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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Michelle - I think we posted at the same time and I missed your good news! Very pleased for you
  2. Chin up Avril Try to turn your thoughts to making plans for the garden for the summer etc, rather than immediate, dark, what-ifs? Fingers crossed the colonoscopy will go ahead today and then everyone will have a better idea of where they stand lincslady - talking of standing ..! I hope you are ok and not too shook up It’s a lovely bright day here today, though perishing cold
  3. You could try asking the librarian for help setting up your kindle? They are (usually) happy to help on the technical front
  4. That’s interesting - we had a lady of 80+ taking her first cruise on our 35-nighter. On freedom dining too We met her fairly early, when she was enjoying the novelty, and again later in the cruise, when she had already been to Future Cruises and booked her next one
  5. On one of our transAltantics the captain gave us the number of vessels sighted en route - I don’t remember but know it was a single digit. He said the guys and girls on the bridge often run a sweepstake amongst themselves
  6. PS - agree about stress You’re probably stressing about statins now, too! My OH asked for three months to do the diet changes etc & said he’d consider statins if that didn’t work. Doc was happy with that 3 months should give time for your life to settle (maybe a cruise?) and you to find your *new normal* (Boring, well meaning but *there’s nothing easier than living someone else’s life* alert) Josy - if ever there was a reason for saying No, to ferrying children to school, or organising bowls, or whatever, you have it now. Put yourself first! You deserve it. You’ve looked after everyone else - now look after yourself
  7. Benecol *drinks* (or supermarket equivalent) keep my OH below the level currently deemed too high. I like to think we’ve always had a decent diet but we’ve increased oats (organic are best) which is supposed to help. Have a look at theBritish Heart Foundation website Good luck!
  8. Admin seems to let the NHS down a lot Is it a case of not being able to think of draining the swamp when you’re up to your wotsit in alligators? Feels like it
  9. What an awful thing to happen Hopefully the surgery goes well and her recovery and return to the UK are uneventful
  10. Thank you We’re boarding Iona on Saturday - our first cruise since the 2020 edition of the one you are on now. We’ve been waiting for 🦠 to be eliminated, but have finally decided that missing out for 4 out of our remaining, err, 20 if we’re lucky, years is enough and we should go for it, taking as many precautions as possible I’m concerned about your cougher, and Selbourne’s multiple coughers though. It’s a dilemma. I would have been like you and left - even abandoned my meal Is anyone masking? Lovely pics of lovely Funchal. We have a 21° drizzly day forecast for our visit, but there’s time for it to change. I will continue to follow your adventure, which, as I say, will bring back memories from 4 years ago. We were lucky with the sea conditions. I wish you smooth sailing from now on - oh, and enjoy the Glasshouse, our favourite
  11. Good stuff Avril As you say, a bit OTT for losing weight but that gives you both a bit of leeway for enjoying all the nice things when Frank’s home All the best
  12. Thanks! It’s terrible how much people are ‘over a barrel’ with the school holiday price hikes Fingers crossed for good weather mid-July. Did I post my New Year’s Eve pic? Weymouth doing a good impersonation of Chania🙂
  13. Lots of people with lots of news - lovely that the news is mostly, if not totally, good i have no real news, except that it is a nice, dry, sunny if chilly, day, and, believe it or not, this time next week I shall be on a cruise! 3 years and 50 weeks since we disembarked Ventura early February 2020. Looking forward with a little bit of trepidation - Iona seems a bit *enormous* I’ll try to do a (semi) live blog - but that’s for the future. I’m still vaguely waiting for whatever emergency will prevent us joining the ship … and I always thought I was a glass-half-full person 🫤
  14. Morning all Josy - hope ‘the patient’ had a good night and that ‘the nurse’ is ready for her duties. You’ll be fine, I’m sure Michelle - just what you didn’t need. There are so many investigations which throw up the need for further investigations. Bad for our nerves but very often a false alarm. Let’s hope so for you Your poor dog with the sore eye. Fingers firmly crossed that the situation resolves, either by the ulcer healing or by the surgery. I know a couple of “pirate dogs” who have normal, happy, pain-free, lives Avril - I’m so glad kalos posted. It’s a pity your doctor couldn’t spare you more time to give you a more detailed explanation of the situation and what might happen. Perhaps you’ll hear more today. Look after you Another yellow warning for heavy rain today. Such a pain in the neck. Roll on the colder weather being forecast - though not a repeat of The Beast from the East, please
  15. Continuing the current slightly off-topic line - A friend has just told me of her neighbour back a week early from a European river cruise because of flooding
  16. That’s good to hear Avril Tell Frank to keep up the good work, and make sure you are well fed and well rested for when he comes home. The housework can wait. Lose yourself in a good book, or enjoy some pleasing music
  17. Thanks Avril, and the same to you Onwards and Upwards
  18. Thank you Kalos Happy New Year to all, but especially to those who had a tough 2023 for whatever reason Here’s a silly one
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