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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Thank you for all the well wishes for today, but the test is actually tomorrow. So I will hold all your well wishes in my heart and go in tomorrow knowing you are all with me. My neighbor got the day confused also, and when I went over yesterday to walk the dog, she had left me my "pay" on the table, I left her a message that I wont take money until job done, and I would pick it up today. We had a very nice lunch with our friend yesterday. Had Vietnamese food, and while I like Bahn mi, I had a Filet Mignon Shaken beef with vermicelli. I like deep dish pizza, if there is deep cheese and sauce on it. Other wise it's just bread with flavoring. I am tempted to eat dandelions but with all the loose dogs in the neighborhood, I wont eat anything from the yard... Both Uggles and Bubbles showed up yesterday for breakfast, it was nice seeing them both. But the oddest thing I saw in the yard yesterday was a strange orange cat....Who happened to come when called, let me pick him up and bring him in the house. It was Furnando, DH had left a door open and he went outside. I was working, so I didn't see him go out, and if I hadn't gone out to check on a package delivery, who knows how far he would have wandered. I am not sure that he appreciated being "rescued." After three weeks of no sales, I finally got my mojo back, and had two sales in a row. The big boss came back yesterday (he was off for several days) and told me I was #1 in sales so far this week. Yay, and then we got into an argument about reporting the failed to dial problems. He was questioning why I had more than other callers, and I told him I didn't think I did, but maybe the other ones were not reporting it. He said they were and it seemed it was my problem. DH doesnt report them, so I already know that people are not, and when I called the boss who handles the failed to dials, she said I do report more, but she thinks others are just skipping over the facts, and not reporting them. I hope that during a review, she actually will share that information with the big boss. I think it was @Sharon in AZ who said said that on her upcoming cruise, there were 4 Gala evenings. I am not the one booking this cruise, and do not have access to the information about events on the cruise, but how do I find out how many Gala evenings are on the 5/7 14 day Alaskan Nieuw Amsterdam cruise? I already know that the BFF will not want to get all gussied up, DH does not mind, but I did buy two nice dresses right before COVID, and would like to wear them....wonder if I still fit in them.....Just wondering how I can tell the BFF where to look for the information. Thanks.
  2. @grapau27Thank you for the definition today, I spend myself physically walking around sleeping cats, but to walk around mean to avoid a situation, person, or place that may have a bad effect, makes sense. If an egg runs, I run away. I would "fry broke and dead" egg to the sauce. That first one @dfish, looks very yummy!
  3. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I slept well, but I'm still tired. Could be the pollen, or lack of real sleep, but my eyes are red, want to close, and call it a day. This will not happen! We are having lunch with our old book club buddy Debbie at Vietvana (she loves Vietnamese food) , and before we go I still need to pay bills, buy stamps, mail the mail, walk the dog...I do get a two day reprieve this week from the dog. My PETscan is Thursday morning, and apparently Friday (being Good Friday) is a state holiday, and my neighbor is off. We telemarketers are not off this weekend, so I will be working. But I wont be working on Thursday, and then my next day off is on the 14. Yippee. I could hug Lester Holt, one of the last decent newscasters. Tom Brokaw...other than that, no to hugging a newsperson. No one really seems to tell the news, the news these days seem to be fluff, and after the first two reports, no one seem to be talking about it. I know I must be watching the wrong channel. No real updates on Covid, so there for it must be gone, (talked with 4 people this week that were just diagnosed) , no updates on Ukraine, 10 minutes of the terror of the tornadoes...nope there is very little in depth news. I liked the quote right now I'm not fearing the results of the test, but the chemicals that they put in my body to take the test. So, all I have to do is get through Thursday. @aliaschief I love your Vermont picture, and guess its time to place my order from Sugarbush. I did just read that while my cats love maple syrup, they are not supposed to eat it. I have no idea what the meal is, so i hope that it pops up soon. Probably already has while I was typing this.
  4. @ger_77I started crying when reading about the gift you received. Not only the gesture, but for her to give you something that was from home, her old home just tore my heart! You are a wonderful person for reaching out to the unknown person, and changing so many lives with one action. Well you all know that I dont really use recipes. I use taste buds and imagination and draw on what I have eaten, and what looks good. One thing I do is buy corn bread...I know, it's in a box, you add milk, oil and an egg-the extent of my baking, but I throw in a cup of blueberries, and cut down a little on the milk. Yummy! Great for breakfast. And now that jiffy mix makes honey cornbread, my baking skills are set for life. However @dfish has turned me into a roasted veggie fiend! DH's appointment was a repeat of six months ago, he did remind DH about seeing a pain doctor, and Dh didn't make a follow up appointment with them, and he cant remember who that doc was, so when we meet with the oncologist we will regroup and create a new circle of options for his pain. The upper part of the right side of his jaw in his mouth hurts all the time, and because they wanted all the teeth pulled before they started the proton radiation, they are not sure if the pain is from the teeth being pulled causing scarring or the radiation. Thing is, as I pointed out to him this evening, is that the pain seem to mysteriously disappear when he is at the beach, or on a ship. But because he cant think of anything to do other than complain at home, the more he complains the more it hurts, and oddly he thought about this and agreed, how true he said. Wow. So, it's obviously time for that cruise.
  5. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The race yesterday was fantastic, not because of who won but that the Austrailian F1 management decided to go back to old rules racing, and because of a car wrecking, they lined the cars all up again, and restarted, cars went everywhere, crashes every where, and the announcer said, they had never seen any thing like it, gosh, they need to watch NASCAR. Happens every weekend. But we didnt get lunch until 3 and while I had dessert and a glass of milk, I wasn't hungry the rest of the evening, until 11:30, so for me I went to bed early (ha) and hungry. More cod? Since my Nana and Pa lived in Cambridge, I was in Boston every summer of my life, and lived with them for awhile, (dont remember why) went to college outside the city, but was in the city about 4 times a week. When you visit a place you see things that those living there just take for granted. I'm pretty sure that people who visit Stone Mountain and think Wow! I see a large rock with hiking trails. Up early DH has a follow up with his radiation oncologist. And when I turned on the news, found out that the direct way to get there is closed due to power lines down on the road.. I see that the weather west of us is terrible, so Alabama westward, take care of yourselves, and stop sending your weather east. Please.
  6. Good Sunday Morning Daiyites! A lovely cool sunny day in Stone Mountain today. Plans, well since Formula 1 is in Australia this weekend, we did not stay up to watch it live, so will pretend this morning. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey. More like, oh, look, a donut. I actually had cod last night. We went to the Blue Ribbon Grill, because I wanted fish and chips. The first piece of fish was so tough I had to cut it with a knife and and the second piece was perfect. But I could have had fish and chips at the Captains and been just as happy. So no cod for dinner tonght, in fact, I have no clue what the meals are today. I need to plan my weekly menu and grocery list. Have been to Cherbourg 4 times when I was a kid, and it was a start from, or arrive to, because that is how we got from the US to France when we moved there. My parents were avid readers. And when we moved back from France in the early 60's Dad had book cases built into the wall in the "den". All of the adult books were on the top shelves, and the encyclopedias and dictionaries were on the bottom levels. Curiosity of course took over, and I would get a ladder and get those books down and read them, so my book education was a bit backwards. I had my golden books, but I lost interest in them, so I read books that I shouldn't which gave me the urge to read even more. And then finally I found children's books when I was older. Loved the Boxcar kids series, the Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, and then when I was in my early twenties found Paddington and Winnie the Pooh. I wish I had memories of my parents reading to me, but if they thought i needed some attention, they would place a puzzle in front of me, and I would do the puzzle.
  7. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It was raining so hard a minute ago, I couldn't even see the house across the street. I decided to get up at 7 something because when i started to hear the thunder, I figured I'd best make coffee and get a cup in the event we lose power. So far so good, but the winds are pretty severe.. I had to laugh last night when i was flipping through the channels on the tv, they were showing the wind chill....68 degrees. I'm sorry, but isn't a wind chill a cold thing? Fawn was off playing in the back woods last night, and I called out to her, thinking with the bad weather coming she would be safer on the porch. I heard a critter running down from the back, and saw something in the dark that might have been her, so I called again, and another critter came running out of the fenced forest, and it seems that the possums think their name is Fawny, as I now had two possums on the back wall looking at me. So I had the baby feisty fearless raccoon last night and two rather large possums. No wonder Fawn wanders... I marinated two chicken breasts in two different marinades, (one in each marinade)Hoisin Teriyaki and Orange Ginger, Wrapped them in foil and baked then last night, we had one for dinner last night, and will have one for lunch today. I also made shredded veggies with light soy sauce and brown sugar and red pepper flakes, served with rice. DH and I agreed -very tasty! However I would never say no to todays meal. I like soft flour tacos, and will often order chicken tacos at my favorite taco place, with a side of guacamole. combine. yummy! @Crazy For Cats Amelia is beautiful, and a very merry Birthday to her. Guessing special treats for her today.😸 Well I would like to catch up with the Formula 1 series in Australia, so trying again to wake the DH, need to see something fun before work, as I have not had a sale this week. I also am awaiting three different deliveries. One is coming in today, they shipped it basically as a rush- here' show that came about. When DH went home last spring to visit with his mom, she said, regarding a snack, "here try this", and DH did. He said it was very good, and he would ask his mom to mail him some. But she really isnt up to it, so when we went last fall, I bought several bags, and brought them home, DH ate the first two bags, and I was saving the last bag for Penny, but just haven't been able to remember to give them to her, and DH and I really needed a snack this week, and broke into the bag. 24 hours later, gone. So I sucked it up on Thursday and called them, and explained that my mother in law got my husband addicted to Wicked Mix, and I needed help. I ordered 12 bags (they really are wholesale, but will send retail if the order is big enough). So Penny will get a bag. And I can take a couple for our trip, and the sales rep said she often hears about family members getting their kin addicted to this food. Think spicy chex mix with a small pouring of white and dark chocolate over it. Why they feel they need to put it in a resealable bag is beyond me....
  8. Well @Sharon in AZ there is the Holiday Inn and Suites on Howe St. I researched for days to get that hotel, and while there are hotels closer to the ship, the closer to water the higher the cost. Are you and Craig heading south? Or north? Thanks for the information about Shackleton's burial ground @rafinmd and @StLouisCruisers Shackleton is our hero. DH said he wanted to go! We will have to play the lottery and win to go all the places we want to go. I'll be happy if I can afford a cruise I saw on HAL for April 2024. Its a quiet weather night here, high in the 60's currently 70 degrees with VERY WINDY weather tomorrow. Thanks @JazzyV to remind me to charge my phone. Temperatures tonight in the 60's and tomorrow night down to 45. Yippee. I had an adventure with a racoon this evening. Chuck was yelling at him, (he was just a little guy) and he was eating Fawn's Temptations. I went out, and he did not run away, just kept stuffing his face, and he was on a cat bed tube, and was hanging on with his back feet and using his front hands to continuing picking up food and feeding his face. I haven't had such a good laugh for a while. He clambered down, I put cat food out for him, but he did not come back. Too cute. Thank you @RedneckBob for reminding me about Howard Johnson fried clams. When I lived in Boston that was a Friday night treat for me and the guy I dated. But when I graduated my parents took us both out for dinner, and it was a fancy restaurant on the water. My date ordered fried clams, and that is what he was brought. Belly and all, and he had no idea that a clam actually looked like that, and he wouldn't eat them. My dad pulled me aside, and said "lose this guy" LOL. I loved the 3D burgers at HoJo's. Well, back to the Cornell bird feeder, maybe Bob and I can catch the flying squirrels again.
  9. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! DH informed me that he has to pick up some meds this morning. I asked him which ones, and he said the ones that don't work. ?? It is an F1 weekend, and usually we are up early heading to the Sarah Donut shop to load up on sausage rolls for breakfasts through out the weekend, so I can watch the races and not have to cook. I was asleep by 11:20, and didnt get up until after 8, (well two trips to the restroom) but gosh I'm tired from all that sleep. DH is not even making noises, he too is sleeping soundly. @StLouisCruisersI ended up with Cornell bird feeder on the computer and Bobagingee sitting in the computer chair watching the flying squirrels. He really enjoyed his evening. @Cruzin TerriI hope that today is less stressful than last night for you. I hope everything is OK. I got one of those online medical forms to fill out for my PET scan on Thursday, and I could not for the life of me fill it out. It had a box for medications, but only had space for 20 letters. ? My first medication is more than 20 letters, so I passed, got to the pharmacy section. Choose your pharmacy. The pharmacy I use, is one block form the hospital, but it wasn't on the list. Pass....Please sign all paperwork, tired to sign, and it said, you have not completed the information, and therefore cannot sign. At the beginning of the forms, it states that this completion saves time when you arrive. No, not really, I wasted an hour trying to fill it out. If it worked, then I guess I would have saved time. Their time, not mine. To all of you in the south, and central part of the country, the storm coming your way, is massive, take care!
  10. Thank you @StLouisCruisers, I am currently watching the feeder being attacked by a flying squirrel.
  11. @Cruising-along and @Sharon in AZ I could skip the museum, and stand by the dock with a sign, but not sure if the BFF and DH would want to do that, so i'm sorry that I will miss both of you. So close, yet so far away. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn and Suites on Howe St. We have stayed there before and liked it, but we basically got there and crashed. This time we will be there for several days.
  12. @StLouisCruisersYes, thanks, and I'm trying to add it back now. @bennybearIt was the fries that threw me off. They can be removed.😎
  13. @dfishRiver is very brave, I dont do heights but tell her if she would do them, then I could try, except for the glass floor. My palms sweat just looking at it! @0106, thanks for the eagles. I was hooked for two years on the Cornell bird feeder camera in Ithaca, it was my go to place. And then my computer decided it had had enough and i lost the site from my favorites. My cats loved watching it too. I would leave it on for them at night. They have have a camera live feed of birds in Costa Rica, but that ended when Covid started. @bennybearWhat was in the sandwich, ? DH and I want to sit by the sea, have lunch and coffee and just chill. We ended up booking an excursion in Mykonos to Apollo's temple. Apparently years ago, they made a law that you cannot be born or die on that island. Since no one lives there, the born part i understand, but to know you can go someplace and not die there? I love rules like that. I left work early today. My doc had me (after basically begging for two years) to up my Metformin. Even though it is the slow release, it still upsets the tummy. And I started today, by 3, my lower half was cramping badly. My cell phone decided to quit working and I said, I've had enough. Now to find out what is going on in the world of F1.🤗
  14. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The only constant thing is change, and the only thing I can control is how I react to change. In my case, it's not always a good reaction. Oh well, I'm human. Katakolon is one port that DH and I have just decided to wander around town, so really looking forward to any pictures. We had asparagus last night, roasted. Very tasty, with enough for left overs for tonight, and tonight's dinner is pork chops with roasted cabbage and carrots. Our friend served this veggie dish with corned beef, and the secret is add horseradish to the olive oil drizzle when roasting. Now he used butter, but not sure I want all that wonderful buttery fat. I need to prep the items that will go into omelets this morning, sort of a clean out fridge and out it in the omelet thing. @mamaofamiI am glad to read that the eye is getting better every day.
  15. Its night time, but too early for me to go to bed, we watched the Mask Singer, we watched the end of the series on NASCAR, DH is looking for Motocross, and I finally got to get back to the Daily. @luvteachingI am glad that you found a doctor who diagnosed the type of infection that your DH has and now can start treating it for good. @ger_77The blankets are beautiful, and when someone is coming to a place for the first time, when nothing is theirs it is so nice that they do arrive with something of their own. DH said it was time to let you know that the families, of my adopted mom family and the mom of her Dad, and dad's dad were all from Canada. Are you ready? Mom's grandmother was from Nova Scotia, and when I was on one of the Windjammers back in the early 2000's I met a woman who was talking about her grandmother, who turned out to be my mom's grandmother. After a few comments she made about her grandmother, when I got home and called my aunt, who informed me that yes, that was her grandmother. When my mom's mom had a nervous breakdown, her hubby couldn't take care of her and the kids, so he shipped my mom and my aunt off to his mothers. They lived in a sod hut in Manitoba, And my father's dad came from the Toronto area. I only learned about my dad's dad when i got custody of his passport, after my dad died. My sister in law said they didn't need that information in their house. Life is odd at the best of times, Dad's dad was Jewish, but no one knew it. He managed a horse breeding farm in Woodstock VT, and he and my father delivered Morgan horses to Germany before the war. Weird right. I knew my last name was Welsh but until someone who studies last names told me it was a Jewish name I had no idea that my family was hiding so many secrets. And then I was really interested in Grandpa's passport. Trivial information I know, but I just thought that you should know, I was raised by Canadians.🙀 No wonder I am so interested in the frozen tundra!
  16. I agree with @rafinmd if these nose bleeds are heavy bleeds. I hadn't had a nose bleed in years until I got the last booster...Wow! I wanted you all to know that the prayers for our friend Jesse worked! His last test showed him cancer free! However Penny called yesterday and Jesse has developed an infection that has filled his sinus cavities and swelled his face, and the lump is back in his neck. But this time it's from an infection, not the cancer.
  17. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! With so many appointments this week, it still feels like Monday to me, and I already have to work on next weeks schedule. It is true that the older I get the faster time goes. I do realize that ham is full of unhealthy additives (as is turkey) when I buy them at the store, but a precooked ham steak that I can just heat up for dinner, with some pineapple juice using just one pan is just so easy. We are however having steak, roasted asparagus and left over instant mashed potatoes for dinner. I think I am the only person in the world who has had no urge to go to Hawaii. I would, like @smitty34877, want to see the big surf surfers, but I really want to see the big surf surfers off Portugal. Do you remember Wide World of Sports that used to show surfing, and cliff diving, and once in a while a car race? While there are a zillion more channels to watch now if you are willing to pay for them, it seems we actually get to see less interesting and obscure things.
  18. Well, Good Evening Dailyites. I wont be be able to see the planet alignment tonight, as it is super cloudy! I'm attempting to make dinner, but my salmon didn't thaw like last week, and I threw in frozen peas, and am hoping that 45 minutes in the curry at 350 will cook the dinner. Today was certainly a busy day on the daily! I read it all, and as usual retained very little, but as Einstein once said, don't try to remember everything, as there would be no place to learn new things, or something like that. Ron White is a comedian, and me being a woman thinks that 45 % of what he says is funny, but his ability to discuss women is so derogatory, he looses me about 40% into his shows. I'm pretty sure that that quote might be something he would say to a woman. We procrastinated no longer, and got to the farmers market this morning, got the meat and veggie shopping done, and a low carb dessert -Yea_ and were home in time to watch the Price is right. Then walk the dog, I made BLT's for lunch, and went to work. No sales. And very few people answered the phone. And now I am catching up with all of you. @Sharon in AZwhen are you arriving in Vancouver, we "ship" out the day after you do, but get in on the 3rd. On the 4th we are going to the art museum, on the 5th we are doing an excursion with LandSea to Butchart Gardens, on the 6th we are going to Granville Island and taking the ferry to the Mariner Museum. If you arrive a few days early, maybe we could meet somewhere? @sunviking90Welcome to the worlds nicest place to be. @Seasick SailorGlad you are home safe and sound, and got a little extra family time on the way back. @JazzyVI hope your eyes are doing better. I never entered the MN state fair, but would walk along the sidewalk listening to the music and Garrison Keiler. (sp) Got me hooked on his radio show.. Well guess I'd best get back to cooking dinner, gotta fix those mashed potatoes out of a bag...Have a great evening. DH and I are binge watching the USA network show about the NASCAR drivers, it's on Peacock, so we will be back to that later tonight.
  19. I will buy a plastic pouch card holder lanyard, and go from there. I usually throw in a couple bucks and use it as tips when i buy a good NA drink. I have one, but it is falling apart, so a new one is in the cards. Maybe at an office place. Sorry about my rant earlier, and @StLouisCruisersnot sure if it's a short term memory. Or because he grew up the son of someone important, he feels entitled to be number one. Always. grrr.
  20. Well, I'm home, and after two hours of travel and eye doc time, I told DH I would take him out for dinner, and now, the procrastinators will do the farmers market tomorrow. DH started telling the eye doc, how he wanted to have some cosmetic surgery done to improve his look and he wanted it done after Alaska. I almost screamed! I said, no, this time, my lung problem comes before your vanity. For once, it's me, my turn. And when I am done with getting what I need addressed, then you can get all pretty. Oh, he said, yes of course, and we walk out to schedule his next appointment, which she said was in 3 months, and he told the woman he wanted it sooner, so he could schedule his surgery. OMG. This my friends has been my life for the last 18 years. And trust me, I should have yelled. Sorry, I just needed to dump that. My friends who live near us, have all wondered the same thing, that every time something goes wrong with me, like two torn rotator cuffs, he scheduled hip replacement. My BFF flew down south to help me help him since I could not pull him up out of a chair. And yes he scheduled it when he knew I was injured. And when he was in the hospital, I got MRSA, and had a 3 inch hole in the back of my leg, from going into a BAD and apparently very dirty doctors office about my torn rotators. Sorry, I'm done now. I think. We put flea meds on the cats yesterday. Bobagingee is still not letting me get anywhere near him.
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