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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. I was amazed at how many cats own tiaras, I chose this one because she looked so normal wearing one....
  2. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I am not late, but I started reading, and saw all the mention of events yesterday, I went back tor catch up from yesterday. DH told me to make sure he was up to watch Practice 3 of Formula 1 but after 3 attempts, I gave up. So it's on, but I don't usually watch practice, just qualifying, and it's Saturday, and he can watch the recaps later. Have you ever seen the movie, based on a true story called Under Fire. It is the story of the attempted and somewhat successful take over of the government of Nicaragua? It starred Nick Nolte as a press photographer and reporter, and his boss, played by Gene Hackman. Nolte is trying to get his boss to understand that what was happening in the country was not very peaceful, and they are driving through a town, asking for directions, and the military shoots and kills his boss. Well, in real life the boss, was a friend of my fathers, so I really have never had an urge to go to that country. The music from the film is fantastic. Every time I play it for some one they are intrigued. You can hear it on Youtube. Two years ago I found 3 copies of Under Fire at Dollar tree, and yes, I bought them all. And in regards to yesterday, I too have done the Atlantis submarine in Grand Cayman, listed by DH as number 1 excursion ever....I do suffer from claustrophobia, but it was so beautiful, for an hour of my life I put the fear aside. I cant even watch DH play escape the room on the computer. My hands sweat. Heights, enclosed spaces, and mad dogs. I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day. I had two call backs left near the end of my shift last night, and a non call back actually answered, and bought 5 concerts for 3 people, and I ended up with over 2800 in sales this week, so even though it felt slow this week, I didn't do too badly. But I am going to lower my hours to 5 hours per day, and if I go over because I am on a sale, they have to pay. I had been splitting the day up with 4 hours, than a mandatory break, then come back and do two hours for a total of 6 hours per day, but at 5 hours, I don't have to take a break, and I seem to do better. I di however miss the two call backs that I had scheduled.
  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My weather is the same as @StLouisCruisers, but my computer is confused, and it says 54 and clear....yes, it is raining. And then tomorrow the temperatures drop. Todays plans are to walk the neighbors dog. stop at the Donut shop, have lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant, pick up a couple of boxes of prepared frozen chicken that Publix sells, so that we have dinner tonight. Get home, walk the dog again, and then go to work. And after I get off work at 8 tonight, I am off for the rest of the weekend! I have decided to cut back on my work hours, this campaign is going nowhere. Last year it was non stop sales, people were ready to get back out after they thought the pandemic was over, but this year, no one is answering the phones, every body want to order on line, the phone system is wacky and no manager wants to tell the BIG GUY that the system is broken, and after a week of it working, it has gone back to its old errors. I need the money, but I dont need the frustration.
  4. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites! I'm going to make French toast this morning, so I will be short. Bon Voyage to those who are cruising ! @dfishI think you need to go kick Aetna in the butt. I too will not give information over the phone unless I make the call directly. (this is why i'm not a world famous telemarketer) @1ANGELCATHappy Cruise Critic Anniversary! @rafinmd The philosopher in me comes out with your comment about not getting any thing wrong is by doing nothing. Edmund Burke said in 1795 "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Doing nothing, is still an action. I'm done thinking for the day....
  5. I want to tell you that @dfishmade my dinner great!, the peppers and onions in the curry hit the spot, and DH said that dinner was fantastic! The salmon cooked in the curry (not coconut, but masaman) with the veggies, served on top of a small bed of mashed potatoes (yes out a bag instant mashed taters left over from last night) with 4 little piles of peas with mushrooms...OMG, the salmon was great! He said it was a little spicy, but very tasty. And the presentation....he said was superb. I told him he was very welcome, and he can expect another decent meal from me in about 3 months. Tomorrow is crock pot country style ribs, with a side of beans. Tonight I have 3 cats sleeping on the car port. Fawn is on the porch, Uggles is sleeping in a lawn mower bag, and Bubbles is somewhere. It's cold out! @Cruzin TerriCan you get a hot meal delivered? We almost had sandwiched tonight, but I thought I could us that salmon. I keep seeing articles about things that boomers eat that gen X people think are just gross and inedible. Do you remember coleslaw at Chick Fil A? They got rid of that and the lemon pie, because young people dont like it. Why should they get rid of products that older people like, my dollar was a lot harder earned. Spam? They wouldnt think of eating it, when Covid hit, the Spam shelves were wiped out! Well I made something for lunch today that no one but someone my age might eat. My dad used to buy the canned corned beef, and make corn beef salad sandwiches. I had an urge. I made it for lunch. I added chopped red pepper, onion, dill pickles, bread and butter pickles, and celery. A large blop of Guldens and mayo. It was so yummy! Tomorrow I wil serve it on toast, with a melted Tillanook sharp cheddar slice on it. Double yum! I wanted to take a picture of dinner, it deserved it, but it was so good, the plate was empty too soon. All that was left was the fish skin.
  6. @Sharon in AZ You can teach an old dog new tricks, IF the dog pays attention. My puppy has zoned me out for years. I have told him 4 times today that we are doing the salmon in curry, and he asked me just 5 minutes ago, why the curry was out........., Bad dog!
  7. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites. Computer says its 29 degrees (we are a little further north than Sandi). I had a terrible nights sleep, And woke up with leg cramps so many times that I eventually gave up and got up. I finished work last night, texted my hours on the phones, then had to send my end of day with sales information,, but on Tuesdays nights I still have to walk the neighbors dog, take the trash down to the street and then there was laundry to fold, so I finally got done with the day at 10:15.. Then there is unwind time, and I was tired, but even though I went to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, sleep did not come. Cats arrived.... My favorite boss wants me back with him on a very part time basis starting on April 9th? And there is still a rumor that in mid April I will be back with the Arizona opera on a very part time basis. Neither of these pay the big commissions that the campaign I work on now, but I have a much less stressful time working with these bosses, and it is hard that DH and I work on the same campaign. I dont find the "competition" fun at all. Years ago at the 6 Flags over Georgia there was a wandering character called Buford the Buzzard. Buzzards are not even listed in my book of North American Birds, all I could think of was Buzzards Bay. Georgia is full of vultures. To me they were always the same thing. @StLouisCruisersCongratulations to Ren! What a great opportunity. @dfishI love salmon, I love coconut, and I love curry. These dishes look absolutely fabulous! In fact we are having salmon tonight....I was thinking teriyaki, but I could bake the salmon in some of my canned curries....I'll have to figure out how to cook and work at the same time. You are right, the peppers work very well in curry. I usually add peppers and onions just to sneak in veggies. 😸 @grapau27Thanks for the definitions. What used to cause some people to be dumbstruck just seems to be normal life these days. I think if we look at our world, that there is at least one thing we can find every day, that will give us a moment of dumbstruck.
  8. I ended up getting two sales, but I was so far behind, because the second sale took forever, because, she kept changing the prices and seats and concerts that she wanted so the last 7 i never got to, and I rescheduled them for tomorrow and Thursday. I hope they didn't go over to the TM side.
  9. Our purchase path broke this morning, so I cant sell diddly squat. It is ticket master, and if you call TM they seem to be able to sell, but not us.........can you hear the frustration in my voice? All my morning (ca time) call backs are now set for this afternoon (ca time) so long day so far. I wrote one order up and cant process it.
  10. Happy Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Happy Pi Day, although I really wish it was Pie day, hoping that a cherry pie will somehow make it to the house.....dream on. Love the quote. Improvising is the necessary item to beat extinction. Back in one of my other lives, when I was a musician, I had a back up guitarist who hit the bottle a lot, and would make mistakes, I would turn to him and glare, and he would say "jazz". We had meatloaf last night, which means meatloaf for lunch, and meatloaf sandwiches for tomorrow. I put BBQ sauce on it. Yummy. DH, bad vision and all decided to drive himself to Home Depot to get something to fix two dripping faucets. He also needed to get gas, I hope he remembers that he will be out of gas if he didn't stop there first, and he went to get smokes, and he's been gone an hour and a half. For a one hour trip...Today is our busiest sales day of the year, CYO 3 or more go on sale, I typed up the forms that need to be completed before we enter an order, and we are ready to go.... Dog will be walked before I start, and I start at noon today. Our neighbors finally got back from Vietnam yesterday. My friend Theresa called and invited us to dinner on Sunday. I hope you all have a great day, and I'll check in when I can later sometime today.. HUGS!
  11. Just checking in way too late I know @dfish I hope this resolves the problems. @durangoscotsI am so sorry to hear you are so sick. Get well soon. @Cruzin TerriDont worry about us, you get yourself well, and your home straightened out. And your tummy straightened out. Well not straightened, but you know what I mean. I have a HAL question. My friends who decided to join us on this upcoming Alaska cruise on the Nieuw Amsterdam are talking about some fancy dinner that cost 110.00 can you tell me what that is? I thought it might be something like the Chefs table on Carnival, where you get to try weird and bizarre foods, that are accompanied by wines at each course. He thinks it's a hibachi dinner, because the chef is Japanese. What can you tell me?
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 42 and sunny. Tonight we are supposed to get below freezing. Cold and hunger have made the ferals much more friendly to each other, that and I gave Mr.. Bubbles his breakfast in bed, making sure he would not have to go fight with his son? brother? We have never been sure. They both showed up around the same time. Fawn likes both of them. @0106Thank you for giving us the whole quote. @RMLincolnSorry to read that you have Covid. I understand what you mean about being separated from Medical help when you have Covid. My ex doctor wouldn't see me for two years because I had a cough. And wouldn't treat me when I said I had lied to make an appointment, and then he screwed up my medical records. I knew I didn't have Covid. But that cough that started after my broken elbow surgery wouldn't go away. Take care of yourselves! @grapau27 Please share with Pauline- for my wine loving friends- Today is create a new work form for the choose your own sales that go on sale tomorrow. But I still get to try to sell subscriptions, and then the CYO option. And once those calls go down, I will be let go, sometime in April......
  13. @kochleffelDH didnt know who they were and why they were famous until we watched the Chris Rock special on Netflix. My thing about them, is who cares?
  14. @Sharon in AZ Thank you for the information. I am suspecting that it will be quite cool out there in the back of the ship.....Thank you all for the information about the museum. Now with Holland not doing the excursion, if he and Dan want to do it on their own, then they have my permission and blessing. DH's vision is so bad now, that sending him anywhere these days on his own if questionable at best.. It looks like he has somehow moved the infection from his seeing eye to the eye that doesnt see. And we have another two weeks until we see the eye doctor. He does not use a clean Kleenex to rub one eye and then swabs the other eye. At this rate he wont be able to see out of either eye. And all of this behavior is because of the injury to his brain when he fell.
  15. I'm in some kind of time warp, even my tummy hasn't caught on, the clock says 1:08 and I still have not had breakfast. DH is now up, and going to make us omelets, Yeah! Since the upcoming cruise changed ports, DH wanted to do the BC Aviation Museum in Victoria, alas, that is not being offered on our cruise as an excursion. Neither of us want to spend 130 + on high tea, unless air fare is included and it takes us to England, so right now, I'm thinking Natural History Museum, and nibbling our way past some shops... Instead of stopping at beer places, I just want to try coffee at every port. We have 5 sea days- since most of my cruises have been in the Caribbean, and I'm usually one deck above Lido in the smoking area (so you know I still have not quit yet...) but i dont do anything on sea days but soak in sunshine, drink coffee, and exist. What will motivate me on a Holland cruise, to get involved with something on sea days, that does not include trivia pursuit. I know nothing, and when I look back on what I did know, it wasnt important enough to remember.
  16. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, great news on your brother getting his drugs!! When DH was finally diagnosed with his cancer, a friend of mine's wife (now ex wife) worked for a major pharmaceutical company and got the information about a new drug to Chuck's doc, and got him approved for being covered by a grant. At 8K a month, you know this was most kind of her, because we never would have been able to afford it. @grapau27 Thank you for posting Father David. It means a lot to me, and I think the reason that I like him so much is he talks to us as a person, not a lecturer in a big class. Tell Pauline to start celebrating her day today!
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! While I was reading this mornings' daily Furnando would not leave the desk, and in good cat fashion knocked off as much as he could, now while I am trying to post, Tazi is demanding my attention. This is wearing me out, and while I did sleep for 8 hours, I need to go back to bed. DH said he would make omelets this morning, but I wont wake him up. How did it get to be 11 already? My mom used to put left over spaghetti sauce on mashed potatoes and tell us it was goulash. (she did this on nights when Dad was out of town), So when I saw real goulash in a German restaurant in Helen GA, I have to admit, it smelled really good, but I wasn't brave enough to try it. Now I think I will try to make it. Spices grow molds easily, that is probably why it is important to use fresh paprika. Because I was adopted, and had no idea of what and where I came from, I used Ancestry and found out that I was 42% Scandanavian. If I look at my adopted parents history, on my fathers side, he traced it back to the Mayflower. My grandmother on his side was a member of the DAR. However it turns out that my mom's side was pro British, so that wiped out my chances of being a member. How embarrassing! I just really wanted to know why I loved certain things, why I could find my way around cities in Europe that I had never been to before. Apparently no reason what so ever. I just needed to create my own self, and leave the past behind. So, my story is that in another life I was a pterodactyl who got thrown out of the nest. And leave it at that.
  18. I just read this article https://www.yahoo.com/news/quake-swarms-neighboring-alaska-volcanoes-003326818.html Now I know why none of you are cruising with me in Alaska in May. That and the temperatures are an average of 36-49 degrees. BFF will wear shorts I'm sure. And I will have 15 layers on.
  19. @superomaFor your watching needs, I suggest if you can, adding Britbox to your TV. Not only have we seen all the new season of Death In Paradise, we are watching Humphrey in After Paradise. The downside is that all the Midsummer Murders seem to have disappeared. Just best of. @RMLincoln I am glad you had a great cruise, sorry to read that you are ill, and sorry to read of the death of your cousin.
  20. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! We had a lovely time at the concert last night, I did post last night about my life flash back, All is good. I ended up buying tickets for a Bela Fleck concert on April 20th. Most of the campaigns for symphonies that I have worked on have had Bela Fleck as a guest artist , I figured I should see some one or know about them if I am trying to get someone to buy tickets to see them. I like apple everything, I just dont really think about eating just an apple. Love the blooms on the trees in the spring, and love the apples in pie. I dont worship tools, but i may thank them if they make my work easier, and I have no problem with fanny packs. I hear they are making a come back, due to necessity not so much for a fashion statement. But I have never gone for fashion.
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