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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @JazzyV I think I saw @Cruzin Terri post about the air being fixed (minus a few parts) but she hasnt posted since 8/2 (yesterday morning)
  2. @Quartzsite Cruiser I complained to my heart doc, that i was feeling off in January. He got me an appointment with this doc. They ordered an MRI with contrast, the first tests in January showed a tumor of 8 mm. I met with the lung doc and he was all concerned about the size, and he wanted me to cancel Alaska, and have the tumor removed, while it was just "the right size" I didn't see him for one month after the MRI, and he said the tumor had grown to 10mm, but it wasn't cancer. Then he said, well it could be a false negative. He may or may not have seen the results. If they send the information to the Decatur office, then he will only see it when he is in that office. I had these tests in July, and I see him in August. He works in 7 different offices, too much travel, not enough time in an office. Atlanta Lung Specialists. Dont treat me real special. But I have to have tests done every 3 months the first year after discovery, and then every 6 months for 3 years.
  3. I was lying in bed last night, thanking God for each and every one of you, when I realized I haven't seen @erehwon posting recently, and when I try to find her/him there is no listing. Anyone? am i spelling incorrectly?
  4. @ger_77You might want to chill the wine too. You didnt mention wine. I'm worried. I love a good cool glass of non alcholic red wine. I know there of you out there thinking, well isnt that grape juice? Mais non, mez ami. It is wine that tastes like wine but is de naturized (alchohol evaporates) ( i think that is the term) . Chuck prefers white, and I like red. There is even a bubbling wine that is supposed to be champagne, tastes like soap suds.... I have not had a glass of my wine in over 3 years, but I might get one at the farmers market this weekend. My days may be very full with work and appointments, but I now know that we are going on this vacation. As long as my lung doctor doesn't find something very wonky again with my last test. Which was a month ago, but I dont see him until Tuesday. @kochleffelHave fun at the opera.
  5. Will finish reading later, but thought you would want to know, Chuck starts the immunotherapy next Thursday! And the doc said he would personally kill the DH if he didnt go on this trip!
  6. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! 74 degrees here, cloudy. Might rain? Very humid. I once again have a PT discrepancy- my schedule says 10, their email says 9. DH has tried since last week to reach his oncologist, and no one has called him back. So he is going to tag along with me for the PT, and then head downtown and we are just going to show up and hope that either the nurse will talk with him, ot that the doctor will. He wants to go with the immunotherapy, but with his own doc, but he cant reach his doc, and is wavering about changing to Winship. If he can get the same treatment from either, wouldnt you stay with the doc you know? Who knows you and your complete history.? And then work this afternoon and evening.
  7. Stopping back in to catch up between the vet, dog walk and work, Taz has something weird going on with a tooth. Will post about it later. About my potato salad, I use red skin taters, and leave the skin on, because I was told there are more nutrients in them. @JazzyV if you ever bake a couple of taters, save one for a personal sized potato salad. I even use instant left over mashed taters. And I have made a couple of times, a sweet potato salad, the recipe calls for lots of onions, and chopped green onions (guess to take the sweet away), it's different, and not bad, but basically sweet taters and onions. with mayo. Have a great afternoon. Hugs to all and prayers for Baby Murphy. @Quartzsite CruiserI hope all goes well with DH's lumbar. Whenever I want a bus to show up, I light up. When ever Chuck gets bored waiting for a doc to show up, he plays on his phone, you got it, they show up.
  8. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! It's take the cat to the vets morning. All cats have disappeared. The appointment was for Tazi, but if we cant find her, Bob will go, as his appointment is in two weeks. So I will catch up later today I dont know if I could just do potato salad as a meal, but I cook the taters whole, and then cut them up, I add Hellmans, chopped dill pickle, chopped sweet onion, or red onion, celery, salt and pepper. I like , bbq sauce on it, put that is an add on when it's on the plate. (DH likes sweet pickle and eggs added to his, so he orders it as a side often when we eat out) I try to make mine taste like my moms. no recipe. @lazey1
  9. I forgot about this mountain that I climbed when I was in college. We were touring the southwest and studying the Native American History. Our host family told us to go out and get some exercise, there is a mountain a few blocks from here-so Janna and I went for a hike. We trudged up the hill, and as we went up, a runner (quite a nice looking gentleman) went up past us, and then came down past us. We hiked on, he ran past us, and a little later came down past us. (he was tan, and slim, and really good looking) we kept hiking and he went up past us, and again down past us. Janna said, I wonder how he is in bed?. I said "tired". Squaw Peak-Phoenix
  10. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. I did say this to myself before I got out of bed. We all need the luck. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Currently 74 degrees in Stone Mountain. I have climbed that mountain, and never again. I have taken the sky ride up, and walked down. Better known for this I have climbed Mt. Tom in Vermont I love eggplant parm, and like @kochleffelwill accept any delivery of it, anytime. I love my girl friends. Today is therapy, walk the dog, make the lunch, Chuck has a visual visit from the oncologist who is recommending immunotherapy at 2, I have a zoom training class at 3 for two hours, and then I go to work, until 9. While I enjoy getting the 40 a week for walking the dog, I really hope that my neighbor retires. I have a string of days this month that walking the dog, just wont happen. Like yesterday. I did warn her, it would be a very late walk. She got home at the same time I did, so she walked the dog. I need to take away one responsibility to make my life a little easier. On the other nhand, I need the walk, but it is really too hot for either me or the dog to enjoy.
  11. I'm glad @Scrapnana is done with her chemo, and that she will be feeling stronger and much better soon. While I was feeling all happy about going to my CA campaign, I got kidnapped by my current TX boss for 16 hours a week, all those managers wheeling and dealing and treating us like pawns on a chess board. Why is he holding me back? Because he says I am one of his better sales people, umm why do you think I wanted to go to another job for a couple of months where I sold well, and got paid more? And now my hours are limited there. So now my hours are going from 20 to 32 a week, along with all the doctors appointments, and therapy sessions, and Chuck is scheduling another eye surgery after he has settled to whatever treatment he decides on. There is not one week in August which we have nothing to do but work. The calendar is full. I need a vacation. I called Penny and she is letting us go over and use her pool on Sunday. Luckily they installed stairs, there is no way my back would let me climb a ladder right now. I'd just have to stay in the pool until i wrinkled to death, or wait for ice to build up to climb out on.
  12. While the proton therapy did work two years ago, it's not an option this time around. This doc is also suggesting immunotherapy. So far that is two out 3 that he will listen to. The next doc we see is the oncologist that he has had for years,. At first he was all gung ho to suggest the chemo, but when we met with the PA two weeks ago, he too had changed his mind. Perhaps DH didn't qualify for the treatment, too old, had cancer too long... who knows. DH did get a job assignment this morning. Yeah! Austin Opera. Starts Wednesday. His tests seem to have been rescheduled for another date. All of this is making us a bit nervous that we will have to cancel the Italy and Greece cruise. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  13. @Seasick Sailor Oliver is little and if you have hawks, you need to be out with him. When I lived in Decatur GA, I saw a hawk come down and take a dog, while on it's leash away from his owner. That owner did not let go, but I'm pretty sure, that dog was seriously injured. I also saw a hawk take a rattle snake away from one of my cats, she too hung on for dear life, but thought better of it, and released the snake. Decatur was a small town, that turned into a little city, and bulldozing down the forest area, made for some interesting wildlife in the suburbs.
  14. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! We are up early for DH's appointment, maybe too early, but we leave in 2 hours. He got an email yesterday that his hours for his campaign have been cut to 8 a week. For one week, and then the campaign is over. So even though he is going through all this health stuff, he still wants to work. So I told him about one campaign that was restarting, and I called one of my bosses to see if he could replace me, when I "move" to another campaign next week. I love good avocados, but have had no luck finding any recently. I use them with curry dishes, turkey sandwiches, stuffed with crab salad, or use them as a dish for shrimp... And now I am hungry. Since DH slept the afternoon away and I wouldnt wake him to cook the steak we ended up eating a whole wheat bagel, but that was supposed to be breakfast. So now I have to figure out what breakfast will be. I dont think it has been out of the 80's for the last couple days. At 11 on Saturday night the temperature was 87. Prayers for Baby Murphy, for @Quartzsite Cruiser, @smitty34877's hubbies and for all of you who are dealing with life on life's terms... Hugs, Annie
  15. I had just written a rather extensive post, and all that posted was the meme. Aghhhhh! so i will shorten post stayed out late went to bed late woke up late had breakfast late had lunch late spent remainder of after noon watching F2 races from this weekend, watched the porche race from early today watched Chuck sleep the afternoon away A Midsummer Nights Dream was very good, 95% of the time. It was the last weekend, and many folks were there for the 2nd of 3rd time. Because it was their last evening performance, they added some of their own humor, and then rushed through the final third of the play. BUT Puck was played by a woman, and SHE was fantastic! DH is still sleeping, guess he needs it, we are off to the Proton Radiology doc tomorrow to get his opinion on more treatment. But in reality, he needs the next two tests, CT and PET to see if what they are now looking at is cancer in his mouth, or scarring in his mouth. I will let him rest, perchance to dream.
  16. When I make Lasagna it costs over 50 bucks to make, several meats, several cheeses, even sauce and pastes, and DH will eat it once, and say, no left overs. To me anything with tomato in it, is better the next day. I dont think I have made it in more than 15 years. But after reading what foods actually fight cancer, he's getting spaghetti this week. It's not the pasta, its the processed tomatoes. I will serve it with Italian sausage, both sweet and hot, so that I can eat something. We are doing well with the fruit, this morning I fixed a very elegant parfait. Sliced strawberries on the bottom, raspberry yogurt, blue berries on the top, and then smothered it in Ready Whip. (the secret is the ready whip). We went out last night and I had steak fajitas. I saved the veggies, and will hide them in some rice for dinner tomorrow. So steak and "seasoned" rice. Roasted baby color carrots. I was amazed that carrots originally were not orange, so I buy the bag with white, purple and red carrots Very colorful. @ger_77Years ago between real jobs, I worked for a man who was letting go of his business. He was a metallurgist, and i mention that because my father was too, and the both passed away around the same time. But Mr. Lawrence suffered from gout. His doctor told him to do two things, one was to quit all alcohol, and the second was to drink Cherry juice. The juice is not cheap, and he didn't adhere to step one, but said the cherry juice helped. I didnt do the exercises, so going to do that now.
  17. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! @StLouisCruisersBon Voyage! and have fun with @dfish and her sister Sue. Work today and theatre tonight. Back and arm are in pain, so I am about to start some of my PT homework. Lots of F1 2 and 3 going on this weekend. And every race seems to be delayed due to weather, so I can watch later.... For those of you returning home to your fur babies- Have a great weekend!
  18. Well I'm good to go then! Thanks for letting me know I totally read it wrong. @Cruzin Terri to quote Schultzie in Hogan's Heros- I know nothing. And the way I travel, I declare nothing,as there is nothing to declare. Take only pictures, leave only footprints. @durangoscotsI am sorry to read about the loss of your friend, and your friend in Hospice. Life changes in a second. Sending you a huge hug. My mother's motto, was "Wherever you go, there you are."
  19. @dfishThank you for the food porn. How I miss Lobster!
  20. Maybe we have all been asking the wrong question, when we say "can it get any worse"? Because it seems everything has gotten worse. The heat, the traffic (well bad drivers), the cost of everything, and our health, the loss of friends...Maybe we should say. It sucks, lets make it better. So for all of you-
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