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Everything posted by canes20

  1. probably need to get post 5530 deleted also bc he replied to your post and it will take you to your account also
  2. Yep, don't know how to fix that. I logged out when there, closed the tab, clicked the code link again and it went to the site again logged in.
  3. How much was the cabana before it went to $500? There must have been a huge demand for them if Carnival can get $500 now.
  4. Wanted to try red velvet last time but was out and ordered chocolate.
  5. I was not trying to dig at anything. I can understand everyone has their opinion. A bad cake is a bad cake.
  6. You seem to have bad luck with Carnival. We have had several, pre and post, and all have been very tasty.
  7. Our anniversary cake was very good last week.
  8. Guess I got lucky. Purchased $1500 on Paradise Wednesday to pay off the anniversary presents that I purchased from Effy. Really thought I had enough but the guy behind the counter was really good, and I managed to get a Tissot threw in for myself.
  9. I can see flights getting overbooked, but how does a cruise get overbooked unless everybody was booking guarantee rooms and they room out of that catagory?
  10. Would have probably saved a lot of time and hassle if you had found it before debarking.
  11. Is this the room that you have to keep the curtain closed at night?
  12. I would suggest using a PVP to help find the perfect balcony for you taste. All balconies are not created equally. A PVP can help by telling you what is above and below and what your view would be.
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