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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. @smitty34877 Glad to hear you arrived in NH! Extra glad you are on a break with family, kiddos, pups…. Great time to refuel! m—
  2. @ger_77 🙏 for a good outcome for Gird and Ollie. Enjoy your family, laughter and joy! @StLouisCruisers thanks for the Nuuk photos. Still hoping to get there. Maureen
  3. Sunny and cool in north Jersey, will get windy this afternoon. I have a meditation group at 1:00 across campus, then meeting DH mid-campus at Finance to sign some papers. This community is an Erickson Senior Living community. It really is a “home for life” if you choose to stay, but if you choose to leave you get 90% return of your initial entrance fee, refunded to you or your estate or however you designate. They make their commitment to their residents that they will not evict anyone if the resident exhausts their assets. (Residents agree not to prematurely distribute their assets, and we had to get their lawyers to approve us with our trust’s “first-to-die” distribution to DH’s family or my family being we’re a second marriage… you may remember when we were waiting fir that letter last October.). There is a fund here called the Residents Care Fund… today we will designate a portion of our eventual refund to go into that fund after we are gone, a designation that is revokable at any time. We feel that this fund is an attractive factor for bringing in new residents and helps maintain a stable base for residents and the community’s foundation. We’re near 95% occupancy which keeps our expenses predictable. It’s the best deal we found! We’ll do our part to help keep it that way. Blessings to our Care list and all in need near and far. Our country and yours and our world. Bon Voyage to our cruisers🛳️ Smooth travels to those away 🚂, 🚗 or ✈️. Appreciate something in your life today, Life is Good🌈
  4. Welcome home! We missed you! Happy Easter, Maureen
  5. @Hogladyrider and Lenda, We beat our way through Price and Helper many times…. our route from northern NM to Boise, usually in our truck with 5th wheel. More often than not it was my turn to drive the Green River -Price stretch but I didn’t mind, I’d drive the truck and trailer anywhere, any kind of road or traffic but only FORWARD! DH tried to teach me to back it up but quickly realized it was either that or stay married. 🤣 m— Bon Voyage @POA1!
  6. Heavy rain overnight. Not going to eye doctor , doctor canceled, we’ll go Monday. We both miss our hot tub! It was central to our daily life in our mountain home. For peace, relaxation, sore knees, back issues, just about everything. We used it daily, it was beautiful in the starlight watching satellites crossing the star-filled sky, in the snow, in the mornings…. Champagne toast at midnight on New Years Eve The last thing we did at the house after the moving truck left was to have a final heavenly soak, give thanks for the beautiful life we had there. I miss it but nothing lasts forever. Had a very difficult talk with my brother last night discussing decisions that are likely coming about his wife if she doesn’t rally - feeding tube? DNR, moving her to a different type facility because they aren’t able to help her in the rehab so insurance won’t pay for the facility… getting a social worker involved. Everything is so slow except for cutting off payments and getting kicked out…. I can understand their reasoning and that someone who can be helped needs the bed, but she needs a chance to rest to see if she’ll come around soon…. I can’t help her, but maybe I can help him. Maybe our talk was the stressor that kept me from getting to sleep but finally I escaped to the guest room and slept there where I wasn’t keeping DH up too. I have friends on Nordam now, she’s in NZ, thank you Jacqui! Fun to follow her. And still no posts from our NZ Dailyites @erewhon…. Wednesday night I phoned in to share with a church group in Maryland. Their next gathering will be April 24, day after DH’s eye surgery near there at Johns-Hopkins. We’re thinking that instead of driving home that afternoon and hitting rush hour traffic up here we’ll stay over that night at a friend’s in our old community, have a visit with her and with my church gathering then get a mid-morning start to miss most of the traffic both there and here. And DH will be through the anesthesia recovery so we’ll be able to share the driving. Feels like a win-win! Plus I was able to rebook our hotel again with another price drop! Third rebooking- 2 price drops and one for a better cancellation date! @summer slopeyour accident will take a lot of recovery, inside and outside, please rest your body and your mind too. Trauma can be complex. So relieved to hear you are in one piece! Blessings for all the many in need, all in pain, all the caregivers and care teams, all those away especially our cruisers and travelers- Terry by car and @Mr. Boston by train! Good holy days to those who celebrate them. Cheers and toasts to those celebrating Life is Good🌈 Thanks all for being here! One day at a time is Everything! Be well, be safe, be kind and enjoy something today. Maureen Prayers for Maurice and Gerry, and family coming in!
  7. Rain today, more tomorrow, 40s-50s. Hopefully we won’t have flooded roads on route to eye doctor tomorrow. @aliaschief Thank you for your service, and Welcome Home! I hope your visit to Ankar Wat is superb! We visited Falmouth and the area for a week in 2015 for a heritage immersion, DH’s grandfather came from Mylor Bridge. We took the foot ferry, just like Sandi’s picture, across the bay one day and walked from there to the church, about 2 miles. It was a lovely, the path went through some manor land but walking through was permitted. I’m so glad we made that trip, so meaningful. But I never want to rent a car in England again 🤦🏼‍♀️. It I didn’t die in a hear-on with a lorry on those tiny country roads I thought I’d die from a heart attack. Otherwise, it was a fabulous visit. Thanks for the photos! My brothers wife was responding well to treatment until last weekend but is now not eating or taking fluids. Talked with niece last night and doctor suspended radiation this week to see if she rallies. I told my niece if there’s anything she wants to say to her mom say it soon. In the busyness of the battle it’s east to lose sight of why we’re battling. Tough days. Glad River is rebounding! Scarlet fever? I hope we can still treat that! Best wishes for @Mr. Boston and DH on the Lake Shore… I love trains! Blessings to all away or heading out this weekend, smooth travels Terry, and a smooth time for Tana and the household. Still absorbing the bridge collapse. Blessings for all the families of those lost, all the rescue workers. I found some of our photos from going under the bridge on Carnival Legend in 2022. Grandkids, view from aft.
  8. Thank you Roy for posting the terrible news early this morning. While we lived not far from Baltimore we cruised on Carnival Legend with our grandkids. Baltimore is the easiest cruise port I’ve ever used. I’m just really struggling to absorb this news. Clouds arrived in north Jersey. Rain coming maybe today but a lot Thursday… hoping it won’t hamper our visit to eye doctor Thursday. My stepsons that I raised had a mother with epilepsy and the meds she was on in the early 70s left their mark on the boys during her pregnancies. Both boys as adults needed minor surgeries to correct testicular abnormalities. One has children, the other’s wife couldn’t but both boys tried everything they could and in their search for a path to fatherhood these issues were discovered. The boys lost their mother when they were in their twenties, she died from a seizure. In reality they lost her much earlier in life due to her other issues, I’ll leave it at that. Blessings to all involved in today’s tragedy And all in need. Maureen
  9. @dfish if River needs to be seen at an ER, they will see her to assess and stabilize… like for a dangerous fever or difficulty breathing for example. Do not hesitate. That is my experience from EMS work. A guardian’s signature would be required to waive treatment. Again, that is my experience but I’d like to hear what others are aware of. Paying for it would likely fall to you unless River is covered by some type of insurance like maybe a Medicaid plan. When we had juveniles at an EMS call they had to be transported to the ER unless there was a parent/guardian who could refuse transport and treatment and take responsibility by signing a liability release. I just hope River improves! m—
  10. Beautiful sunshine here today but still quite chilly. A good Holi Day to those who celebrate it. Thanks for the Fleet Report and maps everyday! I enjoy seeing where all the ships are, so many good memories of being in these most of these ports. And tracking friends cruising now, always fun to follow! Thank you Vanessa for the Care, Celebration and Cruising lists. I don’t know how you cope with such pain. I’m sorry you have to wait so long for your surgery. DH’s eye pressures are up and down. He’ll go to eye doctor Thursday. I hope he’s not going to open the last suture yet but they know more than I do. One day recently that eye pressure was at the bottom of our instrument’s measurable range, sure don’t want it lower! Other eye has been running high some days, waiting for surgery April 23. Trying not to let it make me crazy, grateful we’ve made it this far with such expert care! Happy birthday to @cat shepard’s DS at home! Yay! And Yay for Tana walking! Scott Hamilton had a lot to overcome in his life as an orphan, childhood disease, cancer…. to become a gold medal winner! So that is his personal perspective, and I think he stands as encouragement to all who are dealing with adversity. DH and I enjoyed our outing yesterday to local community theater and the Pompton Queen Diner, recommended by one of our Dailyites! It felt good to get out in our new environment for some fun! Today it’s back to administrivia. Glad we can! Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Thinking of Sarah, Pauline and Graham as you continue to deal with loss and abuse. And for River, Debbie and Sue… the paradoxical saying comes to mind that No good deed goes unpunished. Hoping you all can have a better day today. Blessings for peace in the world, in my country and yours. Hoping Bruce is improved enough to go on the excursion he was so looking forward to. Smooth travels to all away, all our cruisers. Thinking of Sandi’s DD, her drive to Morgan’s, and my DGD and her DH flying back today from Idaho via Seattle! 🤦🏼‍♀️. The weather looks pretty good across the country🤞 Hoping everyone can enjoy something today! Maureen 💐
  11. Thank you, I lost a day yesterday, her turnaround! It was a very busy schedule for me yesterday. Yes, I understand now, that would put her back in HMC today. Thanks for getting me back on track!
  12. Nice to see sun this morning after yesterday’s downpours and the howling winds last night, but chilly morning at 27, going up to 49, warmer than all last week. Is NA still in Half Moon cay? Investigation maybe? What about debark/embark? What a mess for so many! Happy for Ann @cat shepardand her DSis being home finally. Hoping for continued healing. That first day on your own at home can be a real eye-opener. Safe travels for Sandi’s DD and a smooth visit with Morgan. Terry, water in the basement is a mess you don’t need on a weekend! Going to a local playhouse this afternoon, a first try, and maybe out for supper? Would also be a first here. Or come home for leftovers, something I accumulate because dinners in our dining venues tend to be too much for me. Blessings for a calmer day and a safer world. Relief for those in need of it from whatever hampers your joy. Maureen
  13. I just slugged through yesterday’s Daily, and today’s. A lot to absorb. Very sad about the firefighter shot in TX, thanks for the link Elizabeth, @Haljo1935… I sent it to my NM fire chief and EMTs as a reminder. We were taught to knock on a front door from the side! But it’s really hard to use a halligan tool to pry open a door from the side! Horrible! Tragic news from NA. 💔 DH lost his brother in a work explosion long ago but it’s a loss one doesn’t recover from, at best you get beyond it. I’m sure his children’s life-paths were irreparably altered (niece and nephew). Can’t imagine the the depth of responsibility the captain and the crewmen’s immediate officers feel, the safety officer too. Vessels are dangerous places… I’m so glad our niece managed to survive to retire from her career as a merchant marine officer! (it was her dad who was killed when she was a teen) My heart and prayers for the crewman’s families, the captain and officers, all the crew and HAL. Prayers for Kate and Charles, all their family and Care teams. Cheers for Kate’s bravery to pursue the chemo! I lost my closest girlfriend to cancer that later blossomed after her surgery seemed to remove all the cancer but she denied the prophylactic chemo…. I was angry about her decision but loved her through the long horrible decline. I hold the Princess in a vision of wholeness and health! She has SO much to live for and so much love surrounding her! @marshhawk enjoy those walks! 💐 @JazzyV I guess we know when it’s time for surgery! Yours will be the day we drive to Maryland for DH’s second eye surgery. I’ll be praying for you and your care team. You’ll be in good hands! Order a grabber now if you don’t have one already. And step-in shoes👍 @Seasick SailorJoy, one day at a time is Everything! And @Heartgrove too with Sam. Thanks for the great pix! I have friend with a malamute and a huskie, Big difference! Both so loveable. Thanks for all tge spring flower pix! Glad you took that rude Karen @luvteaching Rain here all day, flood advisories. Tomorrow we’ll venture out to a local playhouse to see what that’s like, and maybe dinner out? Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. A shout out to atheists too, we don’t all walk the same path but we all need each other. Remembering my mom today on her birthday, 1911, or maybe 1910… no birth certificate, she was adopted so we were never sure. 🎂Happy birthday @seagarsmoker Cheers for all celebrating Life is Good 🌈 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers, and DGD and DH flying to San Antonio to help his mom post surgery. Enjoy something today! Thanks all for being here! Maureen Oops this got lost for awhile, oh well…. I hope it wasn’t doubled. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  14. I just slugged through yesterday’s Daily, and today’s. A lot to absorb. Very sad about the firefighter shot in TX, thanks for the link Elizabeth, @Haljo1935… I sent it to my NM fire chief and EMTs as a reminder. We were taught to knock on a front door from the side! But it’s really hard to use a halligan tool to pry open a door from the side! Horrible! Tragic news from NA. 💔 DH lost his brother in a work explosion long ago but it’s a loss one doesn’t recover from, at best you get beyond it. I’m sure his children’s life-paths were irreparably altered (niece and nephew). Can’t imagine the the depth of responsibility the captain and the crewmen’s immediate officers feel, the safety officer too. Vessels are dangerous places… I’m so glad our niece managed to survive to retire from her career as a merchant marine officer! (it was her dad who was killed when she was a teen) My heart and prayers for the crewman’s families, the captain and officers, all the crew and HAL. Prayers for Kate and Charles, all their family and Care teams. Cheers for Kate’s bravery to pursue the chemo! I lost my closest girlfriend to cancer that later blossomed after her surgery seemed to remove all the cancer but she denied the prophylactic chemo…. I was angry about her decision but loved her through the long horrible decline. I hold the Princess in a vision of wholeness and health! She has SO much to live for and so much love surrounding her! @marshhawk enjoy those walks! 💐 @JazzyV I guess we know when it’s time for surgery! Yours will be the day we drive to Maryland for DH’s second eye surgery. I’ll be praying for you and your care team. You’ll be in good hands! Order a grabber now if you don’t have one already. And step-in shoes👍 @Seasick SailorJoy, one day at a time is Everything! And @Heartgrove too with Sam. Thanks for the great pix! I have friend with a malamute and a huskie, Big difference! Both so loveable. Thanks for all tge spring flower pix! Glad you took that rude Karen @luvteaching Rain here all day, flood advisories. Tomorrow we’ll venture out to a local playhouse to see what that’s like, and maybe dinner out? Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. A shout out to atheists too, we don’t all walk the same path but we all need each other. Remembering my mom today on her birthday, 1911, or maybe 1910… no birth certificate, she was adopted so we were never sure. 🎂Happy birthday @seagarsmoker Cheers for all celebrating Life is Good 🌈 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers, and DGD and DH flying to San Antonio to help his mom post surgery. Enjoy something today! Thanks all for being here! Maureen
  15. Sunny and cold at 25, at least yesterday’s wind seems mostly over. And sun is nice! DH got bloodwork results and his psa has gone up more, not what we want to see but I guess not unexpected, it’s been trending up since he finished radio in 2020. We’ll hear what his oncologist thinks when we have the phone consult in a couple of weeks. He’s gotten us this far so we’ll keep going down the path. I was very sore last night after zoom chair-yoga, hoping today the hip recovers. It’ll be an easier day, I’ll phone in to join my spiritual companioning group in Maryland. That’s usually very nourishing. We’re looking at options for an Easter outing. Considered visiting my parents graves but the cemetery is closed Sundays! As a child I remember always going to the two family cemeteries on Palm Sunday with fresh flowers and palms. I guess times change. I was to their graves in 2014 when our cruise around South America terminated in NY… we added a day to hopefully see my brother then but he refused us, so we used that opportunity to visit my old area from my teens and early twenties. Doesn’t seem like it was 10 years ago! Never thought I’d be living in this region again! Blessings sent for all in need. Lifting up those in pain, grief, despair. May your path be guided to healing, comfort and hope! Cheers for all the celebrations, it’s important to remind us all that Life is Good🌈 Smooth travel blessings for all away especially our cruisers. Enjoy something beautiful today!🌷 Maureen Outside the chapel yesterday. @erewhon, missing you, hoping you both are ok, off enjoying the world!
  16. Sunny and cold at 25, at least yesterday’s wind seems mostly over. And sun is nice! DH got bloodwork results and his psa has gone up more, not what we want to see but I guess not unexpected, it’s been trending up since he finished radio in 2020. We’ll hear what his oncologist thinks when we have the phone consult in a couple of weeks. He’s gotten us this far so we’ll keep going down the path. I was very sore last night after zoom chair-yoga, hoping today the hip recovers. It’ll be an easier day, I’ll phone in to join my spiritual companioning group in Maryland. That’s usually very nourishing. We’re looking at options for an Easter outing. Considered visiting my parents graves but the cemetery is closed Sundays! As a child I remember always going to the two family cemeteries on Palm Sunday with fresh flowers and palms. I guess times change. I was to their graves in 2014 when our cruise around South America terminated in NY… we added a day to hopefully see my brother then but he refused us, so we used that opportunity to visit my old area from my teens and early twenties. Doesn’t seem like it was 10 years ago! Never thought I’d be living in this region again! Blessings sent for all in need. Lifting up those in pain, grief, despair. May your path be guided to healing, comfort and hope! Cheers for all the celebrations, it’s important to remind us all that Life is Good🌈 Smooth travel blessings for all away especially our cruisers. Enjoy something beautiful today!🌷 Maureen @erewhon, missing you, hoping you both are ok, off enjoying the world!
  17. Chilly in north Jersey, 25F this morning, not getting even to 40 today. Yesterday was crammed but we got a lot done. Bloodwork for DH for semiannual post prostate cancer treatment; has been going up a notch each time. We’ll see where we’re at this time… consult in April with oncologist in Houston at MDAnderson by phone. 🤞 Then Costco, because it’s next to financial office where we met with new advisor. Still have stuff to bring up from car. Then my almost-weekly phone mentoring visit with now 3 teenage girls in my old NM fire department. Hustled ourselves to very early supper so I could make my phone-in with Maryland church group Centering prayer… needed some centering time! Happy for Brenda’s news! I remember my masters defense like it was yesterday, 1977; it was at Rutgers-Newark, very near us here now, never thought I’d be living around here! Sad news about the fire! We never know what tomorrow brings. Or where we’ll be. Today we need to figure out how to deal with a dead-end we reached for our NJ tax return with TurboTax. It’s requiring data we don’t have regarding some very small non-taxable retirement plan contributions for DH in the early 1970s, data we don’t have. And TurboTax won’t move forward without it. Ugh. Probably time for printing out forms and filing that return by pen paper. Guessing it’s too late to find a cpa. But it’ll all happen. Federal, New Mexico and Maryland are completed, not filed. We have a monthly church service this afternoon that DH was asked to do a reading for, then I have a zoom yoga class. Maybe tonight we’ll catch up with some NCAA basketball. Last night there were 2 games on in the background and I fell asleep, woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I think too much stimulation. DGD and her DH arrived safely in Boise and have started on projects for her mom’s house. They were here a couple of weeks ago installing new lighting! I’ll put them in the Incredible Kids category! They’re really why we moved here, to be closer for their long-term oversight. DH just got a call from medical about blood work results from yesterday…. the tech’s info sounds goofy, we’ll walk over and get a print out. Still struggling with their portal! Gosh, does every office have a different portal? I have a folder on my phone’s “notes” just for medical portals! DH’s eye pressures were stabilizing but dropped today, and today we reduce the steroid so I guess we’ll see what that does. One day at a time! Sending blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope, relief, direction…. for your country and mine and lifting up all the strife in the world. Celebrating all the happy events🎉. Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away, especially all our cruisers! Thanks all for being here🌷 Maureen
  18. My understanding and experience with SSA is that Full Retirement Age depends on your birth year but it’s around 66-67 give or take a few months for most of us now. If you take benefits between 62 and your FRA, your monthly amount is reduced from the FRA amount. If you delay taking your benefits beyond your FRA, your benefit amount grows by 8%annually until you reach age 70 when it no longer grows. The SSA.gov website is pretty good IMO for finding info and estimating benefits. m—
  19. Chilly morning, not feeling like spring like it did last week, gray again. Both DGDs are CNAs🎉 Ann, I hope your sister’s situation stabilizes. She’s so fortunate to have your support! This is why we moved closer to family. Someday there will be only one of us and we’ll need their oversight. Or sooner we might both need it. But remember, we can’t help people more than they want to be helped. Your sister will choose her path. And you will do what you can to walk beside her. You’ve made Amazing progress! Yesterday’s mammo was the easiest I think I’ve ever had! I hope I don’t need a callback. Thoughts for @Sharon in AZ on your DM…. when my DD DM was getting forgetful and worse (depressed, lonely, combative…) I got her a journal. Pen and paper were familiar tools. She wrote down when we called, when we visited, when she did activities. At night when she’d get so blue and sad or worse she could read her notes and see that she wasn’t forgotten even if she didn’t really remember the events. It didn’t solve all her problems or mine but it did help for a few years. It’s a tough segment of life for you both. Try to flow above the frustrations and redirect both her and you to living in the moment, hard as that is! I do regret some of the battles we got into especially early in her dementia when I had a lot to learn, but I did the best I could at the time. And our relationship wasn’t too good from way back so we only had so much to work with. Take care of yourself and that includes getting support for yourself. @Haljo1935 I’m sad to hear that you are in such a quandary. I have dealt with neuropathy issues, and doctors can only go do much, and then there was the spine surgeon who had something like a 10 year plan of fusions and desires for a lot more wealth! But everybody’s path is different so I can’t say what you should or shouldn’t do…. but because you asked, here’s my story. My path took 18 months and my healing needed work I had to do on multiple levels- physical/mechanical was PT and traction; chemical was anti-inflammants, a couple of steroid 6-day packs, and nutritional supplements that a kinesiologist prescribed (I went way out of my comfort zone to try new ways because the old ways weren’t working). Psychological work brought me to Mind-Body connections (look up John Sarno MD, a back doctor) and I learned that if I could own up to having a part in my situation, I was empowered to own some of the solution too. I started saying affirmations to shift my thinking, which really needed a shift! I employed spiritual focus within my belief framework, and beyond by learning about energy-flow methods like acupuncture/acupressure and others my massage therapist recommended. I used chiropractic too which may be part physical and part energy healing. Traction was an offshoot of the PT and I did it twice a day for 18 months- at home, in our trailer, on cruises, hotels, retreats…. every day! Basically, I took charge like a general contractor and employed others for their expertise. It was a zigzag path, not everything I tried helped. And not everything was covered by insurance. But first I stopped digging the hole I was in. Maybe you need a break from work for a couple of weeks? To get off the merry go round that is making you crazy. 🙏sending you prayers for guidance and hope. And Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope, direction, relief, near and far. Smooth travels to all away! Including DGD and her DH flying out today. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising! 🎉 Life is good🌈 appreciate something about yourself today! Maureen
  20. Sandi, me thinks I’d stay in Florida those 3 days in between! 🫤.
  21. Reading the Care lists I realized that along with see Vanessa’s entry that my DH’s eye pressures stabilized, maybe it should say, Maureen’s disposition stabilized too…” Off to mammogram this morning. Dinner was very nice with those who invited us to join them. I ate too much! Got up at midnight for a ginger ale which helped. Later, m—
  22. ☘️ Top O’ the Morning! ☘️ I grew up with an Irish mother and an Irish name! St Paddy’s Day was very important! In recent years I had fun delicious St Patrick’s Day dinner parties for neighbors and fire department friends …. one year I made 5 corned beefs and 10 lbs of potatoes. Guests brought enough beer and Guinness to last us a year! It’s been sweet to hear happy memories of these fun times this week from some of my old mountain friends! ☘️ 🛳️🍾 Bon Voyage Kathi @Scrapnana I am absolutely thrilled you are cruising!! 🌈🎆 We were invited to join a couple for dinner today whom we met at a church service here. It’ll be extra fun with the St Patrick’s Day menu.. lots of options including fish and chips! and of course corned beef and cabbage, plus the “always available” selections. I’m very glad to meet some new people here! Younger Granddaughter and her new husband visited yesterday. Always a joy to be with them - young love, youthful enthusiasm and of course their precious help with media🤣 !! It’s very caring of them to make the visit, and they were rewarded with not only dinner but the lemon meringue pie from pi day! Lucky them. DH’s eye pressure we’re back to more expected numbers, 🙏 thankfully! We’re waiting for them to stabilize and then climb a bit so they can open the next suture, but can’t make that next step with the pressure so very low as it just was…. one day at a time! Maybe they can leave that suture permanently? I guess they’ll tell us when the timing gets here. I do love a rum punch on vacation! Thanks for the Antiqua pix and memories @StLouisCruisers Lots of history to celebrate too! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Terry, one more day this weekend…. an hour at a time! 🤗. Melissa too! ❤️ 🍾 Happy 63rd Anniversary @irishjim and Sheila, never enough anniversaries! 🎉 Here’s my mom’s favorite Irish Blessing! Have a blessed day everyone! ☘️Maureen 🍀
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