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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. You are in my thoughts on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, @dani negreanu,Dani and your family, @BonTexasNY, Bonnie, Jack, and family, and @lenquixote66, Lenny, Toby, and family.🙏🌹
  2. @little britain I'm glad to read that you will be able to return home tomorrow after getting your emergency Passports. It has been such a horrific ordeal for you; I do hope your Travel Insurance will cover all of your expenses. We've had to use our Travel Insurance twice and were so relieved that all of our expenses were covered. Safe travels.
  3. Thank you so much, Bonnie!😘 Are you anywhere near the flooding in your home State? Thank you, April!🥰 Thank you for your birthday wishes to my daughters.😘 How is Jessica feeling? I've been to several "sprinkle" parties. It sure comes in handy for the mom with her new baby's arrival. Pretty soon, Deb!! Exciting!! Love to you and Andy
  4. @A&L_Ont Happy Birthday to Owen! 🎈🎈 One day in the not so distant future, he'll actually be able to partake in Cinco de Mayo festitivies!
  5. @LadyZolt Thank you again for your wonderful posts and beautiful pictures. Thank goodness you have the Travel Insurance. I hope all is well when you arrive home. Again, I thank you for taking the time and posting during your cruise.
  6. Oh no! I am so sorry this happened to you. Good luck getting your emergency travel documents, but most especially, I sincerely hope the Police find these low-lifes and hopefully get back your possessions,😔
  7. Thank you, Marietta! 🌺 Btw, love your early Mother's Day gift.😉 Thank you, Dani!😘 Thank you, Debbie!🥰
  8. She loves it there! Her last Final is this coming Tuesday, then she'll head home for the Summer. First year done.😉
  9. Our Twin daughters are celebrating their birthdays today! Melanie is driving home from packing up most of our granddaughter's college dorm possessions at URI. Judy requested tacos for dinner, perhaps since today is Cinco de Mayo.😊
  10. We loved Alcatraz. I bought a book about Alcatraz, and the author who was a former prisoner there, signed the book for me.
  11. I'm with you on the Grouper, Bob! Delicious! @Sea Dog Love all of your pictures of a happy time with good friends! @Jimbo Great pictures, Jim!😉
  12. Pretty awful about the kids having to be bussed (or however they travel) to a faraway school, when the school nearest to them no longer has room for the local kids.😔 my grandsons still have some years to finish intermediate as well as high school to finish here before College. I truly hope for their sake that it won't get so crowded here that it will interfere with their learning. Luckily they are pretty bright kids, but still...right now, the schools here are having funding taken from them, with the Arts being the biggest cuts of all.
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