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Posts posted by Travelanni

  1. Thank you so much for all of your invaluable assistance; I'm sure my son will love this tour! I'll post back after our cruise.


    sorry - last question - how long is the walk from rostock station to the ferry to Warmeneude?


    Hi, thanks for your appreciation. To help people enjoy is my pleasure.

    Firstly the boat between Rostock and Warnemünde is not a ferry, it is a privately operated tourist pleasure boat. Most passengers are German tourists holidaying in Warnemünde and taking the full 90min cruise.

    The boats leave at 13:15, 13:45, 14:15 and 15:15 from the Old Harbour in the city, quite a distance from Rostock station, about 30mins walk. You can take a #5 or #6 tram from the Hbf to Langestrasse and then walk down Schnickmannstrasse to the harbour. The boat trip takes about 45mins, commentary is in German only, cost 10€ pp.

    Happy cruising :)


  2. We are going to stay pre cruise in Berlin Germany. The hotel said I need to take are own Adapter or Converter this had never happen to us the hotel always has one.

    So do I need a adapter or a converter it's for a CPap machine? The CPap has the same plug that a hair dryer, shaver or curling iron would use.


    What do I need to get to convert to there electricity? What is there voltage?



    I hope someone can answer and give us some information on what I need to buy and where to get it. I did look on Amazon but again I don't know what I need.


    Thanks so much for any information you can give us.




    Hi Betty,

    Rick Steves explains the European system and what you require to adapt US appliances on



    Happy cruising :)



  3. Does anyone know how long it takes to get to the airport from Hafen City Terminal in Hamburg?


    Thank you!




    Hi, There are two ways to get from Hafen City to the Airport.


    By taxi: Hafen City to Airport -approximately 20-40 mins, cost 25-40€, depending on the traffic.





    By taxi: Hafen City to Hamburg Hbf. (Main Station) - about 5-10mins, cost 7-10€.

    By train: Hamburg Hbf to the Airport - 24 mins, cost 3€ pp.


    Happy cruising



  4. Hi Travelanni,


    I hope you are doing well. When you get a chance, could you please provide me with more detailed instructions of how you would recommend my family visit the Molli train. I think my son would really like getting out and seeing the train go through the town as you suggested. We'd be happy to visit the beach in Warmenude if that's the one you think is best. For the way back from Bad Doberan, would it be difficult for us to take the train from Bad Doberan to Rostock and then take the ferry from Rostock to Warmenude? I'd skip the ferry if it is too hard logistically. Thanks so much! It is so kind of you to help all of the people visiting.

    Hi, If you decide to go to Bad Doberan by bus then Simon's plan is a very good one.


    I believe that you are arriving on Norwegian Star on 26th August, docking 7:30. If this is so then my itinerary by train would be as follows:-


    8:24 - s-bahn - Warnemünde to Rostock

    9:06 - RE - Rostock to Bad Doberan Bahnhof arr. 9:25

    9:36 - Molli - Bad Doberan Bf. to Heiligendam arr. 9:54

    9:59 - Molli - Heiligendam to Bad Doberan Stadtmitte arr. 10:14


    Find a table in one of the pavement cafes with a good view up towards the station. They all serve good coffee and ice cream! The next Molli will leave the Bahnhof at at 10:36 stopping at Stadtmitte at around 10:40. After the excitement has died down (and I am sure that your little boy will be excited at how close the train comes) walk slowly back to the Bahnhof. A good place to see the next arriving Molli at 11:18 is from the right-hand side of the road just before the station.


    11:30 - RE - Bad Doberan to Rostock arr 11.51. NB.The Rostock train departs from alongside the station buildings.


    This whole schedule can be advanced by one hour if a 9:24 start is better.

    This is what I would do with a small child as you are on the move all the time, albeit with very little walking, with plenty of things to hold his attention and on return to Warnemünde there is the option of going straight to the beach or back to the ship for a rest and visiting the beach later.


    Hope this helps with your planning. I know from experience how much is needed with small children to make full day excursions enjoyable for everyone.


    Anni :)

  5. Thank you so much, Anni, for your ideas for our extra day in Berlin. Potsdam sounds like a fun day activity. Could you give me a few more details about getting there and back. Do we catch the s-bahn at the Hackescher train station? Then, if we go to Sans Souci, how far of a walk is it to the lake steamer? I looked on their website and it looks like it leaves every hour and is a two hour ride. Where is Wannsee? Once in Wannsee where do we catch the s-bahn to get back to our hotel?


    I must admit I'm confused because all of the Berlin area is new to me and the web sites are in German. LOL.

    Hi, I thought that I gave you web sites in English but they come up in German you will find they all have English pages accessed by hitting the GB flag at the top.

    Wannsee is a lakeside suburb on the way to Potsdam.

    To get to Potsdam take the S7 from Hackescher Markt to Wannsee and there change to the S1. Wannsee is quite a small station and easy to navigate. The trains are frequent, about every 10 mins.

    After the boat trip, walk up from the pier to the main road. The station is across the road to the left. To return to your hotel you simply take the S7 all the way back to Hackescher Markt.

    The lake steamers depart from the town, too far to walk from Sans Soucci. To get to Sans Soucci itself and the whole complex of gardens and palaces surrounding you take bus #695 from outside the main station.

    As Potsdam is part of the Berlin Public Transport system a DayTicket- Zones ABC, cost 7.20€, is valid for the whole day on all the s-bahns and buses you would need to use.

    The Information Office in Potsdam station is worth a visit, it provides excellent information and good, free maps.


  6. Hi Anni,

    Your information has been so helpful in our planning so far. Please bear with me as I still have a few questions I hope you can answer:)

    We will be on the NCL Star September 14th arriving to Warnemunde on a Sunday. Will the following plan work for us getting to Schwerin and back? I have copied and pasted some information from your helpful website.

    Here are my plans so far:


    **Warnemunde to Schwerin:

    *September 14, 2014 Sunday

    *Purchase 2 adult Landertickets online before trip


    1. Purchase Rostock tickets at Warnemunde Train Station



    2. Either Take the s-bahn from Warnemunde at 8:03 platform 2 and arrive at Rostock at 8:24 platform 1


    Take the s-bahn from Warnemunde at 8:33 platform 4 and arrive at Rostock at 8:54 platform 6


    3. Jump over to platform 7 and take the RE (4306) to Hamburg, via Schwerin at 9:07 using the Lander tickets


    4. Leave the train at Schwerin Hbf - 6th stop on the route.

    Exit the train station by the main entrance, cross the square to the small street in the far right hand corner, go left down to the lake, turn right and follow the waterfront past the cafe(about 200m) until you come to the pedestrian street on the right. You are now in the tourist area and from here all the attractions are clearly signposted.

    Walking time direct to the castle about 20mins


    5. Take the RE (4311) to Rostock Hbf at 13:53 platform 2 and arrive at Rostock at 14:52 platform 7




    Take the RE (4313) to Rostock Hbf at 15:53 platform 2 and arrive at Rostock at 16:51 platform 7


    6. Take the s-bahn back to Warnemunde using any of the trains that leave frequently.




    Is the s-bahn ticket good for both legs of the trip?


    How far of a walk is it from the ship to the Warnemunde train station? I guess we need to allow enough time to purchase the tickets from the machine. Or should we purchase them from the ticket window?


    Do we need cash for these tickets or do they take credit cards?


    A big hug to you for all of your help:D


    Hi, many thanks for your appreciation and the hug! You have a good plan.

    Your on-line ticket purchase will be one Lander Ticket valid for two people travelling together - 26 euros.

    As you are travelling on a Sunday you do not need the extra tickets for the s-bahn. Your Lander ticket will cover the whole journey from Warnemünde to Schwerin and return. Extra tickets for the s-bahn are only required on weekdays before 9am.

    The walk from the ship to the station takes about 10mins.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Happy cruising :)



  7. Quote:

    Originally Posted by WarsawExpat viewpost.gif

    Hi Anni,


    We'd welcome your advice on a group tour which covers the highlights of Mecklenburg, including Schwerin. We're in Warnemunde on Celebrity Eclipse Tuesday, Aug. 19 from 0930 until midnight.


    We were originally signed up for a group tour with Alla Tours, but they've backed out of the tour just yesterday. Friends of Dave "Mega Mecklenburg" is sold out, so we're now looking at SBP and potentially others.


    We'd welcome your thoughts and recommendations!


    Many thanks,

    Doug and Randa


    Hi, I'm sorry but as a local I cannot recommend or comment on Tour Companies. Hopefully another cruiser will answer this question.


    However, the most popular places to visit from Warnemünde are very easy to DIY as many who have done so will tell you. Information for the DIY visitor can be found on my web site.


    Happy cruising :)



  8. Hi Anni, We will be in Berlin for 5 full days before leaving on our cruise out of Warnemunde the end of this month. We are going to ride the hop-on, hop-off bus for the first two days and plan to go to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp on the third day. We have a half day walking tour of the Third Reich Sites on the fourth day. What would you suggest for the afternoon of the 4th day and the whole 5th day? We are staying at the Adina Apartment Hotel near the Hackescher Markt train station.

    Hi, you seem to have covered it pretty well and it is difficult to advise without knowing your interests but I would suggest a visit to Potsdam taking the s-bahn one way and returning by lake steamer. The boats go as far as Wannsee where you can catch the s-bahn back to the city. In Potsdam the centre itself is interesting but the main attractions are the many palaces including Sans Soucci and the New Palace. All the palaces are accessible by public transport and there are also a number of different tours on offer.



    A very pleasant evening trip is a cruise on the river Spree which gives an entirely different perspective on the city especially after dark. For both lake and river cruises see



    There are museums for every interest and some very good temporary exhibitions



    I'm sure that during your HO-HO rides and your walking tour you will see places that you will want to revisit and hear of other things which interest you.


    Enjoy Berlin, I always do.


    Happy cruising :)



  9. Hi, thank you for your appreciation. To answer your last question first - you can buy tickets for the Molli in advance, although you cannot book a seat, but the web site to do this is in German and it is not necessary as the ticket office is right alongside the train and there is plenty of time. In any case, I doubt they would leave while there are still customers in the ticket office!

    Kühlungsborn has a nice beach about 10-15 mins walk from the end station of the Mollibahn.

    As your son loves trains it might be better to go to Bad Doberan on the train rather than the bus. From the ship the walk to the bus stop is further than to the railway station, the travel time is about the same and the bus journey is a bit boring for a child but the Rostock Hbf is a very busy station with a good assortment of different trains coming and going all the time.

    For a shorter, less strenuous day, Warnemünde itself has a fabulous beach for littlies- clean,golden sand; shallow, calm water; easy access; a children's playground and a cafe right on the beach. 'Warnemünde images' in your search engine finds some nice pictures. It is about a 10-15 min walk from the ship, along the harbour front with plenty of boats to hold your little boy's attention. Or he might like to ride on the Baderbahn - a small 'train' (the locomotive is a mini-tractor in disguise!) which runs through the streets and along the promenade. There is a stop at the town end of the bridge.

    If you decide to take the longer day out, given your son's age and love of trains I would be inclined to go to Bad Doberan on the train and ride the Molli just to Heiligendam (about half-way), the trains cross here and make a short stop so you can change trains and make a shorter trip as well as seeing both trains standing together; on the return journey get off in the middle of Bad Doberan and wait for the Molli to come back through, about 20mins and there are some nice coffee shops right on the street. To experience the train steaming down the middle of the main street - bell ringing and close enough to touch - is even more exciting than riding on it. To return to Warnemünde either catch the bus #119 from the stop in the main street or walk back to the rail station in time to see the next Molli steam in, take the train back and then visit the harbour and the beach. That way you finish the day only 10 mins or so from the ship and can go back any time. If this itinerary interests you I would be happy to give you the exact timings

    Happy cruising, :)



  10. Hi Anni,


    I hope you are doing well. We are traveling to Warmenude with our 3 year old son, who loves trains but has limited patience for waiting. Is this: http://www.rebus.de/download/regional2/119-Bad_Doberan-Elmenhorst-Luetten_Klein-Warnemuende.pdf the current schedule of the bus route from Warmenude to Bad Doberan? Thanks so much!



    Hi, yes this is the current schedule for bus #119 between Warnemünde Werft and Bad Doberan Bahnhof where you can see the Molli which is what I assume your son wants to see. You will find more details on my web site.

    Happy cruising, :)



  11. Anni

    HI! Just responding to you after our trip. WE appreciated your detailed information. We were in Warnemunde/Rostock on July 20. Weather was perfect. Train trip was uneventful. Ended up just buying a ticket to Rostock only, cheaper than the Lander ticket, as we decided not to go on to Schwerin. Your directions to the church were so helpful!! There is no way we would have found that church for Mass without your help. We went to the 10:30 family service and the children participated. Must've been something about summer church camp or something--they were cute.

    Walked into town, which was pretty much deserted on a Sunday, had lunch on the waterfront and just walked around,trying to follow the map in the booklet I'd purchased so we could get a little more information about what we were seeing. It was helpful.

    Anyway, got back to Warnemunde to bump elbows with the rest of the cruisers there--there were plenty of them, and returned to the ship in time for dinner.

    Thank you again, so much for the valuable information.

    We had lunch with Kel and Joyce the day after they boarded, on our sea day, and found out they had a nice visit with you. Would have enjoyed getting together with you as well, but understand you cannot be everywhere!

    Keep up the posting--very valuable information!!



    Hi Lynette.

    Thanks for your appreciation and feedback. It is lovely to hear that my info contributed to your enjoyment of Rostock. The services when the children participate were always my favourites.

    Happy that you met Kel and Joyce, I really enjoyed my time with them and am pleased to hear they enjoyed their time too.

    I am always happy to meet those with whom I have corresponded if I happen to be in Rostock on the day of their visit.

    Happy cruising :)


  12. We have shore excursions booked with TJ Travel in September, and they have advised us that the immigration forms are no longer required for cruise passengers in St Petersburg, just our tour tickets, with passport of course.



    My sanity confirmed by a 'cousin from over the Tasman'.

    As I said, it seems you just have to go with what you are individually told.



    Aren't tips usually included in the bill in most restaurants in Europe? I know the times we have eaten in restaurants a 15% charge is added to the bill, as a 'tip'. If you want to leave extra, then it's up to the person.



    To receive a tip is not a right, it is a reward for a service well done and to tip or not to tip is an individual choice.

    Not sure what happens in the rest of Europe but I have never seen 15% added to the restaurant bill as a tip in either Germany or Scandinavia. I certainly would not be eating there again if a 15% tip was mandatory. I expect my bill to show the same price as advertised on the menu. As someone else said we usually round up the bill or sometimes give extra if the service/food has been particularly good.

    I know that tipping is expected in the US (low wages in service industries) and go along with that but my experience of the attitude, downright rude and demanding, shown on a couple of occasions when I paid the bill but refused to tip after failing to get the service promised left me somewhat disappointed and it has hardened my attitude towards mandatory tipping .


  14. We had to have one early July.


    They took the first half and left us with the lther half. They took the second half when we got back on, but the second day they asked where it was. I told them they took it yesterday. They seemed confused (as it was supposed to be for when we left Russia).

    It depends who you get as to how strict they are. One person didn't even look at our paperwork to see if we were booked on a tour, others were quite strict, checking receipts etc.


    Make sure you have your receipt for your tour if not on a ship tour.



    Thanks but I wish someone would confirm my experience on May 12th, I'm beginning to wonder if I imagined it. :confused:


    So it would appear that the only rule is that there are no rules! Or at least that they change with the weather. :rolleyes:


    In that case you can only do as we did and go along with what you are told on the day :)


    Happy cruising


  15. Are immigration cards for Russia available onboard the ship? Just booked a tour with SPB and they've asked I fill out the immigration card onboard before going through immigration. According to SPB's website, ships are required to have them available onboard. I'm on the Oceania Marina.


    Hi We did a Baltic cruise on Legend of the Seas in May this year. When we arrived in SPB there were no immigration forms available. Panic!

    However, we were told that the rules had changed and they were no longer required. There was a bit of disbelief and apprehension but we just had to go along with what we were being told and sure enough all that was required at immigration was a passport and a tour ticket.

    So it appears the rules have changed and immigration forms are no longer required. Can other cruisers please confirm this as their experience too.


  16. Hi everyone,

    I am looking for a little help on what to do on a day in Korsakov.


    Visiting in October this year, from 0600 to 1800. I think we may need to use a cruise organised excursion, but they do offer a $15 ride to town. Once we get there, what is there to do?


    The info I have found so far is all a bit negative - the museum is poor, there is no real tourism angle.


    Any ideas would be much appreciated.


    Thanks in anticipation!


    Hi, you may do better to post this query on the Ports of Call-Asia forum as Korsakov is on the Pacific Coast of Russia, over 6000 klms from the Baltic and is visited by ships cruising around Japan.

    Happy cruising, :)


  17. Sorry for my confusion.


    When we get off the cruise ship we have to make our way, either by walking, shuttle provided by the ship or taxi (depending upon where we dock) to the Warnemunde train station and then take that train which runs very frequently to Rostock. Presuming I am correct thus far if we want to go to Schwerin we then change trains in

    Rostock for the train that is labeled as going the RE to Hamburg but we get off at the 6th stop which is Schwerin. Am I correct??


    Also, the train from Rostock to Schwerin only leaves every 2 hours so we need to get teh 9:07 train or else the next one is not until 11:07. Is that correct?


    Presuming we need to get the 9:07 train from Rostock what time do we need to be at the Warnemunde train station to get to Rostock in time??




    Hi, As I remember you are cruising on Legend of the Seas, due in Warnemünde on 6th August, 07:00 to 21:30. Your berth is P8 about 5 mins walk from the railway platforms which is by far the quickest way. This map enlarged gives a good idea, the berth numbers are marked in white.



    Trains depart for Rostock every 7 or 8mins up to 7:48 and every 15mins thereafter. The 8:33 from Warnemünde would be the very latest train to catch the 9:07 to Schwerin but obviously an earlier departure would give more time to make the change in Rostock.


    You are correct, from Rostock the train you require is the RE destination Hamburg, Schwerin is the 6th stop (about 10mins after the 5th stop, Bad Kleinen). These trains depart every 2 hours.


    Happy cruising, :)



  18. Thank you, Anni. We need to take the train from Warnemunde to Rostock then tram to Neuer Market, then train back to Warnemunde. Would two single tickets still be enough for that?

    Do you know of any breweries that might be open the day we are in Rostock or Warnemunde?

    We'll include the two sites you mentioned in your posting on our visit.

    Again, thanks so much for all of your help.

    Hi, The single journey ticket costing €1.90 per person covers the whole of the journey from Warnemünde train station to any tram stop in Rostock City eg Neuer Markt. The fact that you start on the train and complete the journey on the tram makes absolutely no difference, it is one single journey. You need to buy another ticket for the return journey, any tram stop in the City to Warnemünde, only because there is no such thing as a return ticket. Tickets can be bought from the machines on the train/tram platforms or inside the tram.


    There are only two breweries in Rostock. The Rostocker brewery is a huge commercial brewery which does do guided group tours but not on Sunday. The Brauhaus Trotzenberg is a restaurant and small brewery on the outskirts of the city, end of tram line #6. They brew on the premises but I'm not sure if the brewery is open to the public although the restaurant would be open on a Sunday.

    Happy cruising :)



  19. Travelanni,


    Thank you so much for all the detailed information on your website about how to visit Schwerin from Warnemunde. My mother and I had a great day because of your detailed directions explaining everything from buying the Lander ticket to how to get from the Schwerin train station to the historic part of town.


    We loved our day in Schwerin, thanks!



    Travel Girl TX and her mama


    Thank you so much for your appreciation. I love this area of Germany and it gives me the greatest pleasure to help other people get the most out of their visit so it is a great thrill to get feedback from someone who enjoyed themselves as much as you and your mother so obviously did. It makes all the time and effort spent on the website and this forum very much worthwhile.

    Kind regards :)


  20. Hello Anni,


    Your website is beautiful and very informative.

    Our cruise docks at Terminal P8 on July 20 and we are in port from 7 am – 9 pm. We plan on buying the local day ticket ($6?) and go to Rostock by train. When arriving we will take tram 5 or 6 – go 3 stops to Neuer Market;tour St. Mary’s Church;walk to University Square; Go to Braugasthaus – Zum alten Fritz;visit Stasi Info Center;return to Warnemunde via train again.There we will visit the harbor & beach also lighthouse & Teepott bldg. Does this seem possible or is it too much? Do you suggest any other sites/activities not to be missed?

    Vielen dank!

    Hi, thank you for your appreciation.

    Your plan sounds good but I will offer a couple of suggestions.

    Firstly, if you are only planning to take public transport into the city and out again you do not need a day ticket. A single ticket, €1.90, will take you from Warnemünde to the Neuer Markt, same ticket for both the train and the tram. There is no such thing as a return ticket, you will need to buy another single for the return journey. A day ticket is only a saving if you intend to make three or more trips in one day. Two single tickets €3.80 - one Day Ticket €4.70


    The Braugasthaus is a very nice restaurant on the riverside but it is not a brewery if that is what you were looking for. The owners do brew their own beer but not on the premises.


    Buggins' info is quite correct, the Stasi Documentation Centre is only open Tuesday to Saturday, closed Sunday, Monday and public holidays.


    Two other places worth visiting.

    The Cultural Museum (free entry) in the former Convent of the Holy Ghost, the entrance is in the left hand corner of University Square. The building alone, dating from 14th century, is worth a look. You could then walk through the Convent Garden, alongside the best preserved section of the city wall to

    The Kröpeliner Tor - the biggest and most important of the 22 city gates and the only one of the 4 remaining gates which has public access. There is usually an English speaker on duty inside who can tell you about the city history, the gate itself and the city wall. The gate is on the way to the Braugasthaus.


    In Warnemünde, on the way back from the beach it is worthwhile to walk along the street one back from the harbourside. There are quaint old fishermen's cottages, now holiday apartments, and a bronze fountain depicting a traditional, 19th century wedding procession which is re-enacted every May at the beginning of the holiday season.


    Enjoy your day,

    Happy cruising :)



  21. Anni


    While I agree 100% with you about Berlin, Berlin is the place people know as a true world capital, and that is what will lure them in. Isn't it the same as Rome? No ship docks anywhere near Rome, but in a small port quite a distance away, but when people want to book a cruise and want to see exciting places, their interest peeks a lot more when Berlin is mentioned, rather than Rostock. Berlin holds that magical something, same as so many other world capitals. I've yet to meet or even hear from anyone who took that trip to Berlin and regretted it.


    In theory you are absolutely correct but the way business is done, people want to go and see exciting places, that's why Berlin is the destination, rather than Hamburg or any other German City.





    Hi Len, I agree entirely with you about why people want to go to Berlin and it was never my intention to knock that decision or to imply that the number of people visiting the city from cruise ships has declined, only the percentage using the ship's tours.

    Berlin is an interesting, exciting and vibrant city with a wealth of history and great buildings, deserving of far more than a fleeting visit. The city of my childhood and still my favourite city.

    My argument is with the cruise lines describing Berlin as the 'port of call' rather than the city to which they run excursions from the actual port of call, Rostock. I recognise the business thinking behind this, peaking the customers interest with the word Berlin, but the cruise lines which call in Hamburg and offer excursions to Berlin manage to attract passengers and fill their excursion trains without advertising the port of call as Berlin.

    It is rather like advertising the port of call as Washington when the ship is docking in New York or advertising the port of call as Canberra when the ship is docking in Sydney simply because Washington and Canberra are capitals and a day excursion is offered. The distances involved are about the same as Rostock to Berlin.

    BTW the distance between Civitavecchia and Rome is only 76klms, under one hour travel time (similar to Nynashamn and Stockholm) so it does not really compare. Civitavecchia is also a commercial port known officially as the Port of Rome whereas Rostock is the Port of Rostock not Berlin.




  22. Anni


    Thanks for such a great post! I wish you could rewrite Rick Steve's guide for this port for him....he really blew it.


    His information on what to do in the general port area is sketchy. He really encourages people to make the long trek to Berlin, where it's something that must be careful consideration since it's so far. My guess, it's because Northeast Germany is an area that he pretty much ignored in his country books for land travelers and he's not familiar with it - so in the Northern Europe port guide, he doesn't give the area full justice.


    Hi, thanks for your appreciation. It was the lack of information about this area which prompted me to create my website but thanks in no small part to the contributors to this forum NE Germany is now getting the recognition it deserves.


  23. Anni,

    What do you suggest for time in Rostock? I think the Constellation docks there instead of Warnemunde - July 20 sailing. Is there enough to do for the day and is transportation between the two towns easy? We were considering going to the castle in Schwerin with a tour that also includes some time seeing Rostock. How do you feel about that trip or is there a better alternative? We would like to see as much as possible in our day there but do not want to rent a car but would like to see some countryside if an option.


    Hi, I believe that you posted the same question on the above thread on July 7th. There are five very detailed and helpful replies, one of which is mine, all posted within 24hrs or so of your query.

    Happy cruising :)


  24. Isn't the autobahn between Warnemuende and Berlin speed limited for most if not all of the journey?


    In a similar context, I recall advice from locals about which side of the Rhine to drive along, because the autobahn on one side was speed limited and the autobahn on the other was not.


    These are the current speed limits in force between Rostock and Berlin. They can, of course, change at any time due to road works.


    Rostock to junction with E22, approx. 30 klm - Speed limit varies, in some places temporary due to road works, in others unlimited.

    Junction with E22 to junction with E26, approx 100klm - Unlimited.

    Junction with E26 to Berlin Ring Road, approx 80klm - Speed limit 130kph

    Berlin Ring Road, approx 20klm - Speed limit varies between 120kph and unlimited.


    Driving on the autobahn is safe even with such high speeds as German drivers are very disciplined and the road rules strictly obeyed. As long as o/seas drivers do the same they are OK. I, personally, feel safer on the autobahn than on country roads where impatient drivers do not seem to stick so closely to the rules.



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