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Everything posted by Riocca

  1. Riocca

    New website.

    Four out of five future cruises now show the correct final payment and date although the invoice details show things included like insurance and Shorex that shouldn’t be there. The only incorrect booking is a very complicated one that includes free days and future cruise credits, balance not due until July so no need to worry for a while yet.
  2. Riocca

    New website.

    Website and account was shut down when we boarded, Express pass not required nor luggage label, no issues with saying cruise had an outstanding balance, correct OBC showed up overnight first night as usual and tour tickets in room as booked.
  3. Riocca

    New website.

    I think you need to disconnect what’s showing on your online account, we’re onboard Onward and despite being in transition the information on the ships system was completely correct.
  4. From another thread, should have gone to TA’s and direct bookers.
  5. Riocca

    New website.

    Just been looking at my bookings on my account, the one made onboard this week on the new system is 100% correct but all the ones brought over have errors, to me this confirms where the problem is. I know Azamara are working on it but just think how many bookings are having to be manually checked, it might be frustrating but give them time if your cruise is in the future wait don’t phone it only makes matters worse.
  6. Riocca

    New website.

    Future cruise on Onward is Ke Wu, she is fully up to speed with the new system and extremely efficient. We were impressed with the speed of booking with the new system possibly helped by the good wi-fi connection. With the old system it often took a while before we received a quote then another day before the booking confirmation, this time we were working in real time could check all the details on screen including cabin availability. Booking was done deposit paid and confirmation printed within 15 minutes biggest delay was us choosing which cabin we wanted.
  7. Having spoken to people onboard it’s the reverse, Versonix Seaware is a respected IT company that has experience with a large number of cruise lines however having been promised a clean data package from RC what has been provided is anything but. Apparently RC’s system is decades behind and a lot of the data is corrupt meaning Azamara has to manually update the information. If anyone is incompetent it’s Royal Caribbean for providing poor quality unusable data. Good news is Azamara’s back office operating system is working fine has been running for over a year now and we’ve no problems onboard certainly not gone hungry or thirsty, for those boarding soon don’t worry online check in is unnecessary and won’t cause any problems. Just turn up at the times Azamara has indicated and enjoy the onboard experience.
  8. Lisa, we’re watching the white night chairs being put out, off to ours is sailing out of Seville in a couple of days time. Atlas bar is as good as ever 🥳
  9. Just to make you jealous this is the speed onboard Onward in Gibraltar 😁
  10. Riocca

    New website.

    I’m seeing the same including the booking we made onboard a couple of days ago, we were told when we made the booking that the onboard credit area wasn’t working at the moment so she had to manually write it on the invoice. Looking at the invoice data they have added insurance at considerable cost to all our bookings except the one we’ve just made, so it’s moving in the right direction but glad I’ve kept information on all my bookings.
  11. Riocca

    New website.

    Yes, don’t worry having boarded Onward last Saturday all the check in details will be on the new system and the boarding pass does nothing but help them locate you in the system by name and stateroom number which won’t take long to ask you. At check in in Gran Canaria they allocated a boarding group number as you arrived based on stateroom category and loyalty level, we had already chosen a boarding time but I think there’s a previous post in this thread showing the boarding times for cruises during the time that the system is down. Our boarding was very quick only had to wait for a bit because the taxi transfer from hotel to port was quicker than expected.
  12. Riocca

    New website.

    Currently onboard Onward made a new booking for 2025 without a problem, we were told that there are errors in the system but it’s improving every day and hopefully by the 1st April it will be fully functional.
  13. Riocca

    Xpress pass

    We boarded Onward last Saturday and although we had bag tags from the old system on our cases new Azamara tags were put on the bags at the drop off anyway.
  14. Riocca

    New website.

    On the upside we are currently onboard Onward no problem with check in, OBC added to account normally nothing to indicate any problems with the back office systems.
  15. Riocca

    New website.

    Azamara’s system is provided by Versonix Seaware who run systems for a number of different cruise lines including MSC & NCL so are very experienced in this type of system. As said elsewhere the old system is still live and running RC & Celebrity, I doubt very much that Versonix have access to RC’s system and are relying on data transfer. Those of us who experienced the old system will be unsurprised that the data transferred is far from complete or clean.
  16. Riocca

    New website.

    Under normal circumstances you could run parallel systems however on this occasion you have to remember the old system is still very much live and running Royal Caribbean & Celebrity’s account and booking system. Azamara have just received a data package which obviously has some serious issues.
  17. Riocca

    New website.

    I think it’s worth saying that the old Royal Caribbean system has always had a problem maintaining email addresses and contacts. Just remember the amount of threads there have been over people falling off the mailing lists, this is the data base being transferred to the new system so problems are to be expected. Also if you have a booking via a travel agent all communication will be sent to them, as certainly with a UK booking it’s only their email address on the booking, if a travel agent has a problem they should contact their Business Development Manager. We are boarding Onward tomorrow and did check in on the old system but don’t know if that information has been carried over to the new system. However if not it’s no big problem as the information can always be added dockside, we did receive the usual email regarding the balance of OBC being converted from £ to $ which is a good sign. When Crystal transferred to their new system, also Versonix Seaware, in 2017 the website was down for almost 6 weeks so Azamara aren’t doing that bad.
  18. Riocca

    New website.

    Couldn’t say but during the changeover period I’m not sure how much I would trust the website information.
  19. Riocca

    New website.

    If you look at the Versonix Seaware website that’s one of the features of their booking engine that they push as a positive feature. Even though we now prefer to book direct I wouldn’t do it on the website, in my view a cruise is too complicated a thing to do that way and would rather speak to someone who is able to sort out the finer details.
  20. Riocca

    New website.

    Ofcom says 03 numbers are no different to 01 & 02 numbers and should be included in your plan. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-telecoms-and-internet/advice-for-consumers/advice/what-are-03-numbers
  21. Riocca

    New website.

    I would query this with Vodafone, all 03 numbers should be within your included minutes. I’ve never been charged by Vodafone for phoning Azamara on their 03 number.
  22. Riocca

    New website.

    Just used forgotten password link, code received instantly then reset password had no trouble at all.
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