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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Happy Saturday Morning! We had a great time at the concert yesterday. Two of our friends didn't show up, but there were 3 of us, and even though his wife didn't come (she was very ill), our friend Harley did, he loves Classical music. We went out for a lo carb lunch after the concert and talked about his most recent trip to Canada and back. Then we needed to head back towards town to get cat food, and then back home. We didn't get home until 4:30, so I really had a day off. I even had two days off from walking the dog! But I work today, and as of right now, I have no breakfast to munch on. Nor the energy or drive to go get something. DH and I were still full after our lunch yesterday, so dinner was ice cream. This is not healthy eating. I used to hate Brussel sprouts, but then I tried the sprouts at Red Lobster, and I'm good with them now. Yum. Growing up my neighbor had a pug. My brother used to baby sit him, and he said that after the kid fell asleep he would watch the TV with the pug. When the pug fell asleep he would start snoring and when the dog breathed in, his tail would roll up, and when he breathed out, his tail would unwind. Thank you for all the great pictures today! Happy Sweetest Day!
  2. I have to admit that I saw the Celebrate Dessert day, and since I celebrate that every day, I started dreaming about desserts. We did have eggs today. I made bacon, egg and swiss on rye (one slice each-folded in half). The cats enjoyed the bacon..... I finally got DH out of bed, and now i'm off to wash the rest of what the cat tried to ruin.
  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My apologies last night for my rant.... Guess I should lay low for a few days, but alas that isn't me. Todays concert is at the Carlos Museum on the Emory campus. The concert is free, but the parking is not. Oh well. The description of the performance is pianist Alex Chein for a performance of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and more works for solo piano. After the concert, we will do lunch with our friends (one is sick, so if they dont show up, lunch plans can be changed) and then get my new glasses ordered. Years ago DH and I were in Belize, we were doing a walk around town on our own excursion. Our plan was to get to the museum, and we did, and thoroughly enjoyed it.. I asked the rep at the museum if they would be willing to send any of their exhibits to other museums around the world, and they said yes, but no one had asked. I got in touch with the Carlos Museum (which is an antiquities museum) and they said they would be interested, and I gave them the name of the rep and the museum, and the rest is history. Belize antiquities came to Atlanta. Yay! I did want to sleep late, it is a day off, but at 6:46 while smothered in bed by cats, one of them started hurling. I got up, but didn't want to wake DH so I left. Had to go get shoes before going out to feed Fawn, so I turned on the light, and the bed was covered! I pulled off the top "binkie" and will head to the wash. DH was trying to hang on to it, and asked why I was being so mean.... @0106 Thank you for the recipe. I think this is one food that I need to try before I find out what it is. Looks good.....
  4. My mother would say-guillotine. @1ANGELCAT. When people actually get punished and I mean as mom would say-guillotine so that others wont be harmed, then maybe it will stop, but for some reason, it keeps getting worse. Punishment must fit the crime. Unless they are really crazy, and I dont mean because of drugs. I mean crazy. Drugs, that's just being stupid crazy. Stop me now, I am much too radical.
  5. Several weeks ago some one posted -The LIne. Did any one keep a copy and can post that again, or know what date it was from. I really want to send that to a friend, who lives in so much fear, they don't do anything. It is easier to complain about what's wrong, than changing yourself to fix what's wrong, but I think that poem hit the nail on the head.
  6. My dear sweet dentist got the crown back on, and the cavity fixed, and with two shots of Novacaine, I could barely eat lunch( but I did 😸) but as far as getting on the phone, I sound like snagglepuss-sufferin succotash! so I will postpone going back to work until 3. I'm drinking coffee like a crazy person to get the feeling back in my mouth. If it's not better by 3, I will wait for second shift. I'm pretty sure that once the Novacaine wears off, I will feel like i have been smacked in the mouth. I used to have the Cornell Bird feeder web camera on the computer, and it gotten taken off, DH asked that I find it again, so that the cats have something to watch. Bubbles did come back after a two day absence, but he wants nothing to do with Fawn. She and I went on the porch last night and she wanted belly rubs. This is a good sign, that she knows she needs her humans now. Guess the rain knocked some wild out of her again. @Quartzsite Cruiser let DH sleep as long as he can, sleep is a healer, but YOU need to feel comfortable enough to get a good nights rest too. You are anxious about him, but you do need to get some good sleep. Too bad they didn't send a nurse home with you too. My mom used a bell, Dad said it could wake the dead, and the bell is now used in our office when we make a sale. Recently it has been very quiet. @Vict0riannI am sorry to read about your cousin. She sounds like she had a full and wonderful life.
  7. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The clouds are breaking up, it's 62 degrees and it's supposed to be back in the 80's tomorrow. I slept well thanks to the sound of the rain last night. I missed rain! @msmayor Nice to see you back! @RedneckBobWhen we cruised to Key West last month, we had a fantastic lunch in a Cuban restaurant, but full as we were, we stopped for a Chocolate covered Key lime pie on a stick. It was wonderful! My cell phone (work phone) has already been ringing before 8 this morning. I haven't checked to see what boss is looking for me now. Too early. I'm off to the dentist this morning. While they were going to work on a cavity, I would prefer, they put the crown back on my tooth. It's not extremely painful, just irritating. Then we are hoping that I can chew afterwards, so that while we are in that neck of the woods, we can have lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant. I thought mu mom would say silly things....until I got old enough, or more mature perhaps to understand them. One thing she would say is "wherever you go, there you are" every time we went somewhere new. I thought for years, that she meant, "well I'm here, where ever here is" but now I understand that no matter where I go, I bring myself. And to enjoy the new place, I have to change MY thinking. Otherwise, it's the same old me, so I have to bring the better me. It's my personality that I take every where. Of course she used to wear red outfits, and dance through the living room, to the song, Who wears short shorts..... @0106Thank you for filling in while @dfishis sailing. I really appreciate the work you are doing!
  8. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sympathizing with your busy day. And if any one of our Dailyies have been accused of having weird friends- The odd thing about this rat is that I own him too. He is part of the Ratatouille game set. The one I have is in my purse, and when I'm at the docs, and they tell me to make a fist, so they can take blood, I get out the rat. It startles the nurses....LOL. @bennybearI love your orchids. @JazzyVI really do hope they can figure out what is going on with your tummy.
  9. @Quartzsite Cruiser I am glad that both you and your DH got a good nights sleep. It was nice that you could stay with him. And they gave you chocolate chip cookies. I wish hospitals around Atlanta were as nice. It's an hour from DH's Emory Hospital, and because of the herd of Cat-tle here, I always had to go home, feed them, and either go back and come back, or just let him rest, He has at one time spent more than a week. What kind of pain would he be in? From the surgery itself or from the disc replacement? I hope he becomes pain free soon, and that whatever prescription they give you, you can get if filled faster than when the pain returns. We had our zoom meeting, my boss apparently does not have wifi, or a home, I cant tell which, as the zoom was from his friends house, and he set up a trial free account, instead of the company account. Weird.... But I don't feel like working too hard, he has us set up for another meeting at 4, So I will go back around 2:15 . work until the next meeting, and then clock out until my other gig starts. I made Rueben's with pastrami for lunch , they were great!!! I will make them for dinner tomorrow night too. We are still eating the spaghetti casserole, tonight will make 3 nights in a row. I don't think that I will have it again tomorrow....
  10. @HAL Sailer I'm sorry that your DSIL is going through this. If she is suggesting that you visit, I would take her up on that. It will make her happy, and at her age with this disease, who knows when you will get the chance again.
  11. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I have an oodle of Cookbooks, and I live out of the Betty Crocker cook book that my mom gave me when I moved south. The other ones, not so much. I have my grandmothers cookbooks, I don't recognize half the foods, and pretty much none of the ingredients. DH gets a yen for getting cookbooks after watching PBS cooking shows. I wish he took more interest in that BBQ chef... We have a zoom meeting on how to refute refusals. However there are two that I will never fight. When some one says they no longer drive at night, (get that one, because I try not to drive once it gets dark) and not ready to sit in a crowd while Covid is still rampant. ( And I think any one with common sense would say the same). To me music fuels the soul, but to hear it live, does cost. When I see the history of the patron, and all they have purchased are tickets to the symphony when the symphony is performing the musical score while they show the film on screen, until that person changes, I wont be able to sell them anything. They like the movie, they are not there for music appreciation. Meeting will give me a late lunch, and I plan to not worry about the time off, I'm making Reubens for lunch !
  12. @Heartgrove My deepest sympathies to you and your family
  13. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites- Computer says it's partly cloudy and 56. Over our home it is completely cloudy and getting darker. For several days I have been trying to reach a friend(and my old boss, Shari) i would get the answering machine, and then it would tell me there is no room to leave a message. I started calling Saturday, she called back at 11 pm, after we had gone to bed. I tried Sunday and got the same message. She called yesterday afternoon, turns out she has been in the hospital for the last 3 weeks. I told her i would call after work last night, and she again didn't answer, but called back. She was very confused, had no idea why she was in the hospital. Told me that Barbara (our friend) had come by and given her a sandwich. And then she said that's all she could say, and hung up. I called Barbara, she said Shari had been in the hospital for 3 weeks, but when they could not find a bed in a rehab for her (based on her insurance)she asked to be released to go home on Saturday night. She lasted at home for less than 24 hours, as she kept falling down, and now she is back in the hospital. Shari told me yesterday that she had kidney failure, and then when we talked the second time, she said she had septicemia, but Barb said Shari has never told her what is wrong. Only Shari's sister has been able to talk to the doctor, and until we can talk to her, neither Barb nor I will know what's going on, and how to care for her. However if she cant walk, and she cant think straight, I don't think they should worry about releasing her. Please add her to your prayer list. Thanks. I love HMC. I have been lucky enough to get there every time we have cruised there. The last time we were there, I noticed that the beaches are not as big, less sand, I guess a sign of global warming. It is my favorite beach, however. It used to be DH's until we went to Princess Cay. The carrot pea chicken salad looks good. Healthy but good....
  14. @Quartzsite Cruiser Prayers for your DH that the surgery goes well, and prayers for you to be able to go through today without too much stress. For your DH-
  15. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian Friends! I've read the Harry Potter Series several times, and can't remember that line at all. Maybe by the time that line shows up in the book, I am more sympathetic to Professor Snape. I saw the rice dish being made on the cooking movie from Netflix, SALT. I have arthritis in OMG my middle fingers on both hands. When they lock up, typing becomes hard, and it looks like I am shooting everyone the bird. In other words, I kind of stay home on the bad days. There is a new documentary on Netflix, Inside the Mind of a Cat. Turns out, they do love us. Cat lovers should watch this one. Fawn cat had a new friend who moved into the yard several months ago. He would eat meat out of my hand, he finally let me pet him last week, and then he disappeared on Friday. He was injured and not well to begin with, but he had a bed here, and had come home every night until this weekend. Fawn is now a lonely cat, and has been traveling back and forth from our yard, through the back 40 (total wilderness in the back yard) and over to the neighbors, but no Bubbles. This morning she started eating canned food again, and wanted her breakfast by the door, not out in the driveway. I guess she understands he is not coming back. I will be amazed if we see him again.
  16. Before I forget, @0106 Thank you for the recipes today. I have no patience at all that things that are involved, folded, or sized when cooking, but I could eat a heck out those little fellers! I do think that DH does look over my shoulder at times, cause he asked for spaghetti casserole this week. Every time I have told him I was considering making it, he said, " no I wont like it." But low and behold, it was on the menu for the Dailys this week, and now he wants to try it???? So that is dinner tomorrow night. Prep work in the early hours tomorrow, assembly at lunch time, and I can throw it in the oven to bake when I start the third shift tomorrow. For all of you who realize that I work way too many hours a week to be part time and retired, you will be glad to know I am taking Friday off. The whole day. I will go to a piano recital, I will have lunch and dinner out, and I will not work. (I feel so guilty, and yet I still end up with 35 hours of work)
  17. Good afternoon Dailyites! Happy Sunday @grapau27Thank you so much for sending Father David to us. DH even enjoyed the talk. I got up early enough to watch the F1 race (F1 Channel, I can watch over and over) and we hooked up with our friend Debbie, for breakfast at the Old Hickory House in Tucker, then we went grocery shopping, she had to go to a City of Atlanta planning committee meeting. She is involved with politics, we are so different in so many ways, yet we are buddies. After her hubby died in 2020, she has stayed involved, which I think helped her get through his death. But she, like me, doesn't have a lot of "girl friends" to hang out with. I work, and she does politics, and we hang out together when we can. We met years ago at a book club, both left the book club and she, her DH and an ex employee and her DH and Chuck and I formed our own book club. Over the years, we lost three members, so we don't meet as often, but Deb and I love to eat, so we get together and go to restaurants. There's just 5 of us now. Next Book is the first Harry Potter book. Ok, I love pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I'm in with the pie share there. @XBGuy I could eat PIE for infinity. Really.😸 @bennybear I love that moon picture, when I first saw the sandhill cranes down in Florida, I asked my dad, why there were emu's by the side of the road. Now each spring and fall I await hearing their calls. The last time I saw them was Christmas eve two years ago, flying against the moon. Thank you everyone for the great pictures today of St. Kitts and Nevis. I have these islands on my wish list, but as @kazu pointed out, I'm between saving and you only live once. And right now, after my clothing purchases, my hotel reservations in Vancouver and my excursions in Vancouver, and paying for the round trip flight and the excursions on the May Alaska cruise, I'm living once, broke. I need to start a go fund me, to just GO. To my Canadian friends, happy Thanksgiving! Just, a stupid post note...On the farm that my dad grew up on in VT, there were actually druid stone circles (small) not like Stonehenge, but if you sat in one, the sun came through the slit on the equinox, and he believed, as do I that someone before Lief discovered America. However since very little grows on rocks, they probably moved back home. @StLouisCruisersI just saw Elliot Rose! She's beautiful!
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