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Everything posted by Bigmike911

  1. I hope that our contributors in Florida will be o.k. with the onshoring of Hurricane Ian. The west coast of Florida looks like it is going to take a pounding. Good luck and God Speed all.
  2. I understand the King has gone to Balmoral for a bit to rest and reflect. Watching the members of the Royal Family giving it their all for a full ten+ days, while dealing with grief as well, makes me respect them more for their incredibly hard work. They did very well (to quote the owner of an imaginary British Department Store, of yore.)
  3. Yes, isn't that sort of the point. Continuity. Let the whipsawing go on amongst the political class, but the Monarch, representing all of the people remains about it. And the people can have a greater loyalty to country as a result, unlike the ping ponging that goes on in the US. Brits are very lucky, indeed.
  4. To our British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and others condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I was six when she came to the throne, going to school at Hillside Cottage School in Camrose, Alberta, Canada (My dad was in the oil business and the Great Alberta Oil Rush was on, so we moved from Texas to Canada for a couple of years.) I was in the first grade, and our teacher told us the words of the national anthem would be changed (in those days O' Canada was not yet the Canadian National Anthem). The King would be changed to Queen. So for nearly all my life, Queen Elizabeth has been a constant. I think she made a wonderful, caring and dedicated Monarch, and the whole world was made better by her existence. She seemed like she would go on forever. But, You now have a new King. I was very impressed with his first speech. I think he hit all the notes perfectly. I have followed his life's interests conservation and preservation, and was very impressed with the results he achieved with his Highgrove Gardens. I can only wish him the Best. God Save the King.
  5. Or it could be from the Blair Athol Distillery in Pitlochrey. I still have a bottle of their fine whisky in my larder.
  6. At long last RAIN, after months of no rain we had a one day shower about a month ago. Lately there have been promises and areas nearer the coast actually got showers. Yesterday it was raining all around us, but not here. Last night my left thumb and right middle finger were throbbing in pain, usually a good sign of rain. The light shower we got yesterday could not be called a thunderstorm though there was thunder. It barely wet the driveway. This morning, about ten another light shower, which turned into a deluge and went on for several hours. I sat on my screened porch and reveled in it. After it was over, I checked the rain gauge- 2 3/4 inches. There was no standing water anywhere, so it all soaked in. We needed it and there are forecasts for rain for the next week. My mood it brightening. I have been watching QM2s trip to Hamburg, Brugge and Rotterdam, then back to Hamburg before turning to Southampton. I was booked on this voyage and the onward trip to NYC, but canceled last year due to the uncertainty. 2023 looks very much like a possibility. I have an 8 day Memphis to New Orleans on Viking Mississippi booked in June, so the fall is open. I need my Queen Mary 2 fix, badly.
  7. I have sailed on QM2 16 times and on Queen Victoria three. I will tell you my honest opinion QM2 out shines the QV in so many ways. First it is a Trans Atlantic Liner, the only one still sailing. And a Trans Atlantic Voyage is a real treat. Sailing into or out of NYC beats any other sailing experience I have had. Especially passing the Statue of Liberty early in the morning arriving, or sailing under the Verrazano Bridge leaving New York and wondering if the ship will actually fit is quite a thrill. You will find it far more spacious than QV. It is far more elegant than QV. And, in my opinion it is the only real Cunard Queen. The restaurants and Grills on QM2 out shine those on QV. Being able to stroll the Promenade all the way around the ship on real teak flooring is a special treat. QV is some kind of synthetic floor. The library is larger. And the Queen's room on QM2 is an elegant special place where as on the QV it is just part of the ship with people passing through on their way some where else. I hope you will sail QM2, and then try the other Queens. But if you have only one opportunity, make it Queen Mary 2
  8. Enjoy your upgrade. You will have access to the Grills Concierge, and in the morning they have coffee and sweet rolls, if you want a pre breakfast snack. You also have access to the Grills Lounge, opposite the Queens Grill entrance, and it is a lovely place to take afternoon tea, or have a pre-dinner cocktail. And you have access to the Grills terrace, aft of the deck 11 cabins, and there are refreshments served in the afternoon, while you sun or take advantage of the hot tubs. Enjoy your voyage.
  9. Instead of us getting Rain from Seattle, it would appear that Seattle has received heat from Texas. Enjoy.
  10. Well you have a point or two. This is Texas and we do every thing in a big way. Parched dry, with wild fires one year. Allison and Harvey with 50 plus inches of rain in three days in other years. An inch or two every week or so, would be much nicer. The Weather Prognosticator says, the heat dome that has been cooking the central US will move east, and we will get on shore gulf air, and this time of year, it often results in afternoon showers. So fingers crossed.
  11. Congratulations on the return of smell and taste. Life is very bland with out them (a tiny bit of Texas levity). The weather is still hot over 100f although a front blew through and the temp 'plunged' to 82 last night. There was heavy rain on the coast - 4 inches at my sisters. None here. The weather prognosticator says the 'heat dome' that has been over us, moves east off over the Atlantic at mid week and we will likely get wide spread rain on Thursday. The weatherman always has little tidbits to engage the viewers. He reported that the highest Temperature ever experienced in North Dakota was 126f at the town of Steele 100 miles from the Canadian border. This was on 6 July, 1936. I found that very interesting.
  12. When they show round trips, there are also one way trips too. If you have questions, call Cunard or your TA. they can find them.
  13. At long last some rain. We had 1.25 inches in two squalls yesterday. The first in several months. There was no run off as it soaked into the parched soil immediately. Wind with lots of pine needles down. It took me about 15 minutes this morning to clean them out of the pool. A chore I gladly undertook. Possibly more today and tomorrow, and we will take all we can get. It is slightly cooler with only 85f at noon vs 104f earlier in the week.
  14. July 3rd. The day before we celebrate our Independence Day, July 4th. Preparations include making a chilled cream of minted pea soup, served with Crème Fraiche. A spinach Quiche, and BlueBell Strawberry Vanilla Ice cream. It is 100F today and will be tomorrow, so we will eat light and spend time in the pool, which is about 10 degrees cooler, than the air. Friends in the wet part of the country, please send rain, we need it badly. To our American friends, Happy Fourth, to our other friends have a great summer, or winter depending on where you are.
  15. There is nothing like a warm pool to help loosen up old joints. Mine is 90f on the surface, a bit cooler a foot lower, but floating doing my deep water aerobics has done my gimpy knee a world of good. Enjoy.
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