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Posts posted by pathubia

  1. Thats outstanding!! Are you going to tell him prior??


    Friend is on the BA right now and she went from Inside to H4 for 1000pp... she didn't tell the husband and when they were at the Manhattan Terminal, he ate about 2 sandwiches before he realized that no one else was in the Suite \ Haven Waiting Room.... stunned she hel out that long


    Nice upsell!!


    He thinks we are in a family with balcony. Its the same suite we had January 2015. Honestly, we spent about 1/2 hour total on the balcony. I think he will be happy with the extra room!!

  2. Have a nice time.


    If you do get a chance, can you see if you can find out any more specifics about what they are all doing in the drydock? There hasn't been a ton of info.


    When we were in the DAWN in November the hotel director told us that they are taking out Pearly Kings and making it a wine bar (I have since heard it will be "5 o'clock somewhere bar"). Moderno is moving to the Star Bar and they are taking out Blue Lagoon and making both side O'Sheehans.


    It was explained that when we get off the ship May 18, they will not be making up the rooms, they will be getting rid of the bedding, mattresses, rugs, and replacing it all.

  3. Congrats !!!


    Can you share the upsell offer?

    What did you move from?


    Thank you


    We were originally in a balcony, did an upsell two weeks ago for $400 pp to upsell to a family suite with balcony (at the time they wanted $750pp for the DOS), I called last week and they wanted $350pp to upsell (on top of the $400pp that we already paid) still too much. Yesterday I called and they offered it for $100pp more, I said yes!! So it was a total of $1000 (plus $80 to increase the ins). We don't get the 4 suite perks, but we have the UBP and SDP and we are happy with those.


    I haven't told my husband yet :eek:

  4. Did you get one of the inside ones or outside ones?


    Inside, 12500, there are only 2 of us and I was hoping for one of the outside ones, but it was all they had left on an upsell.

  5. I just did an upsell to one of the DOS on the Dawn.


    I understand that we will get three bottles of alcohol and mixers, is there a list that we pick what we want from? Do we get unlimited bottled water?


    Thanks in advance.


  6. Awesome. New Orleans looks like an awesome city to spend pre or post cruise so we are a little disappointed to see no regular itinerary departing from there. The May 8th 2016 Dawn departure to western Caribbean looks perfect, but coming from the UK the costs of flying into one airport and home from a different one are astronomical so rules out repo's :-(


    The May 8th cruise isn't a repositioning. It begins and ends in New Orleans.

  7. We were in the Dawn DOS Suite 12000 2 weeks ago and the butler was Joseph. He was a very pleasant and helpful young butler. Room steward was also very good (Patrick). We did not see much of or use the concierge very much.


    Does the butler give you a list of what you can order for the 3 bottles that come with the DOS?

  8. Congrats!!! Any chance of the details? I have an Aft Balcony on the Dawn and was tossing and turning if I should pursue an upsell...


    What was the per person cost?

    What room did you start in?


    Thank you!!


    We originally booked a balcony 9050. About 2 weeks ago we paid $400pp to upgrade to a family suite with balcony 12020. Just called and paid $100pp for the DOS, I am a little sad no balcony, but it will be so nice. And its a 10 day cruise!!

  9. Thanks for your info. I had the room number correct but wrong about the aft , it is a forward. I think it was a pretty sweet deal too. I wonder if we get breakfast and lunch at a private dining area? thanks again


    It is usually Cagney's but someone mentioned on their review of the Dawn last week that it was at LaCuccina (with the same menu that they use at Cagneys)

  10. I never heard of the upsell number until a couple of months ago. I waited until 5 weeks before my cruise, when I called the rep was very nice and said there was nothing yet and for me to try back the following week. I called the following Monday, still nothing, then I received my first "upsell" email. I was offered an SD for 500pp, offered 750 total and she countered with 400pp, which we took. I called the week after to find see what the garden villa would be, that was $2000pp. Plus it would be a big waste of space with just the 2 of us. At that time we could have upselled for $350pp more for the DOS, buy we didn't want to give up our balcony.

  11. Wish I had known we could drink the stuff in the mini bar and the bottles of water without extra charge. I wish there was a list of what all the suite could provide.


    One thing I wish they had was a pamphlet on how to use the coffeemaker. That thing compounds me every cruise in a suite.


    Afternoon and evening snacks are to your liking. Just let the butler know what you want. One evening I asked him if we could have X the next evening. In about 5 minutes he was at our door with what I had asked for the next evening. They do try to please.


    We traveled with 2 small kids but it was still their job to clean up their toys. No reason for it to be any different than at home. Good habits are to keep.

    I don't like to make the personnel's jobs any tougher than they are. We are not neatniks but I also don't want to be a slob just because I am on vacation.


    Is this true, no charge for mini bar items if you are in a suite?

  12. Haven't sailed on NCL for a long time, but the time and the itinerary was right. I booked the lowest inside cabin guarantee there was and they gave me a cabin right away. I would like to upgrade/upsell to a higher cabin....at least one with some natural light...I tried calling NCL ( I am sailing in about a week)....the standard reservation number.....they said they have to offer it to me first....My TA can't do it unless I pay for the highest upgrade I want....So, what is the truth behind upgrades....I know there are lots of cabins left but I would like to know the real skinny on this from people who sail NCL all the time. I am silver on NCL if that makes any difference...Anyone have a real upsell phone number?:D


    The upsell number is 1-800-625-4309, they are open Monday - Friday, 9-5.

    Good luck!!

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