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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Thank you for your blog Pete. I enjoyed it very much. I don’t think I’ll be inspired to take a serious cold weather cruise - but who knows? Again, thanks for taking the time
  2. Josy, you will be keen for 2023 to end and for 2024 to allow a bit of normality back into your family’s life, albeit a different normality. It’s a shame your BiL could not go to the hospice but hopefully his passing will be peaceful. It is, at least, in a ward which he has grown used to The weather today matches your gloom, with thick, hanging, drizzle. What a contrast to yesterday The town Xmas lights were turned on yesterday, which at least shine through the weather Have the best day you can, everyone. It’s the only 26 November 2023 you’ll ever have
  3. I hope everyone is having the same gorgeous sunny day as we are enjoying. I see it’s sunny in Manchester, from the football, so maybe the whole country is bathed in beautiful winter sun We’ve packed up the caravan for winter 😕. We’ll need to go back to give it a good scrub up - floors & windows etc - and will no doubt use it as a base for seaside walks, but I don’t anticipate any overnights until the 2024 season starts. But who knows? Town Christmas lights go on today - as the old saying goes 🎶 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎶 Have a good afternoon all. Keep warm
  4. This one has just opened Very much needed, as the town had recently seen its last bank branch close If you read the article, the various banks have various ‘duty days’, which might be the simplest or the only way to operate. Wouldn’t be easy for staff to know all the working methods for every banking company - and how would you work out who the employer is, who pays pension & NI, who covers insurance etc https://eastdevonnews.co.uk/2023/11/15/banks-in-axminster/#:~:text=The Axminster Banking Hub will,Wednesday%3A Lloyds
  5. Oooo, don’t mention defrosting the freezer. Mine badly needs doing - when you get that crunching noise as you open the drawers you know you shouldn’t put it off much longer. Horrible job - I hate it. However, no defrosting will be done this week as we’re going back to the caravan for a few days. Grab the decent (for November) weather whilst it’s here. We’re dry and have no rain in the forecast for the rest of the month Have a good day everyone
  6. Morning all. Another week begins and, believe it or not, there’s no rain forecast all week. Kinda makes up for the last of the rain waking me at 4.30am. Yawn! We’re planning on going to the caravan tomorrow, till the weekend. We’ll pack it up then, but will leave open the possibility of unpacking and spending more time there if the weather surprises us. Might spend Xmas there - we’ll see Have a good day everyone, whatever you’re doing
  7. I would recommend Princess too, particularly if you can get the ‘price-drop’ benefit
  8. Is it my reading, or are we a bit grouchy today? International Mens Day too, so there’s a reason to be cheerful Anyway, all is well here, other than it being a dull late November day. The sun peeked out for a few minutes this morning, but that’s it. At least it’s not raining, and the whole week ahead looks pretty dry. Wonders will never cease! Enjoying the ODI cricket final. Looks like it might be a short match?
  9. I don know how the ££s would work out, but is a taxi out of the question? The extra expense of a hotel night plus the horror of rail replacement is a bit scary. I hope you find a decent solution
  10. What a wet morning! Hopefully things will dry soon Apart from giving the dog a run I don’t have to be outside anyway - plenty to be getting on with here in the warm & dry
  11. Thank you I’ve binge-read, whilst sitting in bed listening to the rain against the window. It has given me food for thought (haha) for my upcoming Iona cruise in the new year Thanks again Oh - lovely cat. Bet you were glad to see her
  12. Morning all. It’s back to wet and horrible after a lovely sunny day yesterday. I’ll get my sun today by watching the cricket from India. So far, the Aussies are marmalising SA
  13. Good Morning all Its lovely to be able to say we have wall to wall sunshine Getting the bus for a few hours at the seaside
  14. Glad it all went off well for you Sue. It’s an important occasion. Hope John is healing and not in any pain i was woken by rain on the window (again!) about an hour ago. The forecast isn’t good for today, but it wasn’t for yesterday either and that turned out beautifully, after a horrible night I hope Graham gets back on line shortly - unless he’s snuck off for a quick pre-Xmas cruise or break. He doesn’t give us advance warning 🙂 Have a good day everyone. Stay dry
  15. Thinking of @P&O SUE Hope today goes well, and that your Mum will be OK
  16. @P&O SUE - all the best for tomorrow Take plenty of tissues. Your cold and your loss x
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