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Splice the mainbrace

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Everything posted by Splice the mainbrace

  1. Our local town Nantwich broke it's North West England temp record yesterday at 36.2 up from 34.7 in 1990. After such a hot night we're starting to lose the battle of keeping the house cool, 24 this time yesterday 27 today but quite a dry heat so not too sweaty. Relaxing afternoon watching Tour de France, how the riders race in that heat for 5 hours I don't know I feel tired just watching them!!
  2. Supposed to be getting to 37 here today and tomorrow and 32 by now but my outside thermometer is 'only' showing 28 and it is accurate. Managing to keep lounge cool at 24, windows open early until outside temp higher than inside and curtains shut. The opposite to winter but house insulation also works well in hot weather if properly managed. Fortunately I don't have anything planned the next 2 days so can just relax and keep cool.
  3. Yes I'm glad they they have lowered the age for boosters this autumn. We are going on a 4 week South America land/cruise tour in January and I was concerned that I would be going away 13 months after my last booster and haven't had a covid infection to date. Will book the free 50+ flu jab for early October 2+ weeks before our P&O eastern med cruise.
  4. Fresher and breezy here today but forecasting 34oC next Tuesday, could be highest ever temp in Cheshire?? I've lived up here for 35 years and I recall 30 or 31oC max, although in my childhood I know that Southampton had higher temps especially in 1976 and holds the record for the highest UK June temperature. Up early today to watch the start of the Open, first tee off at 6.35!!! Not much will be getting done the next 4 days.
  5. Yes it is more difficult to replace Russian gas than oil from alternative sources hence the inflated prices. Gas prices averaged around 50p/therm before last year now at 270p/therm, did come back down to 130 a month or so ago. If Russia was a 'normal' country they could be such a rich country with so much natural resources and plentiful supplies to the world, which would also reduce global prices. I do think that countries that are buying cheaper Russian oil or gas like China and India should have import duties imposed to the UK as they are getting a economic advantage.
  6. Oil prices seem to respond downwards more to recession fears but Gas prices seem to lose for example 20% one day and then up 15% or more the next and no general downward movement unfortunately at the moment. I have just come off a 2 year energy fix at May 2020 prices and my DD will increase from £110 per month to £240, if current estimates for the October price increases are accurate then it will increase substantially again to £360 +
  7. I've just checked on line for our area reservoir level which is in Wales and is currently at 72% down 2% in the last week. So I think that we are some way off any possible hose pipe ban, I only use a hose for washing the car not for the garden anyway.
  8. I chipped a corner of a back molar last week (part just fell out when eating, nothing hard, must have been cracked/weakened before) I keep putting off going to the dentist. If it needs a crown rather than a filling it will be the third one of my 4 back molars and I will have to decide whether to get another one or give up on the rear row and have it taken out instead, wonder if I'd notice much difference?
  9. When I started cruising in my 30s I disliked 'dressing up', in part because my Dinner Suit trousers and black broque shoes were too tight!! But over the decades with properly fitting clothes I got to enjoy the 'special' nights, IMO when the vast majority dress up it is a nice sight and atmosphere. We have mostly cruised with Cunard since 2015 but even they seem to be reducing the amount of Formal nights (or whatever they call them now) to the point where for long haul flight, far flung, flight baggage restricted weight cruises it hardly seems worth packing the Formal clothes. We go on a land and Princess cruise South America tour this winter (1 week land, 2 weeks cruise, 1 week land) so we won't be taking Formal clothes but I'll be making do with Chinos and Polo shirt type look which I can also use on land evening meals.
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