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Splice the mainbrace

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Everything posted by Splice the mainbrace

  1. In the past what happened if you turned up at the terminal and ticked a box or answered verbally whether you were suffering from diarrhoea? Presumably you would be denied boarding but did cruise lines reimburse or would travel insurance pay up for such a generic symptom?
  2. It always seems to be that if you book a long transfer time the incoming flight is on time and if short it is late. Seem to be that way anyway! The worst thing in some of the more complicated transfer airports where you have to transfer terminals, go through another security check, even passport control again which makes it even more stressful. Sorry for thread drift.
  3. Thanks, I was curious because of what club means on Cunard with a separate restaurant. I’ve never heard of the term before for just set sittings.
  4. What is club dining? Set sitting times?
  5. Yes just read that further up the tread and answered my own question. I have a special birthday onboard and was hoping to have a speciality meal that evening but may struggle to book with no Sindu and Ocean Grill only running at 50% capacity.
  6. Rather general, especially the cough, headache, muscle aches etc. A lot of people will have suffered from one of those within 10 days of sailing but nothing to do with any disease.
  7. We are on her from next Tuesday, your comments sound encouraging.
  8. 8c and unexpectedly foggy here in Cheshire, we are low lying here and when it’s like this it’s often sunny higher up in Stoke for example.
  9. Apart from a New England and Canada cruise in the fall, after our 5 booked cruises we will have cruised to all world places that we want to. After that any cruises will be purely warm weather winter breaks to the med or canaries or cruises out of Sydney (South Sea islands) when we visit our son every 3 years or so. I travelled to Europe a lot on business until I retired 3 years ago but my wife and I have not explored at leisure many of the countries, so that may be the focus of our holidays from 2024 onwards.
  10. I don’t know what the coughing question states but I can have coughing fits from time to time often when I eat, associated with acid reflux. For P&O to deny someone boarding just for having a cough is unreasonable as there can be various causes, did they do that pre2020 ? No! What does question actually say?
  11. We have 5 cruises booked for the next 16 months 2 with P&O, 2 with Cunard and 1 with Princess. After that we should have a better idea which cruise line suits us better in the ‘new world’ post 2020 events. We haven’t been with P&O since 2015 but used them a lot during the 90s and 00s when we had the kids with us. We normally book our cruises on the day of booking launch but may hold back now and wait to see how our next cruise or 2 go and how we feel.
  12. Glanced out of the window and thought they we had been attacked by dementors from Harry Potter. Fortunately it was only my wifes 'black evening numbers' drying after being washed for our cruise starting next week!!
  13. When cruising we tend to have our showers before we get ready to go out for the evening, do the towels still get changed in the evening? Don't fancy still damp towels for my morning ablutions!!
  14. When I first started cruising 30 years ago in my late 20s / early 30s I disliked the black tie evenings but over the years now look forward to the sense of a special night. 2 a week seems about right to me otherwise hardly worth packing it or for newbie’s not worth the expense of buying or renting. Even after all these years of cruising I still get excited and find it special to go on a ship to cruise unlike other fly holidays, it’s more than just a holiday to me and is also a sense of occasion.
  15. Mixed day here weather wise. Sunny first thing then 3 hours of fairly heavy rain and now back to blue skies and sunny.
  16. Your sister is 3 weeks older than me. Mine is later in October on the same day as Graham if I remember correctly.
  17. I’ve just got back from Stoke after getting the car dealership to diagnose my faulty key fob. They changed the batteries during its service 3 weeks ago which is why I ruled out low battery level but apparently they had a “bad batch” of batteries ! So batteries changed again diagnostics done on the car and hopefully will be ok now. I don’t know what they mean by bad batch of batteries, not sufficient output maybe?
  18. What was your allocated check in time? What is the m/suite? We will need to book a restaurant for the night of my birthday onboard asap when get onboard in 12 days time. I look forward to your updates to prepare me for what to expect onboard.
  19. I agree low battery is normally the most common problem but both were changed by the dealer during the car service 3 weeks ago.
  20. We are going through some issues at the moment. It started with a dripping central heating drain point above the boiler which our heating chappy fixed while doing the annual service last week, in doing this it got air in the system which kept overheating the boiler and then the condensate drain pipe started dripping under the boiler. He has just popped back to fit a new gasket so hopefully that’s fixed it. Also one of our car key fobs has started not opening the car, if we use the other fob and then use the faulty one again it works a couple of times. So have to go to the dealer tomorrow in Stoke (30 mile round trip) for them to diagnose the fault. I can’t get a set time so could be hanging around for hours !! I could do without the hassle and for our next car I’ll make sure that I buy a car make which has a dealership in our local town. Makes me wonder what would happen if we get the worst case scenario this winter with power cuts. Very little mattered during the 1970s but so much now relies on electricity nowadays and apart from having to reset the clocks some devices don’t like loosing power and restarting! e.g. our central heating timer.
  21. How long does the ton of fuel last you in winter? £210 doesn’t sound too bad in todays high gas prices environment.
  22. This last week or so we would have had the heating on to take the chill off the air normally but have held off this year. With the heating cutting in and out today it is still 19c in the lounge which is the same temperature as previous days without heating but feels warmer because the radiators are warm.
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