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Posts posted by xpcdoojk

  1. I surfed til about 10AM, we were just past the last tender ticket when we got on the tender.  We got to the line for the cable car which lasted for about an hour, we talked to Dimi (from the sports staff and his wife Chrissy (or something close to that), she is the lovely little ice dancer who comes out at the end with the emperor card and gets tossed about by the dance captain in the show.  Got to the top, wandered thru the familiar little streets on top.  Eventually ended up in a restaurant, where we talked to an Australian couple we met earlier in the cruise in the crown lounge.  Had a 1/2 carafe each of the house white (Krystal) and the house red (me).  We didn’t finish either.  Had a shared salad, some calamari which was fresh, but was under fried to Krystal’s liking.  It was, also, the parts of the calamari which we generally don’t get served anywhere but Santorini.  IE the head and those part, that are not the rings or the tails.  It was a nice restaurant, but it put K off on Calamari the rest of the trip!🤣  After we took the donkey path down because the line at the top was longer than the line to the top.  Since the cars hold 6 people, I can’t remember if there were 5 or 6 going up and down at the same time, but regardless that is max 30 or 36 people per trip.  Each trip takes a few minutes.  We took the donkey path.  I am pretty sure I posted some pix of the donkeys!  We were there until like 10PM.  I am pretty sure we didn’t watch sail away, although I was up for sail in.  😜


    Went to KC today for the funeral.  After talking to the kids and sobbing the whole time, we gave our friends wife a hug and all I could say was so sad.  We decided we didn’t need to stay for the whole thing.  They were going to their home for the wake, that would have been a mess for us, as we used to stay with them when we would come up for a concert or a plethora of Chiefs games over the years.  He and I went to the Masters for a week in 2010 (the infamous Tiger wreck year).  We went to NASCAR races, Indy car races.  Played a lot of golf, listened to a lot of loud rock and roll music, drank to much together, including one time when we went on a float trip, where I was trashed by midnight and he the professional kept going till way later.  Then the bus ride with a bunch of hung over dudes, where I am thinking I am going to throw up.  Getting to the spring fed river (IE about 60F) and his fat a$$ in the front and me in the back and literally turning over on the first paddle stroke.  Only reason I finished the float trip, as it sobered me up instantly.  


    So many memories, and the large chapel was full of people I sort of knew and ones I knew about, we bailed quick, as I couldn’t stomach the thought of chatting with these people, as the only people I wanted to chat with were the family and they were carrying a heavy load.  My friend was larger than life, and I missed him so.  



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  2. I am leaning towards, going to the visitation at 11AM… 3 hour drive.  Maybe the funeral, but not the Wake.  I would like to do the full Irish, but the dog (Rodrhi) has been in a kennel or in a strange environment for over a month, and I hate to do that again to the poor little monster.  I looked at hotels, but there are not a lot of good options since LQ got swallowed by Wyndham, most of the good options after that, are full major hotels with an additional 100 to 200 a night charge for having a monster in your room. Plus I hate funerals.  

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  3. So, that is pretty much all of the pictures that need to tell the story....  


    If you have questions, shoot away.  If you have comments even better.  


    It was a great trip.  Although, I do think that 33 days on a cruise ship is a bit wearing.  IE things become a lot less special.  That said, I would happily start again tomorrow.  Especially, if Scotty could beam me on the ship and not make me fly back!



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  4. It is a completely different color and views on the Ionic sea islands it appears.  I would like to visit next door Ithaca too.  I loved the Odyssey when I was young and all of the mythology. 


    Fiskardo village and harbor pix.  Loved this little spot.


    Note the picture of the catamaran sticking out behind a couple of dinghies.  That is the failed parking attempt.  By the time I got where I could film the debacle they had given up and pulled out.  🤣  It is so hard to be a dutiful shooping husband while something actually interesting is happening!






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  5. Valletta Malta pix.  We did the War Time tour of Malta, which included the fort (St Elmo) at the entrance to the port and then the Mosta Dome (3rd largest unsupported dome in the world).  It was the cheapest RCI tour we took $60 a person.  Pretty decent value for a decent tour.  The Mosta Dome during WWII had a bomb from a Stukka bomber go thru the dome, hitting a portrait of Jesus then falling to the floor without exploding with about 300 people in the basilica.  So many beautiful churches.  


    the food pix is the snack we ate outside of the Mosta Dome before going into the WWII air raid tunnel by the basilica.  


















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