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Posts posted by PINEVIEW01

  1. OK, I keep falling off program. Not at all happy with myself. I went to Cedar point with the DD, SIL and gradson. Than went to a RenFeast with the girls. Went to Atlanta to a convention. Have been off track for two weeks and boy am I paying the price.

    Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will get my act togeather.

  2. Hi all! I just started an Atkins-esque diet 2 weeks ago and am down 9 pounds already! I'm deployed and have limited food options, which is why it's not strictly Atkins. Do any of you plan on staying low carb once you've reached your goal weight? What about when cruising?


    I've been on low card off and on since 03. When I go off I gain like crazy. Than I have to do something major to get my head right again to break the carb addictions. For me it had to be a Atkins WOE for life or wieght gain. I'm just too carb resistant. I have even worked with a therapist that work just with people with eating issues. She verified I need to stay on a very low carb lifestyle.

    I do eat way more carbs on cruises. But, if I want that cookie I have to climb at least two flights of stairs to go get it. Than two back and walk the length of the ship.

  3. Just wanted to leave an update and commite here.

    I show livestock at the coutry fair. From Set-up to clean-up is 12 days. I went off program. Just a bun with the dog at first and was working hard enough that I was maintaining the first seven, than.........

    Any way when I weighed in the first night home I was up nine pound:eek: Two days later I was still up seven. I was going nuts at night craving anything high carb and couldn't stop myself and never got enough.

    I put myself on a 48 hour low/under 10 carb meat only to break the cycle.

    I was crying and shaking before it was over. I think my husband got thru his head that this is an addiction. Well, I hope this broke the addiction cycle. I did drop the rest of the gain and am back to pre-fair weight.

    Just posting this in hopes it may help another. I just can't give into carbs.

  4. Excellent job! You're doing so well!!


    I'm glad that advertisement post went *poof*. :)


    I'm starting my 3rd week of INSANITY--my 2nd Fit Test is today, to see how much better I'm doing than the 1st day. I'll keep you posted. I haven't lost any weight. Crazy, huh? I do feel things changing inside, though. We'll see how things are after the 60 days.

    I know it is hard when you work and don't lose. Keep the faith! I was doing major landscaping/forestry work and was losing

    slow or not at all for a month. Lost over two plus sizes during that time.


    When I took a week break, I dropped ten pounds in a week but, didn't lose in the clothing at all. I did this two times. So, keep working you got to be toning up.


    Ditto on the advertisement "poof"

  5. Went on the Low Carb Cruise in May after 8 years of being on Atkins (211 pounds lost) on Carnival Magic, I had no problems trying to find low carb acceptable foods at any of the buffets or MDR.

    I would have loved to do this. Didn't know there was such a thing!


    Guess I should check in too 51 pounds in 8 weeks and 30+ inches from my body. I love Atkins, never feel hungry and my blood pressure has gone down considerably. Congrats to everyone who is sticking with it!

    WOW! You are rocking you WOE

  6. I have a friend who has had lap band & hasn't really lost more than prob 5 lbs in over a year, & I see what she eats & I definitely know why...

    I have had nothing but medical problems with mine for 2.5. It has mostly been unfilled during that time and is coming out soon. I gained with mine as I couldn't eat anything unless liquid or highly proceed, like chips. I even was eating ice cream like crazy and ice cream was never a go to food for me, ever.


    Since they unfilled me and I was able to start doing Atkins in January, I have done better than I did with the band. I've had ups & downs. But, I have been tracking all food, water and activities with caloriecount.about.com (the rest of the people I know use fitnesspal.) When I go up, I can trace it back to a starch carb slips.


    This WOE is the only thing helping.

  7. I just thought I would check-in and let everyone know that I made it through my 2 weeks induction without any cheats whatsoever! I plan to stay on this phase for a little while longer. How is everyone else doing?! Any challenges? Any successes? Hope to hear from you soon!

    Way to go! Two weeks without a cheat is great! I spend more time on induction than off because my body just can't handle many more carbs. If I mess up at a higher level I go to the dark side.


    Summer continues to keep us on the go! We did 3 days of camping and the best thing...no one was up there! yay! We stayed pretty low carb, hiked and hiked some more! Did well..and my jeans came on pretty nice this morning!! Great job PrettynPink!!....It CAN be done!!

    So, tomorrow...I am off to Colorado for a few days with the family and seeing some cousins! It will be fun!! But I am packing for the right snacks...and getting lots of rest so I'll be ready for the trip tomorrow!!

    Be good now, ya hear! ;)

    Sounds like you doing great on vacation at that. Have a great time.


    I have started back down, on induction again. Year to date 45 pounds. Not bad with life being what it is.

  8. It took me the last month on Atkins to lose this last five pounds. It took me 24 hours off of Atkins to gain it all back and it isn't a one day stay. It has been 4 days now and still up that five pounds.:eek:


    It is so much harder now that I hit MP. Just have to dig back in. I can't do anything but gain with out this WOL.:cool:

  9. I'm just curious- for those who are doing low carb, would you share how long you've had this WOE and the progress you've made:) Thanks!

    I was on Atkins in 1/1/03 and kept with it for three years. In'05 I went off Atkins "just for the holidays". My DH and I went thru surgeries in '06 and I ended in a wheel chair for 3 months. During that year I managed to gain everything back and left the WOL.


    I went back on Atkins the first of the year. I am down 40 pounds even after a 14 day cruise when I lost 2 pounds.


    I was on another thread from 04/05 that went away.

    Good luck!

  10. I had my baby May 15th. He was 8 lbs even and 20.5". I was 207.8 after my water broke and currently weigh 188.6. I've been low carbing (not do low I'm in ketosis). Since the day I left the hospital. I fell off the wagon one time and that was the day I delivered (I was starving!)


    Baby is beautiful, packing on weight and nurses like a champion!!!

    Congrats! Was hoping for an update.

    You are an inspiration. If I had done as well as you when I had mine I wouldn't be in such bad shape now.

  11. I don't think I hit the 225 before I left as I was working outside in a very physical way. Cutting trees and hauling brush. Than I went to Disney and walked and walked pushing a 40 pound three year old.


    When I got home I didn't do anything and was sick in bed. So, I think the slow weight lose before was muscle building. The five I've lost this week, I'm scared may be that muscle.:(


    Going to get back to the yard work tomorrow!.

    Well I really do believe this is so now. I"m back to the very physical yard work. I have [ut back on 3:eek: of those 7 pounds that just melted off. I can FEEL the fluid in my hands and body. I feel more bloated too. I am doing a better job eating to. So I guess I have to chose between the instant gratification of the scale or keep on

    working at the smaller, healtier long run. It is just so depressing to be good and work so hard and watch the scale go up.


    It has been up and down Jean. Glad you had a good trip.

  12. Happy Friday Everyone!!


    Yippee!!............I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in awhile.....!! 219.8

    Ya......it's the under 220 number that I've been watching - seriously- for a good month!! :D

    Sorry I'm late but, WAAAY TO GO!

    I made my first two goals (8 pounds was the first, 18 was the second and 33 was the third which I never thought was possible)before heading to Disney but, came up 2 pounds short of the third. I have now hit it one week back. I can't wait to see 219.8, that is my next goal.


    35 pounds lost 1/1 to date, Thank You Doc Atkins!


    I don't think I hit the 225 before I left as I was working outside in a very physical way. Cutting trees and hauling brush. Than I went to Disney and walked and walked pushing a 40 pound three year old.


    When I got home I didn't do anything and was sick in bed. So, I think the slow weight lose before was muscle building. The five I've lost this week, I'm scared may be that muscle.:(


    Going to get back to the yard work tomorrow!:confused:


    I notice I stall or even gain if my calories/fat gets to low.

  13. I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing.

    I started back on strict Atkins the first of the year. I will be hitting Disney with the two Grandsons next week 30 pounds lighter. :D

    My original goal was 20. I was hoping for 2 pounds a week which would have been about 40. When I did Atkins last time I was able to lose 50 in less time. Age sure makes a difference.

    I have to lose another half pounds to make it a true 30. I have been losing the same 3-4 pounds the last three week.


    Good luck to all!

  14. Hey guys....what a struggle it has been for me to stay on the Low Carb plan....I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends have been a different story. Over all I am down 7 pounds....So I guess that is a start. I also need get committed to some physical activity... Kinda like the eating....hard to stay on track...If I can just make it for 1 whole week then 1 more, etc..... I'm not giving up !!!! :D

    I'm right there with you. Your right, 1 week at a time. I went away for the weekend and was 90% good. I was just getting over a thing so the 10% cost me a 4 pound gain for the weekend and a slide that I haven't stopped yet.

  15. had to jump on it...April 30, Port Canaveral 4 day Monarch of the seas for 321 total for window view..I know an old ship but such a good price why stay home. Always had a balcony but now at 200% trying to cross over. Plus first time RCL and not celebrity or carnival.

    I did three cruises on the Monarch. I like the old girl. I hope to make it on her before she is gone. I like the older smaller ships, other than the tiny rooms. To me that is cruising. I don't need the jazz going on with the big ships. I cruz to cruz, rest and relaxe.


    Have a great time.

  16. If this is the second I'm sure the first is keeping you busy.


    You are doing so great.


    I had two grands this week and had looked so forward to it and than came down sick. The dh had to watch the little guy a couple hours for me so I could sleep and feel like death would be an improvement. Starting to feel better now.

  17. I'm 34 weeks now!!! Getting too big and sore to do much besides walk, prenatal yoga and Pilates!!! I have only gained 15 still- just keep hovering here!!! I can only eat small amounts, but constantly!!!

    Way to go! You are doing so great! Your in the home stretch now.

    Did ya all have some eggs this weekend?

    I had some deviled ones :)....and a few chocolate ones ;).... It's a holiday!! :p

    Up this morning and did my work out....Monday's are hard to get going on....for me anyway!:)

    I have stayed away from the candy. Very hard to do as I have two of the grandsons AND their candy as the folks took a grown up vacation.:eek:


    Based on the tracker I worked off twice the calories I ate. But, I was up 1.5 pounds today. To much salty ham, one tablespoon mashed potatos with turkey gravy, and I ate a 1/16 piece of cheese cake. I did count the calories but, WAAAAAAAAY too many carbs yesterday. I just can't eat carbs, Period.

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