to make back revenue they lost over the past few years. Anyway I think I was right as I’m seeing big changes in my online account, it looks like they are in the process of transferring data to the Seaware booking system. Hopefully full service will be restored soon 🤞
  24. Riocca

    New website.

    Some progress, currently we are showing no loyalty information or cruises on Azamara.com but for the first time ever on Seaware.Azamara.com all our future cruises are listed and our correct loyalty level, numbers and points. However it also still lists the incorrect level with no points as well, but hopefully that will be cleaned up once whatever is in progress is completed.
  25. I think the techies have got their heads under the bonnet (hood) again everything that was on my account earlier this morning has disappeared. Not the first time it’s happened and usually comes back later on the day with some changes and hopefully improvements.
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