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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. @Tree_skier Dave, I second Bonnie's recommendations for both Wo Hop on Mott Street, as well as her suggestion of flying into Newark Airport.😉
  2. @jmh2006 Thank you for the pictures of your wonderful excursion today! It looks like Paradise!
  3. This, by a woman who doesn't drink much?? It will be quite a conversation! (Only kidding, Arzeena🥰..love you!) Oh, did you mean a Kraken for OB as you have a drink of water?😁 🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘
  4. Beautiful pictures, Greg! Sounds like a really great day. Per the conversation between woman #1 and woman #2, reminded me of when I was a kid playing in a schoolyard. One kid asked another kid if they were Catholic, to which the other kid replied that "no", they were Public.😁 You can't make this stuff up!
  5. And if it's anything like our Bella cruise, the gang will still be there for quite some time in the Schooner Bar this evening. Enjoy!!!!
  6. I was wondering why we didn't see any pictures of the group yesterday!🤔
  7. I was getting all excited, until I saw the date. Jim and I will just be getting back from Florida as snowbirds.
  8. Bonnie, first of all, the more days on a ship the better, in my opinion! 11 days would be wonderful! Not to mention you will be Diamond for your next cruise!!! You can't go wrong with the Ports of call on the Jewel., either! I love sea days.
  9. You certainly may say that you told me so! You and so many of our Dani friends had so many positive words of encouragement for me, that I would pass on to Jim and our daughter, and it has all come to fruition! I have been meaning to post an update on Ryan for some time now. Last year when Ryan was diagnosed and was in the ICU for 3 days, he was a frightened little kid who only weighed around 78 pounds, and was around 5ft. 4 inches, and was just about to start 8th Grade. Today, Ryan weighs 125 pounds and has grown to be 5 ft. 7 iinches. It was amazing how quickly he began to put weight on, once he was put on insulin. At Ryan's school where he began his 8th Grade, he and my daughter were very fortunate that he had a wonderful and informative nurse at his school, who not only did an outstanding job, but she also gave my daughter her personal phone number if she had any questions, since this was so new (and frightening) for her. The school Principal also had a daughter with T1 Diabetes, and was also very kind and helpful. Ryan has flourished in this past year! His best friend was on the school Wrestling team; Ryan wanted to join, and did so, and is doing quite well, if I do say so myself! He goes to the gym with his friend and has been lifting weights for months now. He's got some muscles now (and likes to show them off to us..lol) He is in his second year with the High School Marching Band, and this year he's playing the Saxophone, as opposed to playing the Clarinet last year. Okay, enough of my bragging! I just so love all of you for all of the support and love that you all provide, that we all provide for each other, and I can't thank you enough! 💕
  10. Thank you so much, Bonnie!🥰 Thank you, Graham! I agree. I was finally able to see what our friend Arzeena looks like!😉
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