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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We’re showered, dressed, breakfasted and coffee’d up, now to wait for the taxi/Uber to take us to the port. We know we’re close to he port, because as we were walking into Ace hardware yesterday, we heard the Princess song from a departing ship. We’ve requested a “wave” from PTZ, and hope we’re caught on the camera. Our location is on the 4th floor, 4 cabins aft of the last tender, and we'll have a Canadian flag on our balcony. We’re wearing bright colours, DH in green and I’m in yellow. You can’t miss us, we’ll be the crazies waving like mad as the ship passes the camera. LOL Not sure how many times I’ll be posting, but want to wish everyone a good, healthy 3 weeks ahead. Be safe, stay well, play nice! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  2. Well, for the first time in a long while, we’ll be on the other side of a sail-away. We plan on being on our balcony with our friends(1 other couple) 4 cabins aft of the last tender boat on the 4th floor. We will also have a large Canadian flag on the balcony, and I’ve requested a “wave” from the PTZ folks. I’m wearing a bright yellow top, while DH is in bright green; hope the camera catches us!
  3. A new 4 star Mariner reached out to me with a question I couldn’t really answer. If they have an 11:20 boarding time, can they board at11:00 because their 4 star status says they get priority boarding? I thought the answer would likely be yes, but would like responses from others who have more experience than I.
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! It was a long day for us yesterday, getting up at 2:00AM to be showered, dressed and ready for the taxi at 3:15 to take us to the airport. DH thought I was a bit over the top with our timing, but changed his mind when he saw there were at least a dozen people in line when we got there. Fortunately our flights were pretty close to schedules, and we arrived safely in the beautiful, warm, humid atmosphere of Ft Lauderdale along with our luggage by late afternoon. I kept tracking our luggage with the AirTags, and was pleased when I could see we were still travelling as a unit. We checked into the Hyatt FLL Cruise Port, dropped our bags off in our room and went for a very late lunch/early dinner to the Outback Steakhouse just a few steps away from the hotel. Seriously, we’d forgotten the size of the portions there; DH ordered the maple glazed pork chops, while I had the bloomin’ fried chicken. We could very easily have ordered 1 meal, shared it, and been completely satisfied! Today is our free day, so we’ll do what we do best - go shopping! The Harbor Shops area is just a couple of blocks away, so there’s a TJ Max, Total Wine (woo hoo!), and an Ace Hardware where I plan on getting a couple of bags of Dotties Pretzels to bring on the ship for room snacks. In addition, across the street is a Ross store . . . could a girl ask for more??? We’ve decided to return to our favourite place for dinner tonight - the Quarterdeck Restaurant where DH will have a full rack of ribs that remind us of the ribs on the Flintstones cartoons, and I’ll enjoy their pecan crusted chicken salad. And wine. Hopefully by the time we return to the hotel from dinner tonight, we will receive word that our friends have arrived in FLL from the “frozen tundra” as well. It makes me nervous thinking about arriving 2 days prior to sailing in winter months, let alone giving only 1 day to get to the departure city! Fingers crossed that they make it! Prayers to everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations. Be well, stay safe! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  5. @dfishokay, so the first time it broke, he was eating a puff pastry . . . today he was literally sucking on a piece of chocolate. *shaking my head* As I said, when we return there's going to be a conversation with the denturist about how it was "repaired". It's still holding now, so fingers crossed!
  6. I used to use crazy glue to seal the cracks on my fingers when going through files and having the paper totally dry out my hands. Thanks for the advice in Spain, though, I appreciate that! I'm tempted to bring DH's dremel tool and a little eyeglass screw to fix the darn thing if it comes off on the ship! LOL We'll be having words with the denturist when we return home . . . . .
  7. Thanks Joy! I've already got the crazy glue in my 3-1-1 bag. This is ridiculous, isn't it? We're looking forward to meeting you & your DH as well. See you soon!
  8. Congratulations! That's the same one that DH was finding favour with on the Oosterdam! I'll have to tell him, as I'm sure he'll seek it out on the Rotterdam in a couple of days.
  9. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. First of all, it was very early when I posted this morning and I have to apologize for neglecting to thank all of you for your kind words of condolence on our 3 losses. It was a stressful day, but at the end of it, we realized there isn't anything we can do to change what has happened, and we must go on living our lives with the knowledge that these 3 people made significant impacts on them for us. We really feel bad for our DDIL, as she won't be able to return to Japan in time for the funeral, but after speaking with them today, it looks like the 4 of them may go for a couple of weeks to visit her relatives in May. @mamaofamiplease wish Sam a Happy Birthday for me tomorrow! @smitty34877 and @marshhawkcongratulations on your decades of sobriety; it's not easy and you are both to be commended for it! I'd hug you if we were closer! Well most of the tasks are completed - bedding changed, laundry done, (folded and put away, too, woo hoo!), vacuuming and dusting complete, and even the bathrooms are looking sparkly. I did a final check of the suitcases, of course, throwing in a few more things (well there's room, so why not?), and changing the lists accordingly. I now have to all the taxi company so they can have a car here for us at 3:30 tomorrow morning. I do plan on calling it an early night, so we'll see if sleep is really in the cards for us or not. There's always dozing on the plane, right? Better go; it's time to head out to Popeyes to pick up dinner, then home, and get ready for a short winter's night. Take care everyone and make the best of 2023! Well for crying out loud - DH just called out to me from the other room "Ger, you're not going to believe this, but my tooth broke again." Argh. The denturist told him if it were to happen again, to use Crazy Glue . . . let us pray! This is nuts!!!
  10. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! First of all Happy New Year to all our Daily family - my wish for you for the year ahead is good health and happiness, and maybe a cruise or two thrown in for good measure. No hangovers here, as we only shared a small bottle of Frexinet at midnight. I'd like to try both the drink of the day and the wine as well. True to form before a cruise, I was up at the crack of dark this morning - with only 1 more sleep to go before we leave the "frozen tundra", the excitement builds. Of course there are last minute things to be done - put fresh sheets on the bed, finish the laundry, vacuum the house and get it ready for our house sitter to move in tomorrow morning. Because we have to be at the airport so early (4AM), I'm hoping to wear myself out so I can get to bed early as well and maybe(?) get some rest. We'll see how that works. LOL I'm sure once we get to Ft Lauderdale, I'll be much more relaxed and will just glide onto the Rotterdam on Wednesday. @Cat in my lap Happy Anniversary to the two of you! This morning we're heading out to our local Denny's for a family breakfast with DH's son, daughter and son-in-law. After that its back home where we'll finish off the household tasks and make some New Year phone calls to friends far away. I like today's menu suggestion, but don't intend on doing much cooking today. It was suggested yesterday that perhaps we should just order something for pick-up, so it's looking like we're going to be enjoying Popeye's chicken with cole slaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Speaking of wine, in case you think I'm doing it just for myself, well . . . Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those dealing with hurt and loss. Cheers to all with celebrations, and I know there are many as well. I don't know that I'll be posting much during the next 3 weeks, but will try when the internet on the ship allows. I'll try to read as much as I can, and know you'll all be in my heart. Stay safe, be well till I return! Smooth Sailing Gerry
  11. @HAL Sailer sending prayers that your DSIL will have her pain controlled and that she can have a peaceful transition into the next realm. Waiting for "the call" is difficult; know we are with you in spirit.
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I will definitely celebrate Champagne Day, New Year's Eve and will meditate for world peace. As we bring the year to a close, I want to thank @richwmnfor getting the Daily started, and for everyone who contributes, whether on a regular basis or whenever they can. I look forward to turning on the computer every morning to see what my friends are up to. Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might. First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97. She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise. Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75. Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's. I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day. I've got all our things packed and the luggage pieces only weigh about 30 or 34 pounds, so I'm well within the limits. Today after I get my nails done, DH and I have to head to the Apple store because the AirTags I bought this summer aren't working. I tried replacing the battery in one, but it still wouldn't connect with my phone. Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, because I can't imagine they're only good for 1 trip! Being a carnivore, I'm going to take a pass on today's menu suggestion. I don't care for the mouth feel of mushroom in a sandwich. Just thinking about it makes me shiver. LOL Instead, we'll be having our last meal of 2022 that will consist of lemon pasta with shrimp and a side salad at the kitchen table. And wine - sparkly wine - Frexinet! Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the soul of Pope Benedict today. Cheers to all with celebrations, and Happy New Year to all my friends here at the Daily! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  13. Oh my gosh, that’s awful! I hope they get to the bottom of your health issues and you’re feeling better soon!
  14. Thank you for taking us along with you again; it’s always a pleasure! Happy New Year to the two of you. I am sorry to learn of the passing of RKA Cruiser; he was always such a great contributor to the CC boards. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
  15. Well that's all I can do for today; thanks everyone. Best wishes to Kathi for better health ahead! Back to packing.
  16. It would be great if they could find a temporary location for an elevated view; we could perhaps see around the Apex. LOL
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