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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. Agreed, this. What would you expect the captain to say in the middle of it? "Uh, hello dis is zee capitan of de ship. Yes, we are a still in da storm and will be for a fewa more hours, hanga on!"
  2. They're pros at this, be cleaned up in no time.
  3. So new tables are bad juju Good to know, bummer for you
  4. Amazing church up close and inside. Amazing story as well.
  5. Maybe they should hire some of the ship's crew, be done in 7 days.
  6. Always wanted to name a dog, Dammit. Be fun to walk neighborhood yelling it's name
  7. Front desk doesn't have one for "The Stupid Americans?"
  8. Half glass shower! Takes practice to not make a mess of the place.
  9. Those are awesome. We did the Big Red Bus in Barcelona as well. Enjoy the goofy Gaudi style
  10. This may sound weird, but being from Florida, neither seemed like a big deal. Same look, same foliage and fauna...Gators and iguanas are no big deal. Sure, first time is kind of cool, but after that? Same ol, same ol. Islands hit differently.
  11. I also forgot to add your age makes a difference. Retirement age or working age? Young 20's working or mid-50's working? It makes a difference in your targeted demographic.
  12. This is correct here. Casinos know more about you than you think. Ask this question of those who do not get better offers....no offense, but how is your financial status? Credit rating? Have travel credit cards (Delta AMEX, Caesars VISA)? Financing a car? I think a lot of that factors. Same as of you start playing super big in Vegas and they want to lure your play, they'll look into your every financial thing. Casino's job is to remove that cash from you.
  13. I didn't want to brag, but we usually do $51with a $2 bill... some local Disney souvenirs, local chocolate potato chips from Grimaldi's,... a John Deere hat, a "NASA" t-shirt, a bottle of local hot sauce, can of Black Truffle Pringles and a long distance calling card.
  14. I'll raise you a bottle of local hot sauce. So that's $51 + a $2, random souvenirs, chocolates from my local place, a John Deere hat and a bottle of local hot sauce.
  15. I also add in local chocolates and a $2 bill
  16. Who tips out the poor guy who has to keep the service dog potty area tidy?
  17. I can't help everyone, but I help those I can.
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