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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Good early morning Roy, I’m very glad I found your thread and will try to save your blog site. Being in the middle of a move myself your blog is a piece of calm! Thanks for sharing! Sending blessings for a smooth and memorable trip end-to-end. We enjoyed Rotterdam last Feb/March with a family cruise. It was near the end of the Lincoln Center Stage contract. I’m very curious if they are back, perhaps in some other form. I’m hoping we can do a “recovery” cruise after our move which is next week! Which is why my brain was awake at 5am. Maureen
  2. Waiting for packers supervisor to do walkthrough prep for move next week…. Gorgeous day here in MD. Had a very good sleep and leg pain is SO much better this morning. Happy travels Roy! Trains, ships and automobiles! Glad you are doing it. I loved Rotterdam. Welcome home Bruce! Best of luck Terri on Jim’s knee and glad your car is ready for the trip. Congrats on a new motor home Lenda? I missed it but hope to see pictures later on. May you be safe in it always! We considered an RV to live in for when we left NM in 2021 while we figured out where we’d pick a Continuing Care Retirement Community, but we’ve been happy with the condo in Maryland as an interim choice. A bit sad it was only 2.5 yrs here, it’s been great! Blessings to all! Prayers for those seeking a path forward, suffering or dealing with loss. Bon Voyage to all the lucky cruisers. Hugs to those who need them…. I’ll pop in as best I can. Thanks for all your positive energy! Every wave helps me! Maureen
  3. Quick check in with you all. This move is a big undertaking but it’s marching along. Harder physically than just 3 yrs ago! Grandkids got in late Sunday but we did everything we needed their help with yesterday. They worked hard and fast! Left yesterday afternoon with our kayaks and a full load in the pickup of things the movers won’t take, some things we preferred not to have the movers take and a bunch of stuff they will pick through for themselves, the soon-to-be married other granddaughter, or to donate. Tgry took a load of furniture ti Goodwill here rather than the dump! Great ti are-home stuff! They helped with so much! Wore me out but I slept 7 hrs last night! Other house guests (niece and guy-friend) are leaving today. (She’s a retired merchant h marine cargo ship radio/electronics offer; he’s a sailing buddy of hers, both from tge Seattle/Tacoma/PNW region). They’ve been mostly in DC visiting the excellent museums there; niece spent a day just visiting and looking at family pictures, and one day helping me go though the pantry and other sorting. It’s been good, and the fridge and freezer are getting down to the bottoms! Movers load in 1 week, packers the day before to pack up whatever is left, which is plenty of stuff! This week we have eye doctor visits- was just my annual but she said she’d see DH also one last time before we leave. She knows the glaucoma specialist we found in NJ, she trained him! That’s a prayer answered! DH is getting more itchy from his eye drop meds and he’s had some higher than usual pressure readings but “hanging in” mostly stable. I developed sciatica last week, first time ever, but I’m sure it’s mostly stress-related so with some stretches and some talking to my brain, and other relaxation techniques that helped, it’s calmed down. I had to walk the kids out to the boats and managed it pretty well. DH had to stay home yesterday for the plumber! Of course yesterday was the “perfect” day to have a drain backup! An annoyance but not a life-threat! One person came to see the condo to see the views - she was looking for her parents who are in FL to see places that maybe be worth it to them fly up to see fir themselves. Condo was full of boxes but next week it’ll be empty! Blessings go out every morning to you all, the Care list, thank you @JazzyV- hope you’re managing better! And joy for all celebrating and cruising -so many lucky cruisers!! Thanks for being here every day for each other. I won’t post often through this relocation but I am connected in spirit even if not online! 😇 Maureen
  4. Rabbit rabbit white rabbit! I’ll take all the luck I can get now. Family arrived fine, late night talking. But decent sleep. Now up to face this first cold day. Alaska was our first cruise too. Hooked us. I hope we have another cruise in our near future. Blessings all, those in need and those having fun. Gotta run, folks are getting up. Thanks for being here! Maureen
  5. @Sharon in AZ Condolences to you and your mom on your loss. That just sounds so lonely. Good you have each other. M—
  6. It might be Halloween but my focus is elsewhere. Lots happening here. Some issues with the movers, they better call back today! Family coming in from Seattle tonight 🤞. I’ll have a pot of soup made if they need something. Mostly they’ll have to do their own thing, the pantry and freezer are getting drawn down so combinations are a bit weird, and they have special diets. I’ll get the key today from the kind friends who offered us their apt for the grandkids to use in their absence… our place is getting pretty crowded with boxes! And the ever-growing pile of stuff the grandkids will take off our hands. DH succeeded in getting our Vivaldi concert tickets transferred to the friends… so sorry to miss the concert, love Vivaldi and our memories of hearing his music in Venice! Glad to have a way to thank them. Great news Terri! Happy for you and Jim to have some fun! Blessings to all in need, near and far. Cheers for those celebrating, cruising and enjoying Life 🌈. Thanks for being here! M—
  7. @StLouisCruisers Many thanks Sandi for sharing your Belfast visits with us. I still hope to get there. Hopefully Ren’s brother and parents have a productive look-see. I made some good progress yesterday working in the pantry, the storage room and on the box inventory spreadsheet - more difficult because we’re using a lot of boxes marked up from our previous move (some never unpacked 😟). DH is almost finished with the spackle and repaint chore repairing the nail holes from our 100 pictures on the walls. Once the pictures come down it’s not a home anymore, just a place to stay. I’m getting excited to be on to the next chapter, but a little scared to think it’s my last chapter, so I’m not thinking about that. I don’t know how it’ll all get done but in 2 weeks from today the packers will be here to make it happen. Yikes! Family is coming tomorrow night from Seattle area, along with new cold weather! I’m disappointed but they’ll enjoy their time seeing the sights. This is DH’s niece, only 3 yrs younger than I, and her friend. The niece retired from being a radio/electronics officer on cargo ships, a tough life at sea! They are both life-long sailors and want to get to maritime history sights in this area. I’m so glad we can accommodate them even in our upheaval. I inventoried the freezer and I think it will work out almost perfectly. 👍 My heart turns to those in need here and the tragedies of the world. I’m so happy for those getting good news or at least a break in the strings of calamities. Lots to celebrate, Life is Good! So many cruisers planning prepping, or at sea! Enjoy it all! I hope @seagarsmoker can get a fan! I can no longer sleep above 75F, I remember as a kid with no AC we managed to sleep if it was under 90, but that was like a hundred years ago! Thanks all for being here! Enjoy this precious day! Maureen
  8. I love today’s quote by TS Eliot. Right now it seems appropriate for my move. Since our approval letter came the days are zooming by. 2 1/2 weeks left here! Barely time to think but it’s all good and we’ll have family here surrounding us for nearly half of those days. Had a nice supper with my closest friend last night. She’ll be with us the day the movers come for moral support! I’ll need it for sanity! Many thanks for all your encouragement! I’m feeling at peace. Great to hear Murphy continues to get stronger. Lots of better news on the thread, now if Vanessa can get some relief! Blessings to all in need of an extra blessing today! Cheers for everyone celebrating Life! Smooth travels to all away. Hoping Annie and Chuck have a great crossing. Onward! Maureen
  9. Long Beach has been an easy port for us. We had a memorable anniversary dinner in Long Beach on the Queen Mary once! We were going to stay on her but opted for better rooms. I used to pass the Statue of Liberty twice a day on the ferry on my way to college in Manhattan. I never got tired of seeing it. Sometimes the fog or snow was so thick you couldn’t see it! That was scary. Most of my ancestors came through NY and were welcomed by her though they had tough times making a living here with a lot of resentment against newcomers. Celebrating! Yesterday afternoon while I was at my last session with my Spiritual Companioning group DH received a letter from our new home-to-be staff which approves us and satisfies the contract’s requirements for authorization for a distribution as our trust stipulates when the first of us dies. It’s all gonna happen quickly now! Should be moving into the NJ community before Thanksgiving. And I think we’ll be able to get to a Remembrance Day with my Hudson Valley cousins. Our realtor’s photographer came here yesterday while the sun was out! The pictures of our views should be very pretty. I’m sure someone will love it here. Clearing out the rooms she wanted photos of was more effort than it sounded but I’m glad we’re not trying to clear the whole place before the move. Im cleaning out the freezer and pantry. Tonight my friend will come for supper and hopefully take some treasures home. I’m offering her a beautiful green with white flowers tablecloth I got in Papeete. I have 2 others, they are all beautiful prints. Love that store near the market! I’ll make a pork loin with potatoes and broccoli. The pork will be split and filled with rosemary, garlic, fig jam and feta. Dessert will be chocolates and biscotti. And wine! Movers won’t take wine! Good excuse to drink it up! The green I’ll offer her (green’s her favorite color) and the pink now on the table is one I’ll keep. I have tablecloths from Brazil, Peru, Tahiti and Tuscany! Plus our heritage ones from our mothers. Love them all but too much stuff! I’m sad to leave my special groups here. They helped me heal after the very emotionally difficult move from New Mexico to here. Now here only 2 1/2 years, I’ve become very content but that teaches me that I can be confident I’ll be content in the next chapter! Thank you all for your support. And thank you Vanessa for keeping my DH on the Care Rotation list. His eye pressure has been bouncing up some even on his max meds and he’s been very itchy from the meds even on more Benadryl. He’s thinking stress adds to it. I think stress adds to all our health issues. @rafinmd Roy that is so sad to hear of the tragic losses in your congregation. I’ve attended too many Fire Service funerals. And for the judge to be murdered for what was apparently a wise decision is just so sad on so many levels. We need high quality public servants and line of duty deaths doesn’t foster that. @Cruzin Terri Terri, thanks for the heads-up about the insurance terms. It’s a gotcha that’s easy to encounter. It’s so hard to utilize benefits and think of all the repercussions. Hoping Jim is healing well and you can have a calm day. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Those suffering war and senseless violence, too many. Happy celebrations for all the milestones! 🎉 And smooth travels to all away, especially our cruisers! After our move next month and granddaughter’s wedding trip in December I hope we get to look for a little cruise for us. I missed adding yesterday that one of the stepsons I raised served 28 years in the Navy, retired a Commander. His 6- and 8-month deployments were tough… when one serves, the whole family serves. His brother served a shorter time with the Army. Proud of them! Thank you to all in our military. 🫡 Maureen
  10. About Callo/Lima…. I set up a private custom tour there to the Herrera Gold Museum and Pacha…. can’t remember the name…. ruins outside Lina south of Callo. It was difficult but a great day. Do Not Drive in Lima. Just don’t do it. Don’t try. Don’t think of trying. It’s just not safe for other people to try it. m—
  11. @grapau27 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Graham! Wishing you a joyous day and an inspiring, healthy year ahead! 🎉 @kochleffel Glad you are there Paul, getting a room, train tickets and food! Not so easy. Now for some rest. @Cruzin Terri What a lot of ups and downs! Give yourself a hug and Jim too. Deep breath! 🙏 I slept last night, long rest. DH didn’t sleep, now on phone in pursuit of the authorization letter his been seeking for weeks. What will be will be. Photographer coming this morning. The realtor wanted sunny but it’s mostly cloudy still. Maybe later. Blessings to all the Care list, all in need of healing, comfort, hope, guidance or rest. Peace. Smooth travels to all away. Excited for all our many cruisers! Enjoy it all! Maureen
  12. @ger_77 I was very concerned about the roads where you were but happy you were not too troubled by it all. @kazu, glad you are finally home! @mamaofami hoping Sam continue to improve. @Haljo1935 nice weather in Rome! Hoping your shoulder rests. I’m in bed early. Felt lethargic all day. I was able to get the rooms cleaned up and the sunporch mostly cleared out that the realtor’s photographer will photograph tomorrow… it was more work than it sounded! The views are exceptional now with the fall colors so pretty, and the realtor wants to capture them before they fade. I concocted a dinner out of what’s on hand. Not buying more food just to throw out what’s here. I made a ham and pineapple pizza (a DH favorite called a Hawaiian combo around here) but with a pie crust I had in the fridge. We ate it and it was ok but I can’t recommend it! Saturday my long-time friend from NM who lives here now will come see us and hopefully take some things I’m letting go of… I might make up the ravioli in the freezer with shrimp in there too, maybe scampi style. It all needs to get used up! Hoping I can get a deeper rest tonight. Tomorrow is another day to excel! M—
  13. Supposed to be 80s today! I tried wrapping and packing my rocks displayed on the sunporch edge but it was too hot yesterday, I’d better do it this morning. The realtor loved our apartment yesterday! Her enthusiasm is encouraging. She sending a photographer tomorrow so I need to clear the sunporch, kitchen counters, 2 baths and the guest room. At least there’s places we can put things to. It’ll all work! Still no approval letter from legal at the new place…. I’m working on surrendering the outcome. What will be will be, and we’ll be ok! Roy, thanks for update. Sorry for your difficulties. I hope the PET scan isn’t so uncomfortable and that it shows whatever needs to be known. DH’s PSA goes up a tic every 6 months or year and he may have to go back to the hormone blocks at some point. We just take it one step at a time. But these four years since diagnosis have been very different than the four years before, no denying it but happy we’re still moving forward. Vanessa, I’m glad you have a care team interested in offering options. I may be developing these types of issues too. I’ve known for years that there are some physical mals in my spine, neck and lumbar, and have been able to heal disks without surgery which has been suggested many times including just last year. But recently I’ve been moving heavy boxes and noticing new leg pain though so far I’ve been able to find sleeping positions to alleviate it. Next will be NSAIDs. Hoping I can get through this move without serious damage.I’m certainly not walking well these days. At least I’ve slept better the last few nights 6-8 hrs which helps everything! Thinking of you all, sending out blessings for all the Cares, listed or not. And the messy sadness of our world! Smooth travels for our lucky cruisers. Thanks for the updates from Seaborne Bruce! Enjoy being pampered! I remember Celebrity having interesting flavored chocolates years ago, probably not any more. Haven’t been on that line for 10 years. I’ll try to check in later. Enjoy today! Onward! M—
  14. I haven’t checked weather today but should be cool and crisp for Maryland. Yesterday got away from me. The realtor canceled, should come today… I had a mini-meltdown then got on with chores. I’m trying to get a boxes inventory going, combining some old boxes not unpacked from last move, old boxes reused and new boxes with new numbering system. It’s a mess. And still no formal approval from new place, hoping for it this week. All will be ok! DH’s eye pressure keeps creeping up even with all the meds and their itchiness. I have an annual check up scheduled for early Nov, maybe we can swap him into it and I’ll get my checkup in NJ. Glaucoma runs very strongly in my family- my dad, both brothers, several cousins and others, so we keep close check on it for me, so far so good. Speaking of cousins, I lost another cousin this week, 4th in 13 months. I’m the youngest so it’s expected at this stage but hard anyway. He was in NW Georgia so we won’t be with his kids for their celebration, probably be with the cousins in the Hudson Valley for a Remembrance Day maybe around Thanksgiving. He was one of 9 children, 5 are left. We’re still 12 blood cousins plus 10 spouses/widows. I’m so glad to be closer to family. @rafinmd Roy, did you see the oncologist? Thinking of you! And sending blessings to you all, all the Care list, thank you Vanessa, and all in need to healing, relief, new paths forward. And for peace in our hearts, families, countries and the world. Cheers 🥂 to those celebrating! @seagarsmoker Happy Anniversary! Nice looking stateroom Bruce! Smooth travels to all our many cruisers and more who are prepping. Hoping @kochleffel Paul got the upgrade, and @Haljo gets the stuff they’re waiting on. It’s fun to see it all unfold with you all. Mary Kay, rest in your quarantine time. Maybe it’ll keep you from catching something grungy. Jacqui, rest after your difficult journey home, with Ivan close to you! Terri, it’s all messy right now but you’re doing good and loving things. Breathe, think about what’s good right now. Hope you can learn something soon. Terry, hoping the digger is gone, the hole is filled, and Tana’s meds kick in! Such a beautiful park walk! Thanks for being here! Gerry, hoping you’re ok, and had a grand time with DGS! Sandi, thanks for the updates on Ren! Exciting to follow along. Graham, love your beach visit pictures! One day at a time is Everything my friends! Enjoy it! Thanks for your encouragement! Maureen
  15. @Cruzin Terri relieved that Jim is calmer! Better for you both. @Quartzsite Cruiser wonderful news Lenda that DH can drive again! Exciting to be looking at new RVs! Bon Voyage @aliaschief. I’d say it in French but I think that already is! @ger_77 Hoping you can stay safe through the snow! Will check in later on a break. Blessings already sent out! M—
  16. Beautiful days here in Maryland, sunny and 60s again, later. I wish we were out kayaking. The algae bloom at the lake is over and it’s open again but we are buried in moving chores. I’m so glad we enjoyed to while we could. Avagadro’s conceptual breakthrough made Chemistry “think” differently, simpler in spite of a number so huge we can’t get our heads around it. I salute him, and the concept of the Mole! Thank you Sandi, and all for you ongoing support as I keep sorting and packing… and waiting to hear if the legal approval happens. What will be will be, and I will be ok! Blessings Melissa, Lenda, Sandi’s friends Sandy and Scott, Terry, Terri, Karen, MaryKay, Vanessa, Susan, Jacqui, Gerry… Blessings to All here, and All in need of healing, comfort, hope, direction… near and far. Life is Good! 🌹Congratulations to those celebrating. Welcome home to those returning. There’s no place like home! Smooth travels to all away… we have so many on cruises now! And more who are having fun prepping and planning! Enjoy it all! Have a great day 10- 23-23. Thanks for being here. Maureen
  17. @Cruzin Terri we are all disappointed for you! We understand it means that life has developed complexities. You are being held in my heart with prayers for clarity, calm and strength to do what needs to be done. When in the depths of troubles, I make myself answer the question, “What’s good right now?” It draws me out of the depths and grounds me. It doesn’t make the troubles dissolve but gratitude for the good calms me enough to see through the storm. 🙏
  18. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. And for Graham’s link to Fr David’s message. The quote is interesting, the meal sounds good but I’m not up to anything but the basics now. Edison made leaps in progress, and I didn’t know the Meridian conference was in the US, not until it was listed here just recently. 🤔 To me fossils are boring. I had to take paleontology classes for my geology degree, and as a grad student on a teaching assistantship I taught some paleontology labs. The chemical processes of fossilization can be interesting, as is the utility of using fossils to identify similar time horizons across far reaches of the globe, but the endless taxonomy and memorization is boring for me. It’s good that somebody likes it. Good to see that so many of the DHs are improving! Exhausting for the DWs. Please take care of yourselves too! For me it’s always been a mixed feeling bringing DH home from hospital, especially in our former abode, rural and far from support. His knee surgeon twice had us stay in hotel near hospital for first night, just in case. @smitty34877 Terry, you are absorbing a lot of change and managing difficult situations now. You will need a vacation at some point, maybe a cruise or maybe something else, but you’ll know when the timing is right. I’m excited for all our cruisers and especially those prepping, pre-packing and getting ready! Enjoy it all! Welcome home Jacquie, Tina and St Pete Cruiser. Vanessa, glad you are on the Care List! Thanks for keeping track of all of us! @Cruzin Terri Wishing you better days starting now! I’m making progress doing what I can to be organized for the packers. Getting a lot of loose stuff readied, some boxing, some tossing out! Some giving away. Making lists of what the grandkids will help with when they can make it down from NY with their pickup truck; what will go in the car with us, lots of lists! Keeping lists in my phone now but had a nightmare I lost my phone! Most importantly I’m trying to surrender what I can’t control 🙏… hoping we can get the letter DH needs but if the whole deal falls apart we’ll figure out something else, the universe will not end and we’ll still be ok. Staying calm and keeping faith that it will all work out! Blessings to each of you, and all the Care list, and all in need of a path forward! Find something to smile about today and pass it along to someone who needs one. Maureen
  19. Slept much better last night, finally! Ready to tackle today. The Goethe quote took some time to sink in! I could use a Strawberry Margarita! @smitty34877 I’m going through old shoes too. Can’t wear them with the lifts I now need for my short left leg, no sandals, no clogs…. But maybe a hip replacement in my future could solve my problem? So I might keep a couple of my favorite pairs. Today, big red marking pens should arrive from Amazon. We’ll start relabeling boxes we reused from previous move, starting a new inventory system. @superoma Eva, we too recycled years of National Geographic. We gave all the maps to a family with 10 children, and all our Scientific American book series. DH’s mother was in assisted living and they used old magazines for projects. Some of mother’s Nat’l Geos went there with her. Thank you all for posting photos, I find them uplifting! @grapau27 I can relate to the issue of the steps to the beach. But you have beautiful choices nearby. I enjoy seeing your dash display with the temp! This is a view from our 6th floor condo now. We have an end unit and see three directions. The new apartment isn’t a corner so we’ll view only one direction but it’ll be trees and in winter the ponds, not parking lots and buildings. We’ll have an open balcony to sit out in fresh air which is something I miss here. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it. IF all the legal hurdles get resolved to DH’s satisfaction. 🙏. Blessings to you all, especially thinking of those struggling now. Near and far. Cheers to those celebrating. Happy Birthday @Lady Hudson and twin. Trusting your DH is doing well too. Smooth planning and travels to all away, may our cruisers enjoy it all! Thank you all for your encouragement on our move and health challenges, and for all the work that goes into this thread community. Maureen
  20. Bedtime. Maybe I’ll sleep better. Not that today was so great, I’m just drained. Thank you Lenda, Nancy, Vanessa, Mary Kay… all of you, for your encouragement. Today the move date got changed; our condo couldn’t accommodate our date, already reserved for a move that day, so we have the day before reserved. Doesn’t matter much, just more re-coordination with all parties involved. Our Welcome packet arrived today by FedEx! Not cruise tickets…. Bunches of forms. No letter on the trust issue as was promised us last Friday. So I guess we’ll see what happens next. In the meantime I’m organizing stuff, some packing, so when the packers come it’ll go easier. I packed a bunch of my moms writings. Read too much if it… Made me sad. She died in 2001 at 90 in assisted living with dimentia… is that where I’m headed? At least I’ll be in a good place! The lunch today was missing more than showed up. I enjoyed the time with who came. It eas a nice idea. I may see them next week for our last regular monthly gathering before we go, if time allows. At least making a fast move doesn’t prolong the goodbyes. When we moved from NM to MD it was 5 months after we bought this condo! A long goodbye. And during Covid everything was harder. No goodby gatherings. We were so glad to get our initial vaccinations before we moved. Now we’ve just had our 6th? one… I’ve lost count. And this time they weren’t doing cards. I had the nurse write down the lot number and I put it on our cards myself, of which we each have three now so I guess that’s enough to keep track of. Thanks for listening! I’m very teary tonight. I’m keeping calm but doesn’t mean it’s easy. Glad you are all here! m—
  21. Late night and poor sleep but another day comes and I’m grateful. I packed too late last night and was too achy to sleep. I’ll try not to do that again. Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser, @JazzyVand @erewhon for the positive thoughts. Much needed @JazzyV I’m not seeing you on our Care list! Please add yourself! We’re here for you. Praying your procedure does Amazing good! We have confirmed a move date with everyone except our building here…. will do that today. Heard from movers after the office closed. Need to reserve (and pay fee for) loading dock and freight elevator. Nov 15th. 🤞 Packers day before. But there is much for us to organize, prep and also pack before then. There’ll be plenty for everyone! But we won’t be trying to market the condo before we vacate and have it cleaned. Grandkids are still sick, not COVID but a nasty cold. They can’t come till another couple of weeks. Granddaughter has a bridal shower scheduled for her sister and another commitment. I’m disappointed but I’m glad they can still come for getting our kayaks and some other things the movers won’t take. If not, DH’s niece and BF (about my age) will be here and could help with some of it. It’ll all work together. I’ll fill you in as things unfold, hopefully they don’t unravel! Today I’m having lunch with my Spiritual Companioning group. We’ll meet at the restaurant on campus, nice break. And I should be able to be at my last session with them next week, I’ll need it! They’ve made my short time (2 1/2 yrs) here very good! It gives me confidence I’ll do ok in my new community. DH is still waiting for the promised letter from the new community regarding our trust. We’re supposed to get the approval packet by FedEx today. Maybe the letter will be in that packet. I hope so but I have to let go of it - though I agree with his position he’s worrying about it enough for both of us. I have to have faith it’ll all work out. Thanks for your support! Big projects involve a lot of details. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. A path to peace and an end to the horrific suffering in all the war-torn areas. Cheers to all celebrating! Life is Good, even on tough days! And smooth travels to all away! Fair winds and following seas to our long list of cruisers! Yay! I’m not keeping up very well these days but know you are each in my heart! Blessings to you all. Maureen
  22. I’m not sure about the quote, and we often ask ourselves, What do we want to be when we grow up? But that is looking ahead, not evaluating the past. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I did my grad work at Rutgers, but not Piscataway branch. Newark branch. We ported in Valparaiso in 2012. It was the end of our first leg of the B2B2B around Cape Horn on Carnival Splendor which was being repositioned from CA to NY and didn’t fit old Panama Canal locks. We had to change rooms that day. I was very sick! I think it was a flu, no congestion just a few days of high fever and a week of recovery. DH canceled our excursion and arranged timing with room stewards so he could walk me from one bed to the other. (Carnival was excellent about refunding our excursion last minute due to sickness, unlike HAL which refused me when I was sick in Malta years later.). Thanks for the excellent photos of Valparaiso Sandi, we really missed seeing a lovely place. Everything is fluid here about timing and dates for our move! Might happen sooner! If new apt refurbishment is done. Sooner is easier on us, with packers doing more of the work. Grandkids got sick, didn’t come yesterday. Haven’t spoken with them yet- we really don’t have time or energy to get sick! Happy to wait for their help! I brought a box of pantry excess to prayer circle last night, and what wasn’t taken by them was left for the church food pantry. I packed our few liquor and wine bottles for the grandkids to take- movers won’t move it. (Last move, from NM in 2021, I took on the job of drinking it all! But I had a lot more time, 5 months. Made the packing go easier!). Today we’ll call the interior finishes lady to get an estimate of her ready date and hopefully be able to arrange to move then. Sooner will be quicker to market, and easier on us with the packers doing more of the work. It’s all good! Glad we’re doing this while we can! We’re noticing it’s harder than it was 2 1/2 years ago. Glad we pared down soooo much then! Still have some stuff to sort out but we think we’ll manage it. DH says if the boxes get stacked in the living room we’ll be much more motivated to get rid of stuff! We won’t have a storage room there like here, maybe a good thing! Blessings to All of you! Bon Voyage @Lady Hudson and Happy Birthday to you and your twin! So glad you can do this cruise and DD can help with DH. 🥂 to those celebrating. Peace and relief for all who are suffering war, unfortunate people caught as pawns in power struggles! May all who are ill find a path to wellness🙏. Onward today! Maureen
  23. Bon Voyage @marshhawk Annie and Chuck! Yay!! So many cruising, how wonderful! Happy Birthdays to those celebrating, and a loving day of reflection for Pauline, her brother, and Graham. Prayers for all! Roy, hoping for continued good reports! Thankful for Debbie’s good numbers! Hopeful for Vanessa! @Cruzin Terri thanks for checking in Terri. One day at a time is Everything! For all the procedures and recoveries 🙏. And Baby Murphy! And those grieving, shifting into new chapters, give yourselves time, be gentle with your heart’s feelings and your mind’s memories. Sending out Love and Light to Karen and Terry and their loved ones. Enjoy the grands and the trip Gerry! Safe travels! We continue prep work for our move. I made different progress yesterday than I’d planned but it all has to get done. I culled out the pantry, bringing a box of foods to prayer circle tonight. Made meatloaf to have on hand while the granddaughter and her DH are here for a few days. I slept 8.5 hrs! Amazing! Blessings to you all! And peace and healing for the messed up world around us. 🌍 Thanks All for bring here. Onward. Maureen
  24. Boss’s Day reminds me that I’ve had many different types of bosses, good and problematic. Early on, 70s and early 80s, they were uncomfortable having women employees. I won’t write here some of the things said and done but today they wouldn’t be tolerated. But my best boss became my DH! We only worked together a short time but we thought well together and he valued me as a person and my ideas, still does! We respected each other before we fell in love and that has been a great foundation to build a life together. I cherish every day! We stopped in Fakarava, very beautiful. We love the Pacific islands. Cheers for Marconi! I loved the book Thunderstruck, Erik Larson. About Marconi but woven with a murder story, all true, fascinating. Mary Kay, so glad you are getting well! I’m concerned that family coming soon flying from Seattle could bring COVID. I haven’t got time to be sick. Our realtor was down with it when she canceled our appointment on Oct 8th, her partner/sister stepped in to meet with us on the 11th. Now we’re supposed to meet with the one who was sick next week 🤞. It’s all over the place, just praying we stay healthy! Blessings for all the Care List! And all in need of healing, comfort, hope or peace. And all those who are ill, having tests, procedures, surgeries, their caregivers and care teams. Peace in our hearts, our families, our countries and the World. What a mess! Cheers to those celebrating. Life is Good! Onward! 📦📦📦📦. Ready to see what the day brings. Maureen
  25. Good morning all! We made it home Saturday, rained the whole way. It made the 5.5 hr drive from NY to Maryland stressful with constant road spray making poor visibility. But thankfully no issues, traffic was mostly moderate with only slight slowdowns a few times. The trip was such a good respite with family, and the meetings at the new community all went Amazing! The legal issue about our trust’s partial first-to-die disbursement was discussed and resolved, we were promised a letter to that effect. Some decisions on picking finishing touches for the apartment were easier than others but for better or worse it’s done. (And after painting our whole NM mountain house inside and out, I’m just so grateful they do it!) I’m sure it’ll all be fine. Yesterday DH worked on removing ~95 pictures (travel pix and family) from the walls so he can spackle and paint the nail holes. I cleared and packed bathroom clutter. We’ll keep at it, but we are slower than we’d like. Grandkids will come later this week to help, and to fetch the kayaks from the lakeshore mooring 🙁, haul them home and store them for us for now. It’s a whirlwind. Praying we can stay healthy through it all. We were camped in Kaikoura NZ on New Year’s Eve 2013 just prior to our two days in Christchurch before we started slowly heading eastward. The quote doesn’t resonate with me. We cut up several credit cards recently because we closed all our accounts with our NM credit union. We’re consolidating our finances to make it easier as we age as others might be helping us. But we still have credit cards as they are the way of life now. My heart goes out to all our Dailyites with difficulties. May those dealing with illness, pain, surgeries, rehab, and caregiving have Amazing relief. And may those who are struggling with searches for the right path through issues find them. May our grieving family here take their time processing the deep changes, remembering they are not alone… sending out gentle support to you. Blessings for all those away, safe travels and enjoyable days! So many cruisers and travelers now! What a great time of year to travel. Glad Roy is home safe and enjoyed his cruises, and Graham and Pauline had a nice break in the west. Hoping Annie and Chuck are enjoying Italy. And Terri and Jim can soon too. And may those who are planning find the right solutions and be less anxious. Many thanks to Vanessa for keeping us informed of all the happenings. And to all who make this place of sharing and caring possible. Hugs to each of you! Prayers for peace, in our hearts, our families and the world. Maureen
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