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Everything posted by Travelicious

  1. I can't believe someone said you were whining! Your reports tell it like it is, and that is one of the reasons everyone loves them.
  2. So, how generous was your tip to the concierge? 😆 Just kidding around. No response necessary.
  3. Thanks! I really only want the premium plus beverage plan and the unlimited internet, not the shore excursion credit or specialty dinners, for the upcoming trip.
  4. I bet Archard is the very same bartender that argued with us over margaritas that were orange because the main ingredient was orange juice.
  5. Do you know if FAS plus can be purchased onboard? I want it, but want to use OBC to get it.
  6. The flyer currently on the website still shows by the bottle available at dinner.
  7. Bushwhacker is not enough either. Need something that would catch fire if you put a match to it.
  8. Thanks again for sharing both your vacation and your dad. He is a very popular fellow here in Cruise Critic!
  9. So glad you decided to do this! I'm just finding it, so have a few pages to catch up, but want to go ahead and wish you and your dad a great trip!
  10. I respectfully disagree with your wonderful TA.
  11. As always, I loved your live report. Thanks so much for sharing! Now that you are home, are you able to reveal why the Princess App would not work for you? I've been curious for so long.
  12. Oh no! I'm just now getting to this part, and you are probably already in flight.
  13. Sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and Dad.
  14. ☹️ If I recall correctly, there is some expectation that will be your last cruise with Dad. Enjoy every minute! It is completely understandable that you won't do another trip report. But maybe, just maybe, you can fill us in on the various Dad-isms when you return? 🤞
  15. Same. Except mine was peppermint schnapps.
  16. I actually enjoyed the hull balcony the one time I had one, and would be happy to sail in another. I think you'll be fine with a good attitude. Look at the bright side: at least it is not your honeymoon. Several years ago, a young bride was so disappointed with her hull balcony that it completely ruined her honeymoon, and she did nothing but cry the entire 7 days. 😆 Gotta love CC drama!
  17. Hmm. I did regular service. Took about 3 weeks.
  18. Yeah, I was super lucky and remain thankful for those consular employees! Purple was pretty, but I'm really happy to be back in blue.
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