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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. A new day to enjoy! I’ll be enjoying it inside, too hot out but the heat wave should break tomorrow here. I hope Terri and DH @Cruzin Terri got some sleep with their mini AC to recover from jet lag and colds. We’re down to 3 days until surgery. 🙏 there are no last minute hitches. The administrivia is the more difficult and uncertain part… seems that the eye surgery is the easy part. Monday we’ll wait for a call to tell us what time to be there. Blessings to all in need! May all the therapy and treatment programs be helpful. Thinking of all on our Cares list, thank you Vanessa! And hoping for good reports for those waiting to hear results. Cheers to all celebrating! 💐 Bon Voyage to Sandi and DH 🛳️ Smooth travels to all those who are away, and welcome home to @crazyforcats and all those returning. I am so sorry Terri’s return to home, that she was so ready for during the cruise, has turned into more misery! Sending comfort and strength! I hope everyone has a better day today! m—
  2. Happy belated birthday Eva @superoma May you have an inspiring year! @smitty34877 glad the port is in. Get through todays heat. I like a damp bandana around my neck. @Cruzin Terri so difficult to come home to calamities. Take care of each other. Sounds like you are taking steps in all fronts! Jack @Heartgrove. Your house looks grand. Same color I painted our mountain home, we called it “bark”. That was 15+ yrs ago. And not all in one year, we did the fire proof siding in sections- DH built, I painted. We had scaffolding which we’d dismantle and reset for another section. Great system but a lot of work. Eventually I told him I’m not painting the house again although I did do seasonal touch ups from winter issues right up until we moved. Too much. @durangoscots Susan, we all send you extra love! The longer we live the more loss we go through. Sounds like your friend touched a lot of lives. And for your other friend’s mom, you will be important support for her. And we’ll be here for you. @Quartzsite Cruiser Fires nearby are very upsetting on so many levels. My experience is that even when not directly threatening you, they still take a toll. Very glad to hear there weren’t as many homes lost, containment is maintaining meaning fire hasn’t crossed their lines, and hopefully the temps are abating. Wildfires can’t be “put out”. Containment by cutting fire break lines (by hand or by dozer) and air-attack laying down fire retardant lines is the best we can hope for to buy time for conditions to shift. 300 acres is a lot of work! Support them with a case of water, a box of chap sticks, a bag of apples, a bag of socks, a bottle of hand lotion or sunscreen… or anything to ease their discomforts. Do not bring homemade food unless you are sure they can use it. Our volunteer fire dept could, especially, fruits and veggies for sack lunches, but government crews will get rations supplied and count take homemade foods fir health concerns. But not comfort items, they’re always in short supply. There might be an evacuation center that needs some things…. toothbrushes and general toiletries - soap, shampoo, deodorant, razors, etc. travel sizes… maybe baby items if families are temporarily displaced. Even a stuffed animal. It’s hard on everybody. @St Louis Cruiser Bon Voyage Sandi! @marshhawk Annie, thanks for your info. Enjoy F3! Sending extra love! @Nickelpenny Hoping the new paths are successful. @kazu Jacqui, an extra hug for you, some tasks just seem daunting! @rafinmd Hoping you get more good reports Roy. @ottahand7 Nancy and John, sounds like you’ve got a good thing going! Keep it up, Lovin your flowers! Blessings all, here and afar! m—
  3. We’re into the hot, hotter and maybe hottest days…. continuing to stay inside. Another very poor night. Yesterday I got news from my niece that I’m struggling to wrap my head around. Not bad news but big changes. Her life, I am happy for her happiness… and I’ll leave it at that. And trying to make hotel reservations for the car trip north mid-August. Figured out the first 4 nights, made a reservation by accident that I was looking at and tapped something wrong. Will cancel that one. Two steps forward, one sideways. Need some calls today to arrange visit to the retirement community we have our eye on. At least both granddaughters replied that they can meet up for dinner with us. It’ll all happen. Sending positive thoughts to all the Dailyites. And all in need. Hoping Terri can get her AC working! Love Annie’s plan for the dinner theater. We made reservations for one here for my birthday Sept 3 including a niece who will be passing through that night. Courage @Nickelpenny! And Terry and Lou. And Annie and Chuck. And Bruce. And how is Murphy? So glad Sam is home! Nice picture of Ren! More fires! So scary and sad. Really tugs at me. Such a lovely lake visit Gerry! Enjoy town Nancy and John. And our cruisers! I bought a waterproof camera in St Thomas when mine leaked at Half Moon Cay. That was my second one. I think I’ve had four. I’ve heard many pipers at fire service memorials. I always cry. The most visceral were the 150 pipe and drum ensembles that gathered in Prescott AZ to honor the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots who died in the Yarnell Fire. They had been on our mountain helping us with a huge fire just the month prior. Seven of us attended from NM. The pipers and drummers in procession rocked that arena to the foundation with Amazing Grace. Counting down to DH’s August 1 eye surgery! So grateful they can do this! I hope there are no hitches. I know we have to pay for the stent itself, not covered by insurance but the procedure to surgically open the drainage tissue is. We will do whatever it takes! Everyone have the best day you can! Remember you are loved! m—
  4. @marshhawk Annie, hang in, one day at a time is Everything. You got through today, tough as it was! Tomorrow you’ll have early therapy and keep moving forward. Feel hugged! m—
  5. Getting hotter in Maryland. I think Friday and Saturday will be the worst but the AC is working. I went through 41 boxes yesterday looking for my moms 2 photo albums from the 40s-60s, from their wedding through us growing up, the old kind with the black paper pages… not in the storage room. Brothers and sister say they don’t have them. Not on any of the moving inventory lists. Today I will make a last dig through the apartment then give up. I wanted pix to share of the cousin we are doing the Remembrance for on Aug 13. Like Roy, my mom was the last of a big bunch of aunts and uncles, and she also died in 2001. And also like Roy, I’ll happily celebrate any railroad history. I love this quote. It’s how I feel about DH! It tries to express the new dimensions of love and how appreciation grows, grateful for every moment, with the richness of our life together ever deepening and growing fuller continuously. It’s profound. Blessings to all in need, all the Cares List, Terri’s travels, Roy’s appt, Chuck’s MRI and eye, Sandi’s packing, her twin’s loss, Sam, Debbie and Sue, John and Nancy’s day in town, Vanessa’s park celebration. Appreciation for for all Tina’s tips - I’ll look for tofu again, have gotten away from it since we moved…, Graham that pizza is a work of art! Remembering Murphy and family and team, and may the COVID tests be negative! May the evacuated crew member get well, and home! which is probably halfway around the world! Blessings for all suffering calamities, war, weather, illness and despair. Sending love! And cheering for all who are celebrating, reminding us Life us Good! Grateful for help and support from caregivers, painters, house cleaners, gardeners, oxygen suppliers, veterinarians, doctors and all those we have in our midst to turn to. And thinking of Karen. Wishes for smooth travels for all away.. stay well and safe, enjoy, be refueled and get home with your luggage. May Ren and Sandi’s son meet up at the airport ok. Keeping you all in ❤️. Have a great day! Maureen
  6. Good late morning. Another sleepless night. Moving forward. I’ve been trying to get pictures of the cousin we’re having the Remembrance gather for soon. I can’t find mom’s 2 oldest photo albums, from the 40s and 50s. Frustrating. But I did find and go through her 1960s-1980s albums and that included a lot of my early life, not all pleasant times for me. Maybe too much emotional stimulation has kept me from being able to wind down and sleep. Plus I’m working on plans to help get my sister to the gathering. She’s not as able to get herself places so in a weak but loving moment I said we’d come get her. We’re in Maryland. She’s in a mountain cabin in Vermont. The gathering is in the mid Hudson Valley, NY It’s doable but not easy. DH and I were going to stay at a cousin’s only an hour from DS but that cousin just had a heart attack and stents, so we’ll find someplace else and leave her to recover peacefully. Compared to so many people’s much more urgent and difficult issues, mine are pretty ho-hum but we still have to figure it out. It’ll all happen. Getting much hotter here this week, will be worst Friday and Saturday. We’re staying in. Last week before eye surgery. Chilli dogs are not my thing. I had never had one till I moved to western Colorado. Guess I led a sheltered life. I do cook a lot, sometimes with a creative flair! and I love garlic shrimp. I’ve always enjoyed Mark Twain, his writings and his personal history. I use needle threaders now. And glad I still can! Singapore is a fabulous place but I doubt I’ll get to see it. Thanks for the amazing pictures. Sandi @St Louis Cruiser I remember not too long ago Ren was in TX battling Ice! Not this trip…. Safe travels to them. @Crazy For Cats Stunning picture of Halifax. Thank you. @marshhawk hope your tight schedules all work out. And Chucks eye improves so he can better manage his next steps. @Vict0riann Yay for you and Pat! And @rafinmd Roy too, what a great plan! And thank you for all your beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and your dedication in sharing them. Awaiting good news about Sam and little Murphy. 🙏 Blessings to all, especially our Cares List. Great to see many happenings to celebrate. Smooth travels to all away, to them and their luggage. Nancy @ottahand7 May the cool logs keep you comfortable. I remember those days well in the NM mountains. But each year it was getting hotter and harder to keep our cabin house cool enough to sleep. And much of the time it was becoming harder to open the windows at night because of smoke. In the hottest weeks we usually had fires near or smoke from far away. I loved our life there but there are many things I don’t miss. I’m right where I belong! Life is good!🌈 May all our air conditioning keep working! Thanks to all the researchers, list keepers, and each one of you for your caring support. Now off to search boxes in the storage room! Maureen
  7. Happy to say I slept better last night. Glad to hear that Terri @Cruzin Terri did too, and that they enjoyed the canal boat tour. Carol @mamaofami sending blessing to you, Sam and his Care Team. Take care of yourself Carol! Lorraine @cruising sister thanks for sharing the updates. Continued blessings for little Murphy, family and Care Team. Roy @rafinmd May all your tests show what needs to be known so your Care Team can guide you along the path to full health and living life. I’m skipping book group tonight, staying away from groups until after DH’s eye surgery🤞 Cousins are important in my life. I am the youngest of many but we are losing more and more. Three have died since last October. There’s a cousins Remembrance gathering Aug 13 for one who lived in Houston and died at 98 with no children, both she and her husband were only children so all she had was cousins. I’m happy to be living closer to all of them, all eastern states, most in the Hudson Valley. Brigham Young certainly picked a gorgeous place. We’d drive that way from NM to Idaho and Seattle often, through the SW corner of CO over Soldier Summit into Salt Lake area that spreads for hours along the western side of the Wasatch Mountains. Amelia Earhart was a bold risk taker. She opened the way and the eyes for women for generations. Cuba Libre was a favorite drink of my mom’s. I remember as a child accompanying my parents on their rare Sunday afternoon outings to the new JFK airport and the stunning Hotel International for drinks. Mom would order a Cuba Libre and they brought the rum in a tiny glass decanter for her to mix with the Coke. Very fancy! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Rest for the weary. Direction for those seeking a new path. 🙏 🥂Cheers to all celebrating return of good health, milestones in life. Life is Good! Smooth, healthy travels to all away! May all our air conditioning systems keep working! Gonna be a hot week! Maureen
  8. Graham @grapau27 thanks so much! I appreciate your help. Happy Birthday @summer slope🎂🌈. Every one is worth celebrating. 🥳 @Cruzin Terri So sorry you’ve been pulled through a knothole! This was all so unnecessary and exhausting. Hoping you get some good rest tonight and that the world looks better tomorrow. I’m saddened to hear of all the difficult situations family and friends are dealing with. But the strength and hope poured out is heartwarming. Thanks Lorraine for keeping us updated. Keeping Karen in my heart too. @luvteaching I was the youngest in our family and missed the swimming lessons but learned enough, never very good at it but at least I swam and like most kids loved the water. But unfortunately I’ve known families who lost loved ones to drownings, more than one in a bathtub both when seizures came on. In reservoirs, stay far far away from dams, especially roller dams. When boating we always wear PFDs, even on the houseboat we rented in Canada. Speaking if Canada 🇨🇦 🎇…. Cowboys were common where we were in the NM mountains. We lived in “open range”. That means that livestock can go everywhere, so it’s up to a landowner to fence them out. We didn’t, so cows would come roaming through. In the fall the herd owners would have to round them up, more than once in an early snow! We lived there long enough we knew him. Once we helped haul his daughter-in-law to medical help on a trail rescue when she got dumped off her horse and broker her femur. It’s tough rough work! Tempeh works for me, not DH. I think I might like the drink but would never have all the stuff on hand. And it would last forever! When we moved from NM the movers wouldn’t take liquor. I took on the job of drinking up the liquor shelf, a little each night to make the packing go easier! 😜. We’d been married then 28 yrs but I found booze from my first marriage! Let’s just say we’re ok with drinks, just not very often. 🤣 Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far! Congratulations to all celebrating, Life is Good 🥂 Smooth travels to all away, especially thinking of our Dailyites cruising and prepping! 🎉 Warm hugs to each of you for being here, especially through all our collective challenges of daily life. Again, it’s worth repeating, Life is Good! Be well and safe! Maureen
  9. Graham, is this link the same every week? I’m not familiar with how YouTube works. I’ve just sat down, will read today’s posts hoping there is some better news. I linked to Fr David’s message this late morning… I didn’t get to sleep till after 4:30 so it was a short morning! Not a big deal, just a nuisance. The message was good for me. I’ll try to reach it independently. Grateful for your help! m—
  10. Beautiful day here in MD! Not quite so hot and not quite so sticky. Thought about kayaking but it’s still about at my limit of 85F. I have plenty else to do. Wonderful to hear Debbie and Sue are aboard! @dfish Thanks to Tina @0106 for the recipes. I am more ready for vegan than DH although he survived my creativity during his cancer treatment. @smitty34877 you seem well prepared which helps you take things in stride. Impressive. @marshhawk the Williams book has “stayed with me” since my late 20s. Sometimes when life has gotten away from me I have to pull it back to those lessons. Praying the path ahead unfolds successfully for both Chuck and Lou. I can’t resist saying I’m sending ”positive” thoughts for the proton treatment! 🤩. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers to all celebrating 🥂 Life is Good! Three toots to our cruisers! Bon Voyage! @Vict0riann Ann, I keep my saffron in the fridge. I brought it home from Turkey years ago. Off to try to get some things done, and keep out of trouble. m—
  11. Another hot sticky MD summer day. I woke during the night with loud thunder, was hoping to get back to sleep. Have a zoom webinar this morning then will get to indoor pool for hip exercises. Skagway was my first and maybe my most thrilling port excursion, a helicopter landing on a glacier. DH chose the Eagle Sanctuary float. It was our first cruise, Carnival Spirit 7-day r/t Vancouver. We got hooked! @marshhawk Annie, I’m sure Chuck is very glad to be home. All we can do is all we can do, and that’s enough! Now it’s time for him to take care of himself. @smitt7725 Terry, good to hear you and Lou managed through the appointment yesterday. One day at a time is everything. Blessings going out to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Near and far. Cheers to those celebrating Life is good! Smooth travels to all away, Bon Voyage to our cruisers! Maybe meatballs tonight, non-vegan. I still have some from Costco in the freezer. Stay safe and we’ll everyone. Maureen
  12. We booked a cruise! But not for us…. it’s for granddaughter and her to-be-husband’s honeymoon in December out of Galveston. We looked at the New England/Canada options for ourselves but couldn’t seem to work out either the timing or the itinerary. That’s ok, we’ll have some special family visits and keep the medical appts we have now, both for DH’s eye follow-ups and his 6-mo oncology monitoring. All more important than a cruise. We’ll cruise again when the timing is right. I really can’t complain, we had 5 within about a year. Very glad for good news about baby Murphy! Amazing! @dfish Bon Voyage to you and Sue. May all your travels be smooth. 🌈 @ger_77 Sorry about the smoke again, ugh. Enjoy your friends, near and far. Lovely! @smitty34877 Hope the surgeon has an Amazing report for Lou and that the logistics aren’t overwhelming. Not a fan of ribs, would prefer hot dogs! I used to like ice cream sodas but now prefer just a scoop in a dish. Lollipops were always a treat from the doctors office, probably not any more. I vividly remember watching the moon landing and first steps. Impressive beyond imagination. My dad said to me that I had the best chance of the family for going into space… because I was the youngest! Not too many years ago I met and chatted with Tom Stafford who circled the moon, it was such an honor! In the 70s I got to study lunar geology and to see actual moon rocks in my studies at Rutgers; they were so pristine due to lack of water-based weathering on the moon. So impressive! Good memories. It wasn’t easy plowing through a geology program then… I was reminded too often that, “You know you’ll be the only girl in the class….” Usually there were a couple of us, and we did very well! So 😜 to those reluctant “advisors”! I hope that no aspiring young woman has to put up with that again. No here not anywhere, but I know there are many places in the world where progress is slow. Blessings to all in need and our Care List! Healing, comfort and hope. 🥂Cheers to those celebrating! And smooth travels to all those away from home. Maureen
  13. I think this got lost…. Wet morning here inMD. And not enough sleep. Oh well. My bone density report was short, I guess stable but still below norm. Busy yesterday looking at gifting a honeymoon cruise for DGD, December 16 wedding in TX. Also looked at October New England/Canada cruises for us but no decisions. Slow progress in other parts of life. Counting down to eye surgery August 1, staying away from people. So far so good. Will skip my next couple of group gatherings, tonight and Monday. Staying in, plenty to do going through some boxes to see if I can reduce belongings a little more. Blessings to all struggling near and far. Especially Chuck, tough days! Cheers to all celebrating! Great that Ivan is happy again! Maureen. @NextOne Blessings for Denny and Bonnie!
  14. Wet morning here inMD. And not enough sleep. Oh well. My bone density report was short, I guess stable but still below norm. Busy yesterday looking at gifting a honeymoon cruise for DGD, December 16 wedding in TX. Also looked at October New England/Canada cruises for us but no decisions. Slow progress in other parts of life. Counting down to eye surgery August 1, staying away from people. So far so good. Will skip my next couple of group gatherings, tonight and Monday. Staying in, plenty to do going through some boxes to see if I can reduce belongings a little more. Blessings to all struggling near and far. Especially Chuck, tough days! Cheers to all celebrating! Great that Ivan is happy again! Maureen.
  15. Good afternoon from “too hot for me” MD. Air quality alerts in effect, code Orange. Staying in. My sister is mostly ok from deluge rains, vegetable garden damaged and struggling, and water supply still clogged, plus some health issues that they had to get help with (very rare for them to seek medical!) so I am concerned. Not that I can do much about any of it but send her love ❤️. DH got a good physical for pre-op. Yay! Hope they send the paperwork to John’s Hopkins🤞. 🥂Happy anniversary to @Crazy For Cats and DH Juan! In September we can you more good wishes! Happy Birthday to son of Bruce! 42 feels long ago and just yesterday! 🎂 @ger_77 Condolences on the passing if your friend and colleague. She seemed ready but we’re rarely ready to loss our friends. 💔 @JazzyV Ruth’s DM will have a lot to deal with making this shift in life. It’s good of you to remind her she’s thought of. 💐 @kazu Beautiful way to honor José’s legacy. 👏 Beautiful flowers! Hope they last! Is that enough emojis! Hoping @catmando and his brother can stabilize the family situation. I think DH got a couple of tiny tattoos for radiation treatments to help get the right alignment. First and hopefully last tattoos needed! Interesting pix of Molde. Norway has the most interesting bridges. We admired the country’s structural engineers! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope or guidance. Cheers to all celebrating 🥳. Life is good! Smooth travels to all away. Everybody stay safe and well! Enjoy that impressive fish Nancy! Maureen
  16. I googled the Oregon ice cream and it is definitely Umpqua. I’ve been to the Tillamook cheese factory but not had the ice cream so I can’t compare them. Umpqua is right up there with Blue Bell for me. @marshhawk Annie, your cruise itinerary sounds exceptional. All amazing places. Adding to what others have said: In Santorini we went to Akrotiri ancient ruins but very comfortable to tour. Not sure how mobile Chuck is, there is walking and some stairs. We took a ship tour then they dropped us near the cable car. We visited the Archeology museum. Excellent. The line for the cable car was over an hour. We walked down, miserable 45 mins but we survived. Kushadasi was a good place to buy saffron! And internet. Stroll the main drag near the ship. From Messina we visited Taormina, another place where there is evidence of the many different civilizations that conquered there. Vibrant place to visit, stroll, see some history, eat some gelato! And the views of Mt Etna are almost too close, magnificent. I’m sure Messina is nice too and closer. My only experience with Rome HoHo was friends did it, not I. They said traffic was SO bad tge bus hardly moved. After 3 hrs they got off and took a taxi. Our first visit to Rome together (I had been there with mom long ago) we took the ship bus into and out of Rome. I told DH he could pick up to 3 things to see and I’d work out the timing. We did Pantheon, Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s which was where the bus dropped us and met us afterwards. We had about 5 hrs. Others invited us on a tour that would “hit” 9 places! We really enjoyed our 3! We pre-purchased timed tickets for Sistine Chapel. The other two were come and go as you please. One tip we got was to taxi to the farthest point of interest then stroll back leisurely. Have the taxi driver confirm price by you writing it down and showing it back to him. When paying repeat the amount especially showing any cash so the driver can’t switch and claim you only gave a lower denomination. Thanks for the good wishes for DH tomorrow. Should go fine but every hurdle is a breath-holder! 🤞 @durangoscots Susan, sorry to hear about your neighbor. It’s a tough decision to move. We left our mountain home… I made a list of all the things to look forward to in the new chapter, and a list of all the things I would not miss. It helped a lot! We are looking at moving again, closer to the granddaughter(s?) in 1-2 years where we will have better support but in independent living. I don’t regret the move here, we’ve been able to enjoy many things we were looking forward to, and now the married granddaughter is settling into her location, something we weren’t as sure of 3 years ago. Everyone’s decision and timing is their own but you are doing the first step which is to consider your options. Our high elevation of 8700 feet was becoming a negative so sea level was better for us. And we enjoy our AC! m—
  17. Another sticky day in MD but there was rain overnight, maybe more today so not as hot. I’ll call my sister in Vermont when the sun comes out there , she’s less stressed when it’s sunny, unlike me, a true cloud worshiper! @grapau27 Thanks to Fr David for his message, he sure gets to the heart of it! 😄 We have spinach a lot. Now I usually add it to our nightly salad. I used to buy the huge bags of it in Costco and quick-steam it for supper side dishes, add a bit of Greek seasoning and a bad of butter or olive oil. But now my fridge is too cramped for those big bags, but I buy a small container and love having it fresh. I used to waitress at a Pennsylvania Poconos resort in the 70s to make college money. Well the owners sons had a “surprise” for me one afternoon, had me sit with me eyes closed and hands out…. I was anticipating their prank so didn’t react when they handed me a snake. I figured if they handled it, it wasn’t going to hurt me. They were so disappointed ! Im not fond of snakes but tolerate them in their environment. We lived in desert parts and snakes were common. Came upon rattlesnakes out sunning on the walking paths trying to get warm a couple of times, just gave them a wide pass. They do a lot of good keeping the rodents down. Haven’t been to Korea, will pass on drinks, DH doesn’t eat any type of squash but I’d enjoy the meal for sure! Love Blue Bell ice cream! Can’t imagine a flavor I wouldn’t like! There’s a brand in Oregon that rivals it too, I think it was Umqua? The PNW will know! @marshhawk Annie, my heart goes out to Chuck and his family ❤️ and all the decisions they must make under very stressful circumstances. Glad he finally got his luggage but that is very poor indeed! @cruising sister You were right, baby Murphy is on a long road, and some days will go sideways! We’re hanging in with her and you! @smitty34877 Terry you are creative finding foods DH can enjoy now. I’m sure it is so heartwarming to see him eating and trying! And to have Tana helping. I hope you can do something enjoyable for yourself today too! Everybody stay safe and well! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! And for the shooting and flood victims, and Ukraine, and all on the Cares List. May all our air conditioners keep working ! Cheers to those celebrating, Life is good! 🌈. Love the photo @ger_77Gerry! That’s an anniversary to remember! @kazu Love that array of Ivan’s toys! Reminds me of being 5 with a bed full of stuffed animals to keep me company. Tomorrow is DH’s pre- surgery physical 🤞. So far, so good! One day at a time is everything! 🌻 Maureen
  18. Thank you Sandi for getting us started. It’ll be another hot day here in MD. It was hot yesterday for my lunch gathering with the ladies of my Spiritual Companioning group. We were in the shade on the terrace above the pool. Not many takers for the outdoor pool, too much sun! I think I haven’t felt the heat like this since I lived in Albuquerque 20+ years ago. We moved to the mountains after retirement for the cooler summers, but even those were getting warmer the last few years. @marshhawk Annie, so glad Chuck went to see his mom. Hopefully his luggage has caught up to him, and that he can focus more on his mom and less on the family drama. (All families have their own flavor of drama…) @kazu Jacqui I’m impressed with your vets getting Ivan feeling so much better. @Cruzin Terri Terri, you’ve had a lot to deal with. Thanks for staying connected with us. Enjoy Stockholm. @cruising sister You shared excellent wisdom with baby Murphy’s parents! And you have a good sounding plan for the spa time with your niece. I’m happy for you! We’re mostly staying out of crowds and in the AC as best we can. DH has his pre-surgery physical Monday. Then we’re 2 weeks until eye surgery. So far so good! I’ll be finishing up Wimbledon this weekend then back to some sorting through the boxes DGD helped me bring up from the storage room. It’s a start. I have a pile begun of things to give away to family members when I see them next month. I haven’t been to today’s port, not interested in pumpkin ravioli. The drink sounds like a Manhattan which I like! I usually have a book with me, always when traveling. Blessings to all especially our Cares List, thank you @JazzyV Vanessa! Smooth travels to all away. May everyone stay safe and well. Maureen
  19. Yes Graham! swimming with RAYS! sigh. It was a very moving experience. The rays would come brush up against us. Thankfully the sharks were small and did not brush up against us, but they were curious and interesting to watch close up. Very memorable. And the drift snorkel in another part of the lagoon was so beautiful. I climbed out and trudged back up along the beach multiple times to put into the gentle current again and enjoy it carrying me along over the reef and fish. Magical! m—
  20. Hot here! DH got out this morning to pick up eye drops RX. I’m glad my yoga class is by zoom. Tomorrow I have an outdoor lunch with a church group, likely my last group thing before eye surgery coming up in less than 3 weeks. 🤞 @luvteaching Karen, happy you’ve found a venue you like for Phil’s celebration of Life. The cookies sound great! @smitty34877 Enjoy the family and be extra careful at the pool - you certainly don’t need any new concerns, but your progress is so encouraging! @kazu Hoping you and Ivan can both get 2good days in a row by not overdoing. Easier said…. @marshhawk Wishing Chuck smooth travels. Momma Norma might really rally knowing he’s coming and I hope their visit is filled with smiles and good memories. I guess you know PT stands for physical torture…. hoping you see improvements very soon. @JazzyV Vanessa, you keep at it beyond my comprehension! Thanks for keeping up with us here too! @Cruzin Terri Good you got some more rest. Better to enjoy what you do than try to do everything. Thanks for your efforts to checkin. I used to always have a sleeve of Costco salmon burgers in one of my multiple freezers, they’re so very versatile! Now I have just the standard condo refrigerator freezer so other things take priority. Maybe next months’ trip to Costco I’ll try to make room for salmon burgers again. I miss them. We have DH’s beautiful panoramas of Mo’orea on our living room and bedroom walls! A true paradise place on earth. We’ve been there 2 or three times (I think twice on one trip) and he did a photography excursion once while I did swimming with the rats and sharks then beautiful drift snorkeling. It’s a magical place! Blessings to all! They go out first thing in the morning regardless when I get a chance to read the posts. May everyone stay safe and well! m—
  21. Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2022. Clara-Belle! Most beloved balloon of the history of the Fiesta. @kochleffel That story is so sad on so many levels, but amazing he eventually made it through to a healthy life. @marshhawk Back when our 90 yr old mom was getting frail, my brother in NC called me in NM to say mom was in the hospital with UTI , probably sepsis but not to come yet. I was on a plane the next morning (only because I was up in the mountains cabin then). Mom made it only a couple days. So glad I got there! And chemo will make the trip harder for Chuck and riskier. I hope he can do it now! My 2cents but free advice can be freely rejected! Wishing you all the best! @cruising sister Amazing news that baby Murphy is making it on her own! Prayers continue and so grateful for this miracle in our midst. @Denise T Praying the new meds help you. It’s dicey getting on the best path for you! @smitty34877 Happy you made it to the appt. and had excellent help. And go enjoy the rental house! What a treat! Thanks all for the concern about my sister in Vermont. She’s ok! Their stream didn’t take out the 2-track road to the cabin, and the culverts they improved about 3-4 years ago carried the runoff and held. Their water supply is clogged up so she is bucketing from the stream, filtering and I hope boiling 😱. Limited power from a solar panel and a generator but she has internet and I can call her on WhatsApp. She cooks on a wood stove and has a propane fridge. Has lots of home-canned food on hand but more rain is coming this week. Oiy! 🤞 Made an extra big grocery run today (always use our reusable shopping bags here including my HAL bags of various types and ages🤣), stocking up to limit exposure during the 2 weeks before DH’s eye surgery Aug 1. His son and wife want to come visit from NC but want to come by train which will be great but we asked them to do that after surgery… more exposure risk than coming by car. Haven’t heard their decision yet. I’m starting to limit group participation. Friday I have an outdoor lunch with my Spiritual Companioning group, hoping that’s less risky enough🤞. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope or guidance. That’s probably most of us! Cheers to all celebrating! And smooth travels to those away, including better internet and weather for Terri! So grateful our AC got us through another day! Maureen
  22. @JazzyV I’m so sorry for your loss! It’s deep losing a close friend, as I lost a dear one at age 59. Of course I still talk to her, she’ll be with me forever. My sympathies to you, Ruth’s family and all who loved her. 🥀 I haven’t read today’s thread, just last night’s posts. Will catch up later🤞. m—
  23. Ugh. Just another couple minutes to scan posts…. I see auto corrected errors in my post earlier. Robert Fulghum’s name wrong. And in kindergarten it was GIRLS who were not allowed in the blocks corner. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Lovin the Cabo pictures! First time there DH went parasailing 🪂. Seems 100 years ago! Glad we did things while we could. We were there several times again but no more parasailing…. more the usual which is wonderful enough. Off into the heat for appointments. Later, m—
  24. 🙏 Great to hear baby Murphy is improving! 🎂 Happy Birthday to Fr David! I enjoy his messages. Last Sunday’s on Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde was very clever and useful. @kazu path forward for Ivan and you! 👍 @Denise T things are looking up! A cruise booked, yay! And a path forward on keeping your BGL down. Excellent! Robert Fulcrum’s book by the title of the quote is interesting. Unfortunately what I learned in kindergarten was that hurled were not allowed to play in the blocks corner! I learned that life was going to be an uphill battle. Maybe kindergarten gave me the spark to work harder for what I wanted. I’ve been rewarded! Best outcomes wished for those with doctor appts today. We’re going to meet with the financial advisor, working on simplifying our accounts so a family member could more easily help me/us/DH when the time comes. 🤞 MaryKay, following your downsizing and estate sale! We did 90% downsizing when we moved to MD from our large NM home of decades. Now we’re are looking at relocating closer to the granddaughter who’ll watch over us but to a Continuing Care Retirement Community Independent living. We found one we like but getting that last 10% sorted and dispersed will be a bear! I think it’ll take us 5 times as long as the big move! Thank you Vanessa for keeping DH on the rotation. We are 3 weeks from his eye surgery, trying to stay away from crowds and avoid COVID and a possible schedule bust. It was 4 months for this appointment. His pressures taken twice daily have been mostly good to a little high but acceptable. The return of the severe itching a couple of weeks ago has abated and he’s back down to one Benadryl at night. 👍. Thanks to you all for your caring support. We have a lot of family in the Hudson Valley and southern Vermont. Lots of calls yesterday! So far all have come through the flooding. I haven’t heard from my sister in the Bennington VT area yet. Last week her culverts and stream near her house were running higher than ever. 🤞 She’s in a cabin up a hillside so I’m hopeful they’re ok. Blessings to all on our Care list and all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers for all those celebrating! Life is good! 🌈 Smooth travels to all away. Thinking of our cruisers! Check back later, have to get ready and I’m slow mornings. M—
  25. Grateful for a new day and all of you here! Truly Amazing to hear baby Murphy’s progress! Hoping the scans show only good. @cruising sister I like your plan for a retreat at a wellness center. Sounds like a decision for the positive. So much good in your life! @Denise T may you find the best path ahead with ways to deal with your diabetes and meds. Keeping your BGL down will avoid the nasty complications…. A wise friend helped me learn that if you can’t spent your money on your health, whatever you’re saving it for won’t be near as much fun. My friends life was shortened by cancer 10 years ago and I hear her words often encouraging me and helping me get a better perspective! Today will still be on the hot side at 87 but no rain, light wind and lower humidity… so maybe a kayaking day? Afternoon really, if the forecast seems to hold. My limit has been 85 but if there’re some clouds and breezes, maybe. Yesterday our younger granddaughter got engaged! Her sister sent us lots of pictures of big smiles in spite of the heavy rains in the NY Hudson Valley. At least they were in a gazebo! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Good luck today @kazu with last PT🤞. May it speed up the last healing needed. 🥂 Cheers to those celebrating especially the newly engaged couples! Ours and Nancy’s @ottahand7 Love the Eagle pix! Beautiful. Hard for me to pass up a piña colada! I’ve been to Edinburgh by land tour, thanks for the pictures. Good memories. Only got a small portion of chores done this weekend. My flimsy excuse is that my stomach has been off, so I’ve stayed still and rested, watched Wimbledon instead! The chores are still there and will get done eventually. Life is Good!🌈 M—
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