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Everything posted by stretchcruz

  1. How do I find your trip report? I just booked Patagonia and Chilean fjords for Nov. Good deal for a solo. Thanks!
  2. I'm sad today that I no longer will have daily updates. I've enjoyed following you so much. Enjoy London!
  3. Sorry! I screwed up. Too much scrolling! Thought I was on the Viking world cruise board. Ooops!
  4. None on the Star last week either. Star is going into dry dock this fall. I didn’t think to ask.
  5. Hey Feta.... We forgot to exchange contact information. I'm dobiev at comcast dot net. Send me an email when you get a chance!! I'm sure I'll have questions in the future about stuff. I really enjoyed my time in Madrid. My private guide was absolutely awesome and really took care of me because I killed my back that morning. He had me hold his arm climbing stairs etc and he was so smart and informative! Best thing I did was hire him!
  6. Great picture!! Mine not so much.. but I bought it anyway. We stood in line one and a half hours to board the tobaggan (folks behind me timed it). It was cold. And wet. And raining off and on. But better than standing in the heat. I'm glad I did it. I had a rain jacket. The folks behind me had the Viking ponchos. They were all laughing. They were pink, kind of like a kitchen garbage bag thickness. Our guide was trying to help people put them on. Most people already broke through the sleeves. Bring a rain jacket!! I thought our guide was great. I (personally) could have been happy without the wine tasting (and I like wine) I was so happy with our guide, I think we were really lucky. We went to a scenic overlook for pics. I can tell you it was windy. Very very windy. But a good day for me.
  7. I still haven't taken an elevator! My climbing is slow but I'm managing. I'll post about the toboggan ride later. I survived.
  8. I I do cough on occasion....mine is asthma. I haven't been in the Explorers Lounge though and didn't cough in the dining room either. I've been avoiding crowds, I don't want anyone to think I'm sick! I've only been to Star Lounge once...yesterday for the port talk. I sat in the very back in the white chairs with a mask on. I'm kind of dreading the coach ride to the tobaggan today. Ugh. I've got my inhaler. It's gotten so every time I cough I look next to me and say, it's asthma! Embarrassing.
  9. We had a nice M & M Saturday. Thanks for the hard work setting it up! Good attendance and lots of officers. Damien was there, I asked him about the coffee chats and Captains Q and A. He said that they were told to stop because of the questions that were being asked by the guests. I asked if the questions were related to the IPO and he said yes, that they were questions that onboard staff did not have answers to and the questions were getting increasingly demanding, if that makes sense. Those are my words, not his. He said he did them 2 weeks ago on his prior ship. I asked if he could do the Captains Corner thing and not allow questions but he didn't think so. I haven't had problems with the seas but I know others have. I liked the chateaubriand last night. Yes, there were 3 slices but they were rare and it was enough for me. The lyonnaise potatoes were good too. 2 of my table mates had lobster and enjoyed it but I can't speak to that. I loved the dessert. A caramel kind of mousse like thing shaped like a Bundt cake. Yum. I took a cooking class yesterday, Herbs and Spices. Tomorrow is French and Friday or Saturday is Italian. I did an enjoyable bridge tour last week and doing an engine tour on Wednesday. The staff, as usual, is phenomenal. I'm constantly surprised at who remembers me from my 33 day on the Star Nov/Dec. Everyone is so kind. That's my two cents! Off to bed, almost 10:30 here. Watched the show on TV. Mr and Mrs Feta Cheese, haven't run into you lately!!
  10. The ginger was out in World Cafe too. I haven't noticed bad seas at all!
  11. I was at the same Captain and officer Q and A and I have to disagree. Captain Olav was very informative, chatty, and funny. It was fun seeing his baby pictures as a triplet. They had to rush out, as best I remember, because it was getting close to noon and he and Kate had to do the noon announcement. I do remember her running up the aisle in her high heels. I will miss the coffee chats and the Q and A. I really enjoyed them.
  12. Thanks! I do, just not 100% and didn't want to be one of "those people" walking around coughing! I don't take the elevator either, I climb😁
  13. I've been a bit under the weather...sore throat, small cough, so decided to stay in my stateroom yesterday after the bridge tour. Skipped dinner. Took Covid test this morning....negative, which I expected, no fever or other symptoms but wanted to be sure. Tried to eat lunch, not hungry. Stayed onboard. Went to dinner and asked them to sit me far from others, which they did. I'm sure it's just a change in weather thing but I wanted to be careful and not make others uncomfortable. Dancing under the Stars Tonight but I'm in stateroom in pj's! My server was excited, she said she could dance with the guests and she wasn't even assigned to work there! Nice to see. Tomorrow will be a good day!
  14. Thanks Kent! I thought it was you. Ambulance just came and took somebody off. It actually might have been 2 people, a stretcher and a wheelchair. Sad.
  15. I'll jump in here and say that Manfredi's still has Menu 4, other folks have posted elsewhere and I didn't take a picture. So they have the 2 ribeyes, bone in and out, not thick like the old one was but tasty. No lasagna, short ribs are on, and beef tartare. I know CC Wine Lover posted the #4 somewhere. Bartenders in living room are very good and it's been very busy before dinner. Gjorge just got on and there are other unfamiliar faces but they are all friendly and efficient. Damian the cruise director is very nice.
  16. It was fun and nice to meet you and Mrs FetaCheese!! I'm at the thalassotherapy pool. Exercised for an hour, now drying off. In my stateroom there was an invitation to a solo cruisers dinner in Manfredi's private dining room at 6. So I'll go to that. Had the solo cruisers meet up this morning at 10:30 in Wintergarden. Was very nice. Slept in until 9:30. Overcast and a bit rainy today.
  17. Still here. The bug gangway was pulled in before. Just now 2 people got on and they are folding up the sign on the little lower gangway. All pulled in now. When sailing out of Ft Lauderdale I always love the condo buildings that wave and scream and yell. It's after 10 PM on a Monday. We'll see, but I'd be in bed!
  18. We're still here. 9:20 PM. But looks like they've pulled in the gangway.
  19. I'm in the World Cafe. Cobb salad and chicken. Signed up for cooking classes and bridge and laundry tours.
  20. I'm in my pj's in the hotel with a glass of wine and a sandwich. Long day!
  21. I'm in Ft Lauderdale. And my suitcase made it too!!! See you tomorrow...
  22. Looks like the beef tartare is gone? Always my favorite. I agree, the ribeye had suffered on my Nov/Dec cruise. Short ribs are gone too? And the gorgonzola risotto. Nice to see lasagna back. We had menu #4 on the Star...the staff wasn't thrilled with it. I will be back on the Star on Monday and have Manfredi's reservation then. We'll see! Thanks Clay!
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