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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. I've been enjoying sailing along with you from the "frozen tundra". Congrats on your Bingo win - good luck for more before you finally dock. It's interesting to see that my favourite Cosmopolitan and Lemon Drop Martini are now just over the limit for the Signature Beverage Package. They're clever, or at least they think they are. Re: your Pinnacle experience - did you comment on it using the Navigator app? I certainly would have done so. What a disappointment the lobster must have been for you. And the lack of service for an upscale experience is appalling.
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. We have a few dictionaries around the house, but for the past number of years, I've used my phone to check words. I can't cut up my credit card because I use it every day. I haven't used cash in so long that I can't remember the last time I did. Sochi will be happy it's Global Cat Day; she thinks for her it's every day! A chilly morning at 0C which means we've got frost on the windshields as we're in a bit of a dip on our street. It's to be expected at this time of year, but at least according to my memories on FB, we don't have snow as we did 6 years ago. This week we need to do a couple of things - get our latest Covid shots and on Thursday we're heading to Calgary for some much needed grandson time. Now that DH is feeling better, I am more comfortable with our driving there - he doesn't want to fly because he doesn't like being without a car, even though I've suggested we just rent one when we get there. @NextOne sending prayers for you and your medical team as you have your valve replacement tomorrow. @57redbirdprayers for your DH's ablation procedure mid week. @Cruzin Terriprayers and hugs for whatever you're going through. I'd like to try the drink as long as it isn't gritty from the pumpkin spice, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and the menu suggestion looks delicious. I do have ground beef thawing in the fridge, but that's going to be made into quesadillas for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly those involved in wars in Israel and Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I hadn't heard of Sweetest Day, so I looked it up and it's a day to share romantic deeds or expressions and acts of charity or kindness. I like that. You don't see many white canes these days, not sure why. We should be able to repair, rather than replace, but in today's world, that's just not the case. I'm envious of everyone's temperatures, as ours was -1C when I woke up and there's a stiff breeze blowing as well, making it feel like -5C. To make myself feel better, I bring up the PTZ cameras at various locations (FLL, Miami, Key West, etc.) where nobody wears a sweater. The other morning on the Key West cam I caught sight of a bunch of chickens and little chicks walking down the middle of the road; so cute! @JazzyVthanks for adding me to the care list; I'm sure there are many others among us who deserve to be there more than I do. Yesterday was true to form with celestial events - we had cloud cover until about noon, just after the annular eclipse had ended, and then the clouds parted, and we had bright sunshine for the rest of the day. I had to be content looking at photos online that others had taken from different parts of the world. We took a drive out of town to a garden centre where they were advertising succulents at clearance prices of $2 each. Once we got there we realized why - they were tiny and in terrible shape; I'm surprised they even had them out, as they looked like they'd been neglected for a long time. Not much on the agenda today, just removing the cushions from the deck furniture and storing them inside, and moving the 2 chairs at our front entrance into a storage area in the back yard for the winter. DH pumped out the fountain yesterday, so today we'll wrap it with tarping to help keep it secure from winter storms. Today's the day we plan on getting a number of bags of bird seed before the prices go up - which tends to happen as soon as the temperature drops. Ironically, we store the bird seed in kitty litter pails, as they're waterproof and mouse proof as well. I'd like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and would likely make today's menu suggestion using ground beef or sliced beef. I've taken out a couple of pork chops that DH said he'll barbecue for us, so we'll enjoy them along with baked potatoes and grilled asparagus at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly those in Israel and Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Baldness can certainly have a second day, I love dessert, and use a lot of eggs in baking, especially around the holidays. As much as I'd love to see the annular solar eclipse today, it's not looking good right now as we've got heavy clouds over us. Hopefully the wind will blow them away so we can use our pinhole cameras to view it. Although we tend to have tons of sunshine, it seems whenever there's a celestial event, we end up under a blanket of clouds. Well I found out the cause of my shoulder pain - it seems I managed to acquire a 1.8cm (3/4") tear in a tendon, commonly known as a torn rotator cuff. How the heck that happened, I have no idea. I spoke with the Dr. over the phone and he's referring me to an orthopedic surgeon to see what can be done. I can manage it alright during the daytime, but find that I wake up because I'm stretching in my sleep, causing pain. We'll see what happens; I'll just keep taking OTC anti-inflammatories for night time. It isn't earth shattering or life threatening, so I'm not going to worry about it. Not a lot on the agenda today except that DH and I have to get out in the back yard and empty the fountain for the year. Every night it's getting cooler and cooler and before we know it, we'll be having frost on a regular basis, and we don't want to ruin the fountain or the pump. Someone told me a couple of days ago that they were worried their air miles were going to expire, so they ordered a new set of golf clubs. That got me thinking about all the air miles we accrue through the daily use of our credit card, so I went onto the reward site and ordered a new air fryer. I had been thinking of replacing our 2 year old one with something better, and in a couple of weeks should be the proud owner of a Ninja 12 in one double oven air fryer that looks like it does everything except knit socks. I love today's menu suggestion - I made meatloaf last week and it was enjoyed for a couple of meals. @dfish I always add a good splash of milk along with a handful or two of oatmeal and onion soup mix to mine. Topping is a combination of ketchup, dry mustard and nutmeg - yum! I'm giving a pass on the drink of the day, the wine, and because we had meatloaf not that long ago, will pass on it as well. DH brought home a couple of packages of breaded chicken wings that will be going into the air fryer before being tossed in the honey garlic sauce. I think we'll just have crudites and dip along with the wings, so it'll look like pub grub for us at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone in Israel, especially the hostages for safety, and for the people of Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH is skeptical about a number of things. My silly saying is: You can grow old, but you don't have to grow up. Sight is so important and needs to be protected. We've got an overcast and breezy day again - wow, the leaves are really coming down, although I can still see a couple of poplar trees behind us that are fully green. If they come down after a snow, that means a real mess for us in spring. A few minutes ago we had about 20 geese noisily flying over the yard in a southerly direction - maybe they know something we don't? DH's daughter and her mother are also on the Nieuw Amsterdam and she messaged us the other day to say that Guatemala was being removed from the itinerary due to civil unrest and rioting in the streets. Today they are supposed to be in El Salvador; not sure that's a much better option, but that's where they are. I mentioned the safety factor to her and was told they were going on a ship's excursion, so keeping our fingers crossed for all of them! @mamaofamiI'm sorry to hear Sam spent so little time at home and is now back in hospital. Hopefully they can get his breathing under control so he can return to you quickly. I know @marshhawkusually doesn't check in once they've left for a trip, but do wish them safety and happiness as they explore Rome before heading to their cruise. In about an hour I'm going to call the physician's office to see what the results were of the x-rays and ultrasound on my shoulder. While watching the ultrasound, I asked the technician what one of the images was; her reply: "That's where Neil Armstrong landed on the moon." Then apologized that she couldn't tell me anything. At all. I understood, but enjoyed her humour. Not a lot on our agenda today, although DH wants to go out and get a few things from the hardware store - it seems he's running out of nuts and bolts, who knew?! LOL I'm going to give the drink a pass, am sure I'd like the wine, and would love to try the menu suggestion, just not today. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so if we head out to the hardware store late this afternoon, we'll stop by one of the shops and pick up something hot and gooey to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly those in Israel and Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I was part of a cookbook launch - one that was created during lockdown called The International Quarantine Cookbook. Since that made it's debut, there have been 2 additional books published and I'm happy to say I've got recipes in books 1 and 2. A copy of the first book has been placed in Canada's Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec - how cool is that? Everyone should have savings, just in case. Both DH's and my dads were farmers so we know the struggles they face. @cruising sister wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy and happy returns of the day. @marshhawk sending good vibes for an uneventful trip to Rome. Be sure to wear a cross-body bag and keep one hand on it at all times - better safe than sorry. I agree with what was said about showing the denomination of your money to either the cab driver or shop keeper, that way they won't be able to take advantage of you. A quiet day for us, as there's nothing planned except that I'm going for a gel nail fill - the other day I had my thumbnail chip and I kept catching it on everything until I finally got out the nail file and smoothed down the edges. That hasn't happened in a long time; I wonder if the salon is using a different gel. It seems we haven't gotten a lot done the past few days as we've been glued to the television keeping abreast of what's happening in Israel. So many prayers have been offered for them. I'm going to give the drink a pass, would like to try the rose and that soup looks delicious! We've still got some buns and turkey left from Thanksgiving so tonight we'll be enjoying ground turkey and sweet pickle sandwiches accompanied by crudities on the deck. And wine. Prayers for so many whose lives are in peril and suffering. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Yay for all of us girl children! Not sure about having an actual party today, but I will definitely give a huge shout out to all Emergency Nurses. It's really looking like fall out there this morning - we've got a stiff breeze blowing from the north and as I look out the computer room window, the golden and green coloured trees are swaying mightily. And the leaves are tumbling down, but there's no sense in bringing out the leaf blower until the wind stops, as they will just keep coming. The overnight low last night was supposed to be 0, so we brought all the plants into the dining room again. I'm thinking we might as well take them downstairs today and put them in their places for the balance of fall and the coming winter. @Haljo1935you and I are both experiencing shoulder issues; I'm going for x-rays and an ultrasound to see what's happening with mine this morning. Hopefully you'll get yours feeling better soon. @Nickelpennybelated Happy Birthday wishes to you! @Heartgrovesending good thoughts to you Jack, as you remember your brother fondly today. Not a lot happening for us today, so we might take a bit of time to just do some shopping while we're out for my appointment this morning. Late this afternoon we're joining our friends (one of DH's bandmates) for a birthday celebration dinner - he turned 81 yesterday but had a solo gig last night and couldn't get out of it. I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and we're almost turkey'd out, having had it since Sunday. I'm not sure what will be on the restaurant menu tonight, but it will be delicious and will be accompanied by good conversation with fun friends. And wine. Prayers for everyone in Israel - the atrocities are unfathomable. Continued prayers for the people of Ukraine who are still so brave and stoic. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to look up Ada Lovelace, but when I did, I was very thankful for her gift of knowledge that we take so much for granted today. My ultimate fear is of snakes, and I will definitely not face that one. We do have the metric system in Canada, but I still think of height in feet and inches, and weight in pounds. Distance is easy because 100kms takes you an hour at 60mph. Menus in Canada still describe steaks in imperial measures so you aren't left wondering what size you're ordering, and you can order a 6 or 9 ounce glass of wine. We've got a cool but bright fall day out there this morning with a current temperature of 5C (41F); the daytime highs are gradually starting to go lower though, today being 19(66), but the rest of the week in the 11 - 13 range (51-55). Afternoons on the deck are lovely with the sun shining through the windows; Sochi spends most of the afternoon out there and in her catio. Not a lot on the agenda today, just heading out to W-M to pick up food for Sochi, and I have to make an appointment to get my shoulder looked at. Because the weather's still nice, I think it might be the right time to put away the outdoor furniture and store the cushions downstairs before it gets too cold and wet. @marshhawkoh my goodness, what a bunch of hassles you're having to endure just before you leave. Once you are on the plane, I'm sure you're going to let out a huge sigh of relief! I hope you can get everything straightened out quickly. @cruising sistersuch sad news about sweet baby Murphy; her parents must be totally worn out with worry. I know I'd like the drink of the day, would certainly enjoy the wine, and think today's menu suggestion would make a great dinner on a colder day. There's still lots of turkey left so I think we'll be having hot turkey sandwiches with the remaining pumpkin pie for dessert on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in the wars in Ukraine and Israel, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Thank you! We've been on several HAL ships at Canadian Thanksgiving and were always pleased to see it was recognized.
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Some days are full of curious events, others are quite normal. Fire Prevention Day should be every day - there are far too many fires that devastate homes and businesses. Thank you Mr. Leif Erikson! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Daily friends I'm sure many of us enjoyed our large dinners yesterday so family/friends could make their way home today. I noticed early yesterday morning many of our neighbour's lights were on, which likely meant they were prepping for a big dinner. This morning those same lights were dark, so I think I'm right. Today is a totally free day for us - many of the stores are closed that we would normally head out to, and there's nothing on the calendar. I guess all I'll be doing is putting away the good china and silverware, the roaster, etc., and that's about it. I've been having some difficulty with my left shoulder for a number of days, so am going to put my blanket making on the back burner for a while. Not sure what the problem is, but it isn't getting any better, so I may just make an appointment to get it checked out. It's looking like another nice fall day for us with temperatures expected to reach 20C (68) which means it will be nice and warm to sit on the deck with the windows closed, letting the sun warm it nicely. Might even be a good place for a nap later on - I'll bet DH takes advantage of that! I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day, would definitely enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion, but would try it in a restaurant. We've got leftovers - turkey, mashed potatoes, veg. casserole, coleslaw, buns, and of course pumpkin pie to enjoy on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in Israel and Ukraine who need it most right now. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't played tag in years, don't know anyone close enough to ask for a motorcycle ride, but I always have music on in the house. When I have to do some housecleaning, I always put on one of my favourite Queen CD's turned up loud, and go to it. Who knew that microwaves were so old? My MIL bought us one just after we got married so the step-kids could cook some things by themselves - she didn't trust my cooking. LOL It was huge and ever so heavy. @WannaSea and @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruises!! @mamaofamiI'm so sorry to hear Sam is back in hospital; I hope it's a short stay. @RMLincolnsometimes going to a retreat brings back upsetting memories and I think it helps to get through them in order to have a clearer outlook when you leave. I hope this was what happened in your case. Yesterday's wedding went well; the family has Scottish history so there were traditions incorporated into the ceremony - the Quaich (loving cup), and the hand binding. The bride carried a bouquet that was bound with ribbon that came from the groom's great grandmother's wedding bouquet. Instead of a formal sit-down dinner, they had 3 grazing tables that were absolutely laden with different meats, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, nuts and crackers. They also had a dessert table that was put together by the mothers of the bride and groom from their favourite recipes. The groom's mother comes from Portugal so she had Portuguese tarts - oh yum! The bride's mother (my cousin) made jam-jam cookies - using my Mom's recipe. They also had little bags so people could take some of the baking home with them, and there are a couple of them waiting on the cupboard for us this morning. Heartfelt prayers for the people of Israel, and my thoughts and prayers go to the people who were medically disembarked yesterday for a good outcome for them. It'll be a busy but enjoyable day for us as we'll be having Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon. There will only be 6 of us, as DH's daughter is on a cruise with her mother, and another couple is out of town. We'll be having DH's son, our son-in-law, and our friends who don't have children, so only 6 at the table, but I'm sure there'll be enough noise that it will sound like many more. I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion. Our dinner tonight will consist of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, a vegetable casserole, coleslaw, fresh buns, cucumbers in vinegar (DH's favourite), and crustless pumpkin pie. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in wars in Ukraine and now Israel. Cheers to all with celebrations. TAG, you're it! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. The house smells delicious - the buns are baked and cooling on the racks as we speak. I always like to get the table set in advance, so after taking all the plants and putting them back on the deck (where I hope they can stay for at least a week), I went to work on the table. Earlier this morning I opened a new tablecloth that I'd purchased at a big chain that recently closed - they claimed to have everything for your Bed, your Bathroom, and Beyond that. I tossed the tablecloth into the wash and dryer, and then proceeded to iron it before putting it on the dining room table. As I was ironing, I noticed there was a larger hem on one side than the other - I thought they must have goofed with the packaging and put in a single top sheet. Until I realized there were little slits in the wide hem . . . I didn't have a tablecloth, I had a shower curtain! I went outside to look at the package and yes, it did say tablecloth, so that's what we're using it as! It was a little wonky size-wise, but I've folded it up and I don't think anyone other than DH and I (and all of you) will know we're eating off a shower curtain rather than a tablecloth. LOL Off to shower and get changed so I can officiate the wedding in a couple of hours - I hope everyone has a good afternoon. Stay safe and see you tomorrow!
  13. I'm so glad the missing passengers returned to the ship and pray for the people who have to be disembarked due to a medical condition - what a horrible time for a medical emergency! Please keep us updated as you can; we worry about all of you.
  14. @HAL Sailer oh my goodness, that's wonderful news! I'm so glad for you and DH that he's now looking well enough to be transferred to a different facility. Continued prayers for his return to better health, and for strength for you as you cheer him on.
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't have a lot of bald men in our family, but I'd rather see bald than someone trying to cover it up with 3 hairs and a lot of hope. As kids we always walked to school, even during blizzards; that's just how it was. Every day should be smile day - you might just brighten someone's outlook with your smile. The wind has stopped, the sun is coming up and I see we've got clear blue skies again. It's shaping up to be a beautiful fall day here on the "frozen tundra", which is great because I have a wedding to officiate outdoors this afternoon. It's for the my cousin's daughter, so that means we'll be able to enjoy the festivities after the ceremony and reconnect with some relatives as well. Bon Voyage to @kazu, @0106, @St Pete Cruiser, and our other friends who are also embarking the Rotterdam today. I'm saying extra prayers today for the people in Israel who were affected by the overnight invasion. I've read a couple of things on FB from passengers who had their excursions cut short and were not sure where they were going to be headed once the Nieuw Statendam left port. Yesterday I made the vegetable casserole, today I'll be baking a batch of buns and hopefully will also have time to make the crustless pumpkin pie before having to get ready for the wedding. Time will tell just what I'm able to get done. I'd like to try the drink of the day just to see if I like it or not, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and do enjoy lasagna once in a while, even if it isn't the regular type. For us however, we'll be enjoying whatever fare is served us at the wedding reception tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Is Come and Take It Day like curbside recycling where everything at the curb is open for others to take? Both DH and I have a number of hats, but don't think we'll be wearing any today. Yay for Physician Assistants - a valuable position in any medical clinic. Thank goodness for scientist Sabin's vaccine - I do recall getting the shot as a child, and later just a drop on the tongue. A friend of ours had polio as a child, albeit a mild case in that he didn't have to go into an iron lung, but today suffers from post-polio syndrome and is having great difficulty walking. Well I'm glad I brought the plants in to the house last night because right now we're sitting at -6C (21F). Looking at the forecast for the next number of days, it seems we can put them all back out on the deck because we aren't expecting another frost for at least a week. Might as well get them as much sunlight as possible before we have to bring them in and use grow lights to supplement the usual light they would get. Here's what our dining table looked like last night. @smitty34877I'm so glad you had an enjoyable evening out; it's good for the soul to get out of your regular surroundings for even a couple of hours. @RMLincoln enjoy your retreat! This morning I'm making cupcakes and this afternoon DH and I will bring them over to a friend (her husband has the post-polio syndrome) for her birthday. Other than that there's not a lot on the agenda - I've taken the turkey out of the freezer and it's thawing slowly in the spare fridge, so Thanksgiving dinner preparations are under way. I think today's drink of the day would be great on a warm summer's day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, but will take a pass on the menu suggestion. Of course it's Friday night pizza night, so on our way home from our friend's this afternoon we'll stop and pick up something hot and cheesy that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We should try to do something nice every day; you never know what kind of day others are having. Random acts of poetry - most unusual. Bless all the teachers; I've been married to one for 46 years and know what they have to go through. It's definitely looking like fall out there this morning - we've got a temp of +6(42) and it's only going up to +8(46). Yesterday was exactly what we would expect of fall on the "frozen tundra" - cold rain from early morning until late afternoon. We didn't even have enough sunlight for the solar garden lights to come on. All the plants will be brought in from the deck tonight as we're looking at an overnight low of -4(24) and we don't want to lose them. Yesterday morning I received a text from our local pharmacy saying the RSV, Covid and flu vaccines were now available for booking. Being Johnny-on-the spot, I immediately went to the online site and booked us in for appointments at 11:00 and 11:10. We drove over to the pharmacy and upon arriving were told that the RSV vaccine had not actually been received, and that there was a charge of $280 plus injection fee for it. Hmmm, re-thinking that one. We were handed some paperwork to complete, sat down, and as we were doing that, a tech came over and said the Covid vaccine was only available 6 months after your last one and ours isn't due until October 17th. We got the flu shot. That's what happens when you're a keener! So far neither of us has had a reaction, which is not unusual for us. Later this morning I'm making a brownie because friends are coming over this afternoon for a respite from their family; their daughter and her 3 children (ages 11, 8, 3) have moved in "temporarily" due to a marriage breakdown, and they need a break. I have a feeling they'll stay longer than just for coffee, and I'm thinking we'll be enjoying Chinese food with them at the dining table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't golf, but have friends who spend many hours on the links, have never had a frappe (are they like milkshakes?), and every day should be world animal day! Good grief, when I opened this thread, it was already on page 3! I felt like I'd slept in past noon with all the posts. First of all @0106 my heart dropped when I read your post as it brought me back to our fiasco in October last year when I went to check in for our flights to Barcelona and discovered they were gone. I am so happy you were able to get replacement flights and that your preferred seating was still available - hopefully that will be the last of the issues for you and once you're onboard the BHB, you can totally relax. @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels welcome to the Daily; probably one of the most positive places in all of CC world. @JazzyV wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more healthy returns of the day! @Cruzin Terri wishing you and your DH a Happy 42nd; let the love and laughter continue! It's a cool, cloudy day out there for us at only 5C (41F), and it's looking we'll be getting more rain in a couple of hours. Rain isn't bad because at this time of the year, the soil really needs it to help with next spring's seeding. About 95% of the province's crops have been harvested, and the ones remaining won't be bothered by the rain, so it's all good. I'd like the drink of the day, as it's a gin & tonic with the addition of some soda water, and know I'd like the wine - a nice Rioja. It seems I was one day ahead when I thought yesterday was Taco Day - we ended up ordering a few tacos and mexi fries and when the bill came, I was a little surprised to see they weren't 99 cents as I'd thought. No worries, we enjoyed them anyway. We have some buns left from the last batch, so we'll be having some roast beef sandwiches and vegetable soup at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I married my last boyfriend, am all for Child Health Day, especially our sweet Daily baby Murphy, and am grateful for the techies who can fix what I can't. DH always calls on me to fix things on the computer, as if I work for Computers R Us; little does he know that I usually just turn it off and turn it on again. LOL Wow, is it ever foggy out there this morning - I can barely see across the street! I guess that's what happens after a few days of rain and then the temperature rises. It won't be rising for long though, because we're expecting frost on Thursday night and that means we'll be bringing in all the plants that we're planning on over-wintering. I'd better search out the plastic tablecloths for the dining table and floor so there isn't a huge mess to clean up when we can put them back outside for a bit longer. @kazuwishing you safe travels today; I think @0106might also be heading out, but not sure. I do know of a couple of others on the same trip and wish them well also. @Quartzsite CruiserI'm glad to hear DH's issues weren't too serious and that you were able to come home (albeit late) last night. Praying for continued progress. @Seasick SailorI do hope your back is feeling somewhat better today; if not, head thee to a doctor, girl! I saw this yesterday and got a good chuckle from it - as did my police officer friends. Hope it gives you a smile as well. First Tuesday of the month, so I've got breakfast with retired colleagues this morning - we just found out yesterday that sadly, one is no longer with us, so we'll be remembering her in our conversations. I jokingly told a friend that this is proof that only the good die young; she agreed! I'm not a fan of the drink, would enjoy some of the rose, and will tuck the menu suggestion away until after Thanksgiving when I'm pretty sure we'll have leftover turkey. As someone mentioned previously, it is indeed Taco Tuesday, so late this afternoon we'll be heading over to Taco Time to bring home tacos and Mexi-fries that we will be enjoying at the kitchen table for dinner. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. I remember being able to order Steak Diane in the Pinnacle. Sigh.
  21. It all depends on the hospital - when DH was sent to hospital in Panama City, the overnight stay along with ambulance fees, CT scans, ECG's, etc., came to a whopping $10,000 which of course we didn't have in our pockets, but were able to put on our credit card. While there I visited another couple who were on their 3rd credit card of the stay and were hoping he would be discharged before their cards ran out. Just our experience - hopefully you won't have to find out in person. @Quartzsite Cruisersending prayers that your DH's blood pressure issues are just a small hiccup in his recovery process. @Seasick SailorOh yikes, I'm sorry about your back - please make an appointment to get it checked out, otherwise you won't be able to help your sweet DH at all.
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Whenever I'm in a public building and see a custodial worker, I always try to make a point of going over and thanking them for keeping the place looking so good. While I've never named a car, there were a few that I've called names. Yay for farm animals. Not a fan of the Musk guy, but his quote is true. Another gloomy looking day out there for us - right now it's drizzling (as it did all night long) and we've got a temp of +6(42F) looking at high of +9(48). It's definitely looking and sounding like fall outside; the leaves that have come down are plastered to the lawns and the birds are huddled in the spruces to stay out of the rain. I had a great sleep last night as I took out my winter jammies from storage and stayed warm all night long. @lindalerBon Voyage; I can feel your excitement! @kazuI can only imagine the flurry in your house, trying to get everything together for you and Ivan - don't hurt yourself doing it! @StLouisCruisersthank you for the photos of little Elliott Rose - she's a doll! @rafinmdI'm so glad you're able to enjoy the cold fruit soups; wish HAL would bring them back. Although it's wet and miserable outside, we have to go out for groceries and do some shopping for things for this weekend's Thanksgiving dinner. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, but who could pass up a wine that's described as "racy, well-mannered and elegant"? Because I made a big pot of borscht yesterday, I'll be freezing some, but we'll be finishing the rest of it off for dinner along with ham bunwiches at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. Safe travels my friend, hopefully next year we’ll be able to take another trans-Atlantic journey! Will be living vicariously through your travels this cruise, so have a wonderful time.
  24. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't drink nearly as much coffee as in the past - usually starting our day with a flavoured tea. I think when DH gets up instead of having a second cup of tea, I'll make coffee. I used to remember thinking of elderly as someone who was about 40 years older than me . . . in that case, I guess there aren't many elderly people left! I'm all about frugal fun. Wow, it's dark out there - not only is the sun getting up later in the morning, it doesn't help that we've had rain all night and continuing right now. The temperature is hovering at +9 (48F), and we're expecting a whopping high of +10(50F), so we don't have far to go. It's definitely a day to stay indoors, dig out the sweaters, probably turn on the furnace for the first time in a number of months, and just be. @Quartzsite Cruiser so happy to hear Steve's progress; prayers for it to continue. @cunnorl wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday! @Nickelpenny and @Live4cruises Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruises! @StLouisCruisersextra prayers for your friend's DH. @kazuoh my gosh, you have a TON of bulbs!!! Good luck with the packing - I'm sure it won't take you long once you get started. @smitty34877 I do hope the person coming in to interview for Tana's aide works out well for all of you. @lindalersafe travels today - how exciting! Not a lot on the agenda for us today, so I think I'll just settle in and work on another blanket. I was pleased the other day to find a brightly variegated yarn that really adds great accent colour to the finished blankets, so I'm looking forward to working with that. I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and will tuck the recipe away for another day. It's cool, wet and rainy, so I'm going to make a big pot of borscht and fresh buns for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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