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Bell Boy

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Everything posted by Bell Boy

  1. I can't think that you feel comfortable with this new announcement , considering what you both experienced some months ago . Hope this upcoming itinerary is far more enjoyable for you both than the last one 🤞 Bell Boy 😉
  2. They ( Cunard & P&O) have lost the plot. Who on earth is going to pay for a test if you don't have to 'Prove the result' 🤷‍♂️ This will lead to folks replying with 'Negative' on their health form. For the last three Cunard cruises I've taken I've always felt very comfortable knowing my fellow guests have taken some form of covid test prior to embarkation , not too sure I'll feel the same now , it's bad enough having a mask mandate 'Optional' . What do others think . 🤔
  3. Folks move to the G32 or the Yacht Club until the early hours of the morning .
  4. Yes, it does irritate me somewhat when our American cousins refer to Afternoon Tea as 'High Tea' and a Jacket as a 'Coat' - a sports coat is my idea of something with a Zip that I'd wear on the way to the Gym. All just a bit of Banter my American friends. 😅 - I'm sure us Brits have confusing vocabulary also.
  5. 19th July ; Masks have now been reintroduced on Q. Victoria according to a friend onboard at the moment . 🙁
  6. Question : Are Masks Mandatory when walking around .
  7. That menu might depend on what your Itinerary is ? if I remember, on my recent cruise down the Med the Themed menu was sort of Spanish ? It's a clever concept from the F&B department, a 'Route Specific' menu', which occasionally appears on World Cruises in the main restaurants .
  8. Weston One, I couldn't agree more with you , time 'Cunard Verandah' retuned back to a sophisticated French restaurant, those ridiculous 'butcher sack cloth aprons' the waiters have to wear, the black wooden boards as place mats, the copper bowls for additional vegetables - I remember these in the 70's in the Berni Inns restaurants ( we though we were very posh ordering Black Forest Gateau ) ...and don't get me started about those sweet sticky bread rolls . I have to admit 🤫 I only book there to use up my complimentary voucher.
  9. No I don't believe it is . On the cruise of the 5th June the Verandah offered a 'Themed Menu' in the evening ( in addition to the usual menu) I can't remember what it was at the time, However, speaking with the FB manager I understand this concept was a temporary and additional replacement for the 'Lido Alternative Dining', not yet in operation post pandemic.
  10. Pre Covid I have donated two new books to the onboard Library , one on QM2 and another on the Q.Victoria, both were accepted , I shouldn't think you will have any problems.
  11. I think it's time we all moved on from this, no use stressing out in advance we just have to managed it on the day ( ie on the upcoming itinerary) Almost every cruise ship sailing at the moment will probably have a couple of guests in isolation. If we choose to book a cruise we will just have to take responsibility for our self and get back to some sense of 'trying to live a normal life style'. Since the 13th August 2021 I have taken three separate Cunard cruises and have been unaware at the time if any of the guests onboard had been affected by covid , no-one ever mentioned that dreaded C word we all just got on with enjoying ourself.
  12. If you have managed to print off a ' Boarding Card' then this is only document you need as this document indicates your 'Check-in Time/ arrival time' . ( an e ticket is not aways asked for now that Boarding Cards have been introduced post pandemic) Your e ticket only acts as a sort of invoice, you will not be asked to produce it as the check-in agent knows you are already in the system when swiping your passport. Luggage labels; Don't waste time stressing out over this, Additional luggage labels are available from the Porters ( and always have been) prior to dropping off your luggage. One just needs to clearly print name and stateroom number. Don't stress out or waste anymore time on this new 'Check-in on line system' ,if you are like me worry about how many pairs of shoes you will need to pack .
  13. If one is using CPS parking then I'm afraid there are no porters standing around the 'new drop-off area' which is now the other side of the 'slip roads' ,adjacent to the car park, however, there are trolleys available. On my last three experiences ( post pandemic) the porters will attempt to meet those less able-bodied and offer assistance.
  14. Wish you'd get on with it - I'm hungry , I'm dying to Tuck into my already opened popcorn 😉
  15. You are very wise ! I wouldn't book with any other company- been using them for many years 👍 ( fourth time post pandemic)
  16. I have my Popcorn ready, however, I doubt you'll get any sympathy from this board as many of us who have recently sailed on QM2 (post pandemic) have nothing but praise for those hard working crew members who have returned back to service, having been unemployed for the past two and half years .🍿
  17. Yes, I have to agree with you there 😉
  18. Just to say. 'Ditch' the intranet gadget ! - My Voyage. I have taken three Cunard cruises post pandemic and another one upcoming. Never needed to use that blessed Gadget., more suited for the likes of MSC and those ships that hold 6,000 + Passengers. Get back to interacting 'face to face' with the loverly hard working crew members , Certainly no need to book for 'evening dining', using the gadget , hopefully by the time you are embarking for your cruise, Cunard will have gone back to some sort of consistency with the evening dining times in the Britannia Restaurant.
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