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Everything posted by dreaminofcruisin

  1. Likely the ship's policy for that cruise. We were on the Emerald Princess in August which started out as Masks Recommended. About 1/2 through the cruise, we got a letter in our stateroom indicating a rise in cases among passengers and crew, so Masks were now Required in all indoor areas.
  2. Having recently been on the Emerald Princess up in Skywalkers peering through dirty windows, the "mom" in me looks at "The Dome" on this new ship and thinks: "Now how are they going to keep all those windows clean?" 🤷‍♀️
  3. Check in the Personalizer and see if you "Allow emails" is turned off. Ours was turned off sometime between last week and a month or so ago.....and I didn't do it.....
  4. Oh no! That's one of the best things about Princess for longer cruises!
  5. Did you book late or something? Did you immediatley have to pay in full, meaning you were after final payment? The highlighted prices are the "normal" prices you would pay at any time booking a cruise. After final payment (90 days prior), they sometimes increase these prices for the packages. All that being said....the highlighted prices are the U.S. prices. Assuming, B.C. is British Columbia, would you have booked in Canadian pricing?
  6. Actually, the most recently retired Sun Princess had the "hull" balconies also....
  7. I got a free 'upgrade' this week also. Mine was from a balcony to a higher category balcony. I didn't consider it an upgrade and had to call and have them move me back, which they did. The person I talked to was surprised they hadn't asked before they moved me. I called within 8 hours of receiving the email, but she had a bit of difficulty since my original cabin was 'taken'. She had to talk to a supervisor and fill out (an online) form to move me back. I did receive an email from Princess within an hour after I hung up the phone that I had been moved back.....
  8. I found the confirmation that kids are half price in SD. It' under FAQ: Cruising with Family--Dining Options for Family: https://www.princess.com/learn/faq/onboard/cruising-with-family/
  9. If you post which cruise you are taking, you might be able to get more direct information from others who have been on those cruises or similar. My "total guess" on the reason they can't tell you what the additional tests are is related to the ports that you are stopping at, since that is also a moving target. Some ports require a booster vaccination, some require testing within 24 hours, etc. and as we all know, requirements are constantly changing.
  10. WOW! Just WOW! I emailed my request last night at 7:04 PM CST. Got the automatic reply saying to allow 21 days for processing. Received another email from Princess at 8:39 PM CST with the title: "Your Princess booking confirmation". I had been doing something else with my booking yesterday, but had already received something with the same title confirming that change. I thought "Now what is this for?" I opened it up and it had my Shareholder OBC included! It looks like Princess finally has this figured out! Yay! If you are emailing your request and you don't get the auto reply, I would suggest you log into Princess and make sure you are allowing emails as I noticed with the whole new bidding process, mine was at "No" and it used to be "Yes", so I think Princess I.T. converted something incorrectly.....Even if you "KNOW" yours is "Yes", go check to be sure....
  11. Right, but the minimum amount you could bid was the amount in the original email part. The slider wouldn't go lower.
  12. Not to hijack this thread and it might be better if I start a new one, but it's related. I thought at one point when the amount of the deposit for cruises changed, there was only a deposit needed for passenger 1 and 2. It now appears that it is also needed for passenger 3 and 4 if I do a mock booking..... ....or maybe I just dreamed that???? 🙄
  13. I am starting to investigate future cruises with DDs family. I noticed that for the 3rd and 4th person in a cabin (7 day), the price is generally $499 regardless of booking as Standard, Plus or Premier. This is probably ok as that gives you the option to add drinks package or wifi or not for the kids. Not a TA, so I don't know if there are other options that include "Plus-like" things for 3rd and 4th passenger.
  14. Just got the upgrade email for Ruby on October 1st--7 day California Coastal. Yesterday I discovered that my email communcation was set to "NO" even though I am 100% sure it used to be "YES". So, it took about 24 hours from the time I changed it until I got the email.....pretty sure that's related, but I guess I don't know for certain. I am in a Standard Balcony cabin. I was offered Premium Balcony (from $30 pp ), Mini-Suite (from $200 pp) or Club Class Mini-Suite ($270 pp). These amounts are the minimum amounts you could bid. There is a slider, but these numbers reflect the minimum offers you are able to make. I was NOT offered the Penthouse Suite nor the Owners Suite even though both appear to be available for booking on the website. I won't be bidding since I am pretty particular about my cabin location, but I wanted to see what this looks like and if I thought something might be a 'screaming deal', I might consider it. Thought I would post my situation, just in case that is helpful to anyone.
  15. I googled because I was interested to find that Mendenhall Glacier stopped receding, but couldn't find that information. Do you have a source? This is what I found: Since the 1750s snowfall at the site has been less than the rate of melting. By 2050 the glacier is expected to be completely out of view from the U.S. Forest Service Visitor Center at the southeast corner of Mendenhall Lake. https://www.blm.gov/blog/2022-01-05/challenge-opportunity-1952-and-2022
  16. It seems like a strange thing to focus on for a cruiseline that has an older average age. I 'get' they are trying to attract younger people and I am sure there are many older people who would use these services, but it certainly feels like there are other easier and perhaps cheaper things they could do. Playing more music that was written after I was born, for instance (and I am in my 60s).
  17. Curious where you are getting these rules? I see this in the FAQ on my cruise personalizer and it no longer says you can log in: How do I check whether my cruise is eligible for Princess Upgrade? You should receive an email invitation after all eligibility requirements are met and have opted-in to receive marketing emails from Princess. If you meet all the eligibility requirements but still cannot access the bidding site, please check with your travel advisor as a small number of travel agencies have elected to limit access partially or fully to this program. I was quite surprised yesterday when I logged into my account and saw that Emails were set to "No" even though they have always been set to "Yes" and I did just get a (not very good) upgrade offer last spring. So, good to check. I couldn't see anywhere that you could log in to access Upgrades? Do you know where that is?
  18. Meh....I am 0 for 3 on TAs. One of them was recommended by someone I met on a cruise. They assured me they always got good 'deal'. Eh....not so much. I also have a PVP who is really responsive if I want to book a cruise...other times not so much. I don't doubt that people have been fortunate to find good TAs that discount, but do consider yourself REALLY fortunate as I think they are few and far between. I'm just over it....back to booking online and controlling my bookings and just fine with that. 😀
  19. DH was drinking San Pellegrino on our B.I. Emerald cruise in August. It was available in some, but not all bars. If it wasn't available, Perrier was.
  20. I found this for you. I think it will answer your questions. https://emmaonline.co.uk/enchanted-princess-balcony-cabin-review/
  21. Correct. The Plus package includes any type of coffee....even if you want to put something alcoholic into it. 😉
  22. No idea what your TA is talking about. Looks like mine for next summer is $59. Since you booked through a TA, you can't do it online like I can since I booked online. You need to book it through your TA. Ask why it is that he/she is telling you $75 and we all see it as $59. Perhaps just nicely ask him/her to re-check the pricing. Perhaps they are thinking of a different cruise line. I have heard that others are more expensive.
  23. Now that's a WEIRD hotel for sure! Stairs and hallways everywhere and every which direction. Reception on the 1st (?) floor, but that meant about 6 half flights up and the elevator was broken so we had to lug our suitcases....that was the end of the handle on mine. Great location, though not sure I would stay there again---once might be enough for that one! 😁
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