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Everything posted by travelberlin

  1. Thanks Terry. Maybe is sounding complicated, however I am trying to understand. For Germans is not usual that companies communicate and transfer information among individuals without our consent. Data protection laws are very strong for us. This is why I am assuming that we will inform personally whatever it has to be informed. NC has received our applications but we do not have bookings so what is it that NC will inform the Assignees? There is nothing to inform yet. Unless we book a cruise. Ivi
  2. You will not be forced to stay in your room but almost every body will dress up and the whole atmosphere on the ship will be elegant and special. The elegant/ formal nights are an invitation to go like for any invitation in which that dress code is required. No one says you have to go at that invitation. If this kind of elegant events is not something for your husband he can freely decide not to go and have dinner for example at the buffet restaurant which might be more suitable to him. Ivi
  3. Keith, How it is going to be for those who have booked already with NC? Will you receive the discount in your first cruise and in the subsequent ones and not anymore from the Assignees? I guess you will have to inform to the Assignees that you are receiving your credit from New Crystal. For those of us who have not booked yet, even though we have registered for the offer from New Crystal, we will have to wait before booking that the Assignees finish their work. Hopefully this will happen before the deadline from New Crystal. Otherwise neither we, nor NC will know what the amount of the Credit is, because it has to be the rest that is left unpaid by the Assignees. Ivi
  4. We cruise at least three times per year plus land experiences like hiking in Switzerland or exploring Puglia. 5 cruises in 3 years is not impossible if the price is right. We are not attached to any ship and have several options. Probably most of us behave like that and have several options. Ivi
  5. I am more motivated to book a NC cruise now than I was before this initiative. As some of the money that OC owes us, was because of cruises I have booked solo, I will see if I find cruises for solo bookings at per diems competitive with other cruise lines. My problem is that the allocated single cabins are not of my preference and if I would have to come on a queue for those cabins, it would make them less preferable. If NC would reduce/drop the solo supplement of other cabins, I would have a further motivation to book. Now, due to my experience with the OC, I am not booking cruises too far in advance. Only exception Explora, which I really trust because of the parent company (MSC has refunded us all our money due to cancellations during the Pandemia within 3 months). I have registered for this offer from NC but I have not booked yet any cruise. My approach will be: 1) first I will wait to receive my money back from the Assignees. I have not renounced to this refund by applying for NC offer. My preference is to receive my money back without conditions. 2) if the money from the Assignees will arrive during the first two weeks of July, if this refund is definitive without further expected payments, and if there is something left which is still due to me, I will inform NC of the new amount due and book my first NC cruise with the hope that they deliver what they promise. If no money is left, I will treat NC like any other cruise line I do not know and wait for reviews first. For our bookings as a couple, the approach will be similar. Ivi
  6. It appears that the NC is attracting at least as many solo cruisers as the number of the single cabins. How many are those cabins? Ivi
  7. It is in the discussion of Crystal Cruises Bankruptcy Exchange. There is an interesting discussion going on there. I cannot link it. I believe it is a private group. You are right, that actually one would have to waive the rights to claim. So I guess this is not going to happen. Ivi
  8. Oh, Oh, Oh… I am reading very disturbing posts on the social media that covers Crystal bankruptcy. Some body mentions that if we apply for this NC initiative we will loose our right to a monetary refund from the Assignees. Can someone clarify if this is the case. I do not recall having seeing this in the terms and conditions of NC offer. Ivi
  9. I keep watching the posts on this thread because of the title and I have realized that the last ones are really off topic and some of them fun. Maybe they should be moved to the Bistro off topic thread? Ivi
  10. No worries Mariners. I was not thinking about you when I mentioned the minimizing/criticizing/relativizing. Ivi
  11. What shall be common knowledge? That MSC charges you and not refunds? I have never heard about it. Ivi
  12. Since COVID, we are having more difficulties to accept the crowds that the non Yacht Club experience means. Tables too close to each other in the main dining room. Even on those cases in which the ship is not full, dining feels so crowded because MSC does not open up all areas in the restaurant. They keep us very close together. The only time we got COVID on a ship, was on MSC, sailing on a balcony cabin fantastica. Fortunately it was immediately after disembarking and not in the middle of the cruise. Ivi
  13. In which ships is there this infinity window? Ivi
  14. Thanks for your updates. This sailing from or to Lisabon worries me. Do you know ( or does someone know if the Azamara ships have stabilizers? Ivi
  15. IMHO there is only a small group of people who post here. Much less then those who post in other media forums. The topic was about what New Crystal is doing to attract those past guests who have been deceived by Original Crystal. Some of us are in this situation. We post because we are talking about a thing that concerns us. Some posters are not OC creditors but still post here criticizing/minimizing/relativizing what posters with genuine interest have to say. It is about this last category of posters which I wonder. Is there a need to give an opinion about everything? Ivi
  16. This is true and general for everything but no one is expecting that they make everybody happy. Ivi
  17. Why do you think they will never come back no matter the offer? Because they do not like the product? Because they feel that they were so deceived that it is hard to get them back? As far as I see most people are interested to try the New Crystal if prices are right and if it delivers what is offering : Excellence. Ivi
  18. Thanks Keith. So my previous deleted comment was not so wrong after all. Why does NC tie this goodwill offer to the work of Moecker if the New Crystal does not have anything to do with the work being done from the Assignees, who are acting on behalf of the Original Crystal? It makes this offer less attractive and implies waiting until Moecker finish his work. Who knows when that will really happen. Will it happen before the End of July this year? How come NC which is a totally different company is going to get access to the amount that Moecker will refund to each one of us? As far as I recall Anderson said they did not have that information. How are they going to get it now? I do not like the mixing of things. Ivi
  19. I am sorry Keith. I understood you that you have asked and the answer was your previous post. A misunderstanding from my part. I will delete my post. Ivi
  20. Actually I am waiting to see how Explora 1 is going to reposition from Vancouver to Europe. There could be a couple of interesting itineraries there. Ivi
  21. Wow amazing review 👍 thanks! Ivi
  22. Now I am not sure I get it. If we book our first cruise by July 31st and we do not receive anything from Moecker, will NC give us a discount of 1/5 of what OC owed us? Or will NC wait until Moecker finish its work first instead of giving us the discount at the time of booking? Ivi
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