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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Hope you’re feeling better and that it will be a lovely day
  2. Just back from breakfast out. Imagine. If you’d told me, 40 years ago as I poured Rice Krispies for the children, that one day I’d write about “breakfast out”, I think I’d have found it difficult to comprehend New place. Tasty
  3. Sorry for your loss Ann Hope Monday goes as well as it possibly can x
  4. There are hardly any 1 or 2 week Southampton round trips Jan & Feb. A couple of 7 nighters in February half term. Hard luck if you fancy a post Christmas Canaries - fly or find another line
  5. Zeebrugge 05.30 - 18.00 Rotterdam 07.00 - 21.00 Found via Whatsinport.com but even that is not as helpful as it used to be. Bon voyage (and don’t sue me if what’s important is wrong or if I’ve transposed the details incorrectly)
  6. See if you can find a decent recipe for fried green tomatoes, (like the film). We had them in Georgia (US) and they were tasty and different. Would make a meal with eg cold meat or bacon rashers
  7. Our last cruise was the 35 night Ventura January 2020 expedition. It was fantastic. January in the Caribbean beats the UK any day! ☀️
  8. No. Rajpoot Shalims will have to go on the list for “sometime soon”.
  9. First curry out for literally years. It was soooo good! Prawns & halibut for me Duck & chicken for OH Excellent!
  10. Have a lovely cruise Purdey It’s quite misty here and the coldest (coolest) it’s been for ages. However, the sun is battling through and we are forecast a nice day. It was brilliant yesterday, just like summer, and we let it get the better of us and walked nearly 7 miles! Slept well 🙂
  11. Sulfites/sulphites, apparently (assuming, as I do, that you’re not drinking excessively so as to cause headache) Look for sulfite free wines. They are often, though not exclusively, organic
  12. Sue. I’m just thinking out loud here - not telling you what to do. You and John both work, you have younger people to think about, as well as the worry about your parents. A carefree break away would recharge your batteries. Looking forward to it with a good degree of certainty would also be a boost. Can your parents afford a little break themselves, together in respite care in a nice care home, whilst you are away? It could be arranged well in advance, everyone would have their time off and no-one need worry about anyone else. It’s so difficult, having dependent parents. x
  13. Yes. That’s plenty 2 in a 14 night cruise is bearable, and probably justifies taking a DJ etc. after that it gets a bit weird. 2 on a 19 night would also suit me but after that …? Our last cruise was a lovely 35 nighter. We really, really didn’t need 10 dress-ups. It felt like everyone was bored. As I sat, in the MDR, next to a guy in his best bib & tucker eating his fish & chips (it was probably described a bit more up-market than that on the menu) I though that even the executive chef had had enough!
  14. Correct It’s your post bottom of Page 2 which I thought summed up my views pretty well. I answered, thinking I was posting immediately after you but there were several new posts on P3 which I hadn’t seen. D’oh. I scrolled up looking for yours but didn’t go back a page. No worries - I agree with what you wrote & put in a little piece of my own too It feels like ages since we had a full blown dress code thread. Just like old times 🙂 I think a lot of people are much more relaxed now - or perhaps fewer people are very exercised on the subject?
  15. Wowzz - Did you just delete a post? I’ve just started this one with “That’s it, in a nutshell” in response to yours (or did I dream it?) Now I’ve had to return to edit, to give it some context … and for a bit of controversy - some ( usually older) men don’t half let themselves down, sometimes. No need for the full collar & tie, cuff links and sharply creased trousers, but there is a difference between ‘evening casual’ and looking like you’ve just come in from gardening! That said, it doesn’t make my dinner any less tasty, or my wine less pleasant, so I shouldn’t really bother, should I?
  16. Well done 🎉 🥂 It’s got to happen sometime Pure luck, but we all need a bit of that Have a sunny day! (Harry - go back to my previous post, with the pic. I put in a PS for you as an edit but I think you missed it)
  17. Still do Wordle Usually complete on line 3 or 4 I have two different opening gambits - one uses the same two words on lines 1 and 2. They use all the vowels and five well-used consonants. The other opening is to use a particular word with three vowels and see what happens I enjoy Quardle, which is a 4 word wordle-style “crossword” and Phrazle, which is self-explanatory and Squareword, which is a 5x5 grid, which I’ve only just discovered and still learning the technique Happy puzzling!
  18. Emma! It was only last week or so we were wondering where you were. Sorry that you’re not so well but it’s good that you are able to enjoy things. Respec’ (as the young people would say) to your SiL for holding the fort and dog-sitting whilst you get the most from your cruising. Life’s for living, isn’t it?
  19. It’s a Friday special, available from 5pm till close. Smaller than the normal £12.90 menu portion but plenty for an oldie! I hate being presented with heaps of food, like slops in a pig trough
  20. It’s been a really lovely sunny day We had a bargain £6.50 fish & chips Then there was cabaret! 1DA9D2E9-20D7-4A74-80C8-203808075BCA.MOV Then the forecast rain front passed through So we had a second drink and it passed over. Now back, dry and there’s a lovely pink sky
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