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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Yesterdays storm were quite interesting, no heavy winds, no tornadoes, but we lost power 3 times, and kept having to reconnect the computers. When I took the trash out, I noticed our street light on our pole with a transformer was out. We actually would have had a dark sky to see the stars....if it wasnt cloudy and rainy. And it still is, the temp is 63 and it's misting, and very cloudy. @aliaschief When you get to St Mont Michael, can you check to see if the Mer Poulard is still in business? When we lived in France back in the 60's that was our go to for omelets and I have very fond memories of our adventures there. My father loved going there, and Chartres and those were our weekend trips when he was not traveling on his own for business. If I ever get back to France, St Mont Michael is the only place on my go back to place. Enjoying your vacation through your pictures! Thank you. @rafinmdI know you explained to us last year about celebration day and actual age change, but I didn't understand it then, and still dont, so wishes will come tomorrow. Seems that the pain in the back is radiating from a disc in the back, I think I have been sitting too much, because it seems to lessen when i am up and moving (even bending down to pull pine trees) my docs office wont see me if I'm coughing, but I will try to get an appointment . I need to fix breakfast, or wake DH up to take me out. Hmmmmm.
  2. @cruising Katie (second attempt) I'm sorry that the shelter was not forthcoming regarding Blossoms health. And I am glad you are not returning her. I'm adopted, had a heart murmur, so glad no one returned me. Our latest adoptee has feline AIDS, he has had a couple of episodes of passing out, and he does tire easily, but he terrorizes the other older cats, keeps them on their toes...gives them some exercise. When the vet first examined him and told us he had aids, DH wanted to have him put down, and she luckily talked us out of that. He was a stray that showed up, he had been shot with buck shot (which they would not take out) and he is the most loving and smart cat. Love conquers all. Well maybe not, but love helps make the rest of our lives much better.
  3. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I am still having problems with the internet, so sort of snuck into the Daily backwards. In fear of being booted out, again....just popping in Chuck says he will do a computer clean up for me today. im still in pain, but will try for a dr's appointment if still in pain tomorrow. Chuck's mom was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon. His brother called to let him know that he thinks Momma had a stroke. So please add Momma Norma to your prayers. The last call we got was at midnight, and she was being admitted, but she had been there since 5 p.m.. I'm sure that my BIL will call this morning with some news. The dog that I walk has a growth on her eye lid. They were hoping that drops would do something to resolve the growth, but now it looks like Hope has to have surgery. Her vet treats animals like humans, so Hope had to have some tests done to see if she was surgery ready. She has an enlarged heart, so they put her on meds for that, and today she is having an echo test. So I'm on stand by for dog walking today. I had a good day for sales yesterday, and then I went to work for fundraising last night, in the first 20 minutes I got a donation and a pledge, and I was the only one who got money last night. Yay! The rest of those 3 hours was unproductive. Have a wonderful day every one.
  4. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! My ability to use CC has been scrambled with the internet mess up, so if I read something, and make no response, then go back and try to make a response, I cant. So no speed reading. One person at a time. @dfishThanks for checking up on me. I had no internet, and there for no email. Not sure if the Covid messed my diabetes up, but it has been high, and then this morning the sensor screamed LOW LOW! And I have a lot of back pain near my shoulder blade., which makes my arm hurt and tingle. Ee gads, I hope this isnt from getting OLD! @kazuI hope Ivan starts feeling his frisky side again. @ger_77The meal sound great! Corn on the cob here is still $5.00 for 4 ears. Too much for me! @StLouisCruisersI hope that Ren has a very safe game today, if it's as hot there as @Quartzsite Cruiser says, it really isnt safe to play outside in it. And @Quartzsite Cruiser I worry about you in that heat and humidity. Seems right now, we just have humidity. It never really got hot yesterday outside, but the house got way too warm. I start work earlier now, so I dont get to be the one to run out and do morning errands (and sometimes get a really good lunch) Off to shower and then walk the neighbors dog.and then work. Hummingbirds are feeding off my garden, and I can see them out the window. So pretty.
  5. oh, one more thing i did, I plucked from my front yard over 230 baby pine trees. Would anyone like some of these?
  6. There I was, reading the Daily last Thursday at 12:25 when my screen went blank, a phrase of Oh Snap came up ( I said something different) and that was the end of my internet and home phone. Until 5 minutes ago. Couldn't call , couldn't get calls, and most of all I couldn't work. No internet. (Actually the worst of it was I couldnt get the F1 channel, and Chuck hooked up his phone to watch the race, and then we got a message, that his phone was running too hot, and if he didn't turn it off, then F1 would, and they did.). Because we called on Thursday, and Chuck got an appointment for this morning, he forgot he was supposed to be at the doctors office in midtown today. This is much further than he has driven in over 6 years du to his vision problems. But off he went. He called my cell to tell me he had arrived, and asked what the status was of the internet. WELL, it turns out that due to bad maintenance and lack of updates, every one in the hood, had lost internet. So at noon, someone somewhere, jiggled a line, and we are back up. I am supposed to work, but I want to be available in case Chuck calls and I cant be if I am on the phones. I missed you all! You would think that with 5 days of no connection with anyone, I would have done something, well here it is, in 5 days, I made two necklaces, read half a book, took some pictures of the garden in the front, and cleaned out the bottom shelf of the pantry. That's it. Oh, and I went to the heart and vein doc for a follow up. I seem to have pinched a nerve near my right shoulder blade, and have been in pain, since last wednesday. It is making my right arm go tingly. and now to catch up
  7. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! DH has his physical this morning, so we are up early, and will hit the road in 30 minutes.
  8. @kazu I love this posted post! He looks like Furnando
  9. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I woke up late, and for that I am grateful, as it means I added some much needed sleep to myself. I havent been sleeping on the sofa this week, so that is a good sign, the cough is still very much there, but the results are a bit different. (I know...gross). I got up and turned on the coffee, fed the cats, and sat on the porch . The air was still and quiet, The sky was darkening, there were no sounds of traffic. Just birds. I could have been out in the country, and not the burbs on Atlanta. I came in to see what was happening with all my daily friends, and my computer just locked up on Rich's post. This is beginning to happen more and more, I no longer try to be on the first page, because it aint gonna happen. (Plus, I rarely have anything important to say, just life in the slow lane). DH is doing very well with his not smoking. He chomps on Nicorette gum and downs lozenges all day, but since Monday morning, he has only had one cigarette. I, on the other hand dont quit by adding more nicotene through other sources, so I am slowly cutting down. I dont smoke in the house now, just out on the porch. I am keeping tabs of when i am smoking, (being a list maker, I made a list) and mark the time of the smoke. Once I got on the computer this morning we had a wonderfully huge thunderstorm with lots of rain, and wind, and I wish it had lasted longer. @Sharon in AZI really liked the information on the mountain, the rock formations are great. I hate heights, and would probably cower on the floor in the back seat. Driving the mountain roads in Georgia is different, no wide open views, the curvy roads are surrounded by trees (most of the time), so you dont get that OMG! experience. Some of the roads have little parks off on the side where the view has been cleared out, and you can park and look at the view. @cruising sisterThere is a saying that when you point a finger at someone (which this woman is doing to you) you are pointing three more back at yourself. So the problem is her, not you, and if she is being snotty, it may mean that something about you reminds her of herself. Something that she hasn't been able to figure out yet. Hugs. @grapau27We booked the Carnival Legend for the Panama Canal in April 2025. It's not the full passage, just out of Tampa, and into the canal and lake, and then back to Tampa. (I think we stop in Grand Cayman and Costa Rica) DH wants to see the marvels of the canal. I do hear it will be very warm. As far as bugs? Who cares. Mankind invented bug spray. Well, the sun is now out, the yards all look green and the birds are chirping again.
  10. I took sewing in middle school. I made a skirt and took it home. My mom told me how crappy it was, tore out the zipper to keep for something else, and tore up the skirt for rags. Thus I ended my sewing career. Bless her. I like the quote. I talk to a lot of elderly people who wont come back to theatre, symphony, opera because they say they miss it, but the are elderly and dont like to go out. I admit that I am happier at home or not traveling too far, but I still plan cruises, otherwise I would have no goals! Fawn has been gone for a little more than two weeks, and the squirrels have taken over the back yard! I hate not to feed the birds, but I am tired of feeding the squirrels. Today I start work at noon. My neighbor is still home, she is waiting for a call from her vet regarding THE DOG. The dog, Hope, has a bit of a growth on her eye, it started bleeding, so Donna took her to the vet on Saturday. Apparently the drops do not help. Like treating a human, the vet wants blood work before surgery, and they discovered that the dog has an enlarged heart. So they sold her a bottle of pills that are 200 a month for a 10 year old Boxer. And now tell her that they cant do the surgery on the eye until the heart is no longer enlarged. So she is home today, awaiting to hear from the surgeon. So I think I am off the hook for walking the dog at noon. I hope that you are all having a wonderful day!
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! DH and I had a lovely dinner out for his birthday, but the service was terrible! Was our waitress doubling as the sous chef? She kept disappearing into the kitchen for 10-15 minutes, so the bread we ordered was delivered after our meal was eaten, the refill on iced tea came after the dessert. When I left I spoke to the manager. I told her it was easier to slam a restaurant for bad service on line, but since this was our favorite place to go that is rather pricey I would rather tell her that the service was terrible. I also told her I over tipped the waitress only because I felt that soon she would be looking for another job. Today the sun is up, it's 62 degrees, the sky is blue and we are expecting rain. ? My problem is not weeds, I will let them grow if it makes my yard look green. it's pine trees. We have some lovely pines in our yard, and squirrels. The pine cones drop, the squirrels take what they want, and the rest of the yard becomes a growing nursery for pines. When I walk down to get the mail, I pull up about 10 tiny pine trees, when I come back up the hill, I choose another path 10 feet away from where I went down, and I pull up another 10-20. When I walk the neighbors dog, I pull up about 5 along the curb, and when I come back up the hill I pull about 20. If i just wander back and forth across the yard, I can pull up 100 tiny pines within 10 minutes. And this is every day. Every day! If we didnt have a nice guy to come by and mow, I would have a forest in the yard. Now that i am calling AZ opera, I have to schedule call backs, so yesterday I figured out my schedule until the end of June. The easy week is the last week of June, when the only dr's appt we have scheduled is for Furnando cat. Yay.
  12. oh, and I have questions about spell check on BHB ships?
  13. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I love any quote by Marcus Aurelius, as he makes me think. @grapau27Thank you for Father David. I wonder if he ever forgave the other person who angered him. @StLouisCruisersThe minute I read your sentence about waiting for the rain, the skies opened up and it poured for two minutes, and then stopped. But now I am hearing thunder in the distance. So I guess that rain is our forecast for today. Not a problem, we have been quite dry, and our county is always under a water restriction. Bring it on! I need to go back to the grocery store again. With 3 campaigns, I wrote out my schedule yesterday for next week. I need to figure out what i can make in the mornings, for lunch and dinner, and then take what ever out that I made and cook it while I'm working. I only get 3 nights off this week, Monday for Chuck's birthday, Friday and Saturday because the bosses don't want to work their time past 4 (my time is 6) on the weekends . The jobs have to equal 39 hours, and two of them must be worked during assigned times. The major campaign is when ever...but not to exceed 8 hours a day when combined with the other two jobs.... I love all the pictures of Seville, but have to admit that it does remind me of the movie Victor/Victoria every time I hear the word Seville. We watched Living last night. A slow british film with a sad but uplifting story to tell. Since I love Bill Nighy I thought i would give it a watch. The Chelsea flower show on Britbox was more exciting. Off to make a grocery list, I know that quiche will be served this week. And lots of left overs.
  14. @grapau27Yummy, thanks for the food porn, what is in the white chocolate ball? Actually you had me at steak. Tonights dinner is Smoked sausage, beans and sauerkraut, and tomorrow I will get the pastrami or corned beef and make Rueben's for lunch and and use more of that sauerkraut Will make quiche for dinner, to have for a quick breakfast on Monday. I shut down my coffee intake at lunch time today, I'm dragging now, but hopefully wont be up all night. Chuck wants to go to the Louisiana Bistro for dinner on Monday for the big day. They make a fabulous crayfish ravioli. In creamy garlic sauce. with fresh french bread for dipping......Ok, I had it for my birthday. @aliaschiefI'm loving your cruise. @NickelpennyGood for you on the upgrade. I love unsweet ice tea, lots of ice. Because of the damage done to DH when he had the radiation, he loves coke and tea, but doesnt want ice. Room temp is fine with him. When we lived in France back in the early 60's my father always ordered iced coffee. The waiters told him that coffee combined with ice would kill him. He explained, that he lived on the wild side of life. They would bring him coffee, a glass of ice, and i guess pray that he wouldn't keel over there and then. He would let the coffee cool a bit, and then poor it over ice, and voila, iced coffee, and he survived! @kazuI love that you and Ivan make such a good team. and one last question, as I seem to miss a lot-where is the picture of @dfish's lake house? By the way I hope you are all having a great weekend!
  15. Actually, since he is off on Monday, I'm sending him "here" since I cant be...
  16. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday I had two pens going at once, managed to cover myself with ink, and what's worse, I cant read my writing anymore. #2 boss sent a letter to the two groups that I have been working for, informing them that she was stealing me, and she was stealing hours from them, set me up to work 38 hours a week, 8 in one group 10 in one group and 20 for her group. Um, I remember at one time, I actually worked, part time, and still had time for myself, but because the two groups she is stealing me from have very set work hours, I cant change the times, so her 20 hours comes in bits and pieces...now that had me singing the old Dave Clark 5 song...Anyway, I start work in an hour. I drank way too much coffee yesterday evening, stayed up until 3 coughing, got up and slept on the sofa...until 7:30....think 4.5 hours is enough sleep....NOT! The computer says it's 59 degrees. Nice and cool this morning. A good morning to sleep...oh well. DH's mom was at her bridge club this week, when one of the women fell. Mama Norma reached down to help pull her up, and she's 89 didn't have the strength, and she fell. DH's brother called regarding the fall, and they were both laughing, as they were imagining 27 medical alert buttons being pushed at once. I'm not sure who got the women up, whether they did it themselves, or with the assistance of the EMT's. She's home, her back hurts, and she scraped her arm. DH's 73 birthday is Monday. His CC name is Catmando. If you remember could youl please send him a "card. " He is a person who gets depressed on his birthday, (he doesn't like the getting older part, and I don't like the alternative)and while he is taking the day off, it's my first day of working an 8 hour shift in years. Hugs to all! I hoe you have a wonderful day!
  17. Good Morning @loveandpeas and welcome. Don't be shy! You are welcome here.
  18. I am not a fan of Donald Duck, but DH does do a good imitation of him...I love rhubarb pie, without strawberries. @ger_77I actually slept all night in the bed. 11:30 to 7:15! I woke up with one cat scratching my back as she was running away from Furnando. The boy cats are out on the porch. There are squirrels outside!
  19. Happy Friday Morning Dailyites! At least I think it's Friday. I worked this week, but I think only about 8 hours....it's all kind of fuzzy with no actual schedule set, and me not being able to stay awake through most of what schedule I have had. @StLouisCruisers, our air is hazy due to our own pollution. Atlanta is famous for it. We created a highway that goes in a circle that millions of cars drive around all day, then we have three major highways that go north south, east to west, and we add all those cars and trucks, and Atlanta is the second highest major city, and we filled it with tall buildings, and all that automotive pollution is trapped and slowly oozes out to the burbs....Ah, summer in Atlanta. We need a Mighty Wind. But the temps are nice today... DH found out yesterday that seniors that drive less than 5000 (?) miles a year can get an exception for having their car go through inspection. Since my car has not been driven since January, he thinks this may be the way to go until he can get the car fixed. But he wanted to check the mileage. I told him I didn't think he had to worry or lie, he drives the car (when it does work) and all other drives are in his car. He has only driven the car 500 miles in the last year. So he wants to go to the car tax place this morning, well i'm still ill and really dont want to go today. Thinking next week will be fine. So I am letting him sleep. I hope you all have moments of joy and serenity today, if not for the whole day, at least for some of it. Hugs!
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