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Everything posted by FangedRose

  1. Thanks. I feel perfectly fine, apart from the cough, which is giving my throat some stick. In fact, if this is COVID I've had it at least twice a year for the last 65 yrs. I know everybody is not so lucky. But, if I was at home, and not working, I wouldn't have even bothered doing a test.
  2. It must have been a very fast acting variant then, because I tested positive less than 18 hours later. And through a ftp2 mask too.
  3. Well, yes they are, but only if you can connect to it, and even then it is very, very slow. I've given up with trying to use it and using data whilst in port.
  4. Maybe not such a joke. The new captain. Martin Sharples, was meant to join in Southampton but tested positive (yes really) and joined in Reykjavik. He was doing the rounds, introducing himself. He told us Quoiters that he had only been appointed two years ago, in the middle of COVID, and this was the first ship he was in charge of with paying passengers, and not to be surprised if we ended up in Barcelona 😂
  5. Unfortunately I am stuck here until Southampton ☚ī¸
  6. I'm onboard and COVID is rife. Masks were issued last night and are supposed to be mandatory in inside public areas (except for eating and drinking). As I'm isolating I don't know how well it is being observed or enforced.
  7. COVID is rife onboard. Room service struggling to keep up delivering to the cabins of those isolating. Goodness knows how many other cases there are of those who haven't (or refuse to) get tested. I put my cough down to air conditioning despite keeping my balcony door slightly open.
  8. I'm onboard and yes we were definitely there, (from what I could see from my cabin balcony anyway ☚ī¸}. Now we are Akureyri so I am told.
  9. I am onboard and no speciality restaurants are open.
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