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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Still cold and sunny but supposed to get above freezing each day this week, rain holding off till Friday, so it’ll be easier to get to eye doctor on Thursday. DH’s eye pressure registered last night at minimum reading in the home device so that seems stable. Keeping up the regime. Moscoto is what I can still enjoy. Sounds great! I’m allergic to melons so would not try the drink. Kale pesto sounds like a poor substitute for basil pesto but I would at least taste it. Talked with my niece yesterday, and briefly with her dad, my brother. I think it’ll be a few days before they get enough tests, info to review their options for my SIL. I think they’re in for a tough road no matter what they choose. Makes me more grateful for every day! @JazzyV When is your procedure? 🕯️ @kazu How are your ribs healing? And elbow? @Vict0riannI’ll have to learn more about that maneuver for vertigo. Where we worked we didn’t get Presidents Day off, it was one of the holidays they credited us at Christmas break which was great to get that week off, but made for a very long stretch till late May for a day off. Things I don’t miss…. Blessings to all in need! Toasts to all celebrating! Smooth travels to all away! Welcome home to all returning! Thanks all for being here! Take excellent care of you! Stay well and safe. Enjoy today 🌈 Maureen
  2. Cold sunny morning in north New Jersey, climbing up from 16F. Still winter but no snow and probably won’t be going out. I texted with my niece and offered to come down to the hospital, roughly an hour away, while she and her father (my brother) await the start of tests on her mom but I doubt we’ll be asked to come. Will wait for news. Almost time for DH’s eye drops, keeping up the regime! The pressure in the surgery-eye is still too low to register but that’s not a bad thing, as long as his vision is ok which it has been the last few days! Very grateful! @Nickelpenny glad you’re settling in and had a good sleep. You sure had a busy itinerary getting there! Smooth travels, and thanks for posting! @StLouisCruisers Sandi, sending extra blessings to you and all of those you carry in your big heart! Blessings to all on our Care list, those in need of healing, comfort or hope, our country, your country and the world! Joys to those celebrating and cruising, so many happy cruisers! Here’s my tribute to the odd special day today! From the Albuquerque balloon fiesta. Maureen
  3. Great to see that travelers are getting where they need to. Good job Pennie! Welcome home Lenda and Katherine, all the others! Smooth travels to those flying and driving tomorrow. Excited to hear Vanessa’s floors are done!! Amazing pic of Murphy! Yay! Had a laid-back day here and watched a classic movie after dinner which they show on Saturday nights - tonight was On the Town, fun. Then I turned my phone on to see a text that my brother's wife is hospitalized. I texted my niece and she’ll update tomorrow after more tests. Looks very serious but we’ll learn more. Moving to the east coast from NM meant I’d be closer to most of my family, and being the youngest I knew it would mean dealing with loss at a closer distance. Although not everybody gets to be old, the older we get the more we deal with extended illness and losing family and friends. I’ll learn more tomorrow, they’re only about an hour away, but it’s not likely my brother will want us to visit, I haven’t seen him in 22 years though I’ve tried several times, anytime I’ve been in the region. My niece I’ve seen as often as possible and we’re closer, she joins in our cousins gatherings. All I can say is, Families are messy! Maybe some of you can relate. Everybody has their path through life but it sure helps to have some love alongside, especially during the tough times. We’ll see where this all goes. m—
  4. Good Saturday morning! It’s still winter, light snow overnight and this morning. Glad we can be in. I took yesterday “off”. DH is doing ok, no more blurry vision but pressure too low to register. According to his doc he’s in a good place, we’ll go back Thursday for another check. So I hopped on a shuttle bus to the other side of our complex, posted 3 packages to my siblings containing copies of a very old (1909?) photo of my grandparents and 7 of their 9 children taken before my father was born; a cousin had copies made for all the cousins and she gave sets to each family to get them distributed to our siblings. That was at Thanksgiving, I finally got it done. Then I found a cozy corner in that neighborhood’s big fireplace living room and read my book until it was time for mindful meditation. So renewing! Afterwards I walked back across the complex in the bright crisp day, also renewing. I stopped in the chapel for a break to extend my quiet time. When I got back home I discovered DH had missed a dose of eye drops (snoozed right through his phone alarm?) so we got caught up on that, not a problem as long as he gets all four doses in each day. Made a quick grocery run before a very pleasant light supper - been eating too much lately and having reflux issues so light was better! Watched a pleasant movie and drifted off to sleep at 11pm. It was a very good day. Didn’t sleep as much as I’d have liked but I think I’ll be ready to start tackling taxes with DH today! We’ll have 4 filing to manage through - fed + 3 states! Best to get it started! Today my New Mexico friends are gathering for memorial services in TX, several made the long drive to be with her husband and sons, one will sing at the service honoring their years of sharing music in the little country church where we were all family even if we didn’t all share the same theology roots. My heart is with them, she died too early at 62- not everybody who dies is old. One day at a time is Everything! It’s great to follow along with so many adventures here! So good to hear if Vanessa’s project progressing, and some better sleep - now only to get her out of pain! Congrats to all those celebrating! 61 yrs fir Ray and DE, and what a grand trip! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Our country, your country and for too much sadness in the world! Smooth travel to all away! So many on cruise adventures! Pennie, I admire your stamina! It’s so grand to follow it along. Thanks all for being here! Hoping your day brings some joys. Maureen
  5. Sunny and cold today but it’s a new day and we’ll take it! Thank you Jacqui and Vanessa for getting us started and keeping track of all our goings-on! And thanks to all contributing here- foods, drinks and fun photos, sharing the journey if life together! While we were at MD Anderson in Houston for 3.5 months for treatment, DH said the hardest part wasn’t the treatment, it was seeing all the children! 💔. Lisbon is a fabulous place for visitors. So much to see and relatively easy to get around on foot, buses, trans and trains. Thanks for the exceptional array of photos, particularly the tiles from Tina, @0106 Its so exciting to see our long list of cruisers! I’m hopeful we’ll be able to adventure later this year! Gotta be hopeful! Each one of you is an inspiration - making lemonade out of whatever lemons we each to deal with! @Haljo1935 good to hear of your progress. I’d say, “Pat yourself on the back!” but I’m not sure if that’s in your program 😉 @marshhawk Annie, I’m sure there are so many ways your DH has experienced the effects of the infusions, surgeries and treatments- we are such complex creatures. I hope you can find a new pattern that helps. Or a new food, maybe a protein drink like boost or ensure or a powdered shake mix to supplement. You’ve been through so many changes, I’m hopeful you’ll find an answer to this present challenge. Bon Voyage @MISTER 67🛳️ Blessings to each of you, all those in need of healing, comfort, direction, inspiration, strength or hope. Hugs to Kansas City! 💔 Yay for those celebrating Life🌈 and cruising, smooth travels to all away. Protection and patience to those dealing with storms. Enjoy something noteworthy of your surroundings today! Thanks for being here and sharing. Stay safe and well. Maureen
  6. Aww how special is that! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy it all! m—
  7. Quick update after our visit to eye doctor. DH’s exam showed that he is on track. The very low pressure is ok, holding well enough. Basically, hang in there but come back next week to check again, and be very careful! This is such a tricky balance between the biological healing wanting to close up the new drainage opening, the need for enough pressure to keep the eye working right, and the meds that they use. Staying on track! For me the challenge is to keep my spirit, head and heart aligned! Faith, hope, trust and gratitude are strong! Heart gets worried and scared a bit… Head can be all over the place! 🤣. Thanks all for your support, none of us walk alone! Jane, @lazey1 thanks for your update. We’re all on your side! So good to hear your experts are consulting together to find you your best path! @Nickelpenny you are such a trooper, leaving at 1am! Safe travels heading into some ugly looking weather, extra blessings going out to you! Thank you for all your study contributions. m—
  8. ❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day! May each of you feel very loved! ❤️ I’m very grateful that DH and I are celebrating together. We’ll have chocolate hearts and cards to reflect on. Yesterday I made us a special dessert. The dining room will have a special menu including prime rib and a salmon thermistor with lobster meat and crab. Sounds good to me! I have a bottle of Moscato in the fridge that we’ll bring to the dining room, now that we’ve learned that is allowed! (Moscato is one of the few wines I can still enjoy without developing a lot of congestion. Our favorite is one we found on HAL- Ruffino; maybe I’ll find it in New Jersey but haven’t looked yet.) Its cold but sunny, probably would be good to get the car’s snow brushed off before it’s a cake if ice. It’ll be getting just above freezing the next few days but cold nights. We’re learning more about dealing with low eye pressure. Blurry vision again last night. Surgeon said she’ll call our NJ doctor to get DH in this week, doesn’t want to wait till next week. Blessings to all those lining up procedures. And all in need. Special hugs to those who are facing this Valentine’s Day without their special person. And thinking of Melissa @HAL Cruiser DH, I hope it’s a good day! Cheers for all those celebrating! Life is Good🌈. Wonderful to see the long list of cruisers and get reports back from them. Smooth travels and happy adventures! Just got a call for getting DH in to doctor at 1:00 today, different office, we’ll figure it out!
  9. Over 8” snow so far! So glad we can stay in but wasn’t sure of that last night…. DH had blurry vision suddenly late in the evening, then couldn’t get a pressure reading on the surgical eye. Oiy! Which eye drops to do? Texted docs but it was rather late to expect an answer. Made a best guess that the pressure was too low, took the steroid only, and was able to get a reading - still very low but he guessed right. This morning’s text from surgeon confirmed to discontinue the glaucoma med in that eye. Today blurriness is gone but again can’t get a pressure reading. It’s so tricky! I wish the docs had given us better instructions for What Ifs! But we are muddling through. One day at a time is Everything! Maybe I’ll make crepes sometime today. We still have power but winds are gusty. Blessings to all in need! Stay safe in the storm track and all traveling, enjoy the cruise preps. Hoping all those in project mode have positive results. Sad to hear about the fire station fire! I’m confident other departments will help, it’s quite the “family”. I hope @ger_77 DH feels better soon, and @tupper10, all I’ll or in pain or distress. Thanks all for being here! M—
  10. The visit to the eye doctor went very well! Had a little problem getting the laser hardware up and running but then it all happened easily enough. The eye pressure was just slightly high, as expected from biologic healing closing the new opening, but then with releasing the stitch the pressure dropped as hoped. Physical restrictions are still to be adhered to which was a bit disappointing but not a big problem; doctors reduced one eye drop med (which should help the itching 🤞); we’re to come back in 2 weeks to see if it’s time to release the second stitch. So we’re on track! I think I was more exhausted afterwards than DH. It’s all very tricky, high pressure will damage the optic nerve, too low causes other problems I won’t describe here. The nearby doctor gets the Maryland surgeon on the phone to discuss the situation and plan, then he implements her recommendations. So far so good! I’m so grateful! Thanks for all your support! Preparations for the snow storm coming overnight are in full swing. I’m so glad we can just stay home! 🙏 fir everyone’s safety. I hope @Mr. Boston got to FLL today. And that @ger_77 DH can get his pacemaker adjusted so he feels better! Sorry to hear of more Covid still making people miserable. And hugs to those grieving. Maureen
  11. Getting ready to leave for eye doctor 🤞. So glad it’s today and not tomorrow with the storm coming in. Many thanks for all your support. I’m a bit nervous, can’t imagine how DH feels! Happy Birthday @MISTER 67 and safe travels @Mr. Boston Glad you can get out ahead of the storm. Seems it’ll be a mess! Catch up later, m—
  12. I found Taormina fascinating. Like so much of the Med, it’s been conquered and occupied by most everyone and they’ve all left their mark. Thanks for the pictures. Solid gray today, not any cloud formations to enjoy just one big blanket. Temps dropping. Yesterday DH was miserable with too much itching and the added nuisance of nosebleeds. By mid-afternoon it seemed he’d be too miserable for supper so I managed to get carry-out dinners from the dining room. Neither of us slept right last night. I did find the humidifier box (moved from New Mexico in 2021 still unused, it was my spare! When we lived in the mountains we had a spare for everything!). Got it set up but he spent most of the night in the guest room. Now he’s sleeping next to the humidifier so I’m hoping it will help. At least he’s sleeping, which is more than I can say. Tomorrow he’s supposed to get the first future opened by laser. Thank you @JazzyV for keeping us on the rotation list. It’s very much appreciated! The forecasts still show tomorrow ok, storm to come in Monday night-Tuesday, 4-8” snow. That’ll be a mess. I have no idea when the eye doctor will want us back, but it shouldn’t be for a few days because he’s not in this office Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Taking it one day at a time! The tonometer company sent a form to begin the process to get the loaner device and have ours repaired. I’m so grateful it’s still able to make readings and upload by Bluetooth. The cable is more reliable through the phone in a power outage (which might happen with this storm) but I’m hoping we’ll manage though it all and keep his pressures on track through the changes that thus procedure will cause. Breathing! I plan to watch the game today, hoping to go to early supper before it. No need for munchies! @ger_77 I’m sorry you are dealing with losses. The food will help your friend, and help you! Blessings to all! I keep you all in my heart and prayers even if not mentioned. Thanks for being here! Maureen
  13. 🎉 Happy New Year! Go Dragons 🐉 ! 🎂 Happy birthday @Haljo1935. 🎉Happy anniversary @JazzyV and many thanks for your dedication. Wishing you could feel all better right now! Great to hear of your project moving along. Cloudy but no snow! I can enjoy the clouds better when I can see their forms and structure. I just ordered a meteorology book on clouds! One of my excellent multi-day firefighting classes was half meteorology so I will have fun reviewing and building on that knowledge. Haven’t been to Japan. Have never made a green bean casserole and probably never will now. Love Mark Twain but that quote doesn’t do much for me. The brownies sound yummy. I’ve enjoyed Greenwich Observatory and Haley’s comet. My mom flew out to New Mexico to see it with me, she was so thrilled, she had waited her whole life since it had last come when she was a baby… she lived another 15 years! Last night we went out to our first off-campus concert in our new environment. It was a large group, maybe 75 musicians of mostly brass and woodwinds plus percussion and one (electric) bass. Pre-concert performance was the eighth graders from nearby school and they sounded great too. Wonderful to see that there are schools still teaching music. Had a lovely evening. It was fun to adventure out but the dark unfamiliar roads are intimidating to me, I hope I can get over that. Really enjoyed my new mindful meditation group yesterday too. The leader was fun and upbeat! Good discussion of shifting our awareness away from judgement and negativity to decrease our cortisol and improve our immune system and wellness. Also two short meditations, one guided, accompanied by two or three harmonizing ringing bowls- I enjoyed allowing the beautiful sounds to enveloped me. So yesterday was very uplifting for me! Great to hear Annie @marshhawk is coughing less, I was very relieved and hope it continues. Thanks for the update Gerry @ger_77 on DH’s assessment. Good to hear they are ok with the schedule. (I’m sure you want it over and done, I know that feeling.) Blessings to all in need, near and far, especially remembering all on our Care list. Cheers for those Celebrating! Smooth travels for all away. Enjoy. Thanks all for being here! Happy Saturday. Maureen
  14. It’s still pretty good weather in north New Jersey fir February, 35-53 but mostly cloudy. I’m very glad for it! Today I will go to a meditation group on campus while DH watches the movie Too Big to Fail. Then early supper and out to a concert with the NJ Wind Symphony about half hour away- our first foray for performing arts in our new environment. The forecast for snow next week is on Tuesday, hoping Monday stays ok for getting to the eye doctor! @ger_77 very disappointing that Maurice’s CT scan was canceled. Hoping you learn something from the assessment. Very concerned about @marshhawk! Annie, PLEASE go to Urgent Care! I had a very sad call for a woman in her 40s being treated for pneumonia but not getting better, declining. Her distraught husband wanted to take her to ER but she adamantly said, Over my dead body…. He called 911 when she stopped breathing but it was too late. So sad! We did everything we could until the paramedics got there , added their skills to our work, then had to declare her beyond help. I sat with her husband 3 hrs until the coroner got there. Then I sat with my fire chief and had a long cry. It didn’t have to be that way! PLEASE get evaluated! @smitty34877 Terry, hoping you get help and Tana turns a corner, today! 🙏 @Jazzy Vanessa, I hope you can rest. Pain is exhausting mentally as well as physically and I’m concerned about you getting injured! Thanks @StLouisCruisers Sandi for the St Peter Port pictures…. I just finished The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for my book group discussion. It was good but history is gruesome, I doubt I’ll read it again. Would like to visit the island, it’s unique. Blessings to all in need near and far. Cheers to those celebrating, Life is Good! 🌈 Happy times for all our cruisers! Thanks all for being here, stay safe and well! Maureen
  15. How sad for you and their family. Condolences to you all. M—
  16. Good sunny morning from north New Jersey, and my weather app says high of 50 today! Yay! It’s supposed to stay nice through Monday when we’re scheduled for eye doctor to burn open one suture in DH’s surgical eye. He’s being very brave, he’s actually phobic about people coming near his eyes but he’s managed through so far! Says he hasn’t got much choice, just keep moving forward. Then maybe snow Tuesday, I sure hope it doesn’t come early! I was a Boy Scouts mom longer than either of my boys because I stayed with it through both of them, one Life Scout, one Eagle Scout. Sadly, our troop was very short of men leaders because many single moms brought their sons to Boy Scouts but it was a wonderful time in my life with many good memories of adventures and learning. Not aligning with the quote today. Pass on good and drink. When I was 18 my mom took me on a whirlwind 2week European tour. I literally cried in Westminster Abbey at Sir Issac Newton’s tomb. I’m deeply grateful that I feel rich! Bon Voyage @Lady Hudson and blessings for continued improvement for your SIL. Prayers for all in pain, distress, in need of healing, comfort or hope. Resolution to the too many horrible situations near and far. May the weather be kind to you and yours, or you can stay safely inside! Protection for the first responders! Cheers for those celebrating 🎉 and happy safe cruising for all our Dailies. I love hearing of your travels and seeing your pictures, lifts my Spirit! Anxiously awaiting news of improvement from Annie, Vanessa, Terry and Terri. Wishing Melissa even a small a laugh today too! Thanks for being here, keep safe and well. Maureen
  17. Sunny again in north New Jersey and I’m enjoying it! Into the 40s again, I’ll take it. Maybe e-Day is for celebrating epsilon? We’re managing with DH’s regime… the good news is the eye pressure tonometer device has a bad cable connector but he got it to upload via Bluetooth. The bad news is the pressure was quite high in the non-surgical eye. Hoping today it’s better. We’ll be going Monday to have the first suture opened by laser cut, so we’ll talk with the eye doctor about other eye too which is scheduled for surgery Apr 23. Very concerned about @marshhawk Annie and DH, @JazzyV Vanessa, @smitty34877 Terry, Tana and household… all not getting enough sleep. My night was down to 5 hrs last night but I’ve had a couple of good nights in a row so not surprised. This morning I’ll wander over to our community front desk to get tickets to an on-campus brass band concert for Feb 29; no ballets on our schedule. Very glad @kazu Jacqui can get out today! Hope it’s all successful and safe. Shutout to @Nickelpenny Pennie, thanks for all your efforts to further medical research! Hoping you can get the care you need. Sending out blessings to all in need, and cheers to all celebrating and cruising. Wonderful pictures from around the world, thanks for sharing! Especially thinking of @Cruzin Terri hoping you can enjoy your special cruise time with Jim in your beautiful suite and heal up! Also hugs to @HAL Cruiser Melissa! I hope you and DH have a good moment to hold hands and smile today and every day! Thank you all for being here! Stay safe and well. Maureen
  18. Sunshine upon us once again in north New Jersey. Still pretty chilly, barely getting into 40s today but maybe 50 by Saturday. I managed to get an appointment with new dentist. I’ll try the one oncampus even though they are out of network for DH’s insurance plan. I requested my x-rays from Maryland, hopefully they can get that done in a month! It was a bit complicated and I won’t see her till mid March because I’m limited to the days of the week that DH’s eye doctor isn’t in, but it’s done. Next I’ll work on colonoscopy and mammogram which I canceled moving from Maryland, and then a gyn and a dermatologist. If I can get all these scheduled for this year I’ll be back on track. I didn’t get to the pool but we did enjoy Monday afternoon jazz in the commons near the medical center. It’s great just walking over there! I hope we can keep walking, it’s not like it used to be but I’m grateful we can enjoy life day by day. Happy to hear @ger_77 ‘s DH will get his scan earlier. And amazing that @superoma’s DH drive home! Praying for some good news from @smitty34877, @Cruzin Terri, @marshhawk, @JazzyV and others suffering. Waiting on an update on baby Murphy. Thinking of Melissa @HAL Sailer! Thanks for the pic of Ren Sandi! And all the pix of places in the world, fun and food! @seagarsmoker, hoping today is smooth! Blessings for all dealing with storms, wars, all seeking healing, comfort or hope. Cheers for all our cruisers as they deal with weather issues and port changes - no matter where, it’s hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship! Thanks all for being here! Be sure to Enjoy something today! Maureen
  19. Sunshine and 30 but windy so it would feel colder but I have no plans to go out. Might get into the pool to do hip exercises, have no excuses not to! Nit sure I’ve ever done chocolate fondu. Is that like the chocolate fountains we used to have at the deck parties? That chocolate was only fair IMO, I think I’d rather have a piece of chocolate to savor. I’d love to get to Montreal; our NCL cruise ship was too big to get under the bridge last September, turned around in Quebec City. I think I was 12 when I went with my parents by car to Montreal, can’t recall anything much about it. Thanks for the pictures! We’re taking it one day at a time here trying to keep eye pressures within target range - next Monday is the next appointment. Good luck today to @seagarsmoker, @Nickelpenny@superoma, @Denise T. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. And all dealing with storms, may you stay safe. Smooth travels to all away, especially thinking of our many lucky cruisers. Thanks all for being here! Enjoy something today. Maureen
  20. The sun is out today in north NJ! Yay! It’s now 32, on its way from 25 up to 45, so a drier day making that 20 degree swing possible. We visited Alesund on our Hurtigruten voyage, very picturesque. I got postcards there for our fire chief’s son, their family roots were there. I hope he gets to visit someday. Thanks for the lovely photos. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr David’s message. I’m sorry for the loss in your church family. I’m sure they will do what they can to support Paul. Sandi, I’m glad Scott is being treated, TIAs are generally not singular events, and often precursors to larger events - hoping he has none of those, he’s in a complicated enough state. I hope it helps his wife that he’s being cared for in a rehab but that has its own difficulties. Sending out the blessings! DH received a message from his surgeon to add a med to the surgical eye, staying in track to remove a suture a week from tomorrow, to be done by the NJ doctor. That will open up the new drainage pathway. Such an artful balance between healing and maintaining the open pathway. One day at a time. For all of us. Special thoughts for Annie and Chuck, @marshhawk so very much going on there. And @JazzyVVanessa, I hope you can move slowly today. Jacqui, please be careful and keep warm! @ger_77 Gerri, it’s tiring keeping busy but always with one eye on DH. I hope you can take a break, walk outside for a few minutes while he’s occupied, for yourself. @kochleffel Paul, so nice to hear the cats are more present with you, you’ve been so patient and protective! I do suspect they’ve sensed your trauma with your recent procedure. I hope your healing is smooth. I did sleep last night but that was aided by an antihistamine/NSAID tablet as I did not want a repeat of the previous night. We changed our dinner time to an earlier one to be able to attend the Saturday night Classic movie of the week… Fred Astaire and Ginger Roger’s, can’t go wrong with that. Went to a History Club talk and a meditation group this week, trying to explore our new community a bit. I have one foot on the dock, the other in the boat…. transition, glad to be here but unsure, and still very connected to previous paths, taking my time. Blessings sent for our Care list, our caregivers and their loved ones, and all in need. Happy celebrations and smooth travels for our cruisers. Thank you all for being here. Maureen
  21. It’s sunny in north NJ! Been weeks of gray but sun will grace us for several days. I was up till 4am. I’ve been very tired since the eye surgery trip, even napping some days, very unusual for me. So maybe I was finally caught up? Or maybe worried…. eye pressures are up. Probably part of the healing process but up in both eyes so not sure what’s happening. They are well above target range. DH will have to text his doctors for their advice. DH has lots of family in and around Seattle. We visited some on Orcas Island where we had our first kayak adventure borrowing their boats. Got ours not long after. Good memories. We like Southern Comfort but haven’t had any in the house since I drank up the whole liquor shelf as we emptied the New Mexico mountain house, made the packing go easier! Movers wouldn’t move liquor so I took on the job! Took 5 months but I enjoyed every drop. Love root beer too so I think the combo would work for me! Lots of prayers and blessings sent out during the long night and this morning. Especially thinking of Melissa @HAL Sailer, @ger_77Gerri, @Cruzin Terri Terri, @smitty34877 Terry and their loved ones! And all our cruisers! Hope the seas smooth out, and thanks to @0106 Tina for the itinerary! Wonderful pictures too, thanks all! Maureen
  22. It’s still gray in north NJ but tomorrow is supposed to start a sunny trend 🤞. At least it’s not snowing. I’ll enjoy spring when it comes. Thanks for the port pix! Haven’t been to Greenland and not expecting to anytime soon. DH is making progress on some “settling in” chores - yesterday he ordered a shade for the guest room window. We’ll experiment with that room first. He’s decided he wants room-darkening shades for the bedrooms. Maybe today I’ll get to a new activity… we tried History Club Wednesday night which was interesting. I’m not in a hurry but would like to explore some of the offerings here. Mostly I’m just tired… took a long nap yesterday afternoon, unusual for me but I guess I needed it. Hoping for better days soon for @marshhawk, @smitty34877 and household, and our Circle Hawaii cruisers. (We use Sea Bands mostly but I bring the Bonine too. DH is more likely to feel queasy before I do.). @ger_77 Gerri, good for you for pushing the system to get some help for Maurice! Enjoy that pizza tonight! And wine 🙃 @Lady Hudson Katherine, I’m amazed you can get that hot water heater job done today! And then back to fun stuff, packing for a cruise! Yay! @Nickelpenny Yikes, busy times but vacation is coming! @kochleffel Trusting you are healing ok. I agree with your impression of the Gold Rush -cough medicine, or for me it’s a way to ruin nice bourbon. Blessings to all in need, and cheers for all celebrating. Smooth travels to all away. Thanks all for being here, especially to all the contributors of the Daily. Maureen
  23. I vividly remember waiting for the Columbia to land. We had our trailer in Florida, drove to the viewing area, set up camp chairs and our tiny 5” old style crt tv on the roof…. and waited…. until we cried, somewhere between comprehension and disbelief in a state of utter emptiness. When we eventually got back home to north New Mexico we learned that emergency services were asking for volunteers to grid-walk the thousands of square miles of the break-up path searching for debris. Folks we knew went on the sad adventure.
  24. Rabbit Rabbits White Rabbits I was up very late unable to get to sleep but I was so excited to see stars! I was out on our balcony seeing constellations! There was a break in the cloud shroud during the wee hours and I’m glad I was up to enjoy it. I miss the magnificent night skies we had in the deep dark NM mountains. Again, Brenda @bennybear im sad to hear of your loss. Friends are part of us. Feel our care reaching out to you. @Cruzin Terri Beautiful room! Enjoy it with DH. Smile as much as you can appreciating all that this special cruise can be! Don’t sweat the small stuff, life is to collect funny stories. @NextOne Wishing you some smiles from your good memories. @smitty34877 Glad you have nursing help today. Extra virtual hugs! (We don’t want it either!). @kochleffel Paul, trusting you are healing well and can rest. Blessings to each of you, all the Care list, and Melissa, and the good luck for the month from the Rabbits! Blessings for our world! Joy to those celebrating and the excitement of new wonders for those traveling. Maureen
  25. @bennybear Brenda, it’s sad to hear of your loss. Friends are woven into our souls forever. Give yourself a gentle hug from us, any time you need it! There’s someone here pretty much all hours of the day and night from most of the globe sending out our loving care! Love the rainbow and the thought that made it special! m—
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